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"Pay- Off'
Sports And Music Are Careers
Of Leader Bernie Cummins
Bernie Cummins, who will bring
his orchestra to Ann Arbor for As-
sembly Ball March 6, combines sports
and music in forming his career.
As a sports prophet, Bernie began
his career back in the days when he
and his brother Walter played on the
varsity football, basketball and base-
ball teams at St. Vincent's in his
home town of Akron, 0. Brothei
Walter, Bernie's guitarist and tenoi
vocalist, held the all-state record foi
discus throwing.
Both Bernie and Walter went in
for boxing, but the future leader was
forced to give it up as a result of an
injury. Thus he went on to become
an orchestra leader, and restricted
his activities in the line of sports
to propheting rather than partici-
Turned To Music
Cummins' musical career began in
the days when he was an eccentric
dancer and entertainer with Ear]
Fuller. From this he turned to the
drums, and in the spring of 1924 he
and his own six-piece combination
had just completed an engagement
at the Stockton Club in Cincinnati.
After playing various engagements
over the country, his first big break
came when he played the New York
Biltmore for three years. Following
this he was chosen to open at the
Hotel New Yorker.
Cummins' ability as a master of
ceremonies, as well as his back-
ground as an entertainer, is ex-
plained by the fact that his parents
were theatrically inclined. His stage
appearance is constantly being com-
pared to that of Rudolph Valentino,
to whom he bears a striking resem-
Loyal To 'Irish'
His loyalty to Notre Dame, which
he named as one of the five "unoffi-
cial national champions" for 1940,
was rewarded by a sweater from the
Notre Dame squad. Not to be out-
done by his prophesying papa, Ber-
nie's infant son received a miniature
official All-American sweater from
Christy Walsh, Sports Director of
the New York World's Fair. The little
lad's mother, the former Katherine
Mahoney of New York, is the reason
Petitioning for Panhellenic
Board positions will continue un-
til noon tomorrow. Any girl who
has served as a representative to
Panhellenic is eligible to petition.
Petitioning for new League and
Judiciary Council positions will
also end at noon tomorrow, and
from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. today
the last interviews for Freshman
Project will be conducted.
Bernie has "Dark Eyes" as his theme
Bernie Cummins says that the term
"swing" is directly descended from
the term "jazz" which is descended
from "ragtime." He adds that it did
not begin to be called "swing" by the
public until the hit tune, "It Don't
Mean a Thing If It Ain't Got That
It is claimed thdt with the possible
exceptions of Bing Crosby, Al Jolson
and Cummins, probably no member
of show business carries interest in
sports to more fanatical extremes
than Fred Benson, drummer with
Cummins' orchestra. During an en-
gagement in California, Benson was
missing every day for five days. The
sports pages of the local papers ex-
posed Fred's absence with pictures.
Religiously, he had been following a
golf tournament through five days
( of consistent rain!
Electrician Trumpeter
About ten years ago, Therman
Sheeler, trumpeter with Cummins'
orchestra, was dancing to Bernie's
music in one of Kansas City's ball-
rooms. An electrician by trade but
a musician by avocation, Cummins'
trumpeter was now in the midst of
unemployment. In the middle of the
dance the amplifiers of the public
address system went dead. .Sheeler
volunteered his services and corrected
the trouble. In a following conversa-
tion Cummins discovered that he
was musically inclined. The next
day he auditioned and hired him.
Cummins is a fine example of how
a disablement will lead to future suc-
cess in another field. Bernie Cum-
mins, the boxer, is now Bernie Cum-
mins, the orchestra leader.
Betrothal Announced
Announcement of the engagement
of their daughter, Margot, '44, to
Frank Bender, '43, of Escanaba, was.
made by Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand B.
Schlesinger, of Ann Arbor, at a party
Feb. 20.
Miss Schlesinger is active in the
League, being a member of the social
committee, Panhellenic Council and
the committee for Sophomore Cab-
aret. She is the house treasurer of
Zeta Tau Alpha, a member of Chor-
al Union and the Social Service Sem-
Mr. Bender is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank A. Bender of Escanaba.
