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April 09, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-09

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Warmer, Ranier. Windier.

it 43fl



Equality Of Sacrifice'
Will Lead To Victory



W PB Orders
Residential, Commercial
Building Is Prohibited
In Attempt By Nelson
To Save War Materials
Maintenance Work
Will Be Permitted
WASHINGTON, April 8. -(A')-
The War Production Board tonight
prohibited new construction of non-
essential residences, roads and com-
mercial buildings, and indicated that
projects already under way might be
halted if the materials going into
them could be used more effectively
in war program.
The order is effective tomorrow.
Specifically it bans any residential
construction other.than maintenance
and repair work if the cost is $500 or
more, unless specific government per-
mission is granted; similar permis-
sion must be obtained for any new
agricultural construction if the esti-
mated cost is $1,000 or more.
Permission Needed
No other types of construction,
commercial industrial, recreational,
institutional highway, or utilities,
whether public)y or privately fin-
anced may be started without per-
mission if the cost of the project
is more than $5,000.
"It is in the national interest that
all construction which is not essen-
tial directly or indirectly to the suc-
cessful prosecution of the war, and
which involves the use of labor, ma-
terial or equipment urgently needed
in the war effort, be deferred for the
duration of the emergency," the
Board stated.
Industry Suspended
The drastic action, which WPB
Chairman Donald M. Nelson had de-
Glared would virtually "suspend the
civilian construction industry," does
not apply to ordinary maintenance
and repair work needed to restore a
structure to "sound working condi-
The Labor Department estimated
overall 1941 construction at $10,473.-
000,000 of which $5,348,000.000 was
of a non-defense character. The De-
partment estimated 1942 construc-
tion at $10,750,000,000, with $3,650,-
000,000 of this amount going for non-
defense work.

... .You And Youth And I'

Bataan Defenders Forced Back

By Large-Scale



Axis Preparing New Suez Attack

Enemy Columns Sounding
British Lires In Search
Of OpeningFor Assault
Red Army Crosses
Diieper In Advance
LONDON, April 8.-(/I-)-Axis col-
umns in North Africa have sprung
into sudden activity in the front area
west of Tobruk which may be the
fore-runner for the expected big Axis
drive for control of the eastern Medi-
terranean, the Suez gate and the
southern road to Russia.
The British issued a special com-
munique in Cairo tonight announc-
ing the action, noting that as yet
there had been only "minor engage-
ments with our light forces" by "two
or three" enemy columns operating
between the Tmmi-Mechili track
and the British position south of Ain
el Gazala, roughly 40 miles west of
Significance Noted
Although no heavy fighting had
yet been'reported in two days of this
action, issuance of the special com-
munique underscored the potential
significance of the Axis move.
"The enemy movements are being
closely watched," the communique
The Allies have been keenly on
the alert for the first signs of an
Axis spring campaign to use the
Libyan Desert battleground as the
first testing area for the troop, tank
and bomber strength Hitler has been
gathering during the winter.
Malta, Alexandria Bombed
The first thunder of the new storm
was heard at Malta and Alexandria,
where Axis bombers blasted at the
key bastions of Britain's naval hold
on the middle and eastern Mediter-
ranean in the most furious assaults
either the island or the big Egyptian
port have withstood.
Its menace was felt in the desert
flatlands 100 miles southwest of To-
bruk where the spearheads of three
Axis columns numbering perhaps
125,000 picked desert troops jabbed
at British advanced positions in
search of a soft spot through which
to pour a shock force of 100 tanks.
Russians Force Gerin
Position Ott I ieper River
LONDON, April 8.- (/-The Rus-
sian armies of the center were re-
ported tonight to have forced the
heavily fortified Upper Dnieper River
in a major flanking movement de-
signed to cut off and destroy the Ger-
man Rzhev-Gzhatsk-Vyazma salient
before Moscow, the last enemy line of
consequence standing east of Smo-
lensk. -I
The crossing, said Soviet advices
via Stockholm, was made between
the towns of Dorogobuzh and Durovo 1
about 5 miles northeast of Smolensl
and at about the point where the
Moscow-Smolensk Railway bridges
the Dnieper.
The German-held corridor running
from Smolensk to Vyazma was said
already to have been narrowed to
3 miles and Soviet artillery was com-
manding the main highway and rail
routes. Durovo itself apparently re-
mained in Nazi hands, although im-
minently menaced.

New Interfraternity

Council Heads

- Daily Photo by Bob Killins
John Fauver, '43E (left), and Paul Wingate, '43E, are the recently
elected officers of the IFC, replacing Don Stevenson and Robert Porter
as president and secretary-treasurer. President Fauver is a member of
Phi Kappa Psi and Wingate is affiliated with Zeta Beta Tau.


