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April 09, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-09

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C, 4r ir gan :43alty

Washington Merry-Go-Round

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for repibli-cation of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
, College Pblisbers RePresentaive
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Stafff

Emile Oel .
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick
Gerald E. Burns
Hal Wilson . .
Janet Hooker
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell
Daniel H. Huyett .
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright

. . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
S . . . City Editor
. Associate Editor
* . . .Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
. . . . Women's Editor
. . Assistant Women's Editor
. . . .Exchange Editor
Business Stafff

. . . Business
. Associate Business
. Women's Advertising
. Women's Business


The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
'Equality Of Sacrifice'
Will Lead To Victory .. .
N MARKED CONTRAST to the sales
tax'solution" proposed by the Na-
tional Association of Manufacturers, the "victory
program" of the United Automobile Workers is
sound economics and has the stuff to win an
all-out war.
Its keynote is "equality of sacrifice" and
certainly a war for democracy must be fought
on that basis. Its provisions do not dilly-
dally; they are loaded with the sense, the scope
and the vigor that will win the battles of in-
flation, of production, of morale and of the
post-war period. And it establishes this vital
principle: "The efforts of all men and women
shall be judged by their contributions to the
war effort."
In announcing its program, the UAW demon-
strated its adherence to this principle for the
duration by:
1. Foregoing all demands and contractual'
rights for double pay for Sundays and holidays
and time and a half for Saturday.
2. Reaffirming its pledge to refrain from
strikes or other stoppages of work and to resort
to mediation, conciliation and arbitration for
the adjustment of disputes.
3. Committing itself to the increase of pro-
duction of all war materials to the utmost by all
means available.
4. Approving establishment of an appropriate
"swing shift" work schedule after all normal
shifts have first been fully manned.
With the realistic and comprehensive program
itself, little disagreement will be found among
competent economists. They, with the backing
of the people, will endorse its provisions, drastic
though they may seem. The program would do
these things:
1. End all war profiteering by establishing a
rigid control of profits. Considerable difficulty
may be encountered in computing the actual
capital invested, from which the firm would be
allowed only a three percent profit, but an
equitable plan can certainly be worked out.
2. Assure the United States that there will be
no wartime luxuries and no post-war million-
aires by legislation permitting an income of no
more than $25,000 a year. The first two provi-
sions will meet with tremendous opposition.
That is to be expected. But there is an unassail-
able reply.
The war must be paid for, consumption must
be cut, inflation must be stopped. Nothing
that can be said by anyone protesting an in-
come cut to $25,000 can he deemed important
in the light of these fundamental consider-
ations and the basic tenet: "equality of sacri-
g. Stop rising costs; prevent inflation by an
immediate, rigid fixing of prices of food, rent,
clothing and other necessities of life. But wages
must also be fixed if the inflation is to be hit
4. Ration all food, clothing, housing and other
necessities. Economists are agreed that ration-
ing is a necessary adjunct to price control-and
the war economy as a whole-if equity is to be
5. Adjust all wages to meet increased living
costs. While Ghe UAW wants all real wages ad-
justed to last year's level, we are not at all cer-

