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February 10, 1942 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-02-10

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Armed Forces
Trainmg Plans
Commissions Are Opened
For Upperclass Students
By 7Naval Reserve
Eliminating several qualifications
and opening commissions to a wider
group of students, both the Army and
tVe Navy have announced new mod-
Ifications in their training programs.
Latest announcements on Class
V-7, U. S. Naval Reserve, clarify the
case of students enrolled in five-year
courses. These men may enlist in
V-7, provided they obtain their de-
grees prior to July 1, 1943.
Only fourth and fifth year stu-
dents in the five year courses will be
accepted for enlistment and this priv-
ilege will not be extended to students
taking their third year of such a
program. In making this stipulation,
the Navy Department has followed its
policy of only opening V-7 to juniors
and seniors in four-year courses.
According to a recent Bureau of
Navigation statement, it is not an-
ticipated that V-7 enrolled members
of present junior classes will be re-
quired to perform 'training duty this
summer. Completion of necessary
school work will be given "priority"
over any service training.
The Navy has also opened com-
missions to students enrolled in ac-
credited dental schools and pre-den-
ta students already accepted for
graduate work. If physically quali-
fied, these men are eligible for ap-
pointments to provisional Ensign
commissions in Class H-V(P).
These appointments, also open to
medical and pre-medical students
with similar status, will exempt stu-
dents from selective service induc-
tiQn. Applications should be filed
with the Commandant, 9th Naval
District, Naval Training Station,
great Lakes, Ill.
Under revised Army Air Corps re-
quireinents, all educational qualific-
tions have been waived for appoint-
ment as an avaiation cadet. The tra-
velling examining board, scheduled
to visit Ann Arbor again March 3 and
4, will give "screening" tests designed
to establish the candidate's intelli-
gence rather than the amount of
learning he has absorbed.
Prof. Haber Takes
Governmenit Post
The men in Washington who deal
the cards drew another ace today, as
it was disclosed that Prof. William
;aber of the Economics department
here has been granted leave of ab-
sence for this semester to serve in
Washington on the Bureau of the
Prof. I. L. Sharfman, chairman of
the Economics department, described
Professor Haber's duties as being
"associated with Harold D. Smith,
pirector of the Bureau of Budget in
coorinating proposals and develop-
jpg'policies for the economic protec-
tion of civilians who are exposed to
the hazards of war and also to those
in the armed forces."
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935.
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.

suits, overcoats, typewriters, musi-
cal instruments, ladies' furs, Per-
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monds. Pay from $5 to $500.
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ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
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Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
7112. '7c
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poo and set, 65c all week. Gingham
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Phone 2-4000.
LAUNDRY-2-1044. Sox darned.
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garments promptly done. Opposite
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LOST-Man's wristwatch, red face;
Wednesday between downtown,
East Quad. Reward. Call 2-4591,
211 Prescott.
1'. ST-ng1ish Bllnoen vicinito nf

'U' Marshals Faculty Manpower

With Cancellations Of Sabbaticals

Marshaling all of its faculty °man-
power for the duration of the war,
the University, through its War
Board, has requested the cancellation
of all previously granted professorial
sabbaticals and leaves of absence. .
In a statement to the Regents, Dr.
Louis A. Hopkins, War Board chair-
man, said: "In view of the extreme
gravity of the war emergency, the
University War Board believes that
every institution and organization in
this country must make the most ef-
fective use possible of the manpower
at its command. Consistent with this
conviction, the Board feels that the
services of every University staff
member must be available for work
in connection with the war pro-'
gram .."
The recommendation to prevent
the flow of top-ranking professors
into advisory governmental positions
dovetails with a long-held and often
reiterated conviction of President
Alexander G. Ruthven that the con-
stant wartime drain on faculty tal-
ent must cease.
Fifteen faculty men were granted
leaves of absence during the past se-
mester for governmental work in
Washington. The "intelligence draft"
took the chairman of the political
science department, three from the
economics department, four from the
engineering school, and one each
from the accounting, astronomy,
psychology and geography depart-
ments and the public health, busi-
ness administration schools.
Following the War Board an-
nouncement last week, leaves of ab-
sence previously granted to Profes-
sors Norman H. Anning, Mischa
Titiev, Row W. Cowden, Norman R.
F. Maier, Norman E. Nelson, Maurice
Record Enrollment
Of 6,246 Reported
By Extension Head
Topping previous figures by 2,000,
the extension courses of the Univer-
sity finished the last session with a
record enrollment of 6,246 students.
Dr. Charles E. Fisher, head of the
University Extension Service, pre-
dicts that the total enrollment in the
extension and correspondence courses
for the year will be greater than that
actually in the University.
The correspondence courses had an
enrollment of 2,569 in the period of
July 1 to February 1. In the exten-
sion courses, 2,009 were enrolled in
engineering defense, 830 in under-
graduate work, 368 in graduate
courses, 350 in graduate research,
and 4,698 in non-credit courses.