Nine Groups Pledge Proceeds

Ganoe To Oen
Lecture Course
In Leadership
Inaugurating a new course in lead-
ership, Col. William A. Ganoe, com-
mandant of the local ROTC unit, will
speak on "Treatment" at 8 p.m. today
in the small ballroom of the Union.
Colonel Ganoe's lecture will be the
first of a series to be presented every
Thursday under the auspices of the
Student Offices of the Union.
The tentative list of speakers at
succeeding meetings of the course is
as follows: L. J. Carr of the sociology
department, Prof. Wesley Maurer of
the journalism department, Clark
Tibbetts, secretary of the War Board,
and Prof. H. Y. McClusky of the
School of Education.
Although registration for the
course was originally to be limited to
50 students, so many persons indi-
cated their interest that the limit
has been more than doubled.
Persons who register are expected
to attend all the lectures in the
course. At each meeting the talk of
the preceding speaker will be dis-'
tributed to the students so as to in-
sure continuity.
Air Corps Movie
To Be Presented
Toy At Union
"Wings of the Army," a realistic
presentation of the Army Air Force,
will be shown in sound moi ies at
7:30 p.m. today in Room 321 of the
Fourth in a series of previews de-
signed to show men students the real
life and work of each branch of the
United States armed services, this
picture gives the most detailed pos-
sible information about the Army Air
Accordingt o Bill Schoeedinger,

Increased Support Vital
To Success Of Plan,
Chairnman Announees
Of twenty-four campus organiza-
tions holding social functions this
weekend, only nine have contributed,
pledged support or promised dona-
tions to the Bomber-Scholarship
Fund, it was learned yesterday.
"Several of these organizations not
already on record with the Dean of
Students' office have voted to sup-
port the plan, but they have not yet
registered their approval," Art Rude,
'42, chairman of the Student Bomb-
er-Scholarship Committee, declared
Rude stressed the need for imme-
diate filing of action taken on the
plan, as such information is required
Burma Quake Felt
in West; Tremor
Is Recorded here
PASADENA, Calif., April 8.-R)-
A "very severe" earthquake, starting
at 8:54.40 a.m. (PWT) today and
continuing in more moderate form
several hours, was recorded today at
California Institute of Technology,
Scientists said a preliminary check
indicated it centered either in Burma
or the Himalaya Mountains between
India and Tibet. Its distance from
here was estimated at approximately
7,500 miles.
The seismograph of the University
Observatory recorded a "moderate"
earthquake shortly after noon
(EWT) yesterday. The tremors were
interpreted as being very distant.

-Daily Photos by will Sapp
Alai Bradi I

Alan Brandt Is
Winning Adldress Reveals
Collegiate Snobbishness
Alan Brandt, '44, took first place
honors in the finals contest of the
Speech :31 classes held yesterday in
the Natural Science Auditorium.
Brandt was selected winner from
six colsItas for his excellent man-
ner of presenting the speech, "Aca-
demic Snobbiery." In his address,
Brandt described the scorn that one
collegiate school holcs for another.
Clare lucker, '44, cane in second
for his speech "For Whose Free-
dom,", and Roy Boucher, '45, cap-
turcd third lce by his address "A
Look at American Labor Unions."
The other participants in the con-
test were Archie IBonk, '44, Maurine
Peterson, (irad, and Marjorie Yomg
Dr. Arthur Secord was the chair-
man of tlis finals meet, and the
judges. all members of the speech
department, were Dr. Louis M. Eich,
Prof. Kenneth (. Hance and Prof.
William P. Halstead.
Seond War Stami p Igy
1o 1e I-i.d T1iontorrow

Seniors May Obtain '
Examination Results
Results of the graduate record
examinations given Feb. 23 and 24
may now be obtained at the office
of Dean Lloyd S. Woodburne, 1208
Angell Hall, it was announced yes-
The examinations were taken by
approximately 500 literary college

before an effective administration of
the fund can be set up.
"Although the plan is on a volun-
tary basis," Rude pointed out, "we
can never truly fulfill its purpose un-
til the civilian campus body makes
some sacrifices equal to those of its
ex-classmates now in service."
Answering several often-heard in-
quiries about the plan, Rude asserted
that it encompasses undergraduates
in every University school and col-
"With $100,000 in bonds contribu-
ted, the government can buy a bomb-
er now; with $100,000 in bonds, the
University can give scholarships to
returning student war veterans after
the Armistice," Rude said.
Organizations officially supporting
the plan and holding social functions
this weekend are Sphinx, Wyvern,
Mosher Hall, Alpha"Sigma Phi, Chi-
cago House, Graduate Council, Kap-
pa Delta, Zeta Beta Tau, and Con-
gress Cooperative House.
Coming from a hitherto-untapped
source, $25 was donated to the fund
yesterday by 11 Lloyd House honor
Seniors To Decide
On Graduation Site
With polling stations set up at five
central campus points, the Student
War Board will sound senior opinion
today on the University's proposed
shift of comnencement ceremonies
from Ferry Field to Yost Field House.
The change-which has been
termeda wartime economy measure,
would mean use of the Field House
alone, instead of ceremonies out-
doors with the Field House held
ready in the event of unseasonable
weather conditions.
Other questions on the ballot will
ascel'tain the number of guest tick-
ets each senior expects to need and
also each individual's plans on com-
mencement attendance.
Polling boxes will be set up in the
lobbies of Angell Hall, East Medical
Building, Tappan Hall, Hutchins Hall
and also in the Engineering Arch.
There seems to have been some
imisunderstanding of the action of
the University Committee on Com-
mencement Arrangements in rec-
ommending that this year's Com-
mencement be held in the Yost
Field House rather than on Ferry
Field. The change in the Com-
mencement site was thought of
not only as a wartime measure,
but also as a provision for the
convenience and comfort of grad-
uates and their Commencement
University officials expect that