(Editor's Note: This is the second of a
series on the crucial U.,S. shipping situation.)
WASHINGTON-There tire two major phases
to the U. S. shipping picture, currently the sour-
est spot in the war program.
One, discussed two days ago in this column, is
the problem of speeding the production of hun-
dreds of desperately needed cargo vessels. As
revealed in that article, this vast program is
being seriously hampered by waste, inefficiency
and pilfering of public funds and materials.
The other phase is the equally vital job of
loading and routing the great fleet of merchant
ships needed to supply the embattled war ma-
chines of the United Nations. Here too the
story is often the same- mismanagement, tragic
waste and worse.
The picture is not all black. As in the case of
shipbuilding, the situation on the West Coast
now is very good-thanks to recent marked im-
provement due to the appointment of a regional
shipping czar, Dean Wayne Morse of Oregon
Stdentk Saiee
For War Effort .,.
ERHAPS University students are
- complacent about the war, Perhaps
tley are living in their "ivory towers." But at
least a few of them are coming to realize the
seriousness of the war and are willing to make
some sacrifices for its successful proscution
and to ease its aftereffects.
This week the local chapter of 4Kappa Kappa
Gamma, national university women's sorority,
illustrated what should be a new "war spirit"
for all campus organizations and students gen-
erally. The Kappas have decided to forego their
usual spring formal with an orchestra and sub-
stitute a record dance, donating the money saved
to the Bomber-Scholarship Fund.
While this contribution will not be the largest
one received, it represents the element of sacri-
fice for which the Bomber-Scholarship plan was
intended. The more than 50 dollars that will be
given by the sorority is the first of many dona-
tions to involve a sacrifice of any kind.
The Bomber-Scholarship plan in itself should
have the unanimous support of the entire cam-
pus. It is a guarantee that those students who
offer their services to their nation in its hour
of crisis will not be denied their claim to com-
pleted education.
THE ACTION of Kappa Kappa Gamma, how-
ever, should mean more than a mere evi-
dencing of that support. It should . typify an
entire campus movement. It is the duty of all
groups to forget the "frills" of normal peace-
time life and be willing to make the sacrifices
needed to win the war. Kappa Kappa Gamma
deserves the highest praise for its decision which
should be the forerunner of many more like it.
- George W. Salad6
Appeasement Policy
Behind Sugar Deal
papers that Vichy France and the
United States are carrying on negotiations for
the sale of sugar from Reunion Island in the
Indian Ocean, the State Department of our
country may well attempt to use the fact as an
over-all whitewash for their appeasement policy.
It will doubtless be pointed out that through the
good efforts of the State Department, the sugar
shortage in the United States will be relieved at
least in part. It will certainly be said that the
88,000 metric tons of sugar, to be picked up by
empty cargo vessels returning from the Red Sea
and Persian Gulf must put an end to the sniping
aimed at the State Department's policy.
But if we look at the cost in human life and
suffering, we may yet doubt the course our State
Department is steering. To date, the sugar nego-
tiations are the only tangible evidence of coop-
eration between Vichy and Washington. The
myth that it has been through our efforts that
the French fleet has stayed at anchor has been
definitely exploded. Admiral Darlan will turn
the fleet over to Germany when he pleases. And
if we had won the friendship of Vichy, the Brit-
ish would never have had to bomb the Paris fac-

tories making munitions and supplies for the
THEREFORE, the net result of a year and a
half of appeasement is a proposed deal to
ease the shortage of sugar in the United States.
But on the other side of the ledger, we have
supplied General Rommel with more than a
million barrels of oil for his tanks. We have
supplied the Nazi's African army with food. We
have provided the Axis armies, both in Africa
and in Europe with the materials to fight against
our own allies. We are directly responsible, at
least in part, for the German successes.
For our part, we'd rather have less sugar,
- Eugene Mandeberg
unemployed through the conversion of industry
and for all those in the armed forces. Aside
from extensive administrative difficulties, the
idea is not inflationary to any important degree
and may be considered advisable in terms of
maximum war effort.
8. Create a labor production division in the
War Production Board.
9. Create a representative agency which will
make plans for post-war adjustment. Points 8
and 9 are essential to the nation, and they reveal
labor's perspective to be broader than "wage-
grabbing," as many would have us believe.
10. Accept all wages for time over 40 hours in

University. Authority was centralized in his
hands on the joint recommendation of ship
operators and the CIO longshoreman's umion,
the dominant maritime labor organization.
But on the Atlantic Coast the picture is very
different. There it smells to high heaven.
Following the excellent results obtained by the
appointment of Morse, the President advised
War Shipping Administrator Emory S. (Jerry)
Land to clean up the dismal East Coast mess the
same way. The inside word is that Land balked
under pressure from the operators and Jack
Ryan, burly boss of the AFL longshoreman's
union, which rules the Boston, New York and
Philadelphia waterfronts.
Rival CIO marine leaders charge that behind
the opposition of Ryan and the operators is the
fear that under an impartial federal shipping
czar the CIO unions will wrest control ofa the
waterfront from them. But whatever the rea-
son, it is a fact that Land has resisted taking
the step that has produced such excellent re-
aults on the West Coast.
Mismanagement And Sabotage
fT IS ALSO A PACT that the ship loading situa-
tion on the Atlantic Coast has become so bad
that the Justice Department and Truman com-
mittee have started probes that already have
uncovered shocking evidence.
These disclosures are so serious that insiders
say it is practically certain there will be arrests
and prosecutions on criminal charges.
These are some .of the things discovered by
the investigators:
1. That large numbers of known members of
the Bund, Christian Front and similar organ-
izations are permitted to load ships carrying
war supplies to Britain and Russia.
2. That one ship broke in two and capsized in
mid-ocean due to improper loading. Tanks and
other heavy equipment had been loaded fore and
aft and light materials amidships, violating the
first rule of ship loading to distribute a cargo
evenly. Investigating agents are convinced this
was sabotage.
3. Shifting cargo forced another ship to turn
back from a Russia-bound convoy. The vessel
was torpedoed and sunk a day later.
4. Five other vessels which developed cargo-
shifting trouble also had to turn back, but for-
tunately egcaped Nazi subs. However, to save
them from breaking up and capsizing, a con-
siderable portion of their precious war cargoes
had to be thrown into the sea.



