Wings Are Set
To Renew Cup
Detroit Faces Maple Leafs
On Home Ice In Series
hich May Decide Title
DETROIT, April 8.-(A)-The emi-
nently successful Detroit Red Wirigs
returned today to home ice where
tomorrow they resume their best of
seven series with the twice-beaten
Toronto Maple Leafs for the historic
Stanley Cup, symbol of hockey's
world championship.
In familiar surroundings the up-
start Detroit club, fifth place finisher
in the regular National Hockey
League season, hoped to close out the
series here with victories tomorrow
and Sunday. If the serie's is ex-
tended, the fifth game would be
played at Toronto next Tuesday, the
sixth game here April 16 and the
seventh at Toronto April 18.
There was no talk of another trip
to Toronto among Manager Jack Ad-
ams and his astonishing young men.
Over a three-month stretch Detroit
whas been unbeaten in 12 home games,
so the Red Wings seemingly held all
the trump cards over Toronto.
With all seats in Olympia Stadium
sold several days ago for both Thurs-
day and Sunday games, a record
,crowd of nearly 14,000 is expected
tomorrow. By sale of standing room
in remote portions of the arena the
peak attendance of 13,525 established
here against Boston last week seemed
destined to be replaced.
Two games at Toronto drew 28,282
With such high scorers as Gordon
Drillon, Syl Apps and Sweeney Schri-
ner still sniping at Johnny Mowers,
Detroit's sophomore goalie, the Leafs
could not be counted out of the pic-
ture. Yet the principal Toronto ob-
jective appeared to be the stopping
of Don Grosso, 163-pound center,
who bagged a pair of goals in each
of the first two games.
Detroit is shooting for its first cup
since its double triumph in 1936 and
1937. Toronto, always a top con-
tender in the regular season, hasn't
gained possession of the trophy since
Babe Ruth Critically Ill
In Hollywood Hospital
Brain Trust Plans Trouble For Foes
* ILeopar d-rlinL TI PigskIins
0 War And Athletics
Daily Sports Editor
a fl* * a a a
Coach Fritz Crisler and Captain George Ceithaml seem happy about
the whole thing. Perhaps they are thinking about Michigan's chances
on the gridiron next fall, and if their smiles'are any indication, the
Wolverines should have a good team. At present Captain Ceithaml and
the other Varsity gridders are undergoing a stiff spring training pro-
gram in preparation for the long, hard schedule they face next season.
Crisler Works Men Hard
* *[ *~ *
Center Trio Of . Pregulnan, Kolesar .And Franks
Forms Strong Bulwark For Grid Squad
Cooped up in Yost Field House because of the inclement weather Tues-
day, Michigan's gridiron warriors took a look at yesterday's cloudless skies
and raced onto Ferry Field for an extensive scrimmage session under the
watchful eye of Coach Fritz Crisler.
The Wolverine mentor drove his squad long and hard, stopping play at
frequent intervals to point out mistakes in blocking assignments. With the
spring training grind now in its third week, Crisler expressed disappointment
at the poor attendance of the football aspirants to the important spring
drills, and he hopes that the lads will make more regular appearances on
Ferry Field's practice turf.
Froi all indications, the center of the Maize and Blue line again should
be able to keep company with the greatest in the land. Last season, you
remember, Bob Kolesar and Merv Pregulma'n played the guard posts with
senior Bob Ingalls handling the pivot chores.
But this spring, with Ingalls joining the ranks of the degree-holders,
Cridler has been forced to make some changes. Accordingly, Pregulman has
been shifted to center and Julie Franks moved up to team with Kolesar in-
the guard slots.
Pregulman is not new to the center position. In high school, the big
sophomore won all-state honors two years in a row performing the duty of
snapping the ball to the backfield men. As a freshman here, he was a stand-
out performer at the pivot post and only during the spring drills last year
did Crisler transfer him to guard, having Ingalls and the reliable Ted Ken=
nedy %vailable for center.
Little need be said about Kolesar and Franks. Both have proved them-
selves to be two of the most deadly tacklers and efficient blockers among
present-day gridders, and are certain to wreak havoc upon opposing aggre-
gations. Last season Franks understudied, Kolesar, and did it so well that
there was little to choose between them. This year, both will be in the
starting lineup with Pregulman to give Michigan a power-packed trio of
linemen to clear the way for the plunging backs.
'Jirx ' John on Provides Power
For Court Squad At Sixth Spot
('lb coluowt;lb s week tyre being
writ -)i - by jibrmemibers of the
staff whill are tpplying for the positon
of sports editor for the coming year.
roday's Sportloijo is by Bob Stahl.)
