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March 05, 1942 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-05

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Pucemen Open Home Serie s Agaist MichignTc
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Freshmen Win'
Cage Numerals
Fisher Praises Yearling
"This is the best bunch of freshman
basketball players that I've had in
recent years" That's what Coach
Ray Fisher commented yesterday
when he announced the names of 13
frosh basketball numeral winners.
Indeed, Coach Fisher has been very
pleased by the showing of his year-
ling players during the past season.
In a recent game against the Varsity,
they gave the regulars plenty of trou-
ble before losing in the final quar-
ter, 61 to 48. Several of the frosh
should see action next year on the
Those that received the 1945 num-
erals included Stratton S. Brown,
Ann Arbor; Thomas K. Buchanan,
Imlay City; Alex Eisenstein, Chicago;
Harold E. Fix, Akron, O.; Robert P.
Hurley, Grosse Point; Donald H.
Lund, Detroit.
The list continues with Charles E.
Ketterer, Detroit; William H. Mik-
ulich, Traunik; Eugene W. Moushey,
Marshall; Walter B. Pipp, Grand
Rapids; John F. Piepenbrink, Crete,
Ill.; David H. Strack, Indianapolis,
Id.; and Robert L. Wiese, James-
town, N.D.
Ted Williams May Enlist
CHICAGO, March 4.-(/P)-Ted
Williams, who batted .406 for the
Boston Red Sox last year, was re-
ported today to be in Chicago, indi-
cating that he may be ready to enlist
in the armed services.
Ride at
Free Transportation
to and from stables
Every Friday
Call 2-3441

By Alt''11111
(The perpetrator of this heinous crime, High And Inside, has not been enrolled
in universitate during the current semester. Now, wI' the troop-ship on the tide,
hie takes pen in hand for "the last tlime. He'll be around for more than ia month
but, this being asstudent jourual, his works will ot more hieie appear.)
SPORT WRITERS, you may have inferred long ecre this, are a strange
and ridiculous lot. They sit around football locker rooms and banter
with the players and then, never having played anything more strenu-
ous than a good fast game of draughts, they go back to the office and
confide to their cohorts that Joe Blotz, all-conference tackle for the last
seven years, couldn't punch his way out of a paper bag.
In the spring, they lie on the green grass behind third base while a
coach, who has forgotten more about baseball than most of them will ever
know, hits hot ground balls at a recruit infielder and snort when the kid
bobbles one or makes a throw that pulls the first baseman a little to his right.
They call their columns names like High And Inside or Sportfolio or
something similar to let their readers know that the dope contained therein
is straight from the proverbial feed-box.
They write inspiring epics which begin, "Our head is bowed but
our sad heart is filled with hope," or something equally preposterous.
Most of all (and this, for student writers at least, is by far their most
unforgivable sin), they write farewell columns containing the most maudlin
tripe ever created.
Always, they assure all who are interested (and there usually aren't
many) that, when the end comes, they will not write a sad, nostalgic column,
dealing with their lives since they were small boys living in snow-covered
cabins in the Adirondacks.
BUT NOT US. We knew from the beginning that we'd succumb so,
as we sit down at our battered typewriter for the last fateful time
(that phrase is merely a heart-rending product of the sports writers
alleged art and no reflection on the Daily's typewriters), let's start by
admitting that it's been a helluva lot of fun.
The beer and the laughs have"flown freely up here and down there.
Now, don't get us wrong, good gentlemen of the Board. What we're trying
to say is that the laughs have been abundant up here (what with such buf-
foons as Paul Chandler, Gene Gribbroek, Joe Walker and the rest around)
and that the beer has been plentiful in other places. New York, Chicago,
oh, a guy really gets around while writing for The Daily. And at his own
expense, too, which gives him such a sense of freedom and laissez-faire and
poullet roti au cresson and all that sort of thing.
AND WE MIGHT MENTION that several of the athletes with whom
we deal have given out with the chuckles in no small way, oo.
There's genial Bob Ingalls of the football team. This year's baske ball
and baseball squads are doubly blessed with two jokers name of Whitey
Holman and Bill Cartmill. And there are lots more. All athletes aren't
so dumb. That's just a fallacy.
We've been lucky in that we came to the University of Michigan when
we did. Few collegiate sports scribblers have had the chance to eulogize
anything like the beautiful ball-carrying style of a halfback like Tom Har-
mon. Few people, in fact, will ever see a back as great as Tom.
AND, NO SOONER had the Hoosier Hurricane stepped down, than
along came a 19-year-old kid who could hit a baseball so far (and look
so good doing it) that every major league club in the business was after
his services, down to and including the Philadelphia Phils. And since
prophecy is part and parcel of the trade, we might as well include a pre-
diction here too. We hereby unequivocally predict that Dick Wakefield,
'44, of the Detroit Tigers, will become a fine, yes, even great, major
league bell player, even if he never learns to field a fly ball better than
passably. At the plate, Dick is little short of poetic.
Finally, to Hal Wilson and all the other guys who are here now or have
gone before, especially my good friend, Gene Gribbroek, now of Uncle Sam's4
sea arm, so long. And thanks for the laughs.
And, if Hal and the Board in Control of Student Publications will okay
it, I'll write another one of these things before I shake the dust of the Uni-
versity City from my feet.'