He is a member of the executive
council of Lane Hall, director of the
Bureau of. Student Opinion, and
assistant purchaser of the Wolverine.
To Be Repaid
At Annual Party
Mortarboard Will Sponsor
Affair; Boutonnieres Of Bells
Will Reveal Location Of Dates
"Pay-Off while you can," is the
by-word for "Pay-Off," the annual
dance sponsored by Mortarboard, to
be held from 9 p.m. to midnight to-
day in the League ballroom.
For a number of women on campus
it will be the last chance to fulfill
their social obligations toward the
men who have been showing them
a good time all year. Many of the
men will be turned over to the ten-
der mercies of the USO for their en-
tertainment for the next few years,
Mortarboard reminds them.
Repay J-Hop Dates
"Pay-Off" was originated a num-
ber of years ago as a device by which
J-Hop gals could repay their J-Hop
dates. The dance gradually expanded
its attendance, until today it is at-
tended by anyone, J-Hopper or not.
Women can invite any men to whom
they are indebted, or any men who
happen to take their fancy at the
Music will be furnished by a spe-
cial radio-phonograph system, under
the supervision of Virginia Appleton,
'42. The latest in records, swing and
sweet, furnished by the nation's top
bands, will be provided. Requests
may be made of the operator, for
particular favorites.I
Boutonnieres To Be Sold
"Pay-Off" is traditionally an in-
formal dance. Anything goes-flat
heels or high, sweaters and skirts, if
you prefer, or date dresses.
Calculated to please and flatter
the men are the boutonnieres, which
will be sold at the door, to be bought
by the women for their dates. These
little trinkets are little bells, tied in
gay ribbon, guaranteed to reveal the
whereabouts of a wandering date at
a moment's notice. (All puns on
belles of the ball are tabu. Men are
apt to get self-conscious at this
General chairman of the dance is
Margaret Sanford, '42.
W.A.B. To Be
Scene Of Barn
Hop Tomorrow
If you'd really like to do something
different and have some real good
01' fashioned fun, get into informal
garb, drop down at 8:30 p.m. to-
morrow at the W. A. B. and join in
the square dancing and popcorn-
making at the Get-Acquainted Barn
Hop party sponsored by the Michigan
Outing Club.
"The corn will be all popped in a
big bowl," says Libby Mahlman, '43,
leader of the club, "and beside it
there'll be lots of luscious syrup. Af-
ter you've had your fill you'll find a
big pail of water and paper towels
handy-and you'll need them."
There will be ginger ale to quench
your thirst between the popcorn
eating and dancing. Miss Ruth John-
son, advisor of the Outing Club, will
be in charge of calling out the square
dances. Anyone may come with a
date or feel free to come unescorted
-men and women both. The whole
atmosphere promises to be entirely
informal and to really enjoy the fun
one should come dressed appropri-
ately, Miss Mahlman said.
The purpose of the party is to show
those interested the type of activity
to be carried on by the Michigan Out-
ing Club during the rest of the se-
mester. Dan Saulson, '44, represent-
ing the Union, is co-leader of the
club with Miss Mahlman. All stu-
dents are welcome and are urged to
attend the party. There is no charge.
Ushers To Sign Up
Anyone may sign up for ushering
for the Theatre Arts production of
"Sleeping Beauty" in theUndergrad-
uate Office of the League. The per-
formances are today at 3:45 p.m. and
tomorrow at 1 :30 p.m. and 3:30 px.
Be He
Children's Play
To Open Today
Old Favorite, 'Sleeping Beauty'
To Be Told In Unusual Manner
With a large cast of both high
school and University students tak-
ing the singing and dancing parts,
and with an old favorite fairy tale
as a starting point, the Children's
Theatre will present their version of
"Sleeping Beauty" at 3:45 p.m. to-
day and at 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.
tomorrow in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Instead of telling the story in the
usual manner-with a profusion of
dialogue and the dancing subordin-
ated to the narration-Mary Ellen
Wheeler, director of the children's
dramas, is doing something entire-
ly different from Theatre Arts tra-
dition. All the events which occur
in the play will be interpreted in the
dances, directed by Dick Strain, '42,
and in the music, arranged by Stanley
Cast Is Listed
The majority of the speaking will
be done by Jim Bob Stephenson, '43,
who will take the part of the Narra-
tor. In the part of the "Beauty"-
the title role of the production-
will be Virginia Ahlstrom, '43, with
the roles of the King and Queen
taken by Ruth Ann Engel, '42, and
Veitch Purdom, '42.
