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March 05, 1942 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-05

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War Students
To Be Aided
Drive Will Provide Relief
For Aliens, Prisoners
In Foreign Nations
The World Student Service Fund
will begin its drive to aid Chinese
students, European War students and
prisoners and refugees from the war-
torn nations on March 17, which has
been designated by the W.S.S.F. as
"Help a War Student D;ay."
Contributors to the fund on this
day will receive book-marks as sym-
bols of the aid which they have made
pogsibe for students in the embattled
"Help a War Student Week" has
been designated as the period from
March 17 to the end of the week.
During this period further contribu-
tions will be made possible by having
banks for money placed around the
Objectives Of Drive
One of the principal objectives of
the drive is to aid Chinese students
who have been forced continually
westward in the face of privation in
order to continue their education at
transplanted universities. Besides
the educational difficulties experi-
eneed by these student, many of
them are in want of the bare neces-
sities of living and many have lost
their homes and families in the Jap-
anese invasions.
The plight of the war students of
Europe, war prisoners in Europe and
Asia and refugee students from for-
eign countries in the United States
al~d claimns much of the attention of
the W.S.S.F. In the case of war pris-
ofter., aid is given in the camps in-
dependently or with the cooperation
of the Y.M.C.A. Prisoners in the
camps are in need of recreational
,facilities, medical aid and other nec-
essary items.
Impartial Distribution
The W.S.S.F. administers relief
impartially in all the warring nations
where it is possible. Prisoners of war
and military and civil internees in
Germany, England, occupied and un-
occupied France, Switzerland, and
Australia receive aid from the Fund.
Two of the principal obstacles in
the way of effective administration
of aid by the W.S.S.F. are the possi-
bility of duplication of work by simi-
lar groups and the limitations on
shipping in war-time. The first diffi-
culty is being met by clearance and
cooperation with the other organi-
Rationing Tips
Given By State
Precious Sugar' Rulings
Explained To Buyers
LANSING, March 4. -(IP)- If
you're as confused as the next fellow
about the sugar rationing program
which will be administered this
month, here are a few clarifying tips
from the State Rationing Adminis-
tration Office:
A mother or father can register for
the entire family and obtain a ra-
tioning booklet for each member.
One adult can go to the store to
buy sugar since one shopper may hold
the booklets of each person in the
Parents are charged with the safe-
keeping and proper use of their chil-
dren's rationing stamps.
Each person should keep record of
the serial number of his book of ra-
tion stamps and the number of his
rationing board and must return

each book stub to the board before a
new one is obtained.
The State Rationing Office said
that rules just received from the
Office of Price Administration warn
that because the owner is respon-
sible for the use of his book, he
should lose no time informing his
rationing board if it is lost, destroyed,
stolen or mutilated.
Each book will contain 28 stamps
In making sugar purchases, a single
stamp must be torn from the book~
in the presence of the store-keeper
clerk or delivery boy, who is subject
to penalty if he accepts a stamp
which has been torn loose previously
The stamps will be honored at any
store which handles sugar.