ONG, LONG AGO in the din, dark
annals of ages past, some wise
old philosopher, whose name nas
been lost to posterity, made the sage
observation that the greatest changes
in man's history are brought about
by conflict and war.
Now, with competitive athletics
of that time limited to the knock-
down, drag-out type of fight be-
tween two leopard-skin-clad bruis-
ers over some winseme cavewoman,
it is doubtful whether ye olde phil-
osopher could have Iwen thinking
of sports when hie made his famous
remark. But it is improbable that
competitive athletics will escape
the far-reaching; effects of the
present world-conflict and some
hint of the changes likely to be
wrought in the realn of sports
might already have appeared on
the surface, in the argument over
compulsory physical education for
all male students.
WITH the universities holding back
on any proposals for compulsory
physical education, most educators
are looking to the students them-
selves to demand some conditioning
program which will harden them for
the rigors of army life. Since col-
lege athletics at present are out of
the reach of the majority of students,
it may be that this demand, coming
in the form of a request for more
competitive opportunities, will result
in a major change in the college ath-
After several parents complained
to the university heads that their
sons were coming home with too
many broken noggins, the faculties
stepped in and organized the ath-
letic program, thinking this would
sublimate such hazing activities.
And it was then that college sports
as we know them today made their
appearance on the horizon, with
rowing, baseball, football, track,
and basketball devised as competi-
tive activities to keep the male col-
lege students of the country physi-
cally fit.
THE GAMES were still open to the
majority of students, however,
and seldom were games arranged
merely as a means of attracting large
crowds with large gate-receipts. The
story is told of Professor White, pres-
ident of Cornell University in the
1870's, who was asked to give his per-
mission to a group of Cornell athletes
to go out to Michigan to participate
in a football game. But Professor
White refused, stating the he had
never heard of such a crazy idea as
that of a group of men traveling
1500 miles merely to "agitate a bag of
About 1890 the era of big-time
college athletifs got its start, with
football stars becoming national
heroes and football games drawing
crowds, whose size was unprece-
dented since the days of the Roman
Circus. And it was then that the
university athletic program became
something apart from a condition-
ing program for the benefit of all
students and became a benefit to
only the talented few.
HOLLYWOOD, April 8. - UP) -
George Herman Ruth, the mighty
Babe of Baseball's Hall of Fame, lies
critically ill in Hollywood hospital-
just how dangerously his physicians
hesitated to say.
Suffering from recurring chills and
high fever, the homerun champion
of the old New York Yankee machine
was carried on a stretcher this morn-
ing from his hotel suite to the hos-
"Up to now." said Dr. R. Nichols
Smith, "we don't know exactly what
is wrong with him, but it appears to
be a pulmonary, or lung, condition."
Ruth has leen in Hollywood eight
weeks, playing the film role of Babe
Ruth in a story about his former
teammate, the late Lou Gehrig. He's
worked hard before the cameras and
in typical Ruthian style has been
little short of dynamic in his time
away from the studio.
Sport Shots
With winter sti.ll blowing its last
chilly breath,across the Ferry Field
diamonds, the spring program of the
Intramural Department got under
way yesterday afternoon with first
round games of fraternity baseball
competition. Despite numbed hands
which were responsible for a conspic-
uous number of errors, the players
seemed to have little trouble finding
the 12-inch spheroid for a plentiful
batch of base hits.
Starting off the play at 4 p.m.,
Del(,a Upsilon and Theta Delta Chi
tooktth diamond like a flock of
young colts let out to pasture and
trudged not so friskily off four in-
nings after the State Street boys had
garnered the good round total of 15
runs to the D.U.'s five. Outstand-
ing for the winners was the stellar
infield play of Jim McNamee at third
base, and the clouting of Bud Lo*
at the plate. Sam Russel gave his all
for the losers, but their two pitchers
were peppered by extra base hits so
that the game had to be called at the
end of the fourth inning.
On another diamond at the :ame
time, Phi Kappa Sigma was doing a
like job on the lads from Sigma Phi.
This game went only three innings
and the Phi Kaps walked off after a
17 to 3 victory rout. Bill Melzow led
the winners at bat with two mighty
clouts of three and four bases each
in four trips to the plate.
Phi Lambda Pi whitewashed Al-
pha Kappa Lambda, 16 to 0, for the
only shutout of the afternoon. The
Phi Lams really poured it on and
letic Set -up.O NN E of the educators are suggest-
A glance back through thie his- ing today that college football be
torA folegesprtsows h sow done away with. The benefits derived
1 copeetitive athletics have been from it as a spectacle attraction for
taken out of the reach ofthe ma- the fans and as a means of financing
jrity of students and placed at the the rest of the athletic plant make
dispesal of only the most talented such a suggestion utterly out of the
few. The first sign of any physical question. There is a recognizable
education facilities at an American gap, however, in the physical educa-
university was a farm possessed by tion facilities open to male students
Amherst, which gave the New Eng- which is not filled by intramural ath-
lander of the 1820's a chance to letics, which are indulged in only by
develop his brawn by means of stu- those who do not demand the color
dent farming. and attractiveness of some more
spectacular type of athletics.
