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January 27, 1942 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-27

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AY, JANUARY 27, 1942

Band Leader Brown Achieved
Faine On An Empty Stomach
An empty stomach, disillusionment
and tough breaks are the best teach-
ers-and Les Brown learned first
hand all there is to know on those
subjects when he came out of Duke >
University in 1936 with an unen-
thusiastic crew of collegiates bent :: .:::= :.

uuanig, reb. 31, on tne Liorary on making their mark in the music
steps, despite signs posted conspicu- world.
ously at various campus points. About 18 months ago, Les Brown
Schwab, who is majoring in theory and his orchestra, who will play for
of music, was extremely surprised the informal night of J-Hop, Feb. 7,
yesterday to read official-looking were making little progress while
signs posted on all campus bulletin other young bands were getting a
boards and even in the downtown good share of prominence and big
stores to the effect that Cary Schwab, money.
Theorist, would present a program in The real turning point in Brown's
the Student Recital Series. musical career came in 1940 when
The program was listed as being they were booked into Mike Todd's
composed of (1) Singing Dominant Theatre-Cafe in Chicago for four
Seventh Harmony in the Pre-Classic weeks. They did so well that they
Tradition, and (2) Tonic, to Sub- stayed for. four months, after which
mediant to Dominant and Back. The it was only an upward journey.
first part of the program may be . Before that date, however, it was
loosely interpreted as meaning prac- almost impossible to obtain good
tically nothing, and the second is an musicians for the scale rates he re-
exercise which consists of singing ceived at hotels and, as Les says,
1-3-5-3-1 in their respective pitch, "The summer of 1938. was the low
according to music school sources. spot of my life. I arranged, led the
The campus posters further stated band, played ;the horns until I was
that the recital was to be held Mon- blue in the face."
day, Feb. 31, on the Library steps at Critics tag Brown's orchestra as
midnight in partial fulfillment of the the most spirited dance crew in the
requirements for the degree of Bach- business and his success is assured,
elor of Music. they believe, because he can accept
success gracefully due to the tough
c"sbreaks he's had to take.
Brown was born in Reinerton, Pa.,
To Present Recital Pa.,and first showed interest in
music when he got hold of his dad's
curved soprano saxophone. This in-
Making his Ann Arbor debut, Bar- terest never cooled through high
rett Spach, organist and director of school, the Conservatory of Music in
music at the Fourth Presbyterian Ithaca, the New York Military Acad-
Church, Chicago,,will be guest or- emy and Duke University.
ganist in the second of the current Brown's renditions of "Anvil Chor-
School of Music organ recital series us," "Marche Slave," "Do You Care,"
at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Audi- and "Booglie Wooglie Piggie" have
torium. done their part to put him on top
or his program Spach has chosen the musical ladder but it is "'Tis
music from the works of the most Autumn" that epitomizes his talents
celebrated composers of organ liter- and stabilizes his position.
ature-Franck, J. S. Bach and Buxte- Quite appropriately for this J-Hop
hude. the profits of which will be turned

(dwv u~liJJ el

over to defense-Les Brown was the
first to suggest that bandleaders call
themselves Bond Leaders and pay
part of their men's weekly salaries
with a Defense Bond.
Campus' Guilds Cooperate
To HoldPrayer Day
A worship service in observance of
the World Day of Prayer for Stu-
dents will be held at 7 p.m. Sunday,
Feb. 15, in the Baptist church.
Baptist, Congregationalist, Disci-
ples, Episcopal, Evangelical, Luth-
eran, Methodist and Presbyterian
Guilds are cooperating in the pro-
gram, which is being sponsored by
Each of the guilds is taking respon-
sibility for one part of the prayer
service, which will. be liturgical in
character, featuring congregational
and special music. As far as possible,
it is based upon the traditions of each
The committee drawing up plans
is composed of Tom Johnson, '44,
chairman; Bert Ludy, '42, Elsie Wikle,
'42, Jim Hall, '42E, Dorothy Wied-
man, '42A, Dick Coe, '42E, Ray
Steiner, '42, Catherine Wienert, '42,
and Doris Kirk, '43.
Measles Epidemic
Continues To Fill
All Available Beds
About 95 students have fallen vic-
tims to the highly contagious Ger-
man measles since the University re-
opened after Christmas vacation and
still the outbreak shows no signs of
abating as 12 more patients were re-
ported by the Health Service yester-
day afternoon.
Thus far the Health Service con-
tagious section and the University
Hospital's contagious ward have
managed to handle the patients while
they convalesced for the short three-
day period, but it is not known how
far the affliction will spread.
It takes from two to three weeks
for the infection to develop after ex-
posure and the disease itself is very
mild-comparable to an ordinary cold
in severity.
The first outbreak occurred im-
mediately following Christmas vaca-
tion when a high of 27 patients at
one time was reached, but died down
temporarily until Tuesday when the
toll began to climb again.
All students interested in being
interviewed for entrance to a co-
operative house next semester
should call Owen Schwamm,
2-2143,. as soon as possible.

