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April 09, 1942 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-09

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Engine Council
To- Meet Today
With Officers
Ex-Presidents Of Societies
Will' Discuss Problems
Of Shortened Semester
Designed to relieve the .anticipated
headaches of incoming society offi-
cers, an Engineering Council spon-
sored meeting of retiring presidents
of 11 engineering professional so-
cieties will be held at 5 p.m. today
for the discussion -of mutual prob-
lems with engineering college senior
class officers.
The meeting has been prompted by
the realization that officers of the
societies next year are going to have
the hardest job yet, as a speeded-up
curriculum will cut heavily into the
time students will have for partici-
pation in other activities.
Laying plans for the meeting are
George Gotschall, '42E, and Jim
Pierce, '43E, assisted by the senior
class officers. Class president Ted
Kennedy, '42E, has asked that all
presidents submit reports on the
activities of - their organizations at
the meeting today.
Delegates to the meeting and the
societies they represent- are Bill Col-
lamore, '42E, American Institute of
Chemical Engineers; Bob Boswell,
'42E, American Institute, of Mining
and Metallurgical Engineers; Got-
schall, American Institute of Elec-
trical Engineers.
John Templer, '42E~, American So-
ciety of Mechanical Engineers; Fred
Elmiger, '42E, American Society of
Civil Engineers; Henry Fielding,
'42E, Institute of Aeronautical Sci-
ence; David Wohlander, '42E, Quar-
terdeck Society.
Bob Sforzini, '43E, Society of
Automotive Engineers; Ray Gauthier,
'42E, Army Ordnance Association;
Norman Taylor, '42E, Sigma Rho
Tau, engineering speech society; and
an unnamed representative of the
Transportation Club.
Faculty Men
Not Opposed
To Evaluation
(Continued from Page 1)

Grannis Kessler Of Stanford Final Deadline
To Debate With Michigan Squad For iHopwood
- mEntries Nears

Spring Banmd Concert Tuesday
To Feature Best Modern ]iMusic

Only !'dul Day.
' oC on( tileFte
Ladrge Prizes1


, * ,*



Lawrence Grannis and James Kess-
ler of Stanford University, complet-
ing their Eastern tour, will stop here,
Friday to debate a team from the
Michigan men's varsity debate squad.
In their debating tour of the east-
ern part of the United States, Gran-
nis and Kessler traveled to the coast
through the Southern states and are
returning home through this area.
Grannis was recently co-winner of
AIChE Group,
To Hold Annual
The local American Institute of
Chemical Engineers will electnew
officers for the coming year at its
regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. to-
day, Room 1042 East Engineering
Building. All junior members are
Movies on petroleum production
and the manufacture of rayon will
be shown at the meeting. The dead-t
lne for membership in the student
AIChE branch is today, and no ap-
plications will be accepted after the
meeting tonight.
Retiring officers of the organiza-
tion are : Bill Collamore, '42E, ,presi-
dent; Ray Tritten, '42E, first vice-
president; Tom Osborne, '42E, second
vice-president; Ed Hayter, '42E,.sec-
retary; Charles Armstrong, '42E,
treasurer; Cornelius Skutt, '42E, En-
gineering Council Representative.
Officers for next year will be an-
nounced immediately after the elec-
tions tonight.
Measles Plague Holds
Sway Through March
Continuation of the German Meas-
les plague which has been filling the
Health Service since last fall was
the most important single feature of
the monthly health report submit-
ted by Dr. W. E. Forsythe for March.
356 cases were reported for last
month, bringing the total number
diagnosed this year to 898.
This large number has primarily
accounted for the 384 room calls
which were an increase of 250 over
those in March lastyear. The in-
firmary also held at tal of 368 last
month, mainly for student victims
of the same disease.

the All-University Debate Tourna-
ment at Stanford and has been an
outstanding speaker for three years.
Grannis is also well-known for his
work in dramatics, being especially
distinguished by his realistic imper-
sonation of President Roosevelt.
Kessler has also been a champion
tournament debater for the past
three years. He is a political science
major and a junior honor student.
Kessler is quite an all-round man,
being an accomplished pianist, a
brilliant student, an excellent speak-
er (in German as well as English)
and a member of Delta Sigma Rho,
honorary debating fraternity.
The debate with the University will
be held at 8:30 p.m. Friday in the
North Lounge of the Union. This
contest will be unusual for Michigan
because it is to be an Oregon Style
debate which has not been used on
this campus for a long time.
En oinSchool
TI~o Give Test
Aptitude Exams Offered
To Interested Juniors
Part of a survey of engineering
colleges and students all over the
country, an aptitude test for inter-
ested junior engineers, chemistry ma-
jors and business . administration
students will be given at 4 p.m. today
in Room 348, West Engineering
Patterned after other intelligence
tests, the examination was formerly
given only to seniors, and is being
opened to juniors for the first time
this year.
The test will take between one and
a half and two hours to write, it is
predicted, and students unable to re-
port promptly A 4 p.m. are invited
to start at any time until 5 p.m.
Results of the test will be avail-
able in about a month, it is expected.
The test is being sponsored by the
Proctor and Gamble Company, and
results may be used in job applica-
tions with that company or not, as
the student wishes.
Society Sponsors Class
Polonia Society will sponsor a class
in Polish folk dancing to be given at
7:30 p.m. today in the Women's Ath-
letic Building. The public is invited.