THEN IN 1827, cla football was With the war making necessary a
initiated at harvard, which physical training program which
turned out to be nothing more than will reach each student, it is pos-
a bu nch u01 niez ii i iv; aidcXcentLsibetattestudenthmsle
pushing and pulling in an attempt to ilble that the students themselves
get the ball over the goal-line. This will devise some form of organized
«a o treuuseouhfoth activity, other than intramural
wa inothstrenuous enhoug fweve the competition, which will be open to
begxan taking their dLaily work-outs in them all and which will not devolve
began ta g thiraiy w t into mere compulsory calisthenics.
U f ofe-'claazm(o t And It is this that may bring about
Somde z clof th h ba change in the athletic program
thSio sotic e b ut h e aeir h tic fit- of American universities which will
thisticrabot thir pysl eit- remain long after the war is over.
ne:ss pi' ;rirazzin this hzing period ___ __ _______
and several serious accidents re-
:ultcd. Records rveal several meth-
ods of making life miserable for the
freshmen, such as dragging a fellow
out in the middle of the night, bind-
ing his hands and feet, and then
Rising him for a tennis ball by tossing LET' DO W
him from a blanket across a
Coht onrs on the otlhmer side wonid then K
pick t body up he ly and ltoss it back
again, and so into the night. " I -
Starting Baseball Lineup Seems
Certain All Except Pitcher
By MYRON DA'NN another year to go so Fisher doesn't
After weeks of hard practice, Wol- have any worries about the keystone
verine Coach Ray Fisher seems to be position for some time to come.
pretty sure of his starting team- Dave "Mite" Nelson...second sea-
that is, all except his pitcher. The son in center field and last as a
hurling problem has been his con- Wolverine.,, the best defensive out-
fielder on the team . . . finished the
stant troublemaker this season and 1941 season with the comfortable hit-
from the way things stand now the ting average of .306 .. Probably will
veteran mentor won't know who will , be one of the leading base stealers
start on the mound until April 15, on the Varsity.
when the Wolverines meet a strong I Don Boor .. . will do most of the
Navy nine at Annapolis. first basing this year . . . only I
Listed below are thumbnail sketches sophomore but enough hitting power
of the players who will probably do to make him one of the most highly
the lion's share in defending the Wol- touted men on the club . . . didn't
verines' Big Ten championship. start playing his best ball in practice
games until he discarded his contact
Francis "Bud" Chamberlain . lens.
veteran third baseman . . . got more Paul "Whizzer" White ... supposed
hits than anyone else on the tas to be the heaviest hitter on the club
last year while batting 358 . . . has although it's only his first year on the
one of the best arms i the Con- Varsity . . . will play right field ...
ference and is considered to be an Fisher says he's a better fielder, and
excellent fielder . . . Fisher said that
he ws oe o th mos imrovd baserunnr than Dck (50,000-dollar)
boys on toeclub the most improved Wakefield.
b o th cDon Robinson ... will have to keep
Don Whitey Holman .. .playing moving to protect his shortstop job
his third year for the Wolvernes in . has an excellent throwing arm
left field , . , batted .301 last year.
a smart ball player who keeps hustl-and is a better than average fielder
ing all the time. " . . with Fisher's help may develop
into an excellent hitter.
George "Dixie" Harms . . . captain
and catcher . . . probably the most TRACK MANAGER
valuable man on the club . . . much All eligible men interested in
of the success of Michigan's 1941 becoming track managers call me
pitching staff can be traced to at 7217.
Harms' ability to detect a batter's Charles Boynton Head Mgr.
weakness . . . possessed the excellent
batting percentage last year of .325
had the best fielding average of
any catcher in the Big Ten last year. MEN OF 1942!