(Continued from Page 2)
the Business Office of the Univer-
sity Hospital,
Shirley W. Smith
University Council: There will be a
meeting of the University Council on
Monday, April 13, at 4:15 p.m., in the
Rackham Amphitheater. All mem-
bers of the University Senate may
attend the meeting:
Minutes of the meetings of March
9 and March 12, 1942.
Subjects offered by members of
the Council.
Report of the Committee on Pro-
gram and Policy concerning Regula-
tions for Council Membership, J. P.
Report of the Advisory Board oi
University. Policies concerning the
Problem of the Instructorship, W. C.
Report of the Committee on Edu-
cational Policies concerning Physical
Examinations of Members of the
Faculty, R. Schorling.
Reports from the Standing Com-
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary.
To the Heads of Departments: In
order that we may make up in detail
our Repairs and Maintenance Bud-
get, will you kindly send in a com-
plete list of improvements or repairs,
or both, which you would suggest
being made in those buildings or
parts of buildings which your depart-
ment occupies. It will, of course, be
necessary to differentiate between the
repairs to buildings themselves and
equipment, the repairs to the latter{
not being included in'the Buildings
and Grounds Budget.
Any suggestions for improvements
in the Campus grounds or buildings,I
whether pertaining to your depart-
ment or not, will be gratefully re-
ceived. Also, we will be thankful for
any suggestions relative to the execu-
tion of our work. We want to make
it plain that we expect always to
take care of maintenance work in a
manner satisfactory to the occupants
of the buildings and to this end we
are always open to suggestions or
just criticism.
if you so desire, kindly notify us
and we will be pleased to send a
representative from our office to take
up any matters in detail.
We would appreciate this informa-
tion at your earliest convenience and
preferably not later than May 1,
1942. Thanking you for your co-
operation in this matter.
E. C. Pardon, Superintendent,
of Buildings and Grounds
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers will meet Saturday, April 11
(instead of Monday, April 13) at 12:10
p.m. in the Founders' room, Michi-
gan Union. Members of all depart-
ments are cordially invited. The
guest of honor will be Professor John
A. Walz of Harvard University.
To the Members of the Depart-
ments of Latin and Greek: There will
be a departmental luncheon today
at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room
at the Michigan Union.
The Student War Board has been
established to coordinate all student
activities directed towvard the fur-
therance of the war effort; and in
pursuance of this aim, it set up the
following regulations:
1) All organizations are required
to submit to this board, in room 1009
Angell Hall, a report of current ac-
tivities in relation to war efforts, by
April 9, 1942.
2) Henceforth, all organizations
who are planning such projects

should have the permission of this
committee before taking action.
Prospective Applicants for the
Combined Curricula: Students of the
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts wishing to apply for admission
to one of the combined curricula for
September 1942 should fill out appli-'
cations for such admission as soon as
possible in Room 1210 Angell Hall.
The final date for application is April
20, 1942. Pre-medical students should
please note that application for ad-
mission to the Medical School is not
application for admission to the Com-
bined Curriculum. A separate appli-
cation should be made out for the
consideration of the Committee on
Combined Curricula.
Edward It. Kraus
The Glover Scholarship in Actuari-
al Mathematics will again be award-
ed for the coming academic year.
This scholarship covers tuition for
two semesters in either they Graduate
School or School of Business Admin-
istration. Applicants must be in resi-
dence at the University of Michigan
and have completed by this summer
all requirements for the A.B. degree
and all prerequisites for Mathematics
221. Application blanks may be se-
cured in the Mathematics Depart.
ment Office, 3012 A.H., and should be
returned to that office before May 1.
The University Bureau of Appoint
ments and Occupational Information
has received notification of the fol
lowing Civil Service announcements
The closing date is given in each

"-And if you intend to register women for army work, you'll
have to be more delicate and subtle about age limits.!"

