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March 07, 1942 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-07

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- -ru- ~

Illini Place Ten Men In Big Ten Track Finals As Michigan, Ohio State Folloi
(Continued froi Page 1)

w Closely

the blocks in the semi-finals of the event and sprint-
ed the distance in 49.1 seconds, a full second faster
than the time turned in by Indiana's Harry Price,
winner of the second semi-final
Ufer's time in the semi-finals is
less than a second off the Ameri-
.an indoor record set by Hoosier
Roy Cochran last year and there
s a possibility that the speedy
Wolverine might put Cochran's
record in danger of its life when
the finals are run off tomorrow.
Al Thomas Frank McCarthy, versatile high-
scoring Michigan thinclad, upon whom a large bur-
den of Michigan's hopes for another title rest, add-
ed much to Wolverine hopes tonight. Competing
with an injured hip which he sustained in the Pitt
meet last week, McCarthy still managed to qualify
in the high hurdles and the broad jump. The husky
cinderman's biggest test still looms before him,l

however, with the high jump event not scheduled
to be run off until tomorrow.
Michigan's sprint star, Al Thomas, reaped his
share of laurels as he tied Farmer of Iowa for the
best qualifying time in the 60 yard dash with a fast
6.3 seconds. The blond speedster also qualified in
the low hurdles, placing behind Illinois' Olsen in the
semi-finals of that event. Chuck Pinney, sophomore1
Wolverine timber-topper, also raced to aqualifying
place in the low, running just a stride behind the
sensational Wright in the preliminary trials.
The best race of the evening occurred in the third
qualifying heat of the 880 yard run. With such stars
competing against each other as Bob Rehberg of
Illinois, Hoosier Paul Kendall, Buckeyes Ed Jones
and Ed Porter, and Michigan's Johnny Roxborough,
the race resolved itself into a solid conglomeration
of men, each fighting to break away from the
mass. Not until the last turn was Rehberg able to
turn on the heat and lead the pack to the tape. Rox-
borough, running on the outside for most of the dis-,

i __ _

tance in a vain attempt to pass the mob, was nosed
out of third place just a stride from the finish line
by Ohio State's Jones and failed to qualify.
With the finals in the track events and all the
field events still to be run off tomorrow, Ohio State
remains as favorite to carry home the first Big Ten
indoor track title in its history. Michigan and Illi-

nois, both of whom place more men in the qualify-
ing preliminary trails tonight, still loom very much
in the picture, however, and the ultimate outcome of
the meet remains as much an uncertainty as before.
60-Yard Dash (second heat): Won by Alfred
Thomas, Michigan; second, Don Olsen, Illinois;
third, Robert Keim, Purdue. Time 6.3 seconds.
60-Yard Dash (third heat): Won by Bob Wright.
Ohio State; secodn, Alfred Piel, Michigan; third,
John Towle, Wisconsin. Time 6.5 seconds.
440-Yard Dash Semi-finals (three from each heat
qualify for finals); (first heat): Won by Bob Ufer,
Michigan; second, Russell Owen, Ohio State; third,
Paul Anthony, Purdue. Time, 49.1 seconds.
440-Yard Dash Semi-Finals (second heat): WonE
by Harry Price, Indiana; second, Robert Kelley, Illi-
nois; third, Bryon Zolin, Wisconsin. Time, 50.1 sec-
70-Yard Low Hurdle Semi-Finals (three from
each heat qualify for finals); (first heat): Won by
Bob Wright, Ohio State; second, Bill Lewis, Illinois;!

third, Charles Pinney, Michigan.. Time, 7.8 seconds.
(Betters American Indoor Record and sets new Big
Ten record. Old record, 7.9 seconds, by Don Olsen,
Illinois, in 1941),
70-Yard Low Hurdle Semi-Finals (second heat):
Won by Don Olsen, Illinois; second. Alfred Thomas,
Michigan; third, Henry Vollenweider, Iowa. Time,
7.9 seconds.
Broad Jump (six qualify for finals): Won by Lee
Farmer, Iowa (23 feet 2 inches; new conference
record; old record, 22 feet 7%8 inches, by Burnett,
Indiana, in 1941); second, Dallas Dupre, Ohio State
(22 feet 111' inches); third, Bill Lewis, Illinois (22
feet 2 inches); fourth, Maurie Gould, Illinois (22 feet
114 inches); fifth, Frank McCarthy, Michigan X21 feet
114 inches); sixth, Lexie Mills, Indiana (21 feet
9 inches).
880-Yard Run (second heat): Won by Earl Mit-
chell, Indiana; second, Robert Kelley, Illinois; third,
David Matthews, Michigan. Time, 1:56.9.
Editor's Note: Space limitations prevent publication
of complete track summaries.)


