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March 05, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-05

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.( 'P tC t It Mt L

Washington Merry-Go-Round

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertisinig Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Staff

Emile Gel .
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick
Gerald E. Burns
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill
Janet Hooker,
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell
Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright

. . . Managing Editor
. . .Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. . . Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
. Assistant Women's Editor
. . . Exchange Editor

Business Stafffa
* * Business Manager
. Associate Business Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager
. Women's Business- Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Sacrifice Needed
To Gain Victory . .
T HE MOVE to rid strategic military
areas on the west coast of thei
alien populations struck an unexpected snag
recently when, although everyone agreed that
aliens ought to be removed from., the areas, no
one could agree on just where these transients
should be sent.
Loudest squawks came from the governors
of the several states into which it was proposed
that the aliens be moved. Granting that there
is some ground for protest - what person would
like to have the responsibility of watching over
a few thousand enemy aliens? - it must at
the same time be realized that this attitude of
protest is one which may well be expanded until
everyone is trying to argue his way out of an add-.
ed hardship instead of accepting the additional
responsibility which must come to us all if we
are to win the war,
ITEUT. COL. L. A. CODD, executive vice-presi-
dent of the Army Ordnance Association, re-
cently told local members of the Association
that "We cannot possibly hope to win the war
without suffering and sacrifice. And it will be
suffering the like of which Americans have never
before endured."
More people every day are coming to the real-
ization that far from being a pushover for the
United Nations, the war has every possibility,
yes, even probability, of lasting for several years,
and that it will tax every resource, material and
personnel at our command. There can no longer
be any doubt that this is not a "win-the-war-in-
your-spare-time" proposition; every man, woman
and child in the country will have to do his
part and perhaps even a bit more to bring peace
again as quickly as possible.
In view of these axioms, it seems incredible
that any real American would object to taking
on a little added responsibility to help our war
effort. And yet that is exactly what has hap-
pened on the west coast and may well occur
again when similar demands are made else-
PEARL HARBOR wasn't the kind of an alarm
one can shut off while turning over for five
minutes additional sleep. We have already lost
much valuable time because of our lethargy,
and, as the production lines phrase it, "Time
is Short!" The time has come when we must all
declare ourselves ready to make the necessary
sacrifices, to accept the necessary suffering, to
take on the added responsibilities.
It isn't a plea to the other fellow, the fellow
beside you in psych lecture or across from you
at the dinner table; it's a plea to you! The will
to sacrifice must be present not only in our
armed forces but in every person in the country
before these 48 states can truly be called United.
-Charles Thatcher
Propagauda Letters
And Campus Apathy.. ..
WAR, various groups in the country
have deplored the passive attitude taken by the
populace toward the fact that we must awake