Marshall, Hopkins Confer
With Prime Minister
In Mission To London
American Envoy
Sees Indian Heads
WASHINGTON, April 8.-WP)-The
Japanese invaders, after forcing the
desperately-pressed defenders of Ba-
tan back to a new line, swarmed down
upon them today with hordes of
shock troops and all types of planes-
and a communique reported omi-
nously that "casualties were heavy on
both sides."
Fresh Nipponese infantrymen were
aided by dive bombers and lead-spit-
ting attack planes. Describing a
struggle which reddened the soil and
rocks of the narrow peninsula, the
War Department declared in the late
"The present Japanese attack is
the longest sustained drive of the
enemy since operations began on Ba-
taan. Waves of shock troops have
attacked amost continuously, with-
out regard to casualties, which have
been heavy on both sides.
"American and Filipino troops, in-
cluding Naval and Marine contin-
gents, have stubbornly resisted every
advance. Repeated efforts of the en-
emy to land troops behind our lines
have been frustrated by our beach
defenses, manned largely by Naval
and Marine personne."
The situation, however, was evi-
dently critical because of the numeri-
cal superiority of the foe. The Nip-
ponese command was obviously seek-
ing, not merely to press the defenders
back again but to cut off their avenue
of withdrawal to the Corregidor Fort-
ress two miles off Batann's tip.
"Heavy bombers are continuing
their attacks on our rear areas near
the southern extremity of the Bataan
Peninsula," said the communique.
Marshall, Hopkins
Confer With Churchill
LONDON, April 8.- (P) - Gen.
George C. Marshall, U.S. Army Chief
of Staff, and Harry Hopkins, Chair-
man of Munitions Assignments and
close aide of President Roosevelt,
arrived in London today on a sur-
prise mission by airplane and almost
immediately conferred with Prime
Minister Churchill.
Tonight General Marshall told
newspapermen that the purpose of
the American forces in Europe was
to "expand"; Hopkins said that Pres-
ident Roosevelt had entrusted him
with some confidential matters on
which to confer with Churchill.
General Marshall's remarks about
expanding the American forces were
in reply to a question implying that
U.S. forces might become cramped in
the British Isles.
"Well, we want to expand over
here," he replied, and the correspon-
dents at his press conference roared
with laughter.
Roosevelt Envoy
Meets Indian Leaders
NEW DELHI,. India, Thursday,
April 9.-(M)-The prospect of an
eventual settlement of the compli-
cated Indian question remained
bright today after President Roose-
velt's special envoy, Louis Johnson,
conferred at length last night with
members of the All-India Congress
Sir Stafford Cripps, Britain's en-
voy, and the Hindu leader of the
Congress. Party, Pandit Jawaharlal
Nehru, both saw Johnson. Nehru saw
the American twice, besides partici-
pating in a seven-hour party session,
and then Johnson was closeted with
Mohandas K. Gandhi, India's little
spiritual leader who has great power,

was understood to have been kept
informed of developments.
Rossby Will Discuss
Meteorology Advances
Dr. Carl G. Ressby, of the Institute
of Vieteorology, University of Chi-
cago, will speak at 4:15 n.m. today

Executive Committee Not Opposed
To Evaluation Plan, Member Says
md ~i or's Note: This is the th ird of

o) ,ei es of ar eles on the probier'm
' stu eliIt e",;i n au ioll If f ac
1"''llw)' ' V
Bitterly denying tla t ate motion to
postpone student evaluation of fac-
ulty men until after the war was
"rushed through," a member of the
Executive Committee of the literary
school lashed out yesterday at "those
persons who are intimating that the
Committee is opposed to Uuc evalu-
ation plan,"
The vigorous denial came as a re-
suIt of recent statements Pue( blished
in The Daily in which certain mem-
bers of the faculty accused the Exec-

that had pushed the entire evaluation
program from the beginning.
He pointed out that, although the
original investigation and research
had been done by the Michigan chap-
ter of the American Association of
University Professors, it was the Ex-
ecutive Committee that had fostered
and fought for the plan both in and
out of faculty meetings. Every mem-
ber of the Committee, he emphasized,
was wholeheartedly behind the pro-
cedure as it was finally passed,
"Any person," he continued, "who
even hints that we are opposed to
student evaluation of faculty men is
not telling the truth and is actually

that the Executive Committee had
not notified the faculty in writing
about the proposed delay 48 hours be-
fore the meeting on Jan. 26 when the
motion was introduced. It was also
claimed that no permission had been
obtained from the faculty to tempo-
rarily dispense with the by-laws. The
latter is necessary in cases where
formal notification has not been sent
out previous to the meeting.
The Committee member pointed
out that it had been impossible to
inform the faculty beforehand as the
action had been decided upon too late
to include it in the usual pre-meeting

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