cloudy and warm er
* 4 A
Congress Delays
OCD Solution ...
VOL. LII. No. 91
I -
Japanese Invade
Singapore Island
In Night Assault)
Ten-Mile Stretch On Coast
Is Held By Nipponese;
Counter-Attack Begins
Situation In Hand,
Bennett Declares
(Associated Press War Editor)
The Japanese, apparently still held
in check on Luzon and in the Bur-
ma theatre, stood upon Singapore
Island in menacing force last night
and the imperial British defenders
were at the counterattack in an ur-
gent effort to prevent a grave exten-
sion of the invaders' lodgement.
In the savage beginnings of this
last great battle for Singapore the
enemy had clearly won a consider-
able initial victory, in having been
able to cross the Johore Strait with
strong forces in the dark hours of
early morning.
More Landings Expected
His troops appeared to be in ef-
fective, although strongly disputed,
control of a 10-mile stretch extend-
ing into the western island from the
Kranji Estuary along the northern
coast. The great question was whe-
ther succeeding nights would not
cloak additional landings and whe-
ther the invader thus could broaden
and consolidate the invested area.
The initial invading bodies crossed
the strait in vessels apparently
adapted for that specific purpose and
were sheltered first by powerful ar-
tillery fire and later, upon the ap-
proach of daylight, by dive bombers
which beat back the British lines in
some sectors and cleared the way for
an enemy infiltration eastward to-
ward the heart of the island.
Major General Henry Gordon Ben-
pett, commanding the Australian
forces standing at the head of the
British line, loosed a strong counter-
offensive and declared late in the
day: "the situation is well in hand."
He was less reassuring, however,
in adding only that it was hoped to
"recover as much as possible of the
lost terrain."
Japs Claim Airdrome
While yesterday's British com-
munique was silent as to the specific
Japanese advances originally accom-
plished, Tokyo itself claimed that the
Tengah Airdrome below the head of
Kranji Estuary and just 10 miles
above Singapore City had fallen;
that the already immobilized British
naval base was under attack and that
the forward British line in the north-
west of the island was being assault-
ed from the rear.
The Germans in a propaganda
agency dispatch from Tokyo claimed
that a movement of envelopment had
been formed by landings made on
northeast Singapore, from Palau Ub-
in Island in the Johore Strait.
Blood Donors
to Be Sought
Student, Faculty Campaign
Will OpenTomorrow
The Student Defense Committee of
1942, in cooperation with the Red
Cross, will conduct a blood donation
drive among students and faculty
members tomorrow through Friday.
According to Dr. Warren E. For-
sythe, director of the Health Service,
there is a vital need for all types of
blood for use in the armed service.
One experiences no ill effects whatso-
ever from giving blood, he said, and
urged all men to cooperate in the
Appointments for donations will be
made from 1 to 5 p.m. tomorrow,
Thursday and Friday in the Union
and the League. The actual dona-
tions will be taken Feb. 17 and 19 in
the Women's Athletic Building. The
entire process will be conducted
by trained physicians. Students be-
tween the ages of 18 and 21 will be
required to secure written parental
permission that they may give a lim-
ited amount of blood. Because this
provision will delay contributions
somewhat, persons over 21 are urged
by Alan Brandt, '44, in charge of the
drive, to volunteer their services im-
mediately and to call him at the
Union Student Offices in case of
Measles Epidemic Hits
New All-Time Record
Twenty spotted students jammed
into the Health Service yesterday to
set an all-time record for German
measles admissions.
Nearly the whole building has been
turned into a contagious ward, a to-
tal of 33 cases of the annoying dis-
ease having been hospitalized since
the recent epidemic began.
Because the extremely contagious
disease requires only about three days
of hospital care, the turnover is quite
rapid. More beds will be available in
the Health Service tomorrow, it is
expected, but as many students as
possible will be treated in their rooms
or sent home.
