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March 07, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-07

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Spring Showers.



Rep. Dies Raises
His Head Again ..




Nine Men




32nd Western Conference
Is Scene Of Ohio State,
Michigan,_Illinois Battle
Wright Sets New
Mark In Hurdles
(Spcial to The Daily)
CHICAGO, March 6. - Fulfilling
the most exaggerated advance pub-
licity stories of becoming a dog-fight
meet, the 32nd annual Western Con-
ference indoor track and field cham-,
pionships opened a two-day stand
here in Chicago's spacious Field
House tonight with Ohio State, Mich-
igan and Illinois battling to place
men in the preliminary qualifying
Qualifying 10 runners, one more
than the Wolverines and two more
than the' Buckeyes got in under the
wire, it was Illinois that set the pace
in the first round of the tourney.
Ohio State, with its runners spread
out in more events, still loomed as
the strongest probability to cop the
title, however, with the Wolverines
also very much in the running.
Wright Sets Record
Bob Wright, the sensational hurd-
ler and dash star, of the Buckeye
crew, lived up to all the superlatives
which sports writers have been heap-~
ingupon him by setting a new Amer-
ican and Big Ten indoor mark in the
70 yard low hurdles. Leaping over
the timbers at full speed, the lanky
Wright sped to the tape in 7.8 sec-
onds, just one-tenth of a second bet-
ter than the existing mark set by
Illinois' Don Olsen in 1941. Olsen,
running in the second semi-final
heat, tied his mark of last year.
Farmer Betters Mark
One other Big Ten record was
shoved into oblivion as Lee Farmer,
Iowa's most favored thinclad star,
put the finishing touches to the
broad jump record with a tremen-
dous leap of 23 feet, 2% inches. Dal-
las Dupe of 'Ohio State also bettered
the Conference mark in this event,
finishing behind Farmer in tonight's
qualifying round.
Bobby Ufer, ace of Michigan's
quarter milers' highlighted the Wol-
verine cause tonight. Competing in
the preliminary trials of the 440 yard
run, old "Hose-Nose" turned in the
best time of the heats with a very
fast 49.5 seconds. Then an hour later,
the phenomenal Ufer broke from
Turn to Page 3, Col. 1
Friends Question
H. W. Cobb's Fate
In Batavia's Fall
As the Japanese war machine pen-
trated deeper into Java yesterday, de-
vouring Batavia, the imperial capi-
tal of all the Dutch East Indies, the
fate of Harry W. McCobb, '25E, was
questioned by his friends here in Ann
McCobb, who had been stationed
in Palembang, Sumatra for ten years
as an official for the Standard Oil
Company, was forced to leave his post
and flee to Batavia when the island
of Sumatra was invaded recently.
Before evacuating Palembang, he
and his colleagues completely de-
stroyed their $100,000,000 refinery so
that it would be useless to the in-
No word has been received from
McCobb by his wife or friends until
last week when he sent a cablegram
to his family saying that he was
"safe" in Batavia after barely escap-
ing the Japanese invasion of Sum-
One time manager of the Intra-
mural Department, McCobb was a
member of Michigamua and Sphinx.
Attack On Australia

Declared Iminent
MELBOURNE, March 6. -(IP-
Japan will attack Australia "in a
matter of weeks, not months," Major
General Henry Gordon Bennett de-
clared today in calling for swift,
positive action.
As if in reply, Prime Minister John
Curtin submitted a proclamation
making all men up to 60 liable for
military service.

Favored To Win 440

... .Michigan's star performer
Allied Forces,
Suffer Heavy
Blows In ,Java

Plan Altered
In Committee
Permanent Group Formed
To Share Management,
Powers Of Amendment
Funds To Be Given
To Undergraduates
The Bomber-Scholarship plan-
already approved by student and
University authorities-came out of
a revision committee meeting yes-
terday with its main program intact
and only slight changes in minor
Originally proposed by the Abe
Lincoln Cooperative House, Bomber-
Scholarships still mean voluntary so-
cial mobilization of the campus- to
buy a $100,000 bomber now and give
aid to returning student war veter-
ans after the next Armistice.
The revision committee, a newly-
created organ of the Committee of
1942, heard Art Rude, '42, outline the
plan in full detail and then directed
the final form in which Rude's pro-
posal will be heard by the Commit-
tee of Student Affairs.
Permanent Committee
Major result of yesterday's meet-
ing was the organization of a perma-
nent Bomber-Scholarship Commit-
tee to supervise administration of the
plan and share amending powers
with the University student affairs
The organizations now represent-
ed on this committee, to become ef-
fective June 1, 1942, include Inter-
fraternity Council, Inter-Coopera-
tive Council, the Student Senate, the
League, the Union, the Student Re-
ligious Association, the Committee of
1942 and the Abe Lincoln Coopera-
tive. This list is entirely tentative
and will be supplemented at a future
As adopted in committee yesterday,
the plan would offer aid to a man
who has served for at least one year
in the U.S. armed forces, completed
the equivalent of two University un-
dergraduate semesters, and fit to
comply with the University Scholar-
ship Committee's qualifications of
need, character and scholarship.
Every Race, Color, Creed
These scholarships will be offered
only to students who have not re-
ceived any University degree, but
they have no restrictions as to race,
color, or creed.
All funds remaining for Bomber-
Scholarships 10 years after the war,
it -was decided yesterday, will be
committed to the University Schol-
arship Committee to use as it sees
Wide flexibility is one of the most
salient features of the plan, accord-
ing to Rude. The Committee of
1942, for example, can advise amount
of contributions, but actual dona-
tions are entirely in the hands of
organizations themselves.
If Bomber-Scholarship continues
to receive its endorsements begun by
President Alexander Ruthven, then
every party, dance, athletic event,
University stage performance, and
special function will have a chance
to contribute to the fund.
Equity Stressed
"Above everything else," Rude told
the revision committee," "we can-
not lose sight of the principle of
equity. We owe to the men who
have gone a chance to receive that
which we are enjoying now."

