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March 07, 1942 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-07

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Federal 0ffice
Names Hobbs
As Consultant'
Geologist To Give Advice
In Far Eastern Affairs;
Studied Pacific Islands
Prof. William H. Hobbs, who made
a half-year tour of Japanese-man-
dated Pacific Islands in 1921 on a
Nipponese warship, announced yes-
terday that he had been appointed a
consultant on Far Eastern affairs
for the Federal Office of the Coor-
dinator of Information.
The appointment of the geology
professor-emeritus made Hobbs the
fourth University of Michigan pro-
fessor in the Office of the Coordi-
nator of Information. Prof. Charles
P. Remer, of the economics depart-1
ment, is the head of the Far Eastern
division; Prof. Preston E. James, of
the geography department, is chair-
mn of the South American depart-
ment, and Prof. Joseph R. Hayden,
chairman of the political science de-,
partment, is a member of the board
of analysts of the Office of the Co-
ordinator of Information.
As a consultant, Hobbs will not be
required to remain in Washington.
While doing geological research on
mountain formation in 1921, Hobbs
visited Japan, Bonin, the Sulphurs,
the Carolines, the Pelews, Yap and
other Japanese-mandated islands
and then studied North Borneo, the
Macassar Straits, Java, Sumatra and
Foresters Vie
For Whopper
The tallest tale of the woods told
at the Michigan State-Michigan For-
ester's banquet at 7:30 p.m. today
at the Allenel will determine the
home of a new hand carved ox of the
Paul Bunyan type.
Each Forestry Club has a represen-
tative in the running for the trophy.
Michigan State's story teller is Peter
Raphael recounting "Tales of a Bun-
yan." Michigan's contestant in the
"bull run" is Carl Lagenbach, '42
F&C, who will tell the Kekoeskee
Bullhead story.
Prof. P. A. Herbert of the Michi-
gan State Faculty will, speak, the
title of his talk is "Why, When,
Where.", Prof. S. W. Allen of the
forestry school will address the gath-
ering on "War, Peace and the For-
The tall tale trophy of a carved
ox was cut by Alex Yorman, '42F&C.
It is hoped that the ox will become
a regular feature of the annual ban-
quet of the two schools.
Carl Mair will serve'as toastmaster
and Chester Ewing, '42F&C is gen-
eral chairman. The Forestry Club is
sponsoring the banquet.
Bridge Tournament
Will Be Held Today
The first of a series of student-
faculty duplicate bridge tournaments
will be held at 2:30 p.m. today in
Rooms 102 and 103 of the Michigan
Directed by Robert Mathews, '43, of
the Union Executive Council, the
tournament is sponsored by the Stu-
dent Offices of the Union. Rivalry
between the two factions reached a
high pitch during similar contests
last year when the faculty members

emerged victorious by the narrow
margin of 10 points. Conquered stu-
dents enter the tournament today
determined to even the score. To
help the participants during the bat-
tle, refreshments will be served.
Results will be announced in tomor-
row's Daily.
Is the Word for
Yes sir, they're really good!
Come on in this evening and
see for yourself. Besides this
we also specialize in fine old
wines. And the food plus
our fine atmosphere go to
make up in enjoyable eve-