Watered' Education . .
To the Editor:
CLAYTON DICKEY, in Sunday's Daily, makes
the suggestion that the present four-year
college course be shortened to two years, for, he
says, "it opens up the potentialities of higher
education to many for whom the long and costly
four-year program is an impossibility." Dickey
IS not referring to cutting education merely for
the duration; he believes that "it is possible to
acquire a liberal education in two years."
In terms of economics, Dickey's idea could be
attacked in more than one way, for its approach
is a negative one; the NYA which, if utilized to
its fullest, could finance all these students; the
system of free tuition as used at the City College
of New York is another way of making higher
education available to all; if neither of these
methods succeeds because the student's time
is needed to contribute towards the family
income, then thp question of aid to the family is
the problem; but no matter what the causes
may be,.Dickey's solution is neither a full one
nor a positive one.
HOWEVER, he says sin both Sunday's editorial
and previous ones), even if a student could
pay his way through college under the present
four-year system, there is still a need to cut
down our program to two years. This, he claims
in the name of progressive education.
How education can be termed "progressive"
which cuts down the amount of education given,
though, is beyond me. Dickey's attitude seems
to be that the only thing that really matters
these days in education is the diploma; thus, it
follows, let's give them the diplomas sooner and
more people will have time to go to college,
more people will have diplomas, more equality.
The iihportant thing about a liberal education
is that it gives the student four years to think
things over and to find himself, in an atmos-
phere conducive to thought. He is given the
opportunity to experiment, to read, to mature in
the most even-tempered atmosphere possible.
For the student who must take financial ad-
vantage of his education, it gives him time to
plan out his future work in logical fashion.
F Dickey disagrees with the above statement,
the question comes up: why send them to
college even for two years? It's no economic solu-
tion; if a student is receiving a technical educa-
tion, the amount of time to be spent is decided
by the actual amount of education needed to do
a certain job;but if he is receiving a 'liberal edu-
cation,' what more can be implied except that he
be given an intelligent atmosphere in which to
mature? And two years is not enough. To the
doddering facultymen who may be reading this,
the difference in age between a college graduate
who is twenty and one who is twenty-two may
not seem much, but actually it is the difference,

Swimming Instructor (Male) $1,860
April 20, 1942.
Swimming Instructor (Female) $1,-
860, April 20, 1942.
Farm Supervisor (Orchard and o
Garden, Male), $1,980, April 17, 1942. t
Playleader (Male), $5.50 to $6.00 m
day, April 13;1942. u
Playleader (Female), $5.50 to $6.00 n
day, April 13, 1942.A
Junior Recreation Instructor (Fe- t
male), $1,500, April 13, 1942. A
Junior Recreation Instructor l
(Male), $1,500, April 13, 1942.
Dietitian (Female), $1,860, April 14,
1942. b.
Transportation Equipment Opera- G
tor (Male) $.79 to .84 hr., April 6, R
1942. t
Asst. Public Service Attendant s
(Male-Female) .35 to .65 hr., April 7, i
1942. d
Materials Laboratory Aid (Male), R
$1,740, April 10, 1942. i
Michigan State Civil Service
Machinery Inventory Executive I,
$155 per month, April 17, 1942.
Machinery Inventory Executive II,
$200, April 17, 1942.
Machinery Inventory Executive III,E
$250, April 17, 1942. o
Police Radio Operator A, $135, o
April 17, 1942. n
Weights and Measures Inspector,
A2, $125, April 17, 1942.
Further information may be ob- i
tained from the announcement which 1
is on file in the office of the Univer-
sity Bureau of Appointments and Oc-J
cupational Information, 201 Mason"
Hall. Office hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information t
Academic Noticest
Zoology Seminar will meet to-s
night at 7:30 in the Amphithe-I
ater of the Rackham Building. 1
Reports by Mr. Charles W. McNeil on
"Pathology and embyology of the
giant kidney worm, Dioctophyma
renale (Goeze, 1782) and a compari-
son of its larva with the larva of
Paragordius varius (Leidy, 1851)",
and Mr. Ray Moree on "Influence of
interspecific hybridization on sperm-<
atogenesis in Peromyscus and itsl
bearing on genetic relationship."
Music Education Students are re-
quested to attend a lecture by Mr. Don
Malin of Chicago on "Materials for
the Music Education Department in<
Secondary Schools and Teacher-
training Institutions," on Friday,
April 10, at 4:15 p.m., fourth floor,
Burton Memorial Tower.
David Mattern
Doctoral Examination for Samuel
Kushner, Chemistry; thesis: "The
Synthesis of Analogs of Estrone and
Estrongenic Compounds." Today,
309 Chemistry, 2:00 p.m. Chairman,
W. E. Bachmann.
By action of the Executive Board,
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doctor-
al candidates to attend the examina-
tion and he may grant permission to
thse who for sufficient reason might
wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Concerts I
May Festival Tickets: All remain -
ing tickets for the May Festival, both
for the series (6 concerts) and for
individual concerts are on sale over
the counter at the offices of the
University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Tower.
Charles A. Sink, President
Student Recital: Richard Goolian,
- Pianist, will include works of Bee-
thoven, Scriabine, Stravinsky, Szy-
mapowski and Brahms in his recital
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater at
_ 8:30 p.m.ron Satuday, April 11. Giv-
n en in partial fulfillment of the re-
- quirements of the degree of Bachelor
of Music, the program is open to the
h public. Mr. Goolian is a pupil of
Joseph Brinkman of the School of