WASHINGTON-Some pointed questions re-
garding rubber supplies to the big tire and rub-
ber companies have been prepared by the Tru-
man Committee to be fired at Jesse Jones and
Leon Henderson this week.
Among other things the committee will ask
whether it is true (1) that Goodyear, Good-
rich, Firestone and U.S. Rubber were permitted
to draw 26 per cent more rubber than normally
during the past year; (2) whether Montgomery
Ward stocked up with $60,000,000 worth of tires;
(3) whether big trucking firms have stocked up
with three years' supply of tires. (It was, of
course, the privilege of any individual or cor-
poration to stock up with strong reserves prior
to Pearl Harbor and the rationing of rubber,
but the committee is interested in locating the
big sources of supply for, the war effort.)
The Truman Committee received information
from the Tariff Commission regarding the above
questions and asked Leon Henderson and Jesse
Government Must End
Indulstrial Idleness . .
T IS beginning to look as if it's going
to take even more than a Pearl Har-
bor to fully awaken America. With both Presi-
dent Roosevelt and the War Production Board's
chief, Donald M. Nelson, calling for an increased
war.effort, government inefficiency in utilizing
existing prodution facilities is still too evident.
Facing, in the words of the President himself,
a "crucial spring," the nation may take comfort
in the thought that in the New York City area
alone thousands of machines are lying idle.
Shipyards that could build' hundreds of sub-
chasers to track down the Axis submarines oper-
ating off our coasts are without government or-
ders. Unfortunately, this situation is probably
duplicated in many other major production
aeas in the count y.
The New York City fiasco, exposed by the
newspaper PM, gave rise to many conflicting
claims. While the idle machines and unutilized
shipyards were undeniable, responsibility for this
lack of foresight was not so clear. Its hand
forced by the PM charges and the declarations
of Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia that his city
awaited only the orders to go to work, the War
Production Board insisted that it had placed all
present orders and that the fault lay with the
Army and Navy, who had not made enough re-
quests. Mr. Nelson's office blamed the Army
and Navy delay in requesting placements on in-
decision as to the models and priorities of war
REGARDLESS of where the blame lies, it is
almost unbelievable that, with an Allied of-
fensive in both Europe and the Pacific war area
awaiting only the provisioning of supplies, ca-
pacity American production is not yet a reality.
One of the New York City shipyards cited by
PM in its survey alone during 1917-18 built ten
150-foot steel Navy tugs, ten 110-foot subchasers
and some 60 landing boats. Full use oe all simi-
lar ship building facilities would be enough to
rapidly tip the naval balance of power in our
In his speech Monday Mr. Nelson called upon
labor and management to bury the hatchet and
join together in a gigantic production program
embracing a 168-hour week. "We shall not stop
work for a single da'y," said the President in his
fireside chat last week. These good intentions
deserve hearty applause. It is extremely dis-
heartening to see them blocked by inexcusable
shifting of responsibility and delay.
Even more discouraging is the fact that th
same thing has occurred before and apparently
will do so again. Early conversion of the auto-
mobile industry to wartime production was
bungled and still is not complete. It will also
take time to make use now of the idle plants and
shipyards of New York and other areas. Prob-
ably some future mistakes can be expected.
BUT the government must make a whole-
hearted attempt to achieve efficient use
of the American industrial machine. There must
be no idle plants or shipyards or unnecessary.
production for civilian consumption. Material
supremacy over the Axis is necessary to a suc-
cessful Allied defense and later offense. Every
American is willing to make sacrifices to assure
final victory. That same American, however,

can only expect and demand that his government
plan and carry out an efficient war program
that makes those sacrifices worthwhile.
- George W. Sallad6

Jones about them in a closed door session. The
two defense moguls did not seem to know the
answers. Jesse Jones passed the buck on to
Henderson, who, he said, was in charge of con-
sumer matters.
Question Of Storage
JHEN the Truman Committee asked Hender-
son whether the Big Four rubber compan-
ies had been permitted to draw a much greater
supply of rubber than usual through the Rubber
Reserve Corporation in 1941, he replied that the
"question of storage is involved." In other words,
we rushed into this country 400,000 extra tons
of rubber last year and it had to be stored some
place. However, Henderson did not make it
clear whether the Big Four, by storing the rub-
ber, could keep it permanently.
Note: In addition to drawing 26 per cent more
rubber last year, the Big Four also got 90,000
tons of rubber out of the 145,000 tons imported
since Pearl Harbor. The Truman Committee
wants to ascertain 'whether this went strictly
for war orders.
'If The Japanese Take Ceylon'
the War Production Board came before
the Truman Committee recently they gave esti-
mates of all the rubber they expected to scrape
together from different parts of the world until
such time as Jesse Jones' slow-moving synthetic
rubber program could swing into action.
Included in these estimates were 100,000 tons
of rubber from Ceylon.
"What!" exclaimed Senator Brewster of Maine
who has been the chief senatorial crusader on
the rubber shortage. "Do you still carry that
on your books? Haven't you read the morning
Boiling down all the rubber testimony, the
Truman Committee found that if the Japanese
take Ceylon, as they are expected to do, the
U.S.A. will be 500,000 tons of rubber short in
1943 for military purposes. And this does not
allow a single ton of rubber for civilian use.
It does not even allow rubber for the tires of
defense workers, some of whom will be living
in new defense housing projects built ten miles
from factories "because the air is better."