To University
Hospital Made
Four Changes Announced
In Two Departments;
NorthwayIs Resident
Four changes in the staff of the
surgery department of the Univer-
sity Hospital and three in the de-
partment of dermatology and syph-
ilology head the list of appointments
and resignations announced yester-
Dr. Robert O. Northway a gradu-
ate of the University Medical School, I
has been named resident physician
in the surgery department. Dr. Har-
old S. Bowman has been selected as
an assistant in bone' and joint sur-
gery, and Dr. L. Vivian Iob is serving
as a research assistant.
Dr. Robert D. Snyder, former resi-
dent physician, has resigned to take
up practice in Dayton, Ohio.
The appointment of Dr. John C.
Slaughter as assistant resident in
the dermatology department has/
been revealed, together with the ac-L
ceptance of the resignations of Dr.
Ira L. Schamberg, research associate,
and Dr. Robert L. Barton, instructor.
Dr. Schamberg has joined the Louis-
iana State Department of Health,
and Dr. Barton has joined the staff
of the Mayo Foundation.
Dr. Charles W. Newton, Jr. has
been appointed assistant resident int
the department of obstetrics andf
gynecology. Dr. William H. Batesc
has been named resident physician
in medicine. He formerly was assis-
tant resident in that department,
but had left the staff because of
John Gregg has been appointed1
junior pharmacist and Mrs. Jeanette
Underdown has been selected phar-
maceutical chemist in the pharmacy
department. Miss Jean H. Kelso, as-
sistant to the chief pharmacist, wille
lefve the staff soon to take a positionf
in Tuckahoe, N. Y.1
SLA. Pledges
Full Assistancet
x f
To War Effort
Mapping a program for giving full
help to the war effort, the local chap-
ter of the Student League of America
met yesterday to form committees
and start projects for full coopera-1
Dan Behrman, '43, was appointed
chairman of the Consumers' Com-
mittee, which will study the possi-
bilities of holding a Consumer's Week
in Ann Arbor as has been suggested
by the Office of Price Administration
in Washington.
In connection with the nation-wide
celebration of Consumer's Week, the
SLA discussed the possibility of sur-
veys designed to show the average
student how he can save money and
at the same time prevent inflation.
Another committeewas named to
handle the SLA's part in post-war
planning activities on campus, and
this committee was instructed to co-
operate with Clifford Straehley,
Chariman of the Michigan Post War
Homer Swander, president of the
national organization, who now serves
as chairman of the local chapter,
told of the national release of his
statement to the chapter opposing
the psychological hate' program an-
nounced by the Navy in connection
with their new aviation cadet train-
ing system.

ASCE Student Chapter
To Meet For Discussion
Members of the student chapter
of the American Society of Civil En-
gineers will meet at 7:30 p.m. today
in the Union to hear a discussion of
water supply problems.
Robert Letts McNamee, chief en-
gineer for an engineering company
andeconstruction engineer for a
, water supply project in Ohio, will
speak on the subject, "Water Supply
Problems of the Miami River in
Ohio."He will enumerate problems
encountered in this Ohio project and
discuss their solutions.

U.S. Destroyer Jacob Joines Snimk Of f New Jersey


Diminutive Size Of Slide Rules
'Overlooked' By Technic Staff

The discovery that 350 slide rules
found in The Michigan Technic of-
fice Tuesday were a bit undersized
yesterday obliterated intentions to
give full size slide rules away as
favors at the coming Slide Rule Ball,
but the small rules will still be a part

Falling prey to an enemy submarine, the U.S. Dest royer Jacob Jones was sunk Feb. 28 off Cape May, N. J.,
taking with her all but 11 of her normal 145-man crew. 'The first warship to be lost in home waters, the Jacob
Jones was built during the last war.
Service Do'emngly Impossil'

"There ain't no such animal!"
Like that classic exclamation of
the farmer who saw a giraffe for the
first time, equal incredulity might
well be applied to some of the me-
chanical counters, sorters and other
amazing machines which form the
nucleus of the University's Tabulat-
ing Service-for man comes unbe-
lievably close to performing the im-
possible with some of these instru-
Automatic Tabulator
Take the tabulator, for instance.
Specially punched cards, each punch-
ed with its own significance, may be
fed into the machine at a rate of
150 a minute, and the machine non-
chalantly "reads" the impressions on
the card, translates the punchmark
code, and calmly prints the interpre-
tation on paper.
Other equally amazing machines
can sort cards into desired classifi-
cations at the rate of 400 cards a
minute, while still another makes the
all-important punchmarks which tell
so much to the person-or machine-
who can translate them.
Grades Sorted
Among the regular customers of
the Tabulating Service, located on
the ground floor of the Rackham
Building, is the Registrar's Office,
which undoubtedly saves itself untold
man-hours every semester by having
student grades tabulated there.
Grade lists are obtained from the
various instructors and are matched
with cards perviously filed in the
same order, one for each student in
each course. The cards are fed into
a typewriter-like machine and the
operator has but to punch the grade
onto the card-60 per minute.
That's slow, compared to another
machine, however. This one reads
pencil marks! Penciled cards are
fed into the machine and come out
on the other side with punchmarks
in the places indicated by pencil,
100 cards a minute!
A sorter makes short work of the
9 .
iProf. GHammfett
Will Give Fourth