Fifth Smoker
Will Introduce
Activities Men
Organizations On Campus
To Sponsor Get-Together
For Freshman Students
F,uture activities men of the Class
of '45 will receive their first intro-
duction to campus organizations in
the fifth annual Activities Smoker to
be held at 7:45 p.m. Thursday in the
main balhloom of the Union,
The purpose of the smoker is to
acquaint members of the freshman
class with the various campus activi-
ties and clubs. Opportunity is pro-
vided for securing information di-
rectly from officers and members of
the different organizations.
T Te progtra will coisist of short
talks by representatives of the vari-
ous activities. Following the speeches
the audience will be free to circulate
among the organization booths to ob-
tain specific information concerning
those activities in which they are
particularly interested.
'All of the outstanding campus
groups will be represented, including
the Interfraternity Council, Congress,
The Daily, Gargoyle, the Michigan-
ensian, The Michigan Union, Tech-
nic, Alpha Phi Omega, the Varsity
Band and the Glee Clubs.
Yank V olunteers
Down 101st Jap
RANGOON, Burma, Feb. 9.-P)
-The 101st aerial combat victory
for the American Volunteer group
over Burma was confirmed today,
and afield it appeared that the
British, aided by Chinese and In-
dian reinforcements, had stabil-
ized their front along the Salween
River and still were holding the
Japanese invaders in check some
100 miles short of their major ob-
jective of Rangoon.
Enemy bombing attacks on the
Paan positions were reported, along
with an exchange of small-arms
Will Recruit
'M' Students
Marine Corps Lieutenant
Will Hold Interviews
In North Hall Today
Detailed by the Commandant of
the United States Marine Corps to
act as liasion officer at the Univer-
sity, Lieut. William L. Batchelor will
be at Naval ROTC headquarters in
North Hall today through Thursday
to interview students interested in
the Marine Corps Candidates School
for Commission.
The corps will accept 25 seniors, 15
juniors and two sophomores from the
University for training. Entrance will
be open only to students working
towards an A.B., B.S. or engineering
Lieutenant Batchelor will be at the
North Hall office from 9 a.m. to 12
and from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Under
no circumstances except extreme
emergency, the Recruiting Officer
stated, will men enrolled in this cate-
gory be called into active duty before
Appncants must be American citi-
zens, unaffiliated with any other mil-
itary unit (including ROTC and
NROTC), unmarried and willing to
remain so. Physical requirements for
this program are the same ss those
needed for a regular Marine Corps
Candidates selected are enlisted in
the Marine Corps Reserve, Class III
(d) and placed in inactive status.
Men successfully completing the
course will be commissioned second
lieutenants in the Corps and assigned
to duty with troops.
Noted ,Jurist
Beins Duties
As Professor,
Jan F. Hostie Will Teach
European Governniernt,
Political Courses Here
Jan F. Hostie, world famous au-
thority on international law, took
over his duties as a professor at the
University yesterday succeeding Prof.
Harlow J. Heneman of the political
science department who is on leave
of absence to serve as executive di-
rector of the University's War Coun-
Professor Hostie, a Belgian citizen
with a long record of distinguished
service for the Belgian government
and as an international arbitrator,
is conducting a course in Interna-
tional Organization and Administra-
tion and has taken over Professor
Heneman's class in European Gov-
As a member of the Permanent
Legal Committee of the Organization
for Communications and Transit,
Professor Hostie has been an active
member of the League of Nations al-
most from its inception and has rep-
resented the League in several inter-
national disputes including the Dan-
zig Postal Case and the Jurisdiction
of the European Danube Commission.
From 1921 until its discontinuation
in 1937, he served as secretary gen-
eral of the Central Commission for
Navigation on the Rhine and was
later appointed as one of the four
advisers to the Belgian government.
School I
For Ideas
For mation
New Regents Discuss 'Third-Term'
N ew Summer Third-Term Will Be Offered
Concurrently With Usual Eight-Week
Session; Full Tuition To Be Charged
Convened in a special meeting, the University of Michigan Regents
yesterday officially established a three-semester year for the duration and
decided to go directly to the students for suggestions on how to run it.