Stormy Big Ten

Rules Session



Drastic Changes

Mermen Face
Weak Gopher
Elchlepp, Minnesota Ace
Freestyler, May Force
Patten To New Record
(Special to The Daily)
MINNEAPOLIS, March 7.-(/P)-
Michigan's 1942 swimming team,
with only a defeat at the hands of
Yale's natatorial Goliath to mar its
record, will face its last dual meet foe
of the season in the personage of an
underdog Minnesota crew here to-
Heavily .favored to score its ninth
triumph of the year and with only
the Big Ten and National Collegiate
Meets remaining on its schedule, the
eleven man Wolverine squad will at-
tempt to make a clean sweep of every
first place at the expense of the
Golden Gophers.
Gophers Best In Years
Minnesota, enjoying its best season
in 15 years, is still considered far
below the par of the Maize and Blue
tankers. To date, the Norsemen, un-
der the tutelage of Neils Thorpe, have
banished five opponents while losing
only to the Buckeyes of Ohio State.
The lads from Columbus handed the
Twin City aggregation a 60-24 lac-
ing in the early part of the campaign,
while, for the sake of comparison,
the power-laden Wolverines have
twice defeated the Scarlet and Gray
color bearers.
Heading the list of Minnesota pad-
dlers will be Arnie Elchlepp, ace dis-
tance swimmer and one of the lead-
ing 220 and 440 freestyle men in the
Conference. But the highly-touted
Gopher will hit the water for the
first time of the year in the unfa-
miliar role of the undeidog tonight,
facing the brilliant Michigan star
Jack Patten.
Patten, Record Breaker
Patten has already cracked the of-
ficial Big Ten 220 mark three times,
and no let-up is expected tonight
with Elchlepp pressing him all the.
way. Coach Matt Mann may also
enter the Wolverine junior in the
400 freestyle relay in an effort to
discover if he can swim the relay in'
winning time after participating in
the grueling distance events.l
Michigan's Dick Riedl, who thisl
year has blossomed into one of thet
nation's best backstrokers, will battlet
a new sophomore sensation, a greatlyt
improved Bill Ewens. At the begin-
ning of the year, Ewens was regardedt
as the third Minnesota dorsal entry,
but his rapid advancement has rele-t
gated him to the number one positioni
on the Gopher squad.z

Officials Study New Fresh maii,
Eligibility,Longer Grid Season
Opportunities To Engage Service Teamus On Gridiron,
Court Planned By Conference Athletic Directors
(Special to The Daily)
CHICAGO, March 6.--Western Conference athletic directors, confer-
ring here in their most vital meeting in Big Ten history, emerged tonight
from the second stormy session of a three-day confab and presented their
far-reaching recommendations to Conference faculty representatives for
final action tomorrow.
Although the bulk of the important matters on the Conference agenda
have finally been hashed, out in long and sometimes violent discussions, most
of the precedent-shattering develop- - -- -- -
ments will not be announced until
late tomorrow. Recommendations
were submitted by the athletic direc-
tors to the faculty representatives at ..
a joint banquet tonight, and final .
approval is expected to be forthcom-:
ing with little or no revision.
The most pressing problem facing .
the conference leaders-abrogation
or retention of the present freshman
rule requiring one year's residence be-
fore varsity competition-was dis-
cussed at great length, but no public
announcement has been made about"
the final decision. Underground ru-
mor in the Hotel Windermere lobby,
indicates that some sort of compro-
mise plan involving a shorter resi-
dence on campus-perhaps one sem-
ester-would stand out as the Con-
ference's official attitude.
Indications are that the Big Ten
rule restricting member schools to
eight football games will be relaxed
next fall in order that service teams 11 o. 'FRITZ' CRISLER
may be scheduled. A large portion of active in conference
Thursda.y's session dealt with this - v - -- enc
matter, and the directors are under- 16, because Purdue, Indiana and Iowa
stood to be in hearty accord with will graduate seniors the second week
giving service outfits such as Greatw. ayk
Lakes and the naval commandos of i May.o
the Iowa training base a berth on the Anc tne thrg uelrged
enlarged grid slates, to continue throughout the enlarged
summer sessions looms as a certain
Definite action has been taken by item for Conference official approval,
the directors on the Conference bas- while competition on an intercolle-
ketball schedules and this awaits only giate basis is also in the offing, al-
the faculty okay to become law. Cage though on a de-emphasized plane.
slates of all members will be sliced Indications are that the present limit
from 15 games to 13 in order that on starting football practice drills in
gervice teams may be engaged on the the fall will not be altered.
hardwoods also. Chicago's requeste.
that it be cut to nine Conference tilts
was approved in addition. Each Big
Ten team will have four home-and-
home series, making eight games.
Single games with Conference foes-
two home and two away-shove the
total to 12, while the 13th will be
the Chicago contest.
A multitude of smaller items on * RQpxA
the three-day docket have also been
discussed. Tentative plans-still in
the rumor stage-call for a moving m
up of the Conference outdoor track
meet to an earlier date, possibly May By H
Daily Spor

