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January 27, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-27

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By Lichty

. _

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Stafff
Emile Gel . . . . . Managing Editor
Alvin Dann . . . . Editorial Director
David Lachenbruch . . . . City Editor
Jay McCormick . . . . . Associate Editor
Hal Wilson . * . . . . Sports Editor
Arthur Hill . . . . Assistant Sports Editor
Janet Hiatt. . . . Women's Editor
Grace Miller . . Assistant Women's Editor
Virginia Mitchell . . . . . Exchange Editor
Business Staff

Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright


Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Short, Kimmel
Should Be Examples . . .
vealed what the American people
long suspected about some of its brass hats-
that the brass hats were superfluous covering
for thick skulls. The unanimous approval which
greeted the report of Associate Justice Roberts
and his colleagues has unfortunately, .however,
been coupled with a tendency to forgive those
whose inexcusable inaction was responsible for
Pearl Harbor and some of its aftermaths.
The notorious fact of General Short's feud
with Admiral Kimmel added to their disregard
of specific warnings concerning the imminence
of attack can only mean that these two men
were guilty of more than "dereliction- of duty,?
they were guilty of the murders of highly-
trained personnel, of the destruction of tremen-
dously important war weapons. Their short-
sighted, unforgivable neglect of the fundamental
rule of warfare-keep always on the alert-
cannot be dismissed lightly.
T IS NOT for the 'individual punishment of
these men as men that we ask, it is their pun-
ishment as symbols of an attitude that has
appeared all too commonly in our armed forces.
Even after the Hawaiian debacle-and there
can no longer be any doubt that it was a deb-
acle-there was a disgusting tendency in our
national capital to write the whole thing off to
experience and conceal its details from the
Fortunately, Roosevelt took action in such a
way that direct responsibility for the disaster
had to be fixed. It fell upon the proper persons
as the report itself specified, and now Roosevelt
should take the next logical step-drastic pun-
ishment of those who were responsible for our
Pacific plight.
Those claiming that the conscience-stricken
commanders should be forgiven as having al-
ready suffered enough overlook the necessity of
providing an object lesson for others both in
the Navy and the Army who tend to be too sure
of themselves, too complacent about our final
N SPITE of the fine work done by General
Marshall in weeding out incompetent offi-
cers, the accusations directed at General Short
by the Roberts report leave no doubt that there
is still a class of officers in the Army who regard
precedent and rank, service prestige and advan-
tage ahead of the welfare of the nation. It
seems almost too illogical to believe that the
only officers of this type in the armed services
should be found in that one danger spot; it is
so illogical that we are forced to confess that we
can't believe it, that we do, indeed, believe that
he is duplicated many times over in our Army.
It is because of this belief in the uncertain
ability of many of-our top-ranking officers that
we call so strongly for the translation of the
Roberts report into action. We ask for the im-
mediate and public discharge of Short from
the Army and Kimmel from the Navy, with the
social ostracism that such an ejection implies.
-Hale Champion
Arithmetic Lessons Urged
WHETHER OR NOT Americans are illiterate

BECAUSE it is difficult to argue with adminis-
trators about that which is in detail their
business, even though in general effect it may
be the business of all of us, I am forced in writ-
ing this column to admit that after having dis-
cussed the matter with the respective heads of
Men's Residence Halls, and of Approved Room-
ing Houses for Men, I can see a certain amount
of justice on their side as well as on mine. Mine
is the side of the student, without much regard
to dormitory bondholders, interest rates, or in
fact, the landladies of rooming houses. That
these factors should be considered has been
pointed out to me, but I am afraid that it is
just that consideration of all the complexities
which has brought the present decision on room
rents from the Administration, a decision which
is on the one hand, I believe, an unjust one, and
on the other hand, no decision at all. Granted
the initial premise that both administrators
handle a double job, steering between good for
the landlady or dormitory, and good for the
student, there is a certain internal justice to be
found in both cases. If either of the men who
come under criticism here wish to state fully
what their reasons are, and what the factors
are which will make their actions easier for the
students to take, I invite them right now to do
so. They have argued, but have not convinced
me entirely th'at they have justice. I can only
say in agreement with them that I can see what
they mean when they say justice, and that
within certain self-defined limits, they have
achieved it.
But there are two kinds of justice. One exists
mainly on precedent and the letter of the law,
and tends, in a system where both the adminis-
trative and the judicial powers are given to the
same group, to favor that group as against all
cQmers, whatever right may be on the side of
the dissenters. The other kind of justice is the
more liberal sort, under which, with due regard
to the soundness of precedent, the letter of the
law is occasionally ignored in order to achieve
true justice, especially in regards to the rights
of people under unusual and unforeseen cir-
cumstances, and in fact the shifting of the
written law's effect and aim.
NOW the gentlemen under discussion may say
that there is no true injustice in the ar-
rangements they have made. They may also
say that they have adjusted the matter of room
rent for the shortened semester in the most
moderate way possible, injuring neither student
nor landlady or dormitory beyond reason. Actu-
ally what they have done cannot be judged
until a few test cases have been tried. In the
dormitories this will be quite difficult, for the
very impersonality, and the excellent flexibility
of decision in University-controlled organiza-
tions of any sort, makes an effective appeal
almost impossible, and again, as I have said,
the justice of any arguments put forward will
be judged by the administering body involved
in the arguments. In the rooming houses, rep-
resenting in this respect the equally undesirable
opposite of the dormitory situation, the test
cases will degenerate in many cases into no
more than personal, perhaps very bitter, squab-
bles between landlady and students. By shirking
their responsibility in this matter, these admin-
istrators demonstrate a misplaced academic
cautiousness of mind, which may save them
some embarrassment immediately, but may
cause them considerably more in the future.
Their stand, or rather their lack of stand,
rests upon a technicality. Rent, they claim, is
computed on a semester, and not a weekly basis.
Therefore, on the one hand in the dormitories,
there will be no rebate on the original rental fee
for the semester although an adjustment will
be made on board bills. And on the other hand,
immediately pointing up the difference between
the two groups affected, Assistant Dean Olm-
sted was quoted in Saturday's Daily as saying
that in all cases except those where the landlady
of a rooming house charged on a per diem basis
for the days preceding the opening of the school
year, "any form of settlement is left to the dis-
cretion of the householder and the student con-
cerned." I am not well enough posted on dormi-
tory finances to understand why there should
be no arbitration allowed resident students, but

