PIL1DAY, ?E'Rl-AUV 27, 1942
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Linguistic Bottleneck:
Campus Japanese Department
HelpsTrain Needed Translators
By PAUL M. CHANDLER existing facilities are sufficient to
(Associated Press Correspondent) provide a mere trickle of men and
A handful of linguists in five uni- women with even a vague knowledge
versities are at work on one of the of the subject.
tightest bottle-necks in the war pro- The whole burden falls upon five
gram--the training of Japanese in- or six "qualified" teachers here and
in the Universities of Columbia, Har-
t e a a o o yard, Washington and California, he
needed in numbers by military and explains, whereas it's properly a job
civil agencies of government. for hundreds of instructors.
Joseph K. Yamagiwa, an American Each of these universities, accord-'
citizen who teaches the Japa- ing to Yamagiwa, can train only
nese language at the University, says i about 40 students a year. Michigan's
40 will represent the cream of 125
who applied for instruction. Most of
unor enseCouncils i the fortunate 40 had Phi Beta Kappa
To Start In Michigan scholastic averages and are cram-
ming into their schedules three or
LANSING, Feb. 26.-()-Organi- four times the amount of work nor-
zation of Junior Defense Councils in maHy permitted. Less brilliant stu-
high schools throughout Michigan dents were turned down by the score.
will start Friday, initiated at an his-
tor'ical pageant at the. Mackenzie
School in Detroit, the State Defense
Council said today.
Junior councils, composed of five
to 15 members, will aid their elders
in many branches of the civilian war
endeavor, Lieut.-Col. Harold A. Fur-
long, state defense administrator said.
AFL Suggests Board'
DETROIT, Feb.- 26.-(iP)-"-Estab-
lishment of a branch office of the
War Labor Board in Detroit so that
union-management, disputes. might
be. settled quickly, thu avoiding
"spontaneous" strikes, has been pro-
posed by the Detroit and Wayne
County Federation of Labor (AFL).
To be blunt, Yamagiwa says, it's
well-nigh impossible to step up the
output of translators. Every avail-
able teacher and every facility is
working at capacity.
Consider the problems he outlines:
Before a student can begin to read
Japanese he must learn 1,800 basic
symbols and pictographs.
Many Japanese vowel sounds are
wholly unlike anything in the Eng-
lish language.
A smart student needs eight
months to learn to speak simple sen-
tences-like "What's your name?"
It takes five to ten years to learn
enough 'to understand a radio broad-
cast in Japanese.
A reading knowledge may be ac-
quired in one to ten years.
Iceland Corps
Called Heroes
For Lifesaving
Medical Workers' Speed
Provides Rapid Care
For Ship Survivors
Command, Feb. (delayed)-()-A
highly trained U. S. Army Medical
Corps detachment and a doughty
staff sergeant of aviation engineers
have made the entire Iceland Base
Command proud of them.
Their speedy, efficient work in
helping care for survivors of the
U. S. S. Alexander Hamilton, Coast
Guard cutter torpedoed somewhere
off the southern coast of Iceland,
is credited by Army and Navy au-
thorities with saving the lives of sev-
eral badly wounded sailors.
The Hamilton's SOS, flashed im-
mediately after the torpedo from an
unseen submarine exploded amid-
ship, was picked up by an alert army
radio station ashore. The word was
instantly relayed to headquarters.
When an Icelandic resident tele-
phoned that the first boat load of
survivors were approaching shore,
the Army swung swiftly into action.
The Medical Corps detachment,
commanded by Captains Arthur T.
Jones, of Battle Creek, Mich., and
L. A. Smith, of Noona, N. D., formed
a convoy of moderncombat ambu-
lances and began a hazardous jour-I
ney. That it could function so quick-
ly and efficiently was due largely to
its organization and instruction since
arrival here by Major Charles Beas-
ley, Base Surgeon.
Embarrassed Bus
Driver Betrayed
By Defense Sign
SUPERIOR, Wis., Feb. 260-(P)
-A man boarded a bus on which
no, smoking is permitted, walked
to the rear and lit a cigarette.
"Sorry, no smoking in the bus,"
said the driver.
The passenger pointed to a sign
above the driver's head. It read:
"Smoking at rear."
The blushing driver removed a
defense bond sign that hung to the
left of the smoking sign which
partially covered the original sign,
which said:
"No smoking, Exit at rear."
.BookColetion Displayed
On display in the rooms of the
Michigan Historical Collections is
the library of the Rev. John Mon-
An ardent teacher and student
of languages, Rev. Montheith pos-
sessed a collection of books printed
in Greek, Hebrew, Latin, Italian,
French and Spanish.