Would Rather
Beat Than Eat
August Helmecke, Famed
National Music Figure
Calls 'U' Band 'Tops'
Sousa said, "I wouldn't exchange
August Helmecke in his position for
any man I ever heard in any band
or orchestra either in America or
Europe"; and Mr. Helmecke says, "I'd
rather beat the bass drum than eat,"
making an unbeatable combination.-
Here for the two-day reading clinic
which closed Sunday, Mr. Helmecke
has had plenty of time to decide whe-
ther nor not he likes the drum, as
he played with Sousa for 20 years,
and is now completing his twenty-
fifth year with Edwin Franko Gold-
Terming the University Concert
Band "tops," Mr. Helmecke also
judged the band's percussion section
"excellent," a real compliment in the
face of his estimate that "only about
one drummer in a thousand really
plays the way he should."
As for the place of the concert
band in the world of music, Mr.
Helmecke believes that band music
will soon come to its own "largely
because of the fine work being done
in the country's high schools and
As an example he cited Raymond
Crisara, cornetist with the University
Band last year, now playing with the
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra. "The
first performance he played," he said,
"you'd have thought he'd been play-
ing there for 25 years!"
In addition to Mr. Helmecke, na-
tional music figures at the clinic in-
clude composers Roy Harris and Erik
Liedzen and clarinetist Gustave Lan-
genus. Mr. Harris and Mr. Liedzen
were featured a guest conductors at
the University Band's mid-winter
concert Sunday.
Third guest conductor on Sunday's
concert program, directed by Prof.
William D. Revelli, was Russell How-
land of the Schgol of Music.
Pieces on the program included
Thomas's Overture to "Raymond,"
"First Suite in E-flat" by Holst, the
Finale to Dvorak's New World Sym-
phony, arranged by Mr. Liedzen, as
well as his composition "Devonnaire
Overture," and Mr. Harris's compo-
sition "Cimarron."

VOL. LII. No. 89
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
New Registration Dates: Students
will register for the second semester
on February 5, 6, and 7 under the
same alphabetical schedule as wasl
previously announced for February!
12, 13, and 14.
Shirley W. Smith
Home Loans: The University In-
vestment office, 100 South Wing, will
be glad to consult with anyone con-
sidering building or buying a home
or refinancing existing mortgages
and is eligible to make F.H.A. loans.
Detroit Armenian Women's Club
Scholarship: The Detroit Armenian
Women's Club offers a scholarship
for $100 for the year 1942-43 for
which young men and women of
Armenian parentage, living in the
Detroit metropolitan district who
demonstrate scholastic ability and
possess good character and who have
had at least one year of college work,

are eligible. Further information
may be obtained from me.
Dr. Frank E. Robbins,
1021 Angell Hall
Automobile Regulation: Students
may obtain permission to drive over'
the registration period and the week-
end of the J-Hop through the follow-
ing procedure: Apply in advance at
Room 2, University Hall, for a parent
signature card which is to be sent
home for the written approval of
parents. Upon presentation of this

card properly signed and filled out
bearing the make, type and license
number of the car to be used (desig-
nate whether car license plate is for
1941 or 1942), a permit will then be
granted for the period beginning
Thursday, February 5, at 8:00 a.m.
and ending on Monday, February
9, at 8:00 a.m.
Cars may not be brought into Ann
Arbor before February 5 at 8:00 a.m.
and must be taken out before 8:00
a.n . on February 9.
(Continued on Page 4)


Today Orly!



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