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February 27, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-02-27

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Washington Merry-Go-Round





Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan tender the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise creditedin this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42

Emile Gel .
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbruct
Jay McCormick
Gerald E. Burns
Hal Wilson
Arthur' Hill
Janet Hiatt
Cace Miller
Virginia Mitchell
Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright

Editorial Staff
. . . . . Managing Editor
S. . . Editorial Director
h . . . . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
* . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
. . . Assistant Sports Editor
. . . . . Women's Editor
. .. . Assistant Women's Editor
. . . Exchange Editor
Business Stafff
. . Business Manager
. . Associate Business Manager
. . Women's Advertising Manager
. . Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Allied Pact Will Ease
Post-War Settlement . .
T HE AGREEMENT signed by Great
Britain and the United States in
Washington Tuesday represents an encouraging
stride toward a successful post-war economic
readjustment throughout the world. It raises
the hope that the mistake of economic nation-
alism, with its trade barriers and high tariffs,
made after the first World War, will not -be
Principle purpose of the new pact is making
real the economic aims of the Atlantic Charter.
The fifth point of that historic document em-
phasized the desire of the United States and
GreatBritain "to bring about the fullest collab-
oration between all nations in the economic field
with the object of securing, for all, improved
labor standards, economic advancement and
social security." The fulfillment of the Charter's
promise of free access to the world's resources
and trade to every nation will also be made
more feasible by the Allied economic plan.
THE PACT, as signed by Acting Secretary of
State Sumner Welles and British Ambassador
Viscount Halifax, according to the Associated
Press calls for an "elimination of all forms of
discriminatory treatment in international com-
merce, and the reduction of tariffs." It also lists
expansion of production, exchange and con-.
sumption of goods as another objective.
Furthermore, a basis for the settlement of
lend-lease accounts is provided. Any material
that can be returned, and that the United States
wants, will be sent back to this country. Any
other final settlement "shall be such as not to
burden commerce between the two countries,
but to promote mutually advantageous economic
relations between them and the betterment of
world-wide economic relations."
It is apparent that this pact will ease the post-
war economic problem. If it is entered into and
carried out by all the United Nations, another
period of stagnation in international commerce
like that following the last war will not again be
possible. Tariff wars and the resulting world
economic depressions can be avoided.
ALSO ELIMINATED is a potential conflict
over lend-lease debts. Under the terms of
the agreement any debts may be settled without
disrupting commerce and friendly international
relations. For many years British-American
relations have been clouded by the specter of
the war debts of the 1914-18 conflict.
The new economic agreement between United
States and Great Britain is indeed a gratifying
and significant move. It is such a step as this
that adds concrete support to the oft-expressed
claim that a lasting world reorganization will
follow this war.
- George W. SalIad6
'Night-Riding Vigilantes'
Only Obstruct Justice.
SOME OF sunny California's more
cloudy-minded citizens have taken
it upon themselves to act as private extermi-
nators of the "fifth column." An asparagus
workers' camp was attacked by six men who
wounded one Jap and robbed six others. A Japa-