". ..the three-term program," the Regents' report said, "shall begin
as soon as possible after the close of the present semester and shall continue
in approximately sixteen-week periods throughout each school year."
The Regents authorized "proper University officials" to submit ques-
tionnaires to the student body to elicit information concerning prospective
enrollment, course demands and other necessary details. It is expected
that this will be done as soon as possible. The Regents said that they will
request students to plan their future University academic programs now
so as to form a working basis for administrative action.
No Calendar Yet
No summer term calendar has yet been announced, but it seems likely
that the term will begin either on June 15 or 22, if it is to conclude in time
to allow for the resumption of the fall semester. It could hardly begin any
earlier, although tie spring semester
~Dawn Patrol'
Gropes Way
Through Dark
Long used to being in the dark fig-
uratively, University students yester-
day blacked out literally as well when
the new War Time forced cursing and
stumbling scholars to grope their re-
spective ways to eight o'clock classes
in . what used to be the wee, sma'
Quick to capitalize on the incon-
venience and discomforture of the
early morning pilgrimage, hawkers
blitzed the campus with a full stock
of f-lashlights, bu ton reflectors and
seeing-eye dogs, at the usual phe-
nominal fee.
Meanwhile service -minded Alpha
Phi Omega members prepared to
open their free guide service at all
girls' dorms early this week. Plans
include a loudspeaker system to in-
termittently blare, "Last guide leav-
ing for Ec 51. Psych 31, spherical trig
and Poli Sci, on track nine-fiiivve
Fcrmerly working on a system of
super daylight saving time to grad-
uate the present senior class in 1938,
Prof. Etaoin Q. Shrdlu of the engi-
neering research department revealed
that he had abandoned the project
and was now working on a formula
for artificial daylight.
Electrical engineering faculty men
huddled with naval science instruc-
tors in an attempt to arrange some
sort of lighting system to help stu-
dents find their classes during the
dawn patrol.
Only The Michigan Technic (adv)
staff greeted. the murk with a smirk.
Alert publicity experts will feed an
electrically lighted sign with "clever"
slogans for the duration, it was
stated. Premiere: Kinda dark, ain't
Today's Question;e
What Time Is It?'.
(By The Assojated Press)
The Michigan TJuse of Represen-
tatives sought today to bring the en-
tire state into step on the simple
question, "What time is it?"
Clocks were set an hour ahead in
most Michigan communities to con-
form with the new War Time urged
by President Roosevelt and estab-
lished by Congress, but the results
were not uniform.
When it was noon in Detroit and
most Lower Peninsula cities it was
also noon in Sault Ste. Marie in the
north and in Grand Rapids in the
But in most of Sault Ste. Marie's
neighbor cities in the Upper Penin-
sula it was an hour earlier, for many
of them had reverted from the state's
official Eastern Standard Time to
Central Time for the winter.,
Holland and Zeeland, which last
week followed the lead of Grand
Rapids in adopting Central Standard
Time, followed it again by backing
out. Both cities voted Monday night
to set their clocks ahead and did at
2 a.m.
This left only Bad Axe as the only
Lower Peninsula community refusing
-Michigan Daily Photo
Alfred Connable, of Ann Arbor,
and Earl H. Burhans, of Paw Paw,
are the University's newest Re-
gents,, veterans of two meetings.
Connable is one of the youngest
men ever to take a Regent's chair
and Burhans is a former state
senator. Burhans arrived at his
first meeting last week together
with FranklinAl. Cook, of Ann Ar-
bor, the Incumbent who ran a few
votes behind in the last election.
Cook has filed a suit still pending
in the state supreme court, claim-
ing that Burhans was illegally elec-
ted because he held another state
office at the time of the balloting.
So for the first time in University
history, the Regents met with nine
men sitting around the table, in-
stead of the legally-provided eight.