Club To Offer
Annual Award
Buffalo M ien To Announce
Winner At Swim Meet
The Michigan chapter of Scalp
and Blade announced yesterday that
it would present this year's swim-
ming trophy to the "most deserving"
senior swimmer next Saturday night
during the Western Conference meet
to be held here in Ann Arbor.
Scalp and Blade, an organization
of men from Buffalo, N. Y., made
public the announcement that the
annual trophy would be presented
this year to a senior member of Matt
Mann's swimming crew on the basis
of good sportsmanship, team spirit,
and general ability.
Robert Sager, president of the or-
ganization, stated that less emphasis
would be placed on whether or not
the chosen swimmer has beena so-
called "star" during his career, and
that perseverance and cooperation
would be considered more this year.
On this basis each senior member
of the varsity tank squad has an
equal opportunity to be chosen as the
recipient of the cup exemplifying the
outstanding natator who will be
graduated in June. Included in the
list of candidates for the award are
Capt. Dobby Burton, Dick Riedl, Gus
Sharemet, T-Bone Martin, and John
Shareme t.
Past performances in previous
years will be ignored in determining
the winner because the organization
feels that the purpose of the award
is to stimulate interest and competi-
tive spirit among Matt Mann's
The Scalp and Blade swimming
trophy was presented for the first
time last year at the National AAU
indoor meet in the Sport Building
pool. Jim Welsh, Michigan's great
distance star, received the first cup
when he took two first places in the
Conference meet, a first and two sec-
onds in the National Intercollegiates,
and a third and fourth the night the
presentation was made.

Hockey Squad To Climax Home
Season Tonight With Tech Team

Local hockey fans receive their last
opportunity to see the Varsity in ac-
tion tonight when the Wolverines
tangle with Michigan Tech at 8 p.m.
in the Coliseum.
Fresh from their overtime 2-2 tie
last Thursday night, the two teams
meet in the fourth game of the 1941-
42 season. While the Maize and Blue
sextet will attempt to ring up the
first victory on home ice, the Miners
are shooting for the mythical state
puck title which the Wolverines
grabbed last year.
Maybe A Tie
Michigan's chances of retaining the
title are nonsexistent, having but two
ties to their credit against Tech. The
visitors took a single victory earlier
in the season, so the best that Eddie
Lowrey's team can do is to tie for the
title-and that means a win tonight.
If the Wolverines can tie the type
of play which they exhibited in the
final Minnesota clash, together with
the improved play of Hank Loud in
the nets, tonight's battle can have
more in store for the fans than many
previous contests. For the first time
in many contests, Michigan came
from behind on Thursday. And that's
a mighty important indication to be
Injury Big Difference
The loss of Captain Goldsmith to
the squad could easily have been the
difference betweeen a tie and a vic-
tory for the Wolverines Thursday.
Goldie had been improving with every
game, and was just reaching his peak.
Contrary to a previous statement,
Goldsmith didn't have the measles
(just a rash), but the severity of a
hemorrhage in the back is going to
keep the battling leader on the side-
lines again tonight.
Taking a quick gander at the game
two days ago, one big thing stands
out. Except for a few scattered min-
utes, the play in general by both
teams was a bit on the rugged side.
That was between the blue lines, but
here we pick up a transfer. Inside,
and in front of both nets, Fred Meyer
and Hank Loud turned in some of
the best net-minding seen in the Col-
iseum this year.
Tech Goalie Is Star
Meyer handled 34 shots almost
flawlessly, while Loud took the same
number, with ten to boot. The be-
spectacled Meyer brought many
moans from Michigan rooters when
he turned away at least a half dozen
shots that looked like sure things.
If you're looking for excitement
tonight, take the ident card out of
the other pants (or purse), and make