job of getting any one set of grades
together, and a master punch then
notes all the punchmarks on any one
set and transfers them to a master
card, one for each student.
But that sorter is an amateur com-
pared to another. This second ma-
chine can arrange as well as sort.
Master and individual cards may be
fed in, and the machine will arrange
them so that there are five individ-
ual cards between every master card,
five being the average number of
courses elected by a student for a
Given two packs 'of alphabeticallW-
arranged cards, this same machine
H am pus
Highligts .



Book lovers among the faculty as
well as the students will have an
opportunity during this week to ex-
amine a display of the work of the
Pynson Printers, which is on exhibi-
tion in the ground floor display cases
of the Architecture Building.
This show, consisting of books,
panels, labels, posters, demonstrates
the excellence of the work of this
group of artists and type designers,
who have made a definite contribu-
tion to American art. The display is
open daily from 9 to 5 except Sun-
day. :
Prof. Shirley W. Allen of the
School of Forestry and Conservation
will leave for Michigan State College
today where he will attend a meeting
of the board of directors of the Mich-
igan Forestry and Park Association.
1' * *
"Screening" tests, required for en-
listment in the Army Air Corps, will
be given at ROTC headquarters on
campus between visits of the Travel-
ing cadet examination board, Major
Floyd Showalter, president, an-
nounced yesterday.
The tests, mental aptitude exam-
inations, require about two hours for
completion. Physical examinations
will continue to be given only by the
traveling board on its periodic ap-
pearances here. The board will re-
turn to Ann Arbor early in April.
Headquarters of the University
ROTC unit announced yesterday that
the quota of advanced course cadets
in the Ordnance and Medical Corps
units had been materially increased.
The Ordnance group has been in-
creased from 38 to 100 and the Med-
ical Corps from 54 to 72. Replace-
ments to fill the new enrollments
will be selected in approximately
equal proportion from the junior
and senior classes.
Mouse Traps' Economy
Is Found To Be All Gravy
BARGAINTOWN, N. J., March 4.-
(i?-The best bargain is not always
the cheapest for Bargaintown, the
Egg Harbor township committee de-
cided in appropriating $2 for the
purchase of mouse traps to be laid
in Grange Hall.
An irate taxpayer who protested
that 50 cents worth of poison would
have killed as many mice was over-
ruled because surplus food for relief,
families is stored in the hall.

will put them into one alphabeticala
pile without any trouble whatsoever,I
and thinks nothing of doing this at1
a rate of 400 cards a minute.
Work On Polls
The other important source of pat-
ronage for the Service is all types of
polls, questionnaires and surveys,1
whether conducted by the University
or outside sources.
The first step in tabulating such
returns is to make out a code card,'
upon which is determined where each
answer shall be punched and what
sort of punch will denote what sort
of answer.
All cards used by the Service are
similar, containing 80 columns of fig-
ures from zero to nine. In general
the column denotes the question and
the number punched in that column
indicates the answer to that question.
Cards Punched
Punchmarks are made by another
unpretentious machine, and the op-
erator merely reads through the
questionnaire answers and punches
the correct numbers in the proper
Once this is done it is a simple
matter for a sorter and counter to
pick out all the cards which show a
certain answer to a given question,
and totals, percentages and trends
can be computed in almost less time
than it takes to tell it.
Alan I Meacham is directing the
Journalism School
Opens i-W eekl y
Discussion Series
Inaugurating a series of bi-weekly
discussion periods designed to con-
tribute towards student understand-
ing of world conditions, the Depart-
ment of Journalism sponsored an in-
formal meeting yesterday to criticize
and evaluate the attitude and ideas
of Sir Stafford Cripps, leader of the
British House of Commons.
Prof. W. H. Maurer of the journal-
ism department opened the discus-
sion with a review of "The Prophetic
Rebel," Sir Stafford Cripps' biogra-
phy, dealing with his attitudes as
Ambassador to Russia and as an im-
portant figure in England's wartime
Similar books, concerning the war
and post-war period will be dealt with
in future journalism coffee hours,
sponsored by Kappa Tau Alpha and
Theta Sigma Phi, honorary societies
of the journalism school. It is hoped
that these discussions, which are
open to all interested, will stimulate
interest in current political, social and
economical problems and will foster
the acquaintance of members of the
Methodist Breakfast Set
Michigan's annual All-Methodist
Breakfast will be held at 8:30 a.m.
Sunday in the Union. Highlight of'
the breakfast will be an address by
Bishop Wade of the Detroit confer-