Lack Of Funds May Force Partially
Blind Negro Youth To Leave School

His Weaith Is Across The Pacific

Continued from Page 1)
ambition; he was determined to be
a scholar whatever the effort.
One of five children in a poor De-
troit family, Herman graduated from
Northwestern high school with an all
"A" record, greatly aided by various
devices for the near-blind.
While in high school he was award-
ed by student and faculty vote the
National Honor Society pin for
"scholarship, character,. leadership
and service to the school." In addi-
tion to holding the captaincy of the
debate team in one of its most suc-
cessful years, he participated in a
number of oratorical and extempo-
raneous speech contests, winning all
but one.
'Vaguely Outlined Mass'
Though gifted with outstanding
public speaking ability, he was handi-
capped even in this by his eyes. He
overcame research difficulties ade-
quately but could not take'advantage
of audience reaction. He does not
experience changes in facial expres-
sion at all, only a few heads in the
first few rows and behind them, a'
ASME Grou p
Sets Deadline
Membership Applications,
Will Close March 14,
The deadline for membership in
the student branch of the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers has
been set for Saturday, March 14, John
Koeffel, '43E, membership chairman,
announced yesterday.
Application blanks may be secured
from the bulletin board of the library,
West Engineering Building, or from
the membership chairman, and no
applications willnbe accepted after
the stated deadline.
At its next meeting, scheduled for
March 18, the ASME will be hosts to
the Detroit section of the society.
The guest engineers willjudge the
reading of papers for the student
competition at this time. The author
of the winning paper, in addition to
receiving a cash prize, will be sent
to the spring conference of mid-
western colleges to be held at Notre
Dame later on in the semester, where
inter-sectional competition will be
Mechanical engineers interested in
the competition can turn in their
papers to Jack Templer, '42E, or Bill
Koffel, '42E. All readings will be
limited to 15 minutes.
Keller To Discuss
Present Religious
Crisis In Europe
Dr. Adolph Keller, prominent an-
alyst of European Protestantism, will
lecture on "The Present Religious
Crisis in Europe," at 8:15 p.m. Tues-
day, March 10, in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall.
Swiss-born Dr. Keller, following
studies at the' universities of Basel,
Geneva and Berlin, taught and held
the assistant pastorate in the inter-
national quarter of Cairo and did sig-
nificant research work on Greek New
Testament manuscripts in the Near
East on which the Moffatt transla-
tion was based.
Returning to Switzerland as a Pro-
fessor of Religious Education at the
State College, Schaffhausen, he was
soon given the pastorate of historic
St. Peter's Church in Zurich. Sub-
sequent work with the Federal Coun-
cil of Churches, the Swiss Church
Federation and numerous other re-
ligious movements on the continent
have established Dr. Keller through-
out Europe and the Near East as one
of the most effective workers in the

cooperative and ecumenical move-
ment within European Protestantism.
Author of numerous books on
Christian philosophy, Dr. Keller has
written prolifically on the continent-
al churches which he will discuss in
his lecture.
Speech Club's Symposium
To Concern Home Defense
The student's view of various stages
in Civilian Defense will be presented
when the Speech Club meets William
Jewell College of Liberty, Mo., at 8
p.m. tomorrow in the Union.
Two speakers from each side will
take part in the symposium, ours be-
ing represented by John Muehl, '44L,
and Walter Germain, '43.

vaguely outlined mass. His glasses a paper for his English composition
merely "tone-up" his vision and are course, he uses a special typewriter
not corrective, with letters nearly one-quarter of an
His lreife hopeoinch high.
His lifelong hope of attending the Initiated recently into Phi Eta Sig-
University of Michigan was realized ma honor society and "shootin' for
through one of these speech con- Phi Beta Kappa," Herman uses Bra-
tests. He delivered a talk before the ille whenever possible. Last year he
Detroit Lions Club which inspired a wrote his final exams from questions
prepared in Braille on a machine
spontaeous offer to pay his room and owned by a member of the economics'
board if he came here. I department.
Encouraged by the offer, Herman Winner of the Speech 31 inter=
obtained a tuition and text book class contests, Herman has tried his
scholarship from the StateRehabili-Ihand at debating under Prof. Arthur
Secord. but research into small-tvne

tation Division and came to school
here in February, 1941.{
Cannot Read Print
Since then "life," as Herman Puts
it, "has been no picnic." It has been1
scarred by helpless frustration andf
marked by achievement. His heartI
set on the legal profession, with his-
tory his major, Herman attained anT
all "A" record in everything but his-
tory. For in this subject the requiredt
reading has been too much for Her-t
man, since he cannot read print. I
Herman has no way of studying
except that of employing a person to
read him the assignments aloud. This
has worked well so far. Herman
made his scholastic record during the
first year with only 12 or 13 hours of1
"sound readings" a week. A shortagec
of NYA funds, which pay the read-1
ers, reduced this form of study to an
insufficient 10 hours this semester.
And Herman, who believes he needs
a minimum of 16 hours weekly, is
convinced his education is being se-
riously obstructed for this reason.
Keen Memory
His memory is so keen that he
studies extremely little for final ex-
a-ms. Not having been able to take
many notes, he painfully developed
the facility of making one reading
session impress the material firmly7
upon his mind.
When Herman writes a speech or
Ordnance Men
Quartered Here
'U' Regents Billet Twenty
In Lawyers Club
About 20 students enrolled in the
course for ordnance inspectors are
now quartered in the Lawyers Club
with the approximately 200 regular
law students living there.
The Regents authorized this ac-1
commodation in a move to aid those
enrolled in the defense work as well
as to make up the decreased number
of lawyers, one of the groups hard-
est hit by the draft.
Not only those enrolled in the ord-
nance inspection course, but other
groups in similar defense courses
who may be sent here in the future,
as well as undergraduates pursuing
pre-legal studies, are eligible to ap-
At present there are none of these
in the Club and it is impossible to
make predictions about next year un-
til the enrollment of the Law School
is known. The Lawyers Club is never
open in the Summer Session so the
intervention of the war calendar will
have no effect upon it.
Senior Gets Library '
Science Scholarship
Frances Rae Reece, '42, has been
awarded the Margaret Mann library
science scholarship for the current
Miss Reece, who holds a Bachelor
of Arts degree from an Indiana
teachers college, is enrolled now in
the University library science depart-
ment. She was awarded the $75
scholarship on the basis of outstand-
ing undergraduate work.
NROTC Rifle Team
Scores Two Victories
The NROTC rifle team scored two
wins and a loss in a postal match
last Saturday with Rice, Holy Cross
and Northwestern.
The individual team scores were:
Michigan 1791, Holy Cross 1433, Rice
1655 and Northwestern 1857.
Morton Hunter, '44, led the Michi-
gan team in individual scoring with
377 points; followed by Harry Miller,
'45, 358; David Anderson, '45A, 356;
Allan Lewis, '45E, 353, and Maitland