of the sociology department then
moved that the faculty waive the
rules and the motion was carried.
Professor Angell next re-introduced
the postponement motion and it also
"Thus," the Executive Committee
member declared, "the faculty has
had two opportunities to discuss and
to vote upon the measure. Both
times they decided to postpone the
evaluation survey. However, it can
be brought up again at any future
meeting. If so many of these men
are against the postponement, why
don't they bring it up again at the
May meeting of the faculty?"
Committee Favors Plan
He emphasized that although the
Executive Committee favored the stu-
dent evaluation plan, it had decided
that to inaugurate a new project of
such a nature at this time would not}
be wise in view of the unsettled con-
ditions caused by the war.
"When the Committee met on Jan.
23," he pointed out, "everything was
all up in the air-the semester had
just been shortened, a thirdterm
was being discussed and we did not
know what else might be done."
"New work was constantly being,
brought to the Committee and we
felt that there just was not enough
time to organize the survey in the
manner which it deserved."
Would Not Have Fair Trial
He also said that with faculty men
going and coming and with students
dropping out of school every day,
the plan would not have received a
fair trial had it been inaugurated this
semester as had been formerly in-
"It is perfectly all right with us,"
he said, "for people to question our
judgment in delaying the date when
the plan was to be carried out, but
we do object to anyone intimating
that we are against student evalua-
tions altogether. The fact is that
there is absolutely no controversy
over the desirability of such a pro-
gram-the only question concerns the
advisability of delay."
Abbot Announces
Changes For April
In Radio Schedule
Minor changes are contemplated
in broadcasting routine at Morris
Hall during the coming month, ac-
cording to Prof. Waldo Abbot, Direc-
tor of Radio.
Dr. Clarence S. Yoakum, Dean of
the Graduate School, will speak on
University activities since the decla-
ration of war on Dec. 8, at 10:30
p.m. tomorrow over WJR, in place
... 4-. ^InA..ttq atinsa -rArP a

Only four more days in which to!
complete manuscripts by the Hop-
wood contest deadline-4:30 p.m.
Monday. Entries in the divisions of
dramatic writing, poetry, essay and
fiction will be accepted up until that;
time in the Hopwood Room, 3221
Angell Hall.
Several thousand dollars in prize
money will be awaded in this larg-
est of college literary competitions,
which originated in 1922 when play-
wright Avery Hopwood, '05, willed
the income from one-fifth of his
estate to the University, to encourage
creative work in writing.
Senior and graduate students will
submit entries in tle major division,
while all undergraduates are eligible
to compete in the minor division.
Specific instructions concerning
the preparation of scripts may be
found in the Hopwood pamphlet,
available in Room 3221 Angell Hall.
With the announcement that Chad
Walsh, Grad., was the recipient of
a $1,000 piedoctoral fellowship last
week, came word that this was the
third time the sum has been awarded
the drawling Southerner in two and
one-half years.
Transferring from the University
of Virginia, where he had received
his AB in French, to the University,
partly because he wanted to try for
the Hopwoods and partly because
he had a small scholarship to Michi-
gan, Walsh began to write in earnest,
while working foi' his Maste's and
Doctor's Degrees.
Won, In 1939
"Wavering back and forth between
drama and poetry," Walsh managed
to win a major Hopwood in 139
with a play. Since then he has re-
ceived his Master's Degree and has
been too busy reseaiching for his
Ph.D. thesis to write anything other
than poetry.
And the poetry phase of Chad
Walsh's life seems to be successful,
specimens of his literary art appear -
ing in the Saturday Review of Litera-
ture, New Republic, The Lyric and
Kaleidograph. Students will remem-
ber seeing Walsh's poetry in Per -
spectives, too.
Material From Background
"Personal background" provides
most of the topics for Walsh's poetry.
Phepomena of nature, reactions of
his two little girls, and creations of
other authors suggest ideas for
poems. Sherwood Andeson used to
give poetic advice to Walsh, who
served as reporter then on the play-
wright's newspaper.
New Courses
Spring Series Will Begin
In Ann Arbor Monday
Thiity-four courses in the spring
series of the Engineering, Science
and Management Defense Training
program will be at least partially un-
der way Monday when the majority
of the courses will be opened in Ann
Arbor, Detroit and other near-by
The remainder of the courses will
be begun Tuesday night, Dean Ivan
C. Crawford of the College of Engi-
neering has announced, and the last
course of this series will start on
Thursday ight.
Sponsoring three of the courses,
Ann Arbor will have one more on her
schedule than she had in te winter
series. Detroit will again support the
largest number, being scheduled to
open 25 courses next week.
Similar series in the past have