' 'Enrollmn t
Drops 9.,7 Pet.
Stock values in fraternity pins and
engagement rings were expected to
rise sharply in female circles yester-
day and today as University enroll-
ment figures revealed a 14.5 per cent
decrease in male students and, at
the same time, an increase in coeds
of two per cent.
The net total enrollment through
yesterday of all schools and colleges
was 6,335 as compared to 7,411 at
this time last year--a total loss of
9.7 per cent.
Every school, with the exception
of engineering and dentistry, showed
a distinct decrease. Hardest hit was
the law school, which lost 253 stu-
dents or approximately 42 per cent;
the graduate school, down 503 stu-
dents; the education school, down
148; and the business administra-
tion school, with a loss of 79.
All tryout members of the Mich-
iganensian business and editorial
staffs will meet at 3:45 tomorrow
in the 'Ensian editorial office to
have their pictures taken for the
Big uns, Men
Rout Jap Push
In Philippines
U.S. Artillery Knocks Out
Enemy Siege Batteries
While Army Lines Hold
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9.-(N)--The;
big guns of Manila Bay's forts and
General Douglas MacArthur's land'
forces jolted a renewed Japanese ef-
fort to crush the stubborn defense
of the Philippines, the War Depart-
ment reported today.
Heavy artillery of Corregidor and
other offshore island fortifications
put out of action several hidden bat-
teries of enemy siege guns, while
MacArthur's men repulsed in heavy
fighting a series of Japanese assaults
on the Bataan peninsula.
The forts scored direct hits, a com-
munique reported, on several of the
concealed and scattered batteries
which from the south shore of the
Bay had been pounding at Corregidor
and other harbor defenses for three
On the peninsula fighting front,
where Japanese attacks have been
frustrated repeatedly for the last
month, the little American Filipino*
army beat off several attempts at
penetration and infiltration such as
have often preceded mass assaults.
Hostile dive bombers were active
over the defense lines, the War De-
partment said, without mentioning
the guerrilla force of American
fighter planes which several times
have scored aerial victories.
Destruction of the enemy siege bat-
teries appeared a substantial triumph
on the duel which has been develop-
ing since enemy guns on the shore of
Cavite Province loosed their initial
heavy bombardment on Saturday.
finals will end on May 27, or June
high school graduates would be un-
able to enroll for the summer term.
Subject to adjustments to suit the
needs of the individual school and
colleges, the three-term program wlll-
be offered concurrently with the us-
ual eight-week summer session. The
Regents explained the program will
"permit students to accelerate their
college programs so that they may
better adjust themselves to war em-
ergency demands. A large number
of enrollees in the regular summer
session are high school teachers who
would be unable to attend a summer
term which would last until Oct. 1.
As the Regents' resolution did not
state that the summer term would
be compulsory, it is to be assumed
that attendance will be voluntary.
This is further borne out by the sec-
ond resolution adopted yesterday
which states that questionnaires will
be submitted to the student body to
determine prospective third-term en-
More To Follow
Yesterday's action can probably be
considered as the preliminaries with
much more to follow, such as a defin-
ite calendar, from the next Regents'
meeting, Feb. 27.
No announcements have= been
made relative to the financing of the
three-term year which now enables
a student to secure a college diploma
in two years and eight months. Last
month the Michigan Legislature ap-
propriated $200,000 to the University
for several technical defense courses,
but this money is earmarked and
cannot be used forany other pur-
pose, such as summer-term. salaries.