the fact that discrepancies will arise which will
drive home the relative status of the dormitory
resident and the rooming house resident may
have considerable effect in the future on the
residences of those students not required by
University ruling to live in the dorms.
PERHAPS NOT, THOUGH. For certainly the
choice is very very much between the lesser
of two evils. I cannot quote the entire story
from Saturday's Daily in which Mr. Olmsted
"clarified" several points. The neatest thing
Mr. Olmsted had to say was this:
"It is the wish of the University that
neither party shall profit nor lose by the
changed conditions and, in cases where this
is true, settlements agreeable to both. par-
ties shall be encouraged."
And then:
"In each case, the form of settlement is
largely an individual one and no general
policy or compromise shall be imposed by
any authority."
NOW in all fairness to the landladies of the
rooming houses it must be pointed out to
Mr. Olmsted that both, or either of the parties
stand to profit or lose by the changed condi-
tions. Somebody, to coin a phrase for Mr. Olm-
sted's benefit, is going to be left holding the bag.
Next, by refusing to adopt a general policy or
compromise, Mr. Olmsted apparently feels that
he can duck any responsibility for cases of hard
feeling and injustice which may arise from his
stout championing of the cause of individualism.
I shall close this protest by asking a few ques-
tions, which Mr. Olmsted, and where applicable,
Mr. Litzenberg, may answer at their leisure, as
long as it doesn't take too long.
Does Mr. Olmsted really believe that a student
will exercise his right to occupy his room until
June 16, when the semester ends May 30, simply
to exact his rental rights to that room if the
landlady has not refunded the extra two weeks
rent? The sit-down strike is passe, Mr. Olmsted.
Do you realize that regardless of the techni-
cality of semester rents, those rents are com-
puted in the case of rooming houses at a rate
which is identical with a fixed sum per week
for a certain number of weeks, and that in that
computation, rent is paid for the rooms during
holidays as well as during actual occupancy?
This to dispose of the argument that elimination
of Spring Vacation should account for the extra
rental to be paid in spite of a shortened semester.
Again, Mr. Olmsted, are you aware that when
a student inquires about a room at the begin-
ning of the school year, he dpes not ask how
much the semester rent will be, but how much
per week? And that the landlady replies "four
dollars" or "five dollars," and not "eighty dol-
lars a semester"?
That it is not, and never has been, the custom
of students to examine too closely the wording
of the University Approved Rooming House
Contracts for legal loopholes, since for the most
part these contracts have always been assumed
to be for the student's benefit, while at the same
time binding him to the payment of a fixed
weekly rent for his room? And that the dis-
crepancy in semester rent for rooming houses,
between the first and second semesters, corre-
sponds very suspiciously to the number of weeks
in those semesters?
/ELL, enough for now. As justification there
is on the one hand a set of University ledgers
headed "en's Residence Halls," which may be
difficult to balance. And on the other hand
there is simply that age-old cry, "a square deal
for all, and if they don't get it, well it isn't my
fault." The University is all out for the defense
effort, but it doesn't want to lose too much
money at it. There is precedent for this view.
But we have been taught to expect rather more
of the University than business on a horse-
trading basis. And from men in positions of
authority in the University, we have come to
expect-we can only expect, for there does not
exist any sort of cheek and balance system
here-rather more administrative justice, rather
more concern for the students, and rather less
vacillation. So long until soon.

(Continued from Page 2)
Students who have regular driving
permits are automatically extended
this privilege.
Office of the Dean of Students
The Hopwood Contest for Fresh-
men: All manuscripts to be entered
in the Hopwood Contest for Fresh-
men should be left in the Hopwood
Room, 3227 Angell Hall, by 4:00 p.m.
R. W. Cowden,
Director of the Hopwood Awards
All Students, Registration for Sec-
ond Semester. Each student should
plan to register for himself during
the appointed hours. Registration by
proxy will not be accepted.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
School of Education, Graduate
School, School of Public Health:
Those students expecting certificates
in Public Health Nursing in Febru-
ary should file such applications in
Room 4 U.H. The Registrar's Office
can assume no responsibility for con-
ferring certificates if applications are
filed after this date.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Registration Material: School of
Music, School of Education, School
of Public Health, College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts: Students
should call for second semester reg-
istration materials atRoom 4, Uni-
versity Hall, as soon as possible.
Please see your