Plays Last Home Game

Mat Hopefuls
East Detroit High Defends
Title At Waterman Gym
Contrary to popular belief there
will be a wrestling meet in Ann Ar-
bor today.
The tournament howeve- will not
include the Varsity matmen among
its entries. It is instead the State
High School Invitational Wrestling
Tournament, which is just another
way of saying that by about 9:30 p.m.
today the state high school mat
champions will have been decided
for anothoc year.
The meet will be no small affair.
There are 118 entries who have fil-
tered into this community from a l
over the state. At 1 p.m. in Wa-
terman Gym the eliminations will
ommence and finally at 7:30 thei
field will have been redu(ced to six-
teen finalists and the tona ni nu1'S
championship bouts will he-.in.
East Detroit Favored
Advance indications are that East
Detroit High School, the (ilenl ding
champions, will be defen ding the title
again next year. Last season wIen
they copped the crown tlicy were
tough and this year they're even
tougher. They should repeat.
Other teams in the tourney have
their own ideas on this subject how-
ever. Grand Rapids Union High,
Grand Rapids Ottowa High, Flint
Northern and Cranbrook School all
have squads sporting plenty of mat
talent whose members are out to
hang one on the titleholders.
The public is cordially invited to
drop over to Waterman and watch
the tournament. Always assuming of
course that there'll be room for spec-
tators when all the entries are in the
Snead Takes Crown
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., March 6,
--(1P-Sammy Snead of Hot Springs,
Va., captured the 72-hole St. Peters-
burg open crown today for the third
time in four years by shooting two
rounds of 75 and 70 for a total of
286, 2 under par, for the 72-hole dis-
for sale at
SW40" I FT'S
340 South State

the Coliseum tonight's destination.
And it's a sure bet that there won't
be any dissenters after it's all over.
Remember, it'll be the Varsity's last
appearance on their own ice, and
they deserve a break.

M ichigaji

Po s. Michigan Techb
G Meyer
R D Mars
L D Beebe
C Wilson
R W Kellow
L W Petaja (c)
Wins Overweight
With Monltgo mery

Poragg4's 'ough Luck
1, Tells A, Stry
rts Editor


NEW YORK, March 6. -(P)-
Fighting probably the greatest bout
of his seven-year career, lightweight
champion Sammy Angott pounded
out a 12-round victory tonight over
his No. I challenger, Bob Montgom-
cry, in a bruising brawl in Madison
Square Garden. Angott weighed 139;
Montgomery 135%.
He not only switched from his cus-
tomary cautious boxing to battle the
Philadblphian at his own game--
slugging-but he also chalked up the
only knockdown of the tussle, and
beat the Quaker City Negro to the
punch virtually all the way.
Jurges To Lead Giants
MIAMI, Fla,, March 6.-(/P)-
Shortstop Billy Jurges, who found
trouble coming to terms with the
New York Giants, signed his con-
tract late today-and immediately
was named team captain.



C HCAGO, March 6. --A"ost as
many Wolverine track fans
crowded into the New York Central's
Mercury from Ann Arbor this after-
noon as there were spectators at the
Conference indoor classics tonight.
The huge Maroon Field House was
seven-eights empty, and contestants
easily outnumbered paid admissions.
On board the Streamliner was a
sizeable group of Michigan enthus-
iasts including the football coaches
Clarence Muin and Earl Martin-
ean, Prof. and Mrs. Phil Diamond,
Mrs. Ken Doherty, track men Bob
Segula, Ernie Leonardi and John
McKean, and Michigan's acting
faculty re'presen~tativ'e, Prof. Arthur
EVERY TIME Biggy Munn takes a
track trip he is reminded of an
incident that occurred 12 years ago
as he was making a train jaunt with
the Minnesota cinder outfit. "My
train stopped at a point where the
tracks crossed those of another train
at right angles," lie declares, "and a
train on the opposite tracks missed
the signal light. It blasted right
through the middle of our train, rip-
ping it completely just a few yards
from where I sat."

men, official or otherwise, discussing
the latest rumor and behind every
other palm was a newspaperman,
straining ears. Athletic Director
Fritz Crisler was cornered for a while
with a naval officer, while anxious
journalists stood around at a radius
of 30 feet.
Wolverine quarter-mile ace Bob
Ufer was quartered in a spacious
three room suite, along with four
other Michigan cindermen, upon
arrival, but was forced to move al-
most immediately. The room was
freshly painted, and Ufer developed
a paint allergy.
MICHIGAN'S swimming team pass-
ed through Chicago around 10
p.m. on their way to Minnesota.
Track manager Chuck Boynton had
to dress in a sweat suit in order to
pursue his duties on the infield. In-
diana's great 440-man of last year,
Roy Cochran, was warming up in his
new Great Lakes Naval Training out-
fit. Cochran is going to run a special
paced quarter tomorrow night in an
effort to shatter his present world's
record of 48.2 seconds. Wolverine
Johnny Kautz did not make the trip
because of German measles.

Golf lessons will start Monday
afternoon at the Golf nets in the
f-M Building.
Ray Courtright, Golf Coach.

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