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January 27, 1942 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-27

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AT. IANUAR 272 1942



Power- Laden




Wolve rine s,


v4 --.-- -.-----------.-__Y_ _.

Sextet Excels
In Single Win
Aggressive Team Playing
Featured; Tired Varsity
Routed In Second Game
Puck Slips: A blank in the win
column that has stood the heat of
many battles was finally filled last
Thursday night when the Wolverine
hockey team turned in its first vic-
tory of the season against the 'used-
to-be-great' Minnesota Gophers.
For the 1100 Minnesota fans it was
a big surprise to see their sextet take
it on the chin against the previously
weak Michigan team. For the Michi-
gan fans the 3-2 victory was as great
a thrill as a surprise-the Maize and
Blue had finally 'brought home the
Teams Battle
Thursday's game found a Michigan
team playing as it had never played
before. It was a battle fought by a
team and not by individuals. After
Bob Collins had powered the first
goal into the nets in the first period
(7:12), another following with Max
Bahrych scoring on a pass from Paul
Goldsmith, Minnesota was completely
set back on its heels.
Bob Smith and John Peterson, go-
liath Gopher defensemen, bounced
Eddie Lowrey's men hard against the
boards all night, but the Wolverines
were not to be denied this time. Gold-
smith made the score 3-0 in the third
period. In less than a minutes, how-
ever, Minnesota narrowed the margin
by denting the nets for two quick
markers. But here it all ended, Mich-
igan 3, Minnesota 2.
Saturday Was Different
Saturday's contest was a different
story. With their first victory tucked
away the Wolverines pressed hard in
an attempt to make it two straight.
But they never completely recovered
from the physical beating that was
received two days before. Larry Arm-
strong's team started early, and the
tired Wolverines were never able to
head off their opponents once they
started moving.
In taking the second game from
Michigan, 6-0, Minnesota turned in
two markers on shots from face-offs.
Another went singing into the Wol-
verine nets after a lone poke from
outside the blue line. The same Hank
Loud who had turned in an amazing
game in the nets for Michigan on
Thursday didn't get his share of the
breaks that night. .
The puckmen lay away their skates
for three weeks for final examina-
tions and semester changes, and start
play again on Feb. 14 when they meet
the Paris A.C. in the Coliseum. Dur-
ing the final month of playing they
will face Colorado College in two con-
tests at Colorado Springs and will
finish the season playing two more
games each with Michigan Tech, Ill-
inois and Minnesota.

Denton, Zimmei' T op f oosier
Aces; Antle Stars For Varsity
(Continued from. Page 1)

Links Tourniey

Swimmners 1mow OS ;
Buckeye Tankers In

Will Mfeel

Return Meet

Finishes Round In
Under Par To Take


I Kv K13/) FIENI)EI I ,

Conference win as against the same
number of defeats, while it was the
Wolverines' sixth setback in eight
Conference starts. The Hoosiers to-
night regained the form which helped
them to. an early season upset win
over Purdue and gained them one of
the best pre-Conference schedule rec-
ords in the Big Ten.
The game, which before the open-
ing whistle stacked up as a fairly
even battle, soon took on the com-
plexion of a rout,.and as the Hoosiers
-who are famous for playing basket-
ball all year round-got hotter and
hotter, Michigan's hardy cagers wilt-
ed under the fire.
The Wolverines will resume their
quest for a higher rung on the Big
Ten basketball ladder Saturday when
they tackle the same Minnesota quin-
tet which walloped them 44-32 in
Minneapolis two weeks back.

SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 20.-(A}.In
semi-darkness and miserable playing
conditions, l3eltin' Benny Hogan
charged home like the champion he
is to win the $5,000 San Francisco
Open Golf Tournament today with
a 72-hole total of 279--nine under
Last to start and finish, Hogan
hit the California club course for a
one under-par 71 on the final round
to win top money of $1,000 and his
second tournament in this state
within three weeks.
He took the major prize, $3,500, in
the recent Los Angeles Open and fol-
lowed that with a second place tie
in the Oakland event a week later.
Hogan played some of the finest
golf of his career in view of the ad-
verse playing condition of the course.
Golfers slipped and slid over mushy
fairways and saw balls buried in,
greens. The event had been post-
poned for two days after the opening
round because of rain.
His 65, seven under par, for the
first round not only equalled the
competitive course record but gave
him a lead on the field that was
never seriously threatened.


Great Leaping Guns!


Logan, f.
Denton, c
Zimmer-, g
Lewis, f..
Funk, c..
Torphy, g
Gibert, f.
Doyle, g.
Bikoff, g.
Comin, f
Totals ...

(64) FG FT
f. 5 0
.. .. .... .... . 0 1
.7 3
.6 2
ker, g....... 1 2
f. ..........4 0
g...........1 0
. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 0
.. . . ..... .. . 1 2
. . . . . . . . . . 1 0
27 10
&N (36) FG FT
f. ...........3 1
0 2
c. ............3 1
2 1
achie, g. .....0 0
............. 1 0
2 0
1 5
g. ........... 1 0
..13 10



ny " II~~
Greatly pleased with his team's s
50-34 win over a strong Ohio State tl
aggregation last Saturday night,
Coach Matt Mann gave his mermen ae
day of rest yesterday before the ladsa
buckled down for finals.0
Next meet carded for the Wolverinet
tankers will be against the samef
Buckeye crew that they swamped n
here in the Sports Building pool overC
the past weekend. Mann and his e
natators will take to the road for
the Columbus encounter Feb. 11, andt
will keep traveling to face the North-q
western and Purdue swimming teams i
on Feb. 13 and 14 respectively. 1
Michigan Takes Early Lead c
Last Saturday's meet with the
Buckeyes saw Michigan take an early
lead which was never threatened.
Contrary to what was expected, Coachs
Mike Peppe's invaders fell with rela-I
tive ease before the sharp-fanged1
Wolverines, as the home team cap-
tured first place in all but two events,t
the 100 yard freestyle and the 150i
yard backstroke.r
And even more can be expectedk
from the Michigan crew in the future.t
The natators are not at top form1
yet, and according to Mann's training
schedule they won't hit their peak
until the biggest dual meet of the
year against Yale's eastern champs
here on Feb. 21.
But even so the Wolverines were
impressive Saturday. With junior
Jack Patten setting the pace, theyt
swept aside the Ohio State chal-
lenge like so much dust.
Patten Takes Honors
Patten came into his own against
the Buckeyes. Taking first place in.
both the 220 and 440 freestyle events,
the Michigan distance ace was high
point man for the night with 10t
markers. Add to this the fact that,
he cracked the Big Ten 220 with a
mark of 2:11.7, and you'll get a
rough idea of what the husky junior
will do when he hits his top stride
around midseason.
In the diving, Michigan's Strother3
(T-Bone) Martin disposed of the
toughest competition in intercollegi-
ate circles, Charlie Batterman and!
Frank Dempsey-Peppe's hopes to
replace Al Patnik and Earl Clark at
the top of the heap. Martin was too
much for the highly touted Buckeye{
duo, which installs him as the favorite
to cop the national crown.
The three meet again in Colum-