The part of the Prince will be tak-
en by Fay Goldner, '42; Nancy Fil-
strup, '43, will be the Housekeeper;
Nancy Upson, '44, will take the role
of the Good Fairy, and Mildred Jan-
usch, '43, will be the Bad Fairy.
Yvonne Climber will play the role of
the Court Jester.
Two To Be Horse
Playing the part of the Ambassa-
dors-Spanish, Chinese and Russian
--will be Nancy Cory, Dorothy Cum-
mings, '43, and Yvonne Wotherspoon,
'45SM. Enacting a horse requires
more than a lot of talent on the part
of one man, and so the joint talents
of Dick Gauss and Dick Webb will
bring this animal to life.
'Defense Stomp'
Will Feature
Door Prizes
It seems that the "Defense Stomp"
is not only going in for defense
stamps but also for door prizes-that
is if the system of presentation is
any indication.
The "Defense Stomp" will be held
from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thurs-
day in the League Ballroom, and
sometime between those hours, elab-
orate door prizes will be awarded.
Each person, upon entering the
ballroom, will receive a sealed en-
velope-one color for the men and
another for the women. Inside of
some of them will be defense stamps,
but jiust which ones will not be re-
vealed until announcement is made
to open the envelopes.
To Promote 'Mixing'
Our little story becomes more com-
plicated--then, the man dancing
with a woman holding a defense
stamp will receive one of the ultra-
super prizes and vice -versa. This, the
V Committee insists, is to promote
mixing among the dancers and to pro-
vide a general state of confusion,
too, maybe.
Taking all into consideration, the
tea dance will be very informal.
Thirty hostesses will be scattered
about the ballroom and occupying the
bandstand will be Gordon Hardy and
his new 10 piece orchestra (opening
March 7 in the League Ballroom).
Committee Listed
Members of the committee respon-
sible are Nancy Griffin, '44, Marney
Gardner, '42, Margaret Gardner, '44,
Eleanor Rakestraw, '43, Jack Edmon-
son, '42, Ray Davis, '43, Ed Tann,
'43, Phil Whelan, '45, Jean Mills,
'44, Kay Joels, '45, Virginia Dodd,
'45, Lou Carpenter, '42, Jane Con-
nell, '42, Phoebe Power, '42, Lois
Basse, '42, Margaret Dodge, '42, Mar-
garet Ann Hadsell, '42, Deanna Stov-
er, '43, and Margot Thom, '42. Bud
Cox, '42, is general chairman of the
Activties in the Greek Letter'
Leagues seem to be running on all'
seven and a half cylinders this week-
end, which conservative estimate in-
cludes initiations,'epoch-making for-
mals and the like.
Alpha Chi Omega will salute thej
actives with a formal dance to be held
from 9 p.m. to midnight today at the
chapter house. Chaperons will be
Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Ruthven and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills. Larry
Smith's orchestra will furnish the
The Alpha Xi Deltas will give their
annual Rose Formal at the chapter
house from 9 p.m. to midnight which
will be preceded by a formal dinner
at the Union. Music for the affair
will be furnished by Gordon Hardy
and his orchestra. Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil 0. Creal and Prof. and Mrs.
W. C. Steere will chaperon.
Congress Cooperative House will
hold a radio dance today from 8:30
p.m. to midnight. Chaperons will
be Mr. and Mrs. P. Henle and Mr.
and Mrs. W. Striedieck.
Pi Lambda Phi will also hold a
radio dance from 9 p.m. to midnight
at which Mr. and Mrs. N. Mande-
berg of Detroit and Mrs. C. Young
will chaperon.