Comb, '44E, 347 points.

1 .11..1~Vl lAy -t. 11. 4)l,.Wlrujj 114VV 4)311[ I-VYkly

volumes pulled success from his
Pessimistic Future
Herman's desire to learn will never
burn out. But today, with no money
from family or other sources, he is
pessimistic about his future. The
scholarship for tuition and textbooks
may be cut off in June because the
State Rehabilitation Division is get-
ting constantly smaller appropria-
tions from the Federal Government.
Likewise, the Lions Club may feel too
ipinchedto continue providing his
room and board.
He is doing all he can to get Uni-
versity scholarships' and stay in
school. He has little but his courage
to back him. He would gladly work
but his eyes render him unfit for any
ordinary jobs. If Herman Hudson
leaves the University next June, his
loss will not be the greatest.
Seger Talk
To Be Given.
Former member of the German
Reichstag and now a popular author
and lecturer, Gerhart Seger will dis-
cuss "Hitler's War-Our Peace" in a
public lecture at 4 p.m. tomorrow in
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Seger's lecturing and editorial work
in America began only after he es-
caped the notorious Nazi concentra-
tion camp at Oranienburg where he
had been confined by Adolf Hitler's
arrest of 117 members of the Reich-
stag opposition.
From 1930 to 1933 Seger as a mem-
ber of the German Socialist party was
on the Reichstag Foreign Affairs
Committee. After his arrest and con-
finement, he managed to escape to
England where he was finally able to
bring his wife and child-held by the
Nazis as hostages for his return.
Seger, now editor of the widely-
read Neue Volkszeitung, has written
a book, "Oranienburg," dealing with
his concentration camp experiences
and escape.
Tomorrow's lecture will mark Se-
ger's third appearance, in Ann Ar-
bor' Last year he addressed local
audiences on "The German Fifth
Column" and "What Confronts
Dr. Patoni States
Reformns Sought
By EInglish' cGroups
(Continued from Page 1)
greying Scotchman admitted that
certain people in England opposed re-
linquishing power over that country.
In India itself there is still the prob-
lem of the Mohammedan minority.
This minority is reluctant to trust
the All-India Congress which repre-
sents the Hindu sect. The Moham-
medans even go as far as to suggest
an autonomous state for themselves.
Whether a victorious Russia will
be a problem after the war depends
largely on the actions of the United
States and Britain, Dr. Paton ex-
plained. If the democracies aid Rus-
sia and reach an understanding with
her, she will cooperate in the peace.
Contrary to the popular belief, the
majority of the Russian people are
still intensely religious. More than
one-third of the people in the cities
and two-thirds in the rural areas at-
tend church regularly.
Movie To Be Shown
A colored motion picture entitled
"Sex Hormones, Physiology, Diag-
nosis and Therapy," will be presented
at the monthly meeting of the Wash-
tenaw County Medical Society at 6

p.m. Tuesday in the Union.