bus, however, and Martin can be
sure that the two Ohio State aces
aren't conceding him a victory on
the basis of last week's results.
They'll be just as tough, if not tough-
er in their home pool, but the Maize
and Blue star, with the increased
confidence resulting from his recent
triumph. should once again win top
The Wolverines' two relay teams,
medley and freestyle, beat off strong
Ohio State challenges to win their
events, with the medley trio of Dick
Riedl, John Sharemet, and Gus
Sharemet having a more difficult
time of it than did the freestyle
quartet of Capt. Dobby Burton, Gus
Sharemet, Tommy Williams and Lou
Kivi. The winning time in the med-
ley was 3:00.5, while 3:37.8 took the
closing freestyle race.
Follanshee Trims Riedl
Mark Follansbee, the Buckeye
sophomore backstroke sensation had
his hands full beating Riedl in the
150 yard backstroke event. The
Scarlet and Gray entry barely
touched out the Wolverine, winning
in the time of 1:40.1. Ted Horlenko,
Michigan's other entry, took third
but brought more than his share of
smiles to Mann's face as he covered
the distance just five-tenths of a
second slower than Follansbee to
Owen Will Accept
Brooklyn Contract
BROOKLYN, Jan. 26-(/P)-Mickey
Owen, the crusty little catcher who
was a holdout from the Brooklyn
Dodgers at this time last year, has
written President Larry MacPhail he
would accept whatever 1942 contract
his boss thought was fair.
The ball club, in revealing receipt
of the letter today, disclosed for the
first time that MacPhail had written
some of his leading players inviting
them to come to Brooklyn at the
club's expense for a discussion of
their new contracts.
Dolph Camilli, the National Lea-
gue's imost valuable player, Whitlow
Wyatt and Billy Herman were among
those written but Owen was the first
to reply.
"Naturally, Larry, I want to make
as much as I can, but I want to be
worth it and earn every cent of it.
Send me whatever contract you think
is fair. It will only take me five min-
utes to sign as you have always
treated me fine," he wrote.

chalk up his fastest time of the year.
And Walt Stewart likewise came
up with a pleasant gift for the Michi-
gan mentor. Stewart finished third
to Patten and Buckeye Don Schna-
bel in the 440 freestyle, but his time
of 5:05.7 was the best he's ever done
and gives indication of better things
to come.
Burton Wins Close One
Capt. Burton touched out Capt.
John Leitt of Ohio State to capture
the 50 yard freesytle in :24.1, with
Bob West garnering the third place
markers for the Wolverines. Leitt
responded by beating Michigan's Gus
Sharemet and Burton in the 100
yard freestyle, taking the event in
54 seconds flat.
As expected, Jim Skinner, national
titleholder, disposed of Ohio State's
Charlie Spangler with little trouble
in the 200 yard breaststroke while
teammate John Sharemet was barely
touched out by the Buckeye. Skin-
ner's winning time was 2:27.8.
With their first meeting against
their most powerful Western Con-
ference opponent safely behind them,
and fairly certain that they should
be able to whip the Buckeyes again
as well as beating Northwestern and
Purdue, the Michigan natators are
pointing for their clash with Yale.
That's the big one.
Luck On Your Exams!
"We all can't be genii but we're
all human and willing to do our best.
That's the spirit!"
The ]Daseola Barbers
Between State and Mich. Theatre
$35 values now $23.60
$30 values now $21.20
i $40 values now $32.00
$35 values now $28.00
$25 values now $18.75
122 H. Liberty
Next To P. Bell On The Corner

Slap lar Arm On Books:
Matmen Take Time Out; Rest


After Findlay WinSaturday

Score at half: Indiana 23; Michi-
gan 15.
Free throws missed: Swanson 1,
Logan 1, Denton 1, Hamilton 1, Lewis
1, Cartmill 1, Gibert 2, Doyle 1, Antle
Varsity Vaulter
Sadk; No Chance
To Set Record
In the time trials two weeks ago the
varsity pole vaulter was flirting with .
13 feet and barely missed clearing it
Last Friday he just nosed over 12
The question was asked of the lad
how come. How come this deprove-,
ment instead of improvement?
"O.K., then," the gent says mood-
ily, "I'll give you the straight dope.
It's the whole set-up down here. It
ain't inspirin', it ain't conducive to
success. Look. The world vault rec-
ord is 15 feet 5% inches. Two days
ago I decides to run the standards
up to that height just to see what I
gotta shoot at.
"Was I disgusted! The highest
they go is 14 feet. Now I ask you.
It's a downright slap in the face to
give a guy standards a foot and a half
short of the record. That's what's
the matter with me now. I got a in-
feriority complex!"
We asked the crushed soul how
high he had previously done. The
manager who helped us to our feet
"Thirteen feet-just once."