The plan, in addition to its rela-
tion to University students and
faculty members, also provides for
alumni contributions and a possible
nation-wide campaign.

U.S. Mission


Leave For



Defense Equipment To Civilians;

Reveals Plan

Plans To Develop Indian
Resources For Future
Supply Base Revealed
American Troops
Labor it Eritrea
(Associated Press Staff Writer)
WASHINGTON, March 6. -(p)-
Plans for developing the industrial
resources of India and turning that
country into a vast supply base for
United Nations Forces were revealed
today with an announcement that
an American mission would leave for
India soon to see what the United
States can do to help the project
In view of India's strategic location
between two great theaters of war-
the Western Pacific and the Mediter-
ranean area-the potential value of
the plan was striking. Some were of
the opinion, however, that a consid-
erable period might be needed to
make it effective.
In some quarters, too, there was a
disposition to examine the project
for whatever influence it might
have, intendedly or otherwise, on the
current effort to sway Indian Na-
tionalist leaders into enthusiastic and
active support of the war effort.
Simultaneously with the State De-
partment's announcement of the In-
dian plan, word came from London
that American men and materials
are building a great supply base in
Eritrea, one which a British spokes-
man said would be a "whacker." His
statement served, too, as confirma-
tion of reports, repeatedly heard, that
American troops had been sent to
North Africa.
Negro Scholar,
Almost Blind,
May'Qat' oU'

Local'Private Builders Share
In Defense Housing Program


Indies' Capital Lost
Defenders Retreat
PrepareLast Stand

(By The Associated Press)
BANDOENG, Java, March 6.-The
Allied forces, approaching a state of
exhaustion under the cruel, unending
pressure of the enemy's overwhelm-
ing force, fell back tonight into the
rough interior for a last stand, aban-
doning to the Japanese much of
Western Java and Batavia itself, the
imperial capital of all the Dutch East
Disaster fell as well upon the east-
ern island; there the invader had
driven almost to the southern coast
with the capture of Jogjakarta less
than 15 miles from the sea, and thus
had completed the utter destruction
of communications westward from
the Soerabaja naval base and was
cutting Java in two.
It appeared that the main defend-
ing forces were withdrawing to the
plateau about this temporary capital
and military headquarters, striking
out doggedly with their last strength
in wild rear guard actions as they
approached the hills of decision for
this island.
Bone-tired as they were, sleepless
for days under the unbroken thunder
of enemy bombing, the Dutch, Amer-
icans, Australians and British never-
theless desperately and momentarily
snatched the initiative here and
At least one sector previously over-
run by invaders was deported re-
gained in Allied counter-attacks, this
apparently in the rough arch being
pressed down upon Bandoeng by the
enemy from his earlier positions
about 25 miles distant in three direc-
tions-from Poerkawakrta to the
northwest, 'Kalidjati to the north,
Soebang to the northeast.