WASHINGTON-In view of the fact that
President Roosevelt once made a great national
issue over keeping "Nine Old Men" on the Su-
preme CQurt, The Washington Merry-Go-Round
has suggested that the President might consis-
tently dispense with the "Four Old Men" in his
cabinet-Secretaries Hull, Stimson, Knox and
Jones-all around seventy, who hold important
war jobs. (This is the tlird column in the series
on the "Four Old Men."-Ed.)
For a man who has spent his life in the news-
paper profession and is one of America's fore-
most publishers, Secretary of the Navy Knox
certainly has a tough time with his press rela-
IN the same week that the Japanese attacked
Pearl Harbor, Frank Knox was out on the
newsstands with an American Magazine cover
proclaiming to the American public: "We Can
Defend Ourselves In Two Oceans."
And now, a few weeks later, Mr. Knox an-
nounces: "We've an awful lot of bread to butter,
and it will have to be buttered very thin."
A public relations bull like this might be con-
sidered just bad luck, if it hadn't happened so
But after demanding that the American press
not divulge the operations of American air-
planes and personnel cooperating with the Brit-
ish before we were in the war, the good Colonel
came out with an article in Collier's disclosing
that an American naval observer was present
in the American-built plane which sighted the
Again, after it had been officially announced
that the U. S. destroyer Greer was attacked first
by,, a Nazi submarine, Secretary Knox's Navy
Department sent a letter to the Senate stating
that the Greer was helping a British airplane
pursue the submarine.
Knox Smells Newsprint
COLONEL KNOX'S chief trouble is that as an
old newspaperman he is just too anxious to
burst into print. He can smell a good story
blocks away and when he does so the old fire
comes into his eyes and he isn't happy until he
makes the next edition. (Of course we can
sympathize with him on this; but we are run-
ning a column, not the Navy.)
Perhaps this is the explanation for the Colo-
nel's publicity gyrations in connection with
battleship launchings. U. S. Naval Intelligence
would like to know whether the Nazi battleships
Friedrich der Grosse and Hindenburg have been
launched. If our Navy knew that, it would know
how many battleships it would station in the
Atlantic to meet them.
However, the Axis doesn't have to worry about
checking on our battleships. For when a U. S.
battleship is launched, Secretary.Knox gets out
the champagne and the radio speeches, and
makes sure that the entire world knows about
it. It saves the Nazis and the Japanese a lot of
money and trouble on Intelligence work.
And yet, when British warships arrived in
U. S. harbors, Colonel Knox demanded that the
American press hush up the facts, even though
everyone around the waterfront knew all about
Pianistics, Old and New
- Chopin To Rachmaninoff
RACHMANINOFF-Concerto No. 1, in F Sharp
minor-Sergei Rachmaninoff with Philadel-
phia Orchestra under Ormandy (Victor).
This is the least frequently performed of Rach-
maninoff's concertos, and unjustly so. The mu-
sic is powerful and sincere, and it is motivated
throughout by the restless rhythms characteris-
tic of nearly all of Rachmaninoff's great orches-
tral compositions.
This first recording of the work is well-done
and clearly recorded. With the composer at the
piano, the work is assured of authenticity.
CHOPIN WALTZES-played by Alexander
Brailowsky (Victor)-The release of two vol-
umes of Chopin's music-all of his waltzes-as

played by one of the foremost living interpreters
of Chopin's music, is certainly an important
musical event.
The two albums include fourteen record sides
and are played to perfection by this great mas-
ter of the piano.
Of the single Red Seal records released this
month, one stands out-the well-liked Rosen-
kavalier Waltzes of Richard Strauss, as recorded
by Eugene Ormandy and the Philadelphia Or-
chestra. The Boston "Pops" Orchestra has re-
corded Oh, Susannah! and Sally In Our Alley
with rather elaborate orchestrations, for no
apparent reason, and the result is an uninter-
esting and unsuitable hodgepodge of musical
tomfoolery. f- D. L.
doing a very efficient job. All that the vigi-
lantes can accomplish is a disruption of the
legal police work.
Such intrusion on the rights of men as has
been taking place in California will only detract
from the real usefulness loyal Americans of
enemy descent can have for the war effort. We
have Japanese soldiers in our armies. We have
Japanese workers in our factories-we might
have many more doing us real service, but we
cannot get them by attacking them in the night.
TPmur wn'ri piHne Awould mend their time

Admirals Hate Him
:T should not be held against Knox that some
of the admirals hate him. The admirals are
usually resentful of any civilian secretary of the
Navy, and sometimes the measure of their dis-
like is a gauge of his ability.
In the case of Colonel Knox, however, the re-
sentment is partly over the Colonel's untimely
publicity, partly over the political appointments.
There is a lot of grumbling over the fact that
Jules James, nephew of Secretary of War Stim-
son, was promoted to be an admiral; that Ad-
miral Wilson Brown was jumped from White
House aide to superintendent of the Naval
Academy, and that the President's naval aides
usually graduate to lush posts. These promo-
tions may not be Knox's fault, but he gets the
King Vs. Knox
Of late there is one section of the Navy De-
partment virtually barred to Knox, even though
he is Secretary of the Navy. This is the wing
of the building ruled by Admiral King, Com-
mander of the United States Fleet.
THIS PART of the Navy functions entirely on
its own-even has its own kitchen in case
officers have to work all night. No civilians are
permitted to enter. And if the Secretary of the
Navy wants to get by the marine standing on
guard, he has to telephone in advance.
King and Knox go through the motions of
observing the amenities, but there is no love
lost between them.
In ordinary peace times, Knox would be a
reasonably good Secretary of the Navy. But to-
day, when a slip can be disastrous, and when
coordinated unity is needed more than ever
before, the rough-riding, tough-talking Colonel
is a misfit. Perhaps realizing this, Knox several
times has told the President he wanted to resign.
(Another in the series of columns on the
"Four Old Men" will appear soon.)
Democrats In A.Hole'
Bald, tobacco-chewing Representative Reid F.
Murray, Wisconsin Republican, stole the show
at hearings before the House Civil Service Com-
mittee on repeal of "pensions for Congress."
Murray brought chuckles by a candid admis-
sion that he wanted to see the Democratic ad-
ministration "take the blame" for the unpopular
legislation. Democratic Representative Guy L.
Moser of Pennsylvania promptly accepted the
"If you're so hot against pensions for Con-
gress," demanded Moser, "and want to put the
Democrats in a hole, why haven't you yourself
introduced a repeal bill?"
"Oh, come now, Congressman," retorted Mur-
ray. "There's such a thing as carrying dema-
goguery too far."