New Position
opeied .lnU.S.
Radio Service
Examination Applications.
Offered T(o Engineering
Seniors, Crad Students
A radio inspector's position in the
Federal Communications Commis-
sion has been added to the new jobs
in the radio field, the U.S. Civil
Service Commission recently an-
Applications for the written test
on radio and electrical engineering
must be filed with the Commission's
Washington, D.C., office not later
than April 21, 1942. They will be
accepted from senior students in
electrical or communication engineer-
ing or physics, or from graduate stu-
dents in communication engineer-
ing. The only stipulation is that
their courses must be completed by
Oct. 1, 1942.
Duties of these positions involve
radio inspection work of all kinds,
including inspecting radio equipment
on ships, aircraft, and at various
land stations to determine compli-
ance with Government specifications.
Salaries range from $2,000 to $2,600
a year. The maximum age is 45 years.
Assistant positions are also open
for which the completion of a 4-year
college course in electrical or com-
munication engineering or physics is
prescribed. All applicants must be
able to transmit and receive mes-
sages in the International Morse

-Michigan Daily Photo
VICTOR C. CHANG .. . practices his economics
Jealthy, JV risol sted Chinese
Student BecomesBRus ByHr

Cut off from his family by war in
the Pacific, Victor C. Chang, son of
a wealthy Shanghai, China, banker,
is working "for the duration" as a
bus boy in a campus restaurant here
A graduate student in economics,
Chang came here last August with
money enough to last through June
when he intended to return to China.
"But it looks as if I'll be here a
long time," Chang said, "so I began
applying my studies to some practical
economizing after Dec. 7."
In Shanghai Chang was a memberj
of the San Ming Chu I, Chinese youth1
society, secret in the occupied zone
and led -by Generalissimo Chiang
Kai-Shek. The party had been
purged by the occupying Jap forces
since 1938. Betrayed by a fellow
member, young Chang fled to Hong-
Kong in 1940 where he remained in-
cognito until last summer when he
slipped out of China, through Shang-
hai, to further his education in the
United States.
The smiling and conscientious bus
boy-economist earned his A.B. at St.
John's University in Shanghai where
he learned English from a textbook.
Still a little bewildered by everyday
use of the . English tongue, ChangI
rapidly picked up American slang1
from his fellow-workers and has
mastered the restaurant-pronuncia-
tion of "beef-steak," "tenderloin"
and "T-Bone."
A member of one of China's influ-
ential families in the fight against
the Japanese aggressor, Chang says
his first name should be Victory in-
stead of Victor.
His last letter from home, he re-
lates, came early in November. No
answers have come to his telegrams
sent to his parents on Dec. 7. Chang
said he has resigned himself to not
hearing from his parents until the
war is over.
The young Chinese aristocrat, who
spends 212 hours daily scraping dish-
es, still pulls down first rate grades in
the economics department.
"You know," he told one of his fel-
low workers, "this is the first time I
have ever worked."
Here on campus he is the treasurer
of the Chinese Club and is a mem-
ber of a Chinese social organization,
the F.F. Fraternity.
Chang is anxious to return to
China to enter government work but
is planning to seek employment in
the United States to tide himself
Double Feature Bill
The world'
funniest fe-
solve a mur-
der in her
own dizzy
wayl It's o
S riotl '

over after he receives his master's'
degree this May.


MAN STUDENT to work for room.
334 Thompson. Phone 4494.
Must be college fraternity man.
Car necessary. Reply, Box 13, The
Michigan Daily. 264c
LOST-Light, shell-rimmed glasses
between Chemistry Bldg. and State
St. on North University. Call 8381.
Near Waterman Gym, Thursday
afternoon. Reward. Robert Lind-
ner. Phone 2-1018. 265c
WANTED-One basic ROTC shirt.
389 TL6 auouc{ '91 aziS
CASH for used clothing; men and
ladies. Claude H. Brown, 512 S.
Main St. Phone 2-2736. 5c
suits, overcoats, typewriters, musi-
cal instruments, ladies' furs, Per-
sian lamb, mink, watches, dia-
monds. Pay from $5 to $500.
Phone Sam, 3627. 229c
STOCKWELL and Mosher-Jordan
residents-Alterations on women's
garments promptly done. Opposite
Stockwell. Phone 2-2678. 3c

DOUBLE ROOM for men. Com-
fortable, clean, warm. Close to
campus. 731 Haven, 6468.
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 2c
PERMANENTS. $3.00-$7.00. Sham-
poo and set, 65c all week, Gingham
Girl Beauty Shop, 302 S. State.
Phone 2-4000.
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State. 6c
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
7112. 7c
TYPING: L. M. Heywood, 414 May-
nard St., phone 5689.
MISS , ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.



(with English titles)
"The best picture present-
ed anlwhere in Ihe world"
'- -1

Lost Times Today !


lane Darwell
Bruce Edwards
Cohina Wright, Jr.
Cecil Kellaway
Katharine Alexander
lack sear!
RSulwfeD.. ...



We don't cook
our fond

R" 41 A


Screen Play
by S. K.
Directed by


Spotlight on Indo-China
The Lucky Duck (in color)










t .U E.. - -

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