drawn an enrollment of well over
900, and it is anticipated that this
series will be equally successful, Dean
Crawford said.
The ESMDT program also includes
the course in Ordnance Materials In-
spection now being given in the en-
gineering college. The first gradu-
ates of this course will complete
training tomorrow.

Conductor Revelli Claims
Contemporary Pieces
Will Rank With Masters
"Musical history in the making" is
a description which may be aptly
applied to the University Concert
Band's anual Spring Concert Tues-
day, for according to conductor Prof.
William D. Revelli the band will pre-
sent music on that program which
"ranks with the best in music litera-
Using Beethoven as an example, he
pointed out that probably no one
would pass up a chance to hear the
premiere performance of his familiar
Fifth Symphony if it were possible to
do so.
Contemporary Music
"I believe that some of the con-
temporary music we are to play
Tuesday will eventually rank with
that of the 'old masters'," Professor
Revelli said, "especially .since this
type of music is rapidly coming into
its own."
For many years bands have been
forced to use music of inferior qual-
ity and arrangements not suited or
ill-adapted to concert purposes, he
noted, primarily because tradition
has made the band its slave.
"Thereare yet many people who
regard the band simply as a military
unit," he declared, "and although
that function of a band is certainly
to be emphasized, especially in the
present crisis, the advent of the sym-
phonic band has opened to band mu-
sic a field forpierly reserved for or
chestral works."
Indicative Of Interest f
Indicative of the interest of mod-
ern composers in band literature is
the work of Roy Harris, whose new
"Concerto for Piano and Band" will
be given its world premiere here
Tuesday, and of Morton Gould, Wil-
liam Schuman, Aaron Copland, Percy
Grainger and Henry Cowell, all of
whom have turned to band composi-
Nor is the trend only a very recent
Hillel Group Elects
15 New Members
To .tudentCouncil
A large vote elected the members
of Hillel Foundation's Student Coun-
cil for the coming year in balloting
Members reelected to the governing
body of the large student organiza-
tion include Lois Arnold, '43, Gloria
Donen, '43, Sam Rosen, '44, Norm
Schwartz, '44, and Dan Sieden, '43.
New members elected to the Coun-
cil are Al Cohen, '44, Grace Freud-
berg, '45, Syril Greene, '43, Charlotte
Kaufman, '43, Warren Laufe, '44,
Paul Mishkin, '44, Merv Pregulman,
'44, Hy Sterngold, '44E, Netta Siegel,
'45, and James Weinstein, '44.
Several rpembers are yet to be ap-
pointed to the body in later meetings.
These members are reserved for
selection of the Council.;
First meeting of the new Council
will be Sunday in combination with
outgoing group. Rules and programs
will be coordinated and the newly
elected members will be constituted
with full authority.

one. It has been found that such
composers as Beethoven, Mendel-
ssohn, Saint-Saens and Wagner were
actually writing for band even
though the instrumentation of the
bands was not complete enough at
the time.
In spite of this trend toward com-
posing for band, it will be some time
before original band music will par-
tially displace arrangements made
from orchestral scores, Professor
Revelli observed, but even in this field
it has been shown that many compo-
sitions originally written for orches-
tra are actually more effective when
played by a band.
Among the composers whose works
have been especially adaptable to
band performance are Prokofiev,
Respighi, Rimsky-Korsakov, Wagner
and Stravinsky. And, surprisingly
enough, many of the works of J. S.
Bach are definitely very effective for
band, Professor Revelli indicated, be-
cause the band approximates the
tone and character of the organ more
closely than any other musical unit.
In keeping with the trend toward
composition for band, the University
Concert Band will present Tuesday,
in addition to the featured works of
Roy Harris, compositions by Schu-
man, Georges Enesco, Paul Dukas,
Padilla and Gould.