Like all good Michigan athletes
around this time of the year, Cliff
Keen's rugged crew of matmen, fresh
from their rousing thumping of Find-
lay College's Oilers Saturday, 26-6,
are heading for the nearest libraries
with an eye to keeping up that o1'
debbil scholarship, so there'll be little
tussling done around the Field House
till after exams.
The Wolverines will start off next
semester against one of those always
potent Corn Belt outfits, Nebraska,
Feb. 16, and if they can keep up the
pace they seemed to hit against Find-
lay, should chalk up their third win
of the year.
Johnny Greene-Villain
Heavyweight Johnny Greene won
villain honors for the afternoon when
he unceremoniously slipped a pro-
digious half-Nelson onto the Oiler's
Dick Faykosh in the final bout of
the doy with such verve and gusto
that. said Faykosh came up with a
torn chest cartilage, which will prob-
ably keep him out of competition for
a good while.
Strictly unintentional on Johnny's
part of course, but it proves that the
Wolverines heaviest grappler is one
powerful boy. Faykosh topped the
scale at about 190 pounds himself so
it was no little task to hurt a lad of
that size. Although the injury was
painful and enough to make Faykosh
forfeit the match, it was not serious.
Another Casualty
The only other casualty of sorts
was Findlay's student coach, husky
Jake Diemert, who had an old wound
on his forehead opened during his
match with Ray Deane which the
former won, 3-1.
Cliff Keen was talking about stu-
dent coaches before the match Fri-
day. Says some of the best mentors
he's run into have been student
"When Northwestern won the Big
Ten baseball title two or three years
back they had a player coach. Mighty
fine one too."
Cliff went on. "Then I remembert

one of the best coaches in the busi-
ness when I was wrestling in school,
was a student coach. Up at North-
western on the faculty now. O. H.

OSU Humbles Maroons...
COLUMBUS, O., Jan. 26. -(R)--
Using 15 players, Ohio State Univer-
sity tonight defeated Chicago 63 to
35 in a Western Conference basket-
ball game before a crowd of 1,989.
Gophers Down Purdue . .
LAFAYETTE, Ind., Jan. 26.-(A')-
The Minnesota Gophers downed the
Purdue. Boilermakers, 46 to 39, in a
basketball game before 8,500 onlook-
ers tonight to climb over Purdue into
the runnerup spot in the Western
Conference standing.

Studdeville was his name. Down at
Central State (Okla.) Teachers when
he coached."
"Yessir. He was a great coach.
They would have beat us the year we
met them (Cliff is an Oklahoma
A.&M. product) if . .
Cliff gave out with a cagy chuckle
at this point.
"If what?" we asked with interest.
"If he'd have won his match with
me," was the quick reply, and he
stepped briskly over to show one of
his boys a bar arm.
And so to books till those tough
Cornhuskers stamp into town Feb. 16.


J-iop Is ,Here Again!
Correct style and perfect fit are the
necessities in dress clothes. Here, you
will see a complete stock of correctly
styled tail coats and Tuxedos with
perfect fits assured.
Full Dress Suits ......$35.00
Vests-....... ........$4.50
Ties..........85c and $1.00
Shirts .$3.00
We also have a Collars ... 35c
RENTAL DEPT. Hosiery 39c-55c
for Full Dress Suspenders $ .1.00
I "ir ~ - - -



whether you

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"Fair Prices'




j Take note of how quality,
fabrics, style and workman-
ship are superlatively-com-
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shrinkage less than 1%) in-
s-ring perfect,pernanen t fit.
4 They're long on wear and
short on the purse strings.



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111 I 1

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