Varsity Minus
Paul Goldsmith
For First Tilt

Today's 'Best
Bet -Skinner

Michigan Spirit May E rda itler
IBuckeye Hopes For Track Title

On List

Pl ace

c h iju ry,
C lipaii
I nactives

To Wiln Titk fy noB S
These track prognosticators axed
sports dopesters, who have been
By BUD IENDEL shouting from the roof-tops that
A big guy with a perfect build and Ohio State would breeze through to
a grim look on his face plunged into an easy victory in the Western Con-
the Sports Building Pool at approxi- ference championships at Chicago
mately 4:30 p.m. yesterday and Friday and Saturday, seem to have
breaststroked 500 yards in the light- forgotten one very important angle
ning time of 6:48, just eight seconds in making their predictions- and
shy of the world's record. that is the traditional Michigan
The big guy was Jim Skinner, ace spirit.
Michigan butterfly ace who holds the Long associated with Wolverine
Big Ten, National Collegiate and Na- athletic teams, this intangible qual-
tional AAU breaststroke titles. He ity called spirit has been especially
was also the same Jim Skinner who evident in Michigan track teams of

(Continued from Page 1)
was one of the top individual per-
formances seen on the Coliseum ice
this year.
Holding down the nets will be
plucky Hank Loud, junior goalie.
Hank was hot last night in the
Freshman-Varsity battle, and if he
can do as well tonight, the Miners
will find goal-getting a bit more dif-
ficult than they have experienced in
previous contests.
Ruh], Tech Star, Injured
Like the Wolverines, Michiganj
Tech has received a big setback byI
virtue of an injury. Jack Ruhl,
scrappy junior wing, broke his wrist
in a game with Minnesota last week.]
Ruhl had been the key man in the
Miners' attack, and his loss weakens
the visitors very much.
With the exception of Ruhl, Tech
will ice the same team that beat and
tied the Wolverines earlier in the
season. Coached by Doc Rommes,
former Toronto Maple Leaf star, the
Miners will present one of the small-
est squads seen on Michigan ice.
Robillard Leads Miners
Best Michigan Tech bets to watch
in tonight's game are Bob Robillard,
Fred Meyer and Captain Bob Petaja.
Robillard is a little fellow who barely
tips the scales over 100 pounds. A
spectator's player, Robillard moves
his tiny frame around with amazing
Captain Petaja is a clever stick-
handler with speed to burn. He is
also one of the Miners' best shots.
Meyer, one of the biggest men on the
squad, is a very capable goalie who
received much praise after the recent
series with Minnesota.

lost a dual meet race to unheralded
Joe Jodka of Massachusettes State
College in the early part of the sea-
son. And the big guy was the same
Jim Skinner who not very far back
was defeated by Johnny Meyer of
And that's why the big guy with
the perfect build is wearing a grim
look on his face these days.
Skinner Has Score To Settle
For the Wolverine star has a score
to settle with those two New Eng-
land lads. He's out to wipe those
defeats right off the record by show-
ing Jodka and Meyer a rear view of
his flying arms when they tangle in
the National Collegiates at the end
of this month. That's why he's train-
ing now with more dogged concentra-
tion and determination than ever be-
fore in his life.
Skinner first broke into the na-
tionwide spotlight when he won the
National AAU 200 yard crown as a
freshman two years ago. Last year
he continued his brilliant work as he
made a clean sweep of the Big Ten,
National Collegiate and National AAU
titles. But this year the great Wol-
verine breaststroker struck a snag
from which, as yesterday's perform-
ance indicates, he is just beginning
to untangle himself.
Unofficially Broke World's Record
Last season Skinner tied the Mich-
igan 200 yard mark set by Jack Kas-
ley as he reeled off a 2:22.5 clocking
against Northwestern. In a time trial
last year, the Maize and Blue star
broke the listed world's record of 2:22
held by Richard Hough, streaking
the 200 yards in 2:21.8. To date this
season, his best is 2:26.8, a time good
enough for most swimmers but a far
cry from Skinner at his best.
But the champ is now rounding in-
to shape. By the time the National
Collegiates take place he expects to
be in the best form of his career,
Both he and Coach Matt Mann are
sure of one thing: Joe Jodka and
Johnny Meyer are due for a beating.
And it seems a safe bet.