University Lecture: Dr. Carl G.
lossby of the Institute of Meteorol-
gy, University of Chicago, will lec-
ure on the subject, "Recent Develop-
nents in the Science of Meteorology,"
onder the auspices of the Depart-
nents of Aeronautical Engineering,
Astronomy, Geography, and Geology,
oday at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. The public is cordial-
y invited.
University Lecture: Dr. John Al-
necht Walz, Professor Emeritus of
Germanic Languages and Literatures,
Harvard University, will lecture on
he subject, "Goethe," under the au-
pices of the Department of German-
c Languages and Literatures, on Fri-
lay, April 10, at 4:15 p.m. in the
lackham Amphitheater. The public
s cordially invited.
Events Today
The A.I.Ch.E. election meeting will
be held tonight at 7:30 in Room 1042
East Engineering Building. Movies
n "Petroleum Production" and "Ne-
)prene" will be shown. Refresh-
Phi Sigma Meeting tonight at 8:00
n the West Lecture Room, Rack-
ham Building.
Professor Donal H. Haines of the
Journalism Department will present:
'Science in the News."
La Sociedad Hispanica conversa-
tion group will meet tonight at 8:00
in the Michigan League. These
meetings afford an excellent oppor-
trnity for oral practice and all the
students are invited to attend. See
Bulletin in League for room num-
Graduate Coffee Hour today, 4:30-
6:00 p.m., in the Rackham School.
All faculty' members and graduate
students are welcome.
The Slavic Club will meet tonight
at 8:30 in the International Center.
Easter greetings are obligatory.
Polonia Club: Instructions in Pol-
ish Folk dancing will be given to-
night at 7:30 at the Women's Athletic
Building. Please note change in time
and place.
Members of Frosh Project Decora-
tions Committee wil meet in the
League today and Friday, 1:30-5:30
p.m., and Saturday all day.
Seminar on a Just and Durable
Peace: A panel of foreign students
will discuss the terms which they
believe to be essential for a just
peace at Lane Hall tonight at 7:30.
Hobby Lobby meeting in WAB
Lounge today at 4:30 p.m. Every-
one invited.
Swimming-Women Students: The
Union Pool is open for women'stu-
dents on Tuesday and Thursday eve-
nings from 7:30 to 9:30.
Interior Decorating Section of Fac-
ulty Women's Club will meet today
at 3:00 p.m. at the home of Mrs.
Charles W. Spooner, Jr., 795 Oak-
dale Rd., Barton Hills, to hear Mr.
Goodhew speak on "Floral Beauty
Enhanced by Arrangement." For
transportation, call 2-2224, Mrs. Eg'-
Corning Events
Beta Chapter of Iota Alpha will
presen ta record dance in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall, Friday evening
from 9 to 12. All graduate engineers
are invited to attend. The program
will include dancing, refreshments,
and games.
The Suomi Club will meet on Sat-
urday, April 11, at 8:00 p.m. in the

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