Still Paying More For Less:
Control Measures Fail To Halt
Local Rise In Cost Of Living
Despite price control bills, Leon
Henderson and sonorous Congres-
sional promises, basic commodity
prices continued their skyward spiral
both nationally and locally last week.
Figures released yesterday by the
Consumers' Committee of the local
Citizens' Council show that out of
seven staple food items in Ann Arbor,
all but one have increased at least
one-third since the war began, four
cosi more than half again as much,
while one has increased 86 p2r cent.
Since the fall of 1941 the commit-
tee has been keeping accurate weekly
check on price rises throughout the
city. Under closest observation have
been groceries, meats, dairy products,
fuel and rents.
The percentage increases over pre-
war prices, as published yesterday in
The Citizen's News, are as follows:
lard, 86; sugar. 53; butter, 53; vege-
table shortening, 37; cheese. 54; flour,
18; beef (round), 35.
In the near future, the Consumers'
Committee will set up a training
course in consumer problems and a
consumers information center. The
former is being set up in cooperation
with the C.V.D.O. for those who re-
cently registered their inttrest. Prof.
Clark Dickinson of the economics de-
partment and a member of the Coun-
cil, is in charge of the course.
The information center will make
available to the public up-to-date in-
formation about prices; government
bulletins on intelligent buying; facts
about nutrition and economical food
substitutes; recipes for low-cost
meals; suggestions for family bud-
geting; and bibliographies of the ma-
terial available at the Public Library
and the University Library.
The center is to be staffed by vol-
unteers who will be thoroughly ac-
quainted with the material on dis-
play and will be able to answer most
questions which may arise.
Originally organized when increas-
ed taxation, rising prices, priority un-
employment and higher rents made it
HcmmneU Will Talk
apparent that the consumer would
need more and more help in spend-
ing his money wisely, the Committee
has received advice from Samuel Ja-'
cobs, regional director for the Office
of Price Administration, who attend-
ed t~wo of the meetings.
Several organizations were repre-
sented at the first meeting, includ-
ing the American Association of Uni-
versity Women, Ann Arbor Womens
Club, Citizens Council, Dunbar Cen-
ter, League of Women Voters, Social
Service Seminar, Teachers Club,
Teachers Union, West Side Womens
Club, and the Young Womens Chris-
tian Association.
The committee chairmen are: gro-
ceries, Mrs. William Preston; meats,
Mrs. Philip Trezise; dairy products,
Mrs. Frank Mickle; fuel, C. Willett
Spooner; and rents, Carl Belser.
Tire Shortage
Mi ht Cripple
State Bureaus
LANSING, Feb. 26.-(P)--Governor
Van Wagoner said today a shortage
of tires threatens to cripple the
State Banking Department's exam-
iner'staff and "may be a forerunner
of what is coming in state govern-
ment" as a result of the war.
Maurice Eveland, banking commis-
sioner, reported one of his examiners
is using borrowed tires, three-quar-
ters of his staff of 40 examiners will
be in similar circumstances by Au-
gust, and that efforts to induce Fed-
eral authorities to allow his employes
to buy new or reconditioned tires
have been futile.
Auditor General Vernon J. Brown,
who with Budget Director Leo J.
Nowicki has control of the fleet of
state-owned cars, said he still saw
little prospect that state officials
would cooperate in a suggested
"pool" of vehicular resources to con-
serve machines and tires.
Actually Brown and Nowicki have
authority under the law to take away
the state-owned automobiles of any
employe or official, but neither has
indicated any desire to take drastic
Meanwhile Eveland said he con-
templated dividing the state into
four zones for bank examiner pur-
poses, assigning men and cars to
each zone to reduce the distance
they must travel. Examiners use
their own cars and receive an allow-
ance of five cents per mile traveled
on business.
(Continued from Page 5)
Hillel Foundation: Professor Pal-
mer A. Throop, of the History De-
partment, will speak on "Intellectual
and Moral Crisis" this evening at
8:15 at the Hillel Foundation, Oak-
land at East University. A fireside
discussion and social will follow.
Everyone is invited.
Library Tea at the Unitarian
Church today, -4:00-6:00 p.m. Stu-
dents, faculty and their friends in-
All girls participating in League,
Panhellenic, and Assembly activities,
or takifig defense courses, must have
their eligibility card signed in the
Social Director's office of the League
by 5:00 p.m. today.
License Deadline Near
LANSING, Feb. 26.-(AP)-Harry F.