the past-and especially when the
cinder squad has been pitted against
Ohio State. For records show that
only once in the 26 year history of
track competition between the two
schools have the Buckeyes squeezed
out a win over the indomitable Wol-
Wolverine Spirit Has Done It
From way back in 1916, up through
the days of the great Charlie Beech-
am and Jesse Owens to the present,
Michigan track teams have found
themselves with their backs to the
wall, underdogs to supposedly super-
ior Buckeye squads. And time and
time again these same Michigan
track teams have reared back on
their haunches when the chips were
down and fought through to upset
those Buckeyes.
This 1942 edition of the Wolverine

track dteam has a'cady given evi-
dence that it is thoroughly imbued
with that requisite Michigan spirit.
In the Notre Dame meet two weeks
ago, for example, the Irish. with what
is probably the best team in its his-
1ory, were favored to trounce the
Michigan crew without too much
trouble. But the Wolverines, remem-
bering that they were supposed to
be the "Champions of theWest," out-
did themselves that night and
emerged from the meet with a 12
point margin of victory.
May Do It Aginl
It is for this reason that Michigan
track fans refuse to become discour-
aged in the face of the onslaught of
stories emanating from the Buckeye
camp, telling of the tremendous pow-
er of Ohio State. As Coach Ken Doh-
erty put it, "Michigan teams have a
habit of coming through when the
Conference meet rolls around." With
a few breaks in the right direction,
coupled with some of that spirit, the
Wolverines might fight off that
Buckeye threat once more.
elt y! Joe
"Havye you tried a Facial, Scalp treato-
ment - Person lity hair style - cus-
tom-made for you alone - recently?"
The Itscola Barbers
Between State and Mich. Theatre

cu& th UN/ON


Pos, Tech
G Meyer
RD Mars
LD Beebe
C Petaja (c)
RW Robillard
LW Lyford

Sophomores interested in trying
out for baseball manager should
report to the Field House between
2 p.m. and 5 p.m. any afternoon
this week.
--J.M. Hlallissy, Senior Manager





C 0-f
Business is looking for trained as-
sistants. The job you look for-
ward to will 'expect to find you

Ufer Out To Break National Record

prepared when your moment ar-
rives! This is the time to prepare.
Here is the .capable, practical In-
struction you need. Serious, am-
bitious students here, today, are
the men and women of tomorrow's
William at State

Before this week wanes and passes
into eternity it may take with it the
unforgettable story of a new national
indoor record in the 440-yard dash,
surpassing the sensational 48.2 per-
formance of Indiana's 1941 cham-
pion, Roy Cochrane.
A slim, be-spectacled and smooth-
striding Wolverine quarter-miler has
his heart set on erasing that record
from the books and establishing a
new mark, and he can do it if pushed
hard enough.
To Michigan fans he is Bob Ufer
who even cautious Ken Doherty,
Wolverine varsity track coach, admits
is the greatest indoor quarter-miler
in the country today, And Doherty
is not in the habit of speaking mean-
ingless words. To his fellow track-
men Ufer is affectionately known as
Yes, Ufer is definitely out to
topple Cochrane from that mythical
throne. In fact, Bob has been con-
centrating on that quarter all year
in an effort to remove all flaws from
his racing form. Ufer still must
overcome a certain amount of ner-

vous tension from the starting blocks
and that tendency to "swing it" the
last 20 yards when his muscles be-
gin tightening up.
Friday night in the dual meet
with Pittsburgh, "Hose-Nose" breezed
through a quarter in 49.1 seconds, ty-
ing the five-year-old Field House
record established by Pitt's long-
striding Johnny Woodruff back in
1937. Two weeks before he had dashed
through his first competitive quarter-
mile of the indoor season in 48.8, only
six-tenths of a second off Cochrane's
national record.
Michigan first heard of Ufer in
1938 when Doherty was attending
the Penn Relays at Philadelphia with
a team. The good-natured kid from
Mt. Lebanon was anchoring a crack
Mercersburg, Pa., Academy relay
quartet that year.

Events took their natural course,
as they usually do, and Bob turned
up at Michigan the following year.
Under the guidance of Frosh Coach
Chester Stackhouse, "Hose-Nose" de-
veloped rapidly.
Showing little regard for existing
all-time frosh records, Bob made his
name immortal among Michigan
track fans by cracking all marks
from the 100 through the 880. Four
records were marked in the books-
the 100 in 9.8, the 220 in 21.2, the
440 in 49.1 and the 880 in 1:56.5.
As a sophomore, Bob chased Roy
Cochrane, Indiana's 1941 national in-
door quarter-mile champion, across
the finish line in the indoor confer-
ence meet at Purdue last year. Bob
led until the last 30 yards, and
Cochrane had to hit 48.4 seconds to
beat him by a stride.

11I 0il

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