Under the three-term year, Uni-
versity of Michigan students will be
on campus 48 weeks of each year,
leaving only four weeks for vacation
time. Regular semester tuition will
be charged during the summer sem-
The text of the three resolutions
approved by the Regents follows:
"To facilitate further progress with
the three-term plan, the following
three recommendations are made re-
questing action at this time by the
Board of Regents:
1. In order to establish the three-
term plan and make general provi-
sion for the calendar, the following
resolution is recommended:-
Resolved, That the University de-
sires to devote its facilities in the
most effective way to aid the national
government in its war program, to
train students to participate effici*
ently in the tasks of state and na-
tional defense, and to permit students
to accelerate their college programs
so that they may better adjust them-
selves to war emergency demands;
That to effectuate this desire of
the University, the Board of Regents
hereby adopts for the duration of the
war a full-time three-term program
of instruction, each term to be sub-
stantially equivalent to a semester,
That, subject to adjustment to suit
the needs of the individual schools
and colleges, the three-term program
shall begin as soon as possible after
the close of the present semester and
shall continue in approximately six-
teen-week periods throughout each
school year.
2. In order to assure careful atten-
tion by students to the questionnaire
which must be submitted, it is rec-
ommended that the Board of Regents
arnt and rive nhlicity to the fol-
Sea Queen Lists To Port:a
Flames Gut Ex-Luxury Liner
Normandie At New York Pier
Reply To Washington's Request:
Course In Malay To Be Given
ByDr. Senstius This Semester
NEW YORK, Feb. 9.-(VP)-Sparks
from a welder's torch transformed
the former French liner Normandie'
into a blazing inferno today and af-
ter hours of burning the ship, once
the proudest passenger vessel afloat,
was in danger of capsizing as her
Hudson River pier.
Of the approximately 2,200 work-
men and naval men aboard the $60,-
000,000 vessel, now the U. S. Naval
Auxiliary Lafayette, early reports in-
dicated at least 98 were hospitalized
and 120 treated for less serious burns
and injuries.
When there appeared to be grave
danger that the ship would topple
over, Capt. C. R. Coman, U. S. Navy
officer assigned to command of the
ship, said she might be scuttled. An
aide said the sea cocks could be
opened to let water pour into the
ship, and allow it to settle in the
firemen to cut oles above tie ves-
sel's water line through which the
torrents of fire-hose water could es-
cape to lessen what he said was the
danger of capsizing.
Disaster units from every New York
City hospital--many of them only re-
cently set up to cope with possible
air raids-were organized at the
liner's 50th street pier to care for the
The fire reached five-alarm pro-
portions after its discovery at 2:30
p.m. (EWT) and flames still were
eating through what once were rich-
ly-appointed salons at 6 p.m. All of
the exquisite French furnishings and
objets d'art had been removed since
the United States took over the ship'
last Dec. 12.
Early theories that the fire might
have been the work of saboteurs were
nncz.4- a~cir-lcbiPtoa, r Arir1 Adrianhus
Universal tongue of the Dutch East
Indies area and a language on Wash-
ington's war essential list, Malay will
be taught here this semester by Prof.
Maurice W. Senstius of the geology
department, the University War
Board announced yesterday.
The new course, set up after a
Washington request, will give stu-
dents a speaking acquaintance with
the Malay language after a semes-
ter's work. It will carry four hours
Attention was called to the demand
for Malay instruction as a result of
Committee of 1942's defense survey.
At that time, six students suggested
such a course, although no Univer-
sity announcement had been made.
Professor Senstius, born in Java
where he spent his first nineteen
years with the Malay-speaking popu-
lation, declared yesterday that the
language would be valuable to both
returned to the East Indies in 1913-17
and again in 1925-26. He told the
Daily that a white man could acquire
a speaking knowledge of Malay after
two months in that area.
Professor Senstius intends to teach
the language using W. E. Maxwell's
"Manual of the Malay Language" as
a text. This booklet, uncopyrighted
and first published in 1881, will be
reproduced by a photo-chromo-lith-
ography process and then distributed
to students taking the course.
According to Assistant Dean Lloyd
S. Woodburne of the literary college,
"overflow" students from Mr. Joseph
Yamagiwa's Japanese course will be
given first preference for instruction
in Malay. Approximately thirty stu-
dents registered for Japanese cannot
be accommodated there.
Malay is the official language
taught by the Dutch East Indies gov-
ernment to natives throughout the
territory. Sixty million people in the