OPENING NIGHT in the School of Music and
Play Production's new twin bill opera en-
deavor saw Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, and all
who were fortunate enough to be present therein,
alternately rock with laughter and tense in the
emotion of tragic drama as the pages of Mo-
zart's "Impresario" and Mascagni's "Cavalleria
Rusticana" slipped by in an all-too-short eve-
ning's entertainment of theatre and music.
These two operas (which will run through Sat-
urday with a Red Cross benefit performance
Monday evening)', were well chosen to appear
together, for they provide plenty of contrast in
style, mood and subject matter.'
Mozart's "Impresario," a relatively little known
and little performed work, is really a light opera,
composed mainly of spoken dialogue and inter-
spersed with some of the most delightful songs,
solos, trios, etc., which that composer ever wrote
in this medium. In a completely comic vein it
concerns the woes and troubles of a harassed
opera impresario in his relations with his tem-
peramental and exacting prime donne. These
two glamorous ladies were played quite success-
fully by Margery Gould and Roberta Munroe,
who did some very delectable singing. Robert
Holland as the impresario himself provided some
real humor as well as fine singing, and Donald
Plottas the butler carried off the buffo role in
excellent fashion.
The longer, and main feature of the evening's
entertainment was Pietro Mascagni's "Cavalleria
Rusticana," one of the most intense of the
verismo school of opera. This work is almost
unique among operas of the Italian style, for
its raison d'etre is its magnificent choruses;
without these the remainder, though of beauti-
ful and emotional vocal line and tremendous
orchestral climaxes, could not exist alone. (Of
course, the entire thing is so integrated in plot
and musical continuity that no part or parts
can be singled out as having special function).
The University Choir, trained by its director Har-
din Van Deursen, was outstanding in its singing
of the choruses, from the inspiring and tremen-
dous prayer scene to the rollicking drinking
chorus. Perhaps it should be mentioned that in
preparing for this opera, in a relatively short
time at that, the Choir overcame many diffi-
culties of which the audiences would of course
not be aware. Also in their convincing panto-
mime and acting they should be given full credit.
AMONG the leading singers in this opera there
was not a little professional singing accom-
plished. Margaret Martin as Santuzza, Charles
Matheson as Turiddu, Jean Westerman as Lola,
Harriet Porter as Mamma Lucia and Leo Imperi
as Alfio all sang their diverse and varied roles
with feeling and conviction; their acting was
completely adequate, at times even somewhat
better than that. They seemed to sustain well
the emotion and drama of the opera's quick and
frequent climaxes. All in all, their inexperience
was overcome by their enthusiasm for their
work and their obvious sincerity in doing it.
They knew their roles perfectly, and the to-be-
expected first night slips were few and far

Segregation In The Arny
To the Editor:
THE MOVE to organize an air
squadron of Michigan Men imme-
diately brings to mind the possibility
of carrying over into war the better
aspects of what is known as "college
spirit." There is no reason why it
shouldn't be most effective.
Neither is there any reason why it
shouldn't enroll all students and
alumni who are qualified to serve,
irrespective of creed or color, I would
like to suggest the name of William
Claytor, formerly a student in the
department of mathematics, who is
already in a pursuit squadron which
has a waiting list of around eight
hundred. He received his doctor's
degree in Pennsylvania, had a fel-
lowship here, and was said to be one
of the most promising minds in his
field. He is now a trained meteorol-
ogist and is part of the ground crew I
which makes it possible for planes
to take to the air.
Assuming that the army would
grant his transfer, there is but one
hitch-he is a Negro. Negroes are
allowed to play football, and they
are taken into the Army, but only on
the Jim Crow basis. A mixing of
the races in the Michigan Squadron
would be a precedent. But would it
be too awful to raise this question at
a time when the Japanese are in con-
trol of the air over the battlefield?
USUALLY, the apologists for segre-
gation claim that the patrons ob-
ject if it isn't practiced. Can this
orgument apply to Japanese "pa-
trons?" Would any of the Michigan
.men who are entering this squadron
object? Now that the army is being
reorganized on a streamlined basis,
wouldn't it be a good time to raise
the question with the War Depart-
ment in this war for democracy? Or,
is this a war for the old circum-
scribed democracy which permitted
the select to fly high while others
waited around on the ground?
- Rev. H. P. Marley
VOL. LI. No. 11
Publication in the Daily official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Members of the Faculty and Staff*
Your attention is called to the fol-
lowing Resolution adopted by the
Regents on May 23, 1941:
Resolved, That it be the policy of
the University of Michigan with re-
gard to: (1) A member of the staff
on indeterminate tenure who enters
the Federal Service in the present
emergency that such member shall
apply for a leave of absence in ac-
cordance with the provisions of the
Bylaws of the Board of Regents, (2)
A member of the faculty or other em-
ployee not on indeterminate tenure
who is called into the service of the
Federal Government during the pres-
ent emergency shall be deemed to be
on leave of absence without salary
for a period not longer than the
end of the present term of appoint-
ment. Upon release from Government
service the University will if possible
reemploy such person at the begin-
ning of a semester or academic year
as may be practicable and in a posi-
tion as nearly comparable as pos-
sible with the former position. What-