To Distribute

Project To Be Financed
By Government Money,
Aided ByPrivate Funds
Vego Nelson, president of the Ann
Arbor Real Estate Board, said last
night that local private builders
would speedily take care of their bur-
den in the giant defense housing pro-
gram approved for the Detroit met-
ropolitan area by the government as
a direct result of Frederic A. Delano's
visit there recently.
Huge Project
The 180 million dollar 45,000 unit
project-biggest ever attempted by
the government-will be built out of
Federal money for 15,000 of the units
and will be bolstered by private funds
for the other 30,000 uhits, John B.
Ta Maternelle'
Will Be Given
ByArt Cinema
Well-Known French Film
Will Play Tomorrow
At Lydia Mendellsohn
The only movie ever made which
such critics as Andre Sennwald and
Thornton Delhanty believe "worth
standing up to see" will be shown by
the Art Cinema League at 6:30 p.m.
and 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
"La Maternelle" - children of
Montmartre-has won similar praise
from local audiences when presented
here on previous occasions. It will
be shown with English titles. Tick-
ets are on sale at the League desk
and Wahr's bookstore.
The film relates the story of a
Parisian maternity ward where the
children of the poverty-ridden spend
their days while their parents are out
trying to scrape up enough money
for the evening meal. To the par-
ents, the evening meal is a special
ceremony for which the children
must be brought home at night.
Paulette Flamert plays the part of
the unfortunate child whose mother,
a Montmartre prostitute, leaves for-
ever in the*care of the ward. Rose,
played by Madeline Renaud, is the
nurse who finds in Paulette a fitting
object for her love.
Miss Renaud, a member of the
Comedie Francaise, contributes heav-
ily to the picture which Vanity Fair
termed "a film of passionate impor-
tance with the most remarkable per-
formance ever given."
Two short subjects, "Spotlight on
Indo-China" and "The Lucky Duck,"
will also be shown.

Blandford, Jr., new housing head,
announced yesterday.
Plans are already being made to
erect the first 15,000 units and ac-
tual construction is expected to get
under way within sixty days. Mean-
while, Blandford will work with the
Federal Housing Authority to arrange
for private industry to take the heav-
iest brunt of the gigantic program.
Calling on all private industry to
"do everything possible to aid the
government," Vego Nelson declared
that private builders in and around
Ann Arbor can raise as many as 700
low-cost homes in the first year if
they work at top speed.
"An absolute rock-bottom mini-
mum that Ann Arbor can take care
of won't fall below the 500-mark,"
Nelson said. "And if this city can
extend its facilities in order to carry
sanitary conditions to the houses as
they go up, we'll be able to contribute
1,000 units to the project."
Expensive Homes
For the past three years, Nelson
stated, private builders here have
put up an average of 250 houses an-
nually but they have been expensive
homes in large part. "If we concen-
trate on the less expensive below-
$6,000 units," he pointed out, "we'll
easily contribute our share in this de-
fense move."
More than half of the new build-
ings would be built outside of Ann
Arbor near Ypsilanti and they would
all be dependent upon sanitary con-
ditions. The houses would be lo-
cated 4round existing facilities.
Nelson urged the cooperation of
private industry to get behind the
government but he also declared that
every community must extend its
facilities to areas as yet undeveloped
"because in those areas the new
FHA-approved houses will be cen-
Tomn Mooney Dies
In San Francisco
AfterLong Illness
SAN FRANCISCO, March 6.-(P)-
Tom Mooney, central figure in a
cause celebre of militant labor, whose
very name once precipitated violent
debate and mass demonstrations
throughout the world, died today in
a hospital bed.
At 58 he failed to recover from a
five-hour operation for stomach ul-
cers, the fourth operation in the
three years since he was pardoned.
The ulcers tormented him during
the 22 years he spent in San Quentin
Penitentiary for the 1916 San Fran-
cisco Preparedness Day bombing
which killed ten people and injured
40. They-cut short his ambition to
become a great labor leader after he
was freed by Gov. Culbert L. Olson,
quickly ended his nationwide speak-
ing tour at Pittsburgh in November,
1939, and caused his death in the
hospital bed where he had lain since.

'Great Convoys' Carrying
American Troops, Guns
In Pacific,_London Says
Filipinos Ordered
To GiveUp Bolos
WASHINGTON, March 6.--)-
The Office of Civilian Defense to-
night announced a program for the
distribution of steel helmets, gas
masks, fire apparatus, stretchers and
other civilian equipment to chosen
cities and towns in the coastal "tar-
get area" and vulnerable inland cen-
ters of war industry.
Likelihood of enemy attack, vul-
nerability, and the importance of war
industries in each area are the basic
considerations on which communities
will get priority on the civilian de-
fense equipment to be purchased with
$100,000,000 provided by Congress
last month.
Allocation To Be Made
Allocations will be made under a
list of communities drafted jointly
by OCD and the War Department,
and cities need not appeal for equip-
ment, Landis said.
The target area extends 300 miles
inland from the Atlantic, Pacific and
Gulf coasts, but also includes 33 other
cities which have not been named but
were included because of their im-
portance to war production. Not all
communities in the target area will
receive civilian defense equipment,
Landis said, nor will population de-
termine the amount of equipment to
be granted in all cases.
"Where two communities are of
equal size and vulnerability, the com-
munity having the more vital war
production will receive the larger
amount of equipment," the director
Fire Fighting Equipment
Fire fighting equipment will go to
cities under 200,000 population on the
basis of one auxiliary pumper for
each pumper now operated by the
city, plus one pumper for each exist-
ing pumper over 15 years old. In cit-
ies over 200,000 population, because
of high value property areas, two
pumpers will be alloted for each
pumper now in operation, plus one
pumper for each pumper over 15
years old.
Because of military requirements,
no self-propelled fire fighting appar-
atus can be alloted to cities, Landis
said. Two types of pumps will be
supplied, to be mounted on trucks
supplied by the cities. One type will
be powered by the truck motor, the
other will have a self contained power
American Troops
Reported In Pacific
LONDON, Saturday, March 7.-(P)
-Walter Farr, Daily Mail corre-
spondent assigned to .the United
States Pacific Fleet, in a dispatch to
his newspaper datelined "at sea Fri-
day" said "great convoys of ships
carrying American troops, pilots,
planes, tanks and guns are heading
through the Southwest Pacific.
This correspondent wrote that
"naval and air battles without paral-
lel in history are developing."
"These massive forces will not only
help to defend Australia," Farr wrote.
"They are taking with them large
quantities of materials to be used to
build foundations for a greatoffen-
sive against the Japanese. Every ship
in every convoy is a load of concen-
trated hitting power.
"They are carrying hundreds of the
finest pilots America can produce,
powerful units trained in landing op-
erations, hardy infantry from Amer-
ican plains," he said.
Japs Order Filipinos
To Surrender Bolos