To Hold Round Table
Prof. Jean Hebrard of the College
of Architecture will speak on Une
Internationale de Communication at
the French Round Table which will
be held at 8 p.m. today in the In-
ternational Center.
DRESSES: Wools, crepes, v
Values to
Values to
Values to
$19.95 ,
6 Formals, Values to $16.
All others, Values to $22.
1 White brushed Mohair
formal jacket to close
Formal Sweater Blouses
Values to $22.95
Four Dances To Be Held Today
velveteens, corduroys.
. . . . $5.00
. . . . . . $6.95
. . . . . $10.95
95 . . . . . $7.95
95 . . . . . $14.95
at . . $3.95
. . . . . . $12.95
Flannel, silk jersey, Values to $3.50
One group, Values to $3.50 .
One group, Values to $3.98 . .
. . $1.98
. $2.98
Friday and
Saturday Only
345 Maynard
All Sales
(Continued from Page 4)
guage is French and students
French language are invited
of the
to at-j
, .
The Annual French Play: The last
try-out for the French Play will be
held today, 3:00-5:00 p.m., in room
408, Romance Language Building.
Any student on the Campus who has
scme knowledge of the French lan-
guage may try out.
Ushering Committee of Theatre
Arts: Sign up now to usher for the
three performances of "Sleeping
Beauty." The lists are in the League
Undergraduate Office and the shows
are at 3:45 p.m. today and 1:30
and 3:30 p.m. on Sdturday. If you
wish to join this Committee, sign up
to usher for one of these shows and
you will automatically be placed on
the Committee.
Decoration Committee of Assembly
Ball will meet today from 1:00 to 5:00
p.m. Plan to work as long as pos-
Ballet Club: Regular meetings of
the Ballet Group will be held on
Wednesday evenings at 7:30 and Fri-
day afternoons at 3:30 in Barbour
Gymnasium. Men and women stu-
dents with some ballet training are
invited to join. Bring practice
Westminster Guild during Lent has
a Friday evening Bible study class,
7:30-8:30, in the Lewis Parlor. Dr.
Lemon's subject is "How to Know the
Westminster Student Guild will be
the guests tonight at 8:30 of the Wes-
leyan Student Guild at the Methodist
The Drama Group at the Student
Religious Association will meet to-
night at 7:30 in Lane Hall.
(Continued on Page 6)
SADDLES Any way you like them! Eight dif-
ferent versions of your favorite campus shoe. In
sturdy elk and calfskin. Plenty of rubber soles!
State Street
Special wool flannel slacks.
Gray, brown, red, navy.
$3.95 and $4.95
"Joan Kenley" Blouses,
short or long sleeve.
$2 or $3
Imported English lisle.
Michigan Theatre Bldg.
....... .r.
End-of-Month Sale
Clean Sweep Event - Red Letter "Buys"
j "" x//
3 .x
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t ,{w
-1 X1
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$8.95, $12.95
Groups of better res
Dark crepes, pastel crepes and sheer wools. One piece and suit
types - also evening and dinner dresses. Sizes 9-17, 12-44,
16 -24% . . . values to $29.95.
One group of odds and ends better Dresses
Sizes 9-17, 10-42.
One small group... $2.98
Crepes and wools in sizes 9-20.
SPRING SUITS, Special at $12.95
One group of herringbone tweeds, twills, and plaids.
,i P plie
Our newest reversible!
On the one side, apple-
printed cotton percale. On
the other, snowy white
terry. [-lave it for your
bath, for lounging. White
or copen grounds. Misses'
2.98 and 4.98
CLASSIC JACKETS, shirts and skirts in rayon
gabardines, whipcords, spun rayons, flan-
nels. Colors include dark green, beige, blue,
brown. Misses' and junior sizes.
at 2.98
STYLES in colorful shetland-type
for cool weather -
will look just right
wool plaids.
at 4.98
V-NECK BOYS-TYPE sweater in soft natural
beige shetland.
. . . .r