ever tentative understanding may
be reached by a department Chair-
man with a member of the staff
should be put in writing with copies
filed with the appropriate Universi-
ty officers.
Chairmen of departments are ad-
vised to weigh carefully the neces-
sity of filling positions made vacant
by the national emergency and to
attempt to make provisions for the
return of members of the staff.
Notice to All Faculty Members and
University Employees: The Regents
of the University in 1931 adopted the
following resolution:
Resolved, That it is the sense of the
Regents that employees on "full-
time" and on annual or monthly sal-
ary who ordinarily receive a vacation
at the expense of the University and
pay on holidays and for a reasonable
period of sick leave if necessary, are
not entitled to payment for "over-
time," whether in their own or an-
other department of the University
unless such arrangement shall have
been authorized in advance by the
President or the Board of Regents.
To the Members of the University
Council: There will be a meeting of
the University Council on Monday
March 9, at 4:15 p.m., in the Rack-
ham Amphitheater. All members of
the University Senate may attend
the meeting.
Minutes of the meeting of February
9, 1942.
Subjects offered by members of th

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"Always they gimme the role of a hen-pecked husband-some
day I hope to g'et a nice speaking part!"



College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Schools of Education, Mu-
sic, and Public Health: Students who
received marks of I or X at the close
of their last term of attendance
(viz., semester or summer session)
will receive a grade of E in the course
unless this work is made up by
March 12. Students wishing an ex-
tension of time beyond this date
should file a petition addressed to the
appropriate official in their school
with Room 4 U.H., where it will be
Robt. L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Phi Kappa Phi Fellowships: The
National Phi Kappa Phi Honor So-
ciety each year awards a certain
number of Graduate Fellowships with
stipend of $500 to be devoted to study
in some American College or Uni-
versity. Undergraduate members of
Phi Kappa Phi of the University of
Michigan, elected during the first
semester of the present year are eli-
gible to apply for one of these fel-
lowships. The closing date for ap-
plications to be received by the local
chapter has been extended to March
13. Further information and appli-
cation blanks may be secured from
the secretary, Mary C. Van Tuyl, in
Room 3123 Natural Science Building
from 2 to 5 daily.
Season Ticket holders for Play1
Production of the Department of
Speech are reminded that today is
the last day to exchange stubs. We
shall appreciate it if you will use the
tickets for tonight's performance.
Holders of student tickets are remind-
ed that their stubs entitle them to
seats on the main floor tonight, but
to balcony seats only on Friday or
Saturday nights.
Academic Notices
Botany I Make-up final examina-
tion will be given Friday, March 6,
4:00-6:00 p.m., in room 1005 Natural
Science. K. L. Jones
Sociology 51: Make-up Final Ex-
amination will be given Saturday,
March 7, at 2:00 p.m., in Room D
Haven Hall. Robert C. Angell
Doctoral Examination for Law-
rence Edward Vredevoe, Education;
thesis; "A Study of the Theory and
Practice of Public School Admin-
istration in Twenty-Six Cities of the
Great Lakes Region." Friday, March
6, East Council Room, Rackham
Building, 1:30 p.m. Chairman, A.
B. Moehlman.
By action of the Executive Board,
the chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examina-
tion and he may grant permission to
those who for sufficient reason might
wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Graduate Students in Speech: All
applicants for advanced degrees in
Speech will be required to take the
qualifying examinations in Speech on
Friday, March 6 starting at 3 p.m. in
lroom 4203 Angell Hall.
Home Nursing Classes: The classes
in Home Nursing begin this week
the Thursday clsses on the 5th
Students are again reminded that
attendance at all classes. is compul-
Exhibit of Illustrations, University
Elementary School: The drawing
made by Elinor Blaisdell to illustrat
f the book "The Emperor's Nephew,'
I by Marian Magoon of the English
Department of Michigan State Nor
mal College, Ypsilanti, are on displa
y in the first and second floor corrido
cases. Open Monday-Friday 8 to 5
e Saturday, 8-3 through March 14