VOL. LI. No. 105
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Instructions for Reporting Acci-
dents: (1) Report All Accidents oc-
curring in line of duty involving any
person on the University payroll in
whatever capacity, whether medical
care is required or not. Accidents
should be reported in writing or by
telephone to the Business Office of
the University Hospital (Hospital Ex-
tension 307). A supply of University
of Michigan accident report forms
(No. 3011) will be furnished on re-
quest by the Hospital Business Office.
(2) Medical Care. Injuries requir-
ing medical care will be treated only
at the University Hospital. Employees
receiving care elsewhere will be re-
sponsible for the expense of such
treatment. Whenever possible a
written report of any accident should
accompany the employee to the In-
formation Desk on the Main Floor of
the University Hospital. This report
will be authority for the Hospital to
render necessary medical care.
(3) Emergency Cases. Emergency
medical care will be given at the Hos-
pital without a written accident re-
port. Ambulance cases should be
taken directly to the Ambulance En-
trance, at the rear of the Main Build-
ing of the University Hospital. In all
such cases the written accident re-
port should be forwarded as promptly
as possible to the Business Office of
the Hospital.
The so-called Workmen's Compen-
sation law is for the mutual protec-
tion of employer and employee. In
order to enjoy the privileges provided
by the law all industrial accidents
must be reported promptly to the cor-
rect authorities. These reports en-
title each employee to compensation
for loss of time and free medical care
as outlined in the law.
The Compensation Law covers any
industrial accident occurring while
ar. employee is engaged in the activi-
ties of his employment which results
in either a permanent or temporary
disability, or which might conceiv-
ably develop into a permanent or
temporary disability.
Further Information. If at any time
an employee wishes further informa-
tion regarding any compensation case,
he is urged to consult either the Busi-
ness Office or the Office of the Chief
Resident Physician at the Hospital or
the Business Office of the University,
on the Campus.
Shirley W. Smith
Home Loans: The University In-
vestment office, 100 South Wing, will
be glad to consult with anyone con-
sidering building or buying a home
or refinancing existing mortgages
and is eligible to make F.H.A. loans.
To the Members of the Faculty of
the College of Literature. Science,
and the Arts: The fifth regular meet-
ing of the Faculty of the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts for
the academic session of 1941-42 will
be held in Room 1025, Angell Hall,
on Monday, March 2, at 4:10 p.m.
Edward I. Kraus
1. Consideration of the minutes of
the meeting of January 26th, 1942,
pages 1-4, which should be re-paged
as 793-796, and which were distrib-
uted by campus mail.
2. Memorial: H. D. Curtis. Com-
mittee: J. W. Eaton, D. L. Rich, W.
C. Rufus, and D. B. McLaughlin,
3. Introduction of new member.
4. Consideration of reports:
A. Reports submitted with the call
to the meeting:
a. Executive Committee, Professor
R. C. Angell.