$ A0 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c 'for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
3 or more days. (Increase
of $.25 for each additional
5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
Our Want-Ad Department
will be happy to assist you in
composing your ad. Stop at the
Michigan Daily Business Of-
fice, 420 Maynard Street.
MIMEOGRAPHING - Thesis bin -
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield,i 3 8
S. State. 6c
Driveway gravel,Cwashed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
7112. 7c

Ben the Tailor, 122 East Washing-
ton. Phone after 6 o'clock, 5387.
suits, overcoats, typewriters, musi-
cal instruments, ladies' fus, Per-
sian lamb, mink, watches, dia-
monds. Pay from $5 to $500. Phone
Sam, 5300. 229c
NAVY CALLS ME. Am offering ex-
tensive Esquire wardrobe- of zoot
suits and accessories at unbeliev-
able prices. Cal Sid Stoller, 6539,
7:00-9:00 a.m., 8:00-12:00 p.m.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935.
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
20 ACRES-4 miles, good road. Nice
building spot. Some old material,
$12,500. Terms-Farley, 2-2475.
WOMAN'S brown Parker pen Mon-
day. Filled with black ink. Interest-
ing reward. Call Betty Shipman,
2-4514.. 302c
ONE PAIR of flesh-tint, horn-
rimmed glasses; sometime since
last Thursday in the vicinity of
Burns Park. Finder please notify
Hutcherson at 2-3205.

VOL. LI. No. 140
Publication in the Daily Off icta
Bulletin is constructive notice to al
members of the University.
United States War Bonds: Since
notice was given that members of
the staff could allocate portions of
their salary for the purchase of
United States war bonds, thirty-
three persons have made such allo-
cations, resulting in a present total
deduction of $408.75 monthly, which
is equivalent to, the purchase, month-
ly, of between twenty-one and twen-
ty-two bonds with a maturity value
of $25 each.
Bond deductions in amounts .of
$3.75 or multiples thereof will'- be
made on order in any month for
which the Business Office receives
the request for such allocation on or
before the 18th day of the month.
Allocation cards are available at the
office of the Cashier of the Univer-
sity, South Wing, University Hall,
at the office of the Superintendent
of Buildings and Grounds, and at
(Continued on Page 4)

LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sax
Careful work at low price.
FLOWERS-The way to f
heart is to give her flow
sure her flowers are fron

a girl's
ers. Be

Glee Club Serenades Campus
Coeds With Michigan Ballads



"'Tis of Michigan we sing, with a
merry, merry ring-," echoed through
the usually quiet streets of Ann Ar-
bor Tuesday night, as Men's Glee
Club conducted their fourth in a
series of campus serenades to the
Michigan coeds.
At Couzen's Hall the troup began,
at 10:00 p.m., its tour of dormitories
and sororities that wasn't to end
until long after closing hours and af-
ter many miles of marching through
the clear, crisp night; a tour as suc-
cesful and as well received as any
enjoyed by the Don Cossack Choir.
After an' encore for the nurses and
after taking the refreshments tradi-
tionally and generously offered them,
the troubadours 'hurried on to Stock-
well, slightly behind schedule, where
they were greeted by another enthus-
iastic and shivering crowd that lined
the ramparts and filled the windows
to hear the a capella harmony. More
encores were given and gifts received,
then the minstrels broke away, still
late, to visit the home of the Alpha
After more than an hour of singing
and reciprocal entertainment at the
Alpha Phis', Dkon Plott, '448M, direc-
tor, gave up all hope of continuing
the round of song on time. The boys
settled down to enjoying the hospi-
tality and cake and coffee offered
them by their hostesses.
From the Alpha Phi house they
Fresh Air Camp Benefit
Plans Campus Tag Jay

continued south to sing for Sorosis,
Chi Omega, the Kappa Kappa Gam-
mas, the Delta Gammas and finally
disbanded at 2:00' a.m. after singing
in the Alpha Chi Omega house, where
the girls had waited up to meet them.
All those on campus who missed
the Glee Club during their Tuesday
tour will be able to hear them when
they appear in a free concert to be
given April 22, in, Hill Auditorium.
And in two weeks, they propose an-
other serenade tour.
Keeler To Attend
Midwest Power
Prof. Hugh E. Keeler, representing
the University of Michigan, will be
one of the principal speakers at the
Midwest-Power Conference to be held
today and tomorrow at Palmer
House, Chicago.
Sponsored by the Illinois InstituteI
of Technology, the conference fea-
tures a series of lectures and discus-
sions concerning power production,
transmission and consumption. Rep-
resentatives of nine colleges and
universities throughout the Midwest
will make a study of mutual prob-
lems, free from the restrictions of
required memberships in technical
or social organizations. The purpose
of the conference is to provide the
freest possible discussion under aca-
rdemic snnnsorship. and to cover all

_ .

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