"Chris" You mzay laugh your head off -- but
Wayne "Chris" Christenson . . not your hair. Let us blend and shape
started playing second base last sea- a new hair style ... for you!
son when Bill Steppon was injui'ed
. . . batted .286 while turning in a The Daseola Barbers
bangup defensive job . . . still has Between State and Mich. Theatre
Enough copper for
' ~ Wiz- -
the Detroit Edison Company last year
SALVAGE cf en! teal materials-doubly important in
wartime---blas made possible worthwhile economies in
our business for the last twenty years. In striving to
furnish the best possible service at the lowest cost, we
have constantly sought new methods of achieving more
efficient operation. The economies we have made-
through salvage and in other ways-have been passed
oil to our customers in the form of lower electric rates,
Aluminum is not the only metal needed in the con-
struction of fighting planes. One type of bomber re-
quires more than two iniles of copper wire to "keep it
flying." Atnother needs 500 pounds of copper per plane
. .a quarter of a ton of the metal. Last year The
Detroit Edison Company's Salvage Division reclaimed
1,908,395 pounds of copper-enough for 3,816 bombers,
Tlhe Company also salvaged 1,358,193 pounds of lead
... and various other metals such as scrap iron, alum-
inum, brass, zinc, etc.
During tie coming mouths, DIetroit Edison service will
undoubtedly be restricted in several ways, because; so
much of' it will be needed by the government for the
war effort. With rubber tires, cars, etc. being rationed,
we are adjusting our work to meet wartime conditions.
Because we have no priority rating on tires for delivery
trucks or the ordinary light cars with which we do
most of our business, you may be inconvenienced to a
certain extent. But emergency service-storm, wires
down, etc.-will be handled as promptly as ever. On
other types of service-where you may have to wait a
little longer-- we ask your patience.
tmf t I , I1"t 1); i' In a series of
arti1s abotit tt' lteit who will rep-
,e(,nt Michigan ol 11w teIitis courts
tlits ( ", ( .)
They call him the "Bitsy Grant of
the Westcrn Conference." And he's
the fellow who believes that "the big-
ger they come, the harder they fall."
Alden "Jinx" Johnson is the
mighty mite of tHie Wolverine net
squad and is the mber six singles
champion of the Big Ten. Only a
sophomore last year, he went through
the Conference championships in
Chicago with the loss of only one
set and lost but two games in his
semi-final and filial matches.
Although he stands only five foot
five inches tall, he makes a habit of
knocking off the big boys when they
leust expect it, During his first sea-
'on under the colors of the Maine
and Blue, the little fellow won 13 of
his 14 dual meet nates, losing only
to Dick Cole of Ohio State whom he
later defeated in tie first round of
the Big Tens.
"Jinx" has only hcen playing ten-
nis since the 11th grade which makes
his rise to stardom even more spec-
tacular. And then he was only play-
ing doubles, not singles as he does
today. In his senior year, he and his
partner went to the finals of the
State Class A doubles tournament
held in Detroit. Also in his senior
year, he was runner-up in the State
Novice singles tennis tourney.
But Johnson's prize trophy is the
one which he received for winning
the Grand Rapids City Junior Golf
Tournament. ie was only 17 at the
time and had he continued with the
links sport, he might have established
himself as quite an amateur golfer.
But getting back to tennis, the
mighty mite is probably the steadiest
player on the squad. He's not spec-
tacular in his type of play as he#
doesn't rush the net very much. He
just stands back and lets his oppo-
nents make the errors while he makes
the points.
"'Jinx" is extremely cagy too. If his
opponent is playing at the baseline,
he drop-shots him to death; and if
the visitor rushes the net, the little
fellow hits deeply-placed lobs which
drive his foe, figuratively, stark rav-
ing mad. He is probably the fastest
netter on the squad and covers a
lot of territory with his small frame.
When people wonder why the Wol-
verines are the Conference cham-
pions, they need look no further than
the lower brackets where Alden John-
son epitomizes the strength of the
Michigan tennis team.
4 L-1 r L
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-'j'6:- AP M
NEW YORK, April 8.--{1p}-The New York Yankees haven't been doing
everything expected of them in the South this spring, but they haven't sue-
ceeded in making the bascball writers look upon them as anything but
perennial champions of the American League.
Out of 76 experts voting in the annual Associated Press pennant pol,
only three failed to select the Yanks to win their sixth pennant in seven
ye ars Two placed the Bronx Bombers second and one gave them a third-
place vote.
The real race, as the experts see it, will be between the Boston Red Sox
and Chicago White Sox for the runner-up spot. The point tabulation of
Ihe votes gave second to Boston by the slim margin of 488 to 482. The
f)1)al It' I 'y in 111;i
fl l a . . .l l g l rlCo l o ii i a I o v eli lic s s
'A'lja;)cc Silverslnjiths
wrought Ilinto()I h is
11 !A
new solid Sterling pattern,
Without obligation, we invite
Avoid sloppy, floppy
Socks.. .come rush
hour, romp or rhumba
s stheyDO Stay Up...
no gadgets, no garters.
YouI to see 1
full -formed
its subtle curves and
"3rd dillensio n".