WASHINGTON, March 6. -j-(A-
The Japanese invaders of the Philip-
pines, apparently fearing a popular
revolt, have ordered that civilians
surrender their bolos along with all
other weapons.
The Japanese decision to impound
these long knives which are both
farm tools and weapons to the Fili-
pinos was reported in a War De-
partment communique today.

Play Producers Hurdle Obstacles:
Technical Difficulties Overcome
In Success Of Student Opera

.. blurred images
* * *
Herman C. Hudson, '44-the shy
Negro boy who has translated the
blurred images of his nearly-blind
eyes into eloquent speech and amaz-
ing accomplishment-may soon be
just another one of those students
forced to leaveschool because he
couldn't meet expenses.
He fought the toughest obstacles
in his search for knowledge. Now,
after a year in college, his scholar-
ships are uncertain. They provide,
only the barest necessities, and not a1
cent for clothing or spending money.
But they mean everything to him.-
Herman Hudson can.hardly see.
Attacked by spinal meningitis at
the age of four, the nerves of both
eyes were largely deadened, injured
beyond repair. This did not dull his
Turn to Page 2, Col. 2
Navy Announces
Loss OfMotorship
KEY WEST, Fla., March 6.-(P)-
The Navy announced tonight that
the 2,850-ton motorship Leif had
been torpedoed "somewhere in the
Atlantic" with the probable loss of
15 lives.

A Church Leader's War Views:
Paton Praises Lack Of Hatred
In British Victory Determination

In spite of the many technical dif-
ficulties that presented themselves in
putting on Mascagni's "Cavalleria
Rusticana," the results as witnessed
by large audiences at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre prove that Play
Production and the School of Music
have the ability to surmount them
with ease.
First of the obstacles in presenting
the "first grand opera to be given by
students on campus" was that of a
large and unwieldy cast. Outside of
the nine soloists in "The Impresario"
and Mascagni's masterpiece, there

way. For this reason, there are fivef
separate exits on stage.
Emma Hirsch, costumiere, had her
difficulties, too. She had to satisfy
not only her own specifications as to
color and period of the costumes, but
also the desires of the singers who
had to have graceful dress which
permitted great freedom of movement
for singing.
However, the major problem was
in the line of directing. Whenever
two groups combine to put on a pro-
duction, there are of necessity sev-
eral viewpoints on given situations.

Although there is no great hate for
the Germans in England, the British
people, in the opinion of Dr. William
Paton, have a grim determination to
see the war through to a successful
Delivering the second lecture in a
series sponsored by the Student Re-
ligious Association last night in the
Rackham Lecture Hall, the famed
British church leadei' declared that
Britain did not seek the economic
destruction, of Germany. No ond in
England fails to understand, how-
ever, that victory in the war was the
most important prerequisite to a bet-
ter European order. Of all British
political groups labor is the most
solid supporter of the war effort.
Dr. Paton insisted that the first
tasks to confront the Allies after the

disrupted by the great shifts in pop-
ulation because of the necessity of
evacuations. Other millions of young
men and women have been separated
from their former religious centers by
service with the armed forces. Their
situation is somewhat compensated
by the chaplain service.
Dr. Paton reported that German
bombings have destroyed between one
and two thousand churches or at
least damaged them severely enough
to warrant postponement of their
rebuilding until after the war.
Social Reorganization
Before Peace Proposed
Practically all British religious
groups are trying to correlate ideas on
social reorganization, Dr. William

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