Kelly, secretary of state, estimated
today some 700,000 Michigan motor-
ists still must obtain new automobile
license plates before the Saturday
night deadline, He pointed out the
law forbids extension of the deadline
and allows no period of grace for
tardy licensees.
Co(11!1mIr g:Evetnts
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room Michigan Un-
ion. Members of all departments are
cordially invited. There will be a
brief talk on "Lustiges aus der Hueh-
nerpsychologie" by Mr. Clarke W.
Barn Dance. sponsored by the
Michigan Outing Club, will be held
Saturday evening at the Women s
Athletic Building at 8:30. Every stu-
dent on campus is invited to attend.
There will be no charge. Come with
or without a date. Wear informal
Square Dance for graduate student3
and faculty on Saturday. Feb. 28, at
8:30 p.m. in the Rackham Assembly
Hall. Sponsorship of Graduate Coun-
cil and Graduate Outing Club. Old
time square and round dances. In.-
struction for beginners. Refresh-
New Styles First
Ut Wild's
"Listen here,
Mr. Quigley!"
I 'I I I IN I I 111111 1 11% 1 III q o llijill q m lll 11 V !I IN
A high choking collar is old stuff! Newest is the
Arrow Hull-cut on the easy-riding low slope pattern
to provide maximum comfort. And with the long-
point, authentic collar, it's the best-lookitig white
shirt yet! Sanforized labeled (fabric shrinkage less
than 1%). Enroll in the Arrow class today!
Arrow lies go with Arrow shirts!
l S
- !
To Spanish
Describing the ancient civilization
of Indians living in the plateau of
Mexico, Prof. Ralph W. Hammett of
the architecture college, will deliver
the fourth of La Sociedad Hispanica's
current lecture series at 4:15 p.m.,
March 5 in Room D, Alumni Memor-
i91 Hall.
Professor Hammett will illustrate
his talk by presenting colored slides
of Mexican art, which he filmed re-
cently. The lecture will be given in
Englh, and all members are urged
to attend.
HATS that are versatile,
popular and attractive, all
one price . . . . .$3
"'Where the good clothes
come from."
Siamese Twins Meet Staten Island
Face To Face From United Position
The New GARG
Is Here!
~/4nntfcifl j
NEW YORK, Feb. 26.-(P)-Face
to face and joined together, two baby
girls rested tonight in a single crib
at St. Vincent's Hospital, Staten
Island, while in another room their'
mother kept asking:
"Where are my babies? Are my
babies all right? They won't let me
see them."
Finally, hospital attendants ad-
vised Carmine Picciotto, the 29-year-
old father, to tell his wife that she
had given birth to Siamese twins.
When he informed her, nurses said,
she expressed astonishment but
quickly became reconciled.
The little girls, who weighed to-
gether nine pounds, four ounces, were
being fed another mother's milk
340 S. State St.
Drug Sundries
Student Supplies
and Newspapers
- -----
gjive y~our rom
the "Oxford acrue t"
Invasion of Ann Arbor
through a medicine dropper and giv-
en oxygen as a precautionary meas-
Dr. Peter Timpone, who delivered
the twins today, indicated that he
planned to move very carefully in
preparing for any possible attempt at
an operation that might successfully
separate them.
He said extensive X-ray examina-
tions would be made this week to de-
termine whether they have the same
bloodstream. The babies are joined
from a point just below the chest to
about an inch below the navel-a
distance of about three inches.
" 0
are open every
morning from 9 to 12,
We open early
very large
amount of
week - end
and month-end
The Oxtord by A.sley
accents your room with its
beauty-your regards with
its brilliant tuni.
Shown above: Oxford 8-tube
automatic combination with
short wave and standard broad-
cast. Genuine Mahogany, A twin
to the Oxford is available as a
record cabinet,
Exclu<ire (t Ifi
* Mr. John Makes His Debut.
* Pictorial Revue of J-HOP.
* 9 Days in Heaven.
* Black-Out in Martha Cooks
* Your Michigan Lawyers' Club.
At last it's definite and official
... "Dartmouth" and "Dun-
hill" have been posted' as the
two top sport jackets! They're
both about as high up the lad-
der as the ladder goes in style
.. and there's reasons a-plen-
ty for their popularity . . .
31-inch length . .button
center vent., straighter back
. ticket pocket . low.
pitched pockct i
lower patch flap pockets ...
ticket pocket ... button center
vent . . . 31-inch length ...
natural shoulders . . . all-soft
isr Harbor a ckets
transactions we handle.
lunches served
at our fountain