country, will lecture on "The Experi-
ence of Religious Groups in Europe
During the War," in the Rackham
Lecture Hall on Friday, March 6, at
8:15 p.m., under the auspices of the
Student Religious Association.
La Sociedad Hispanica will pre-
sent Professor Ralph Hammett as
the fourth lecturer in the current
series today at 4:15 p.m. in Alumni
Memorial Hall. This lecture will be
in English, with lantern slides.
Events Today
Zoological Movies will be shown
today at 4:10 p.m. in Nat. Sci. Aud.
The program includes: The Proto-
zoa; Beach and Sea Animals; and
Fertilization in marine eggs. Open to
all interested.
Varsity Glee Club: All members
are informed that their presence
is required tonight with no ex-
ceptions' whatsoever. Any man wish-
ing to remain an active member in
the future must be present, as matters
of utmost importance to the club will
be discussed. Failure to see this
notice will not be considered an ade-
quate excuse in view of repeated
warnings. Meeting will begin prompt-
ly at 7:30 p.m.
R.O.T.C.: Drum and Bugle Corps
meets tonight at 7:00 at R.O.T.C.
Hall. Matters of importance to be
discussed. Bring instruments.
There will be no nyeeting of La
Sociedad Hispanica this evening due
to the rehearsal for the Spanish play
"La Independencia."
Spanish Play: Students inteested
in assisting with production or act-
ing as extras are urged to attend a
meeting tonight at 7:15 in Room
108 R.L. If unable to attend, please
communicate with Mr. Staubach for
assignment. Eligibility cards are re-
Can Can Chorus from the Mimes
Opera will meet today at the Union
at 5:00 p.m. The meting will
be short but important. The room
number will be posted on the bulletin
Interviewing for League Council
positions is being held this week
through Friday from 3:30 to 5:30
p.m. in the Undergraduate Office of
the League.
Notice of Change of Meeting of
Interior Decorating Section, Wo-
men's Faculty Club: It will meet to-
day at 3 o'clock, in the 2nd floor dis-
play rooms at Goodyear's State Street
store. Miss Esther Frank will speak
on "Spring Curtains and Drapery
Materials." Spring accessories will
be displayed.
Corning Events
French Roundtable, International
- Center, will meet in the Internation-
- al Center, Room 23, on Friday, March
6, at 8:00 p.m. Miss Alice Jernazian
will speak on "L'Armenie et les Ar-
meniens." Advanced students of the
French language as well as students
. whose native or secondary language
is French are invited.
Theta Sigma Phi pledges will take
their examination for initiation Mon-
day, March 9, at 5:00 p.m. in Room
210, Haven Hall. The pledges will
meet Friday, March 6, at 5:00 p.m.
s in Room 210, Haven Hall, for a re-
e view of the material for the test.
The Suomi Club will meet Satur-
- day, March 7, at 8:00 p.m. in the In-
Sternational Center.
r _erna___nar.
R.O.T.C. Freshmen who were not
. given opportunity to complete their


By Lichty


brought home to the students" and to the campus
at large with a vengeance.
IT IS IRONIC that the full import of the state
of war now existing has to be impressed upon
us by our enemies. Yet, it is gratifying to know
that this type of propaganda, clever though it is,
has not been successful in pulling the wool over
the eyes of 'educators here and in other uni-
versities all over the country.
Surely it is increasingly evident that our ene-
mies will overlook no opportunity to raise an-
tagonism among the Allies. The Germans under-,
stand only too well the American fear of the
spread of Communism. By insinuating that we
are aiding China only to have it become "an
adjunct of the Soviet order", they are hitting
at the very foundation of America's purpose in
the battle - preserving the ideals of democracy.
T HAS BEEN EMPHASIZED again and again
that education is the stronghold of Ameri-
canism, that especially in wartime the schools
must be made training camps for democracy.

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