b. University Council, Professor Z.
C. Dickinson.l
c. Executive Board of the Gradu-
ate School, Associate Professor Clark
d. Deans' Conference, Dean E. H.
e. College Honors Program, Dr.
John Arthos.
B. Oral report:
Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs, Professor 0. S.
5. Problem of the instructor, con-
tinuation of discussion.
6. New business.
7. Announcements
Student Organizations: Due to re-
cently imposed production restric-
tions, all student organizations are
urged to order without delay keys,
badges, or other insignia necessary
for their spring initiations. Further'
information can be secured from the
W. B. Rea
Auditor of Student Organizations'
Certificates of Eligibility: All par-
ticipants and chairmen of activities
are reminded that first semester eli-
gibility certificates are good only un-
til March 1. Certificates for the sec-
ond semester must be secured before
that date.
Office of the Dean of Students
Public Health Students: Dr. Henry
V n lrlnv T.~ - nn- offln n e

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"LaGuardia should bse him at Broadway
air-raid siren."


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Handel, Fantasy in C major; Bach, Prelude and
Fugue in C minor; Chopin, impromptu in F major;
Franck, Prelude, Chorale and Fugue. Debussy,
Excerpts from The Children's Suite.
Miscellaneous improvisations, etc.
W ITH ALL THE FUSS and commotion which
is at the present time being made concern-
ing the conserving of electricity it seems rather
foolish that so much of it was wasted last night
by the bright lights of Hill Auditorium; Mr.
Templeton could just as well have appeared in
some night club which would be using the elec-
tricity anyway, in the milieu in which he began
and for which his type of entertainment is most
suitable. Playing before an audience which was
most ungenteel in clanking of knitting needles,
gum-chewing, coughing, and impolite restless-
ness during the first, and serious half of the eve-
ning, Mr. Templeton passed from this serious
music to what is obviously his most congenial
medium, improvisation, mimicry, the exploita-
tion of the jazz idioms, in short, musical bur-
lesque. Inasmuch as burlesque is not within the
scope of this department we will proceed to a
discussion, of the first part of the program.
Mr. Templeton is possessed o'f a fine technique
and at times does some excellent playing, yet
it is obvious that as a concert pianist he is but
mediocre. Technically his main fault lies in his
tone, which lacks depth and is often coarse and
unpleasant; in all fairness to him, this should be
partly blamed on one of the most annoyingly
voiced pianos we have ever heard in concert, one
which also had a thin and unresonant tone.
Some of the more intense passages were some-
what reminiscent of hail on a tin roof. The
Handel and Bach numbers which opened the
program were done with good style and feeling
for the classicists, though they could have had
more subtlety of dynamic change and somewhat
fuller tone quality.
The Franck "Prelude, Chorale and Fugue," the
finest composition on the program, was the
most poorly played. The entire composition
lacked the subjective expression of Franck; Mr.
Templeton did not at all realize the impression-
ist spirit and style. Instead of the melting to-
gether of the voices to form a luscious homo-
geneity. with the thematic material vaguely seen
and felt in the sensuous harmony, it was notey
and harsh, with obviousness of melody ani no
balance or musical coordination between the
hands. The Chorale especially suffered from
boredom, and almost completely ruinous to the
magnificent iie was thep nianist's: hreakoAn

" Lar
c 4
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1 ,.
and 9211(1 for an