W. Senstius, Robert S. Ford, George
B. Brigham and John Sundwall were
cancelled at the request of these in-
But in face of the War Board rec-
ommendation 11 leaves, eight of
them occasioned by the war; were
granted on Jan. 30.
Prof. Harry C. Carver, mathe-
matics, will study at Kelly Field,
Texas, preparatory to offering a
course .here in air navigation; the.
leave of Prof. Robley C. Williams,
astronomy, now working for the de-
partment of Terrestrial Magnetism,
was extended; Prof. Theodore M.
Newcomb will work with the Federal
Communications Commission and
Prof. Emerson W. Conlon, aeronauti-
cal engineering, who holds the rank
of lieutenant in the Naval Aeronauti-

cal Reserve, was given leave for the
Prof. Robert P. Briggs, accounting,
was granted leave to devote full time
to his work as chief auditor of all
government contracts in this area;
Prof. Lowell T. Coggeshall, epidemi-
ology, received a two-month leave
to work - on the control -of tropical
diseases for the U. S. Army, and
Prof. William Haber, economics, was
granted a year's leave to devise eco-
nomics protection for those in the
armed forces and their families, and
also for civilians who are exposed to
the hazards of war.
For reasons of health, leaves were
granted to Dr. Hirsch Hootkins, ro-
mance languages, Prof. Mable Ross
Rhead, piano, and Prof. John Alex-
ander, surgery.

Simp leQuestions To Be Asked
In Draft Registration Monday

Only nine simple questions will be
asked those men who register next
Monday, Feb. 16, for possible military
service under the provisions of the
Selective Service Act, Col. E. M. Rose-
crans, state director of Selective
Service for Michigan, said today.
Registration of the individual
should require a comparatively short
time, the director said. The registrant
will not be asked to fill out question-
naires but must only answer ques-
tions about his identity, his place of
residence, and his mailing address.
He will also be required to list his
telephone, if any; his age in years
and date of birth, place of birth, the
name and address of the person who
will always know his address, his em-
ployer's name and address, and his
place of employment or business.
While it is important that registra-
tion be conducted as speedily as pos-
sible, Colonel Rosecrans said that
every registrant will be give ample
time to respond properly to the ques-
tions on the registration card, which
on this occasion will be green. White
and melon colored cards, respectively,
were used for the first and second
Selective Service registrations.
No questionnaires will be given reg-
Offeritalian, Portuguese
Department of Romance Lan-
guages announced today that mem-
bers of the staff are prepared to offer
similar training in Italian and Portu-
guese for students expecting to enter
the national service. All elementary
and intermediate courses in the de-
partment will from now on give spe-
cial attention to the practical use of

istrants when the register Feb. 16,
nor will they then be required to un-
dergo any physical examination.
Questionnaires are given to regis-
trants after their order numbers have
been determined and reached by
their local boards. Physical examina-
tions are given only after the boards
have passed on the general qualifi-
cations of registrants and have de-
termined that they should not be de-
ferred for reasons of interest to the
While registration must be con-
ducted as of Feb. 16 to conform to
the President's Proclamation issued
early in January, all persons who will
find it impossible to register on that
day may register at the office of their
local board on Saturday or Sunday
preceding Registration Day.
When registered, each registrant
must answer the following nine ques-
tions; (1) name of registrant; (2)
place of residence; (3) mailing ad-
dress( if other than place of resi-
dence); (4) telephone; (5) age in
years and date of birth; (6) place of
birth; (7) name and address of per-
son who will always know your ad-
dress; (8) Employer's name and ad-
dress, and (9) place of employment
or business.
After a registrant has answered all
questions and signed his name to the
registration card, he will be given a
registration certificate signed by" the
registrar. This certificate must be
in the personal possession of the reg-
istrant at all times. Failure to possess
the certificate, or to show it to au-
thorized persons, constitutes a vio-
lation of Selective Service Regula-
tions and is considered prima facie
evidence of failure to register.






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