>f the program. a.
In the excitement of the original b
liscovery of the rules in a secret
G~pras' Council n
To Make Plans
Participants Will DISciss
Future Social Events 2
Graduate Council invites a grad-h
uate students interested in partici-t
pating in the discussion of plans for3
a social program for the coming sem-
ester to attend its meeting at 5 p.m.'
tomorrow in the West Conferen-cen
Room of the Rackham Building. g
Seeking to provide for the variedr
interests of a heterogenous graduateb
body, the Council will welcome all
suggestions and ideas. A plan underv
consideration, says acting chairman,r
Ivor Cornman, proposes the rotation
of sponsorship among the variousl
groups within the Council. Each1
group would in turn be responsible
for programs at coffee hours andI
similar occasions to which all grad-s
uate students would be invited.
By such a plan, all groups would
be able to have programs not only
of special interest to themselves but
'the rest of the graduate body as well.
The coffee hours would provide ex-
cellent opportunities for the students
and faculty men to participate in In-
formal discussions that would be of
interest and benefit to all, sayst
Chairman Cornman.1
Planning for the various dances
and other social events which will bef
sponsored by the Graduate Councilx
will be undertaken at the meeting.t
Representatives of all graduate
groups which have or have not for-i
merly participated in the Council's
activities are urged to attend and
learn of their share in the semester's
Keep France's
Culture Alive,
Jobin Declares
Challeriging Americans "to fight,
as have the Canadians for almost
two centuries, to conserve what re-
mains of French culture and influ-
ence on this continent," Prof. An-
toine Jobin of the romance language
department addressed members of
the Cercle Francais and others yes-
terday in the sixth of the current!
lectures sponsored by the French or-
Two reasons, asserted Professor Jo-
bin, stand out in support of this
cause: to serve better the cause of
hemisphere solidarity and, "especi-
ally at the present time when France
finds herself in a state .of eclipse,"
to offer our aid to the people of
Quebec who have succeeded in spite
of many obstacles to preserve a cen-
ter of French civilization in Amer-
The lowering of political prestige
need not be accompanied by a cor-
responding fall in the cultural and
spiritual worth of a civilization. "In
a word," the speaker maintained,
"I doubt strongly that we should stop
reading Shakespeare, Thackeray and
Galsworthy even if it happened that
England should succumb during an
invasion by the Nazis."
In all types of French-Canadian
writing, and especially in works ex-
pressing the philosophy and the his-
tory of the people, there is a remark-
able persistence of the "sentiment
francais," even after so many years
of separation from the original mo-
Professor Jobin illustrated this

genre with several quotations from
modern authors and closed with
"Pour la France," a poem by Gon-
zalve Desaulniers, contemporary
Canadian writer, expressing the
French feeling during World War I.