men with some metallurgical train-r
ing for duties as inspectors on warc
materials. Applicants must be of
British or Canadian nationality andE
have some knowledge of the testing ofs
metallic materials, composition ofr
alloys and reading micrometers and5
Any qualified students, graduate orE
undergraduate, who may be interest-t
ed should communicate with Mr. R.
H. B. Butler, Room 604, 360 N. Michi-
gan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. s
Alien (Enemy) Registration: The
Office of the Counselor to Foreign
Students has received the regulationsY
as to alien enemies pertaining to,
registration as follows:
All German, Italian, and Japanese
nationals (persons brn in these
countries or in Austria who have
not received FINAL papers ofI
citizenship and have not yet takenI
the oath of allegiance to the United.
States before a Federal Judge) arec
required to file application for a
Certificate of Identification at the
Ann Arbor General Postoffice up to
February 28. Failure to comply with
the new regulations may be punished~
by severe punishments including
possible internment of the eneiy
alien for the duration of the war.
The alien enemy must furnish the
following documents and information
at the time of the application: 1) the
alien enemy must present his Alien1
Registration Card. All persons who
have not as yet received their cards
should report to the Comselor's Of-
fice at once for information con-
cerning obtaining his card; 2) the
alien enemy must present three
photographs which are 2x2 inchesl
in size and which have been taken1
within 30 days of the date they are
submitted. They must be on thin
paper, unmounted, and unretouched,
and must have light background,'
They must show the alien without
a hat and full front view. Snapshots
and group or full-length photograph
will not be accepted; 3) the alien
enemy must be prepared to fill in
a questionnaire concerning himself.
The Counselor and the Assistant
Counselor will be glad to help the
persons concerned in the above regu-
lations with regard to any questions
or problems arising out of the regis-
tration or application.
Attention of Hopwood contestants
is called to the paragraph on page 9
of the Hopwood bulletin relative to
petitions: "In particular or irregular
cases the committee may, upon peti-
tion, waive parts of these rules, but
no petition will be received by the
committee after March 1, 1942."
R. W. Cowden
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: No course may
be elected for credit after Saturday,
Feb. 28. E. A. Walter
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Election cards
filed after the end of the first week
of the semester may be accepted by
the Registrar's Office only if they are
approved by Assistant Dean Walter.
Students who fail to file their elec-
tion blanks by the close of the third
week, even though they have regis-
tered and have attended classes un-
officially, will forfeit their privilege
of continuing in the College for'the
semester. If such students have paid
any tuition fees, Assistant Dean Walt-
er will issue a withdrawal card for
Caroline Hubbard Kleinstueck Fel-
lowship: This award of $500 is of-
fered by the Kalamazoo Alumnae
Group for the year 1942-43. It is
open to any woman with an A.B.
degree from an accredited college or
university and is available for gradu-
ate work in any field. A graduate
of the University of Michigan may
use the award for study wherever she
wishes but a graduate of any other
college or university must continue

man students having successfully
completed at least 15 hours are eli-
gible for the Elementary Course.
Secondary Course open to all male
students who have successfully com-
pleted the Elementary Course. 'Two
years of college no- longer required.
Applications will be taken in E. En-
gineering Bldg. Room B-47 through
the week of March 1st.
School of Music Seniors: Class dues
are being collected in the School of
Music and the Tower today.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments wishes to notify engineering
students that the Dow Chemical
Company will interview in the offices
of the Bureau on Friday, February
27 for the following:
Bachelor of Science: Mechanical
Engineering, Electrical Engineering,
Engineering Physics, Metallurgical
Engineering; Chemistry, for analyti-
cal work only.
Master of Science: Organic Chem-
istry and Metallurgical Engineering.
Office at 201 Mason Hall. Call
Ext. 371 for appointment.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Academic Notices
History Make-Up: The make-up
examinations in all history courses
will be given from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.,
in Room C, Haven Hall today. All
students taking an examination must
present written permission from the
instructor in the course.
Psychology 31, Sections I and III:
Makeup examination will be given
Monday, March 2, at 7:30 p.m. in
Room 1121 N.S.
Zoology 31 (Organic Evolution).: A
supplementary examination for those
absent from the final will be he held
in Room 3089 N.S. on Monday, March
2, beginning at 1 o'clock.
Choral Union Concert: Vitya Vron-
sky and Victor Babin, pianists, will
give the tenth program in the Chor-
al Union Concert Series, Tuesday,
March 3, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill
Auditorium. The program will con-
sist of numbers for two pianos. A
limited number of tickets are still
available at the offices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower.
Charles A. Sink, President
Exhibition, College of Architec-
ture and Design: The work of Pyn-
son Printers, consisting of books, pan-
els, labels, posters. Ground floor
corridor cases. Open daily 9 to 5,
except Sunday, through March 2.
The public is invited.
Ann Arbor Art Association: An ex-
hibition of regional art and craft as
represented by the work of Jean Paul
Slusser and Charles Culver, painters,
and of Mary Chase Stratton and
Grover Cole, potters. The Rackham
Galleries. Open daily 2-4 and 7-9
except Sunday through March 4. The
public is cordially invited to see this
important exhibition. No admission
University Lefture: Dr. Carl G.
Hartman, Professor of Physiology at
the University of Illinois, will lecture
on the subject, "Two Decades of Pri-
mate Studies and Their Influence
on Gynecological Thought and Prac-
tice" (illustrated), under the auspices
of the Department of Anatomy and
the Medical School, at 4:15 p.m. on
Tuesday, March 3, in the Rackham
Lecture Hall. The public is cordially

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