anel in The Technic office, no one
oted the discrepancy in size until
late yesterday afternoon, when a
staff member suggested that the
oundling rules seemed a bit small.
Ensuing comparison proved that
whereas a full-sized rule is about a
oot long, these rules were only about
an inch long, and hence could not
be used for mathematical work.
Meanwhile, however, over-zealous
awyers showed their hand when
hey were noticed hanging around
rhe Technic office early yesterday
norning, probably scouting for an
)pportunity to pilfer the rules.
Seeking revenge because the Slide
Rule Ball will this year precede their
own Crease Ball by over a month, the
foymer being scheduled for March
27, the lawyers would undoubtedly
welcome an opportunity to sabotage
Technic staff plans, as they have
habitually purloined the 12-foot pa-
tron saint slide rule used at the Ball
in the past.
Aware of the possibility of a like
occurrence this year, Technic staff
members have maintained constant
guard over their find, although it is
reported that guard John S. Burn-
ham, '42E, Technic managing editor,
left his post long enough to inter-
view Morpheus at length Tuesday
To further discourage prowling
lawyers Technic editor, Burr J.
French, '42E, has warned that any
attempt' to sabotage Slide Rule Ball
plans will be met with force if neces-
sary. The Ball will go on!
Use OfChemicals
litnWar Described
To ROTC Cadets
The use of chemicals in warfare
was described to members of Com-
pany F, Fourth Regiment, of Scab-
bard and Blade and other members
of the University ROTC unit last
night in what is to be the beginning
of a series of lectures on the work
of the various branches of the serv-
One of two ROTC cadets in the
Chemical Warfare Service on ca-
pus, Bill Gollamore, '42E, delivered
this initial lecture, which was fol-
lowed by a movie showing the spe-
cific use of chemicals, especially
screening smokes, in battle.
Opening with a short history of
the development of chemical war-
fare, Collamore went on to describe
the use of chemicals and to demon-
strate the use of a gas mask for pro-
A business meeting of Scabbard
and Blade members was held ifn-
mediately after the lecture.
in Moscagni's Opera
Canalleria Rusticano
Preceded by "The Impresario"
by Mozart
Tonight through Saturday
8:30 P.M.
Tickts: $1.10, 83c, 55c
(tax mcl.)
Phone 6300


The cruel expression in their art
of the blood-and-fear religion of the
pre-conquest Indians in Mexico will
be described by Prof. Ralph W. Ham-
mett of the architecture college in the
fourth lecture of La Sociedad His-
panica's current series at 4:15 p.m.
today in Room D, Alumni Memorial
Professor Hammett will discuss the
art and architecture of pre-conquest
Mexico, treating it as "an expres-
sion of the life of the plateau In-
dians." A recent theory, featured by
sensational magazines and papers,
claims a connection of he civilization
of these Indians with that of ancient
Egypt and Mesopotamia. Professor'
Hammett will refute this connection,
expressing the belief that there may
be a link between these people and
the ancient Chinese. As proof of
this assertion, Professor Hammett
will show some samples of Chinese art
that have been found in Mexico.
The lecture will be delivered in
English, and will be accompanied by
colored slides, recently filmed by Pro-
fessor Hammett. On display will be
a small personal collection of fetishes
and idols, which has aroused much
interest among spectators.
Committee Of '42
Will Hold Meeting
The Committee of 1942 will hold
an important business meeting at
7:15 p.m. today in the Union.
Robert Sibley, '42, chairman of the
committee, has asked that all mem-
bers be present as future plans are to

MAN STUDENT to work for room.
334 Thompson. Phone 4494.
WANTED: Young man for messenger
and office work. Apply Postal
Telegraph, 112 E. Huron. 259c
TYPING: L. M. Heywood, 414 May-
nard St., phone 5889.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935

DOUBLE ROOM for men. Com-
fortable, clean, warm. Close to
campus. 731 Haven, 6468.
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at- low price. 2c
PERMANENTS, $3.00-$7.00. Sham-
poo and set, 65c all week, Gingham


Double Feature Program

A; N&

You'll go funcrazy;with dzzy
Gracie - the rattle-'brine,
k male Sherlock Holmes!



lane Darwell - Bruce Edwards
Cubina Wright, Jr. Cecil Kellaway
Katharine Alexander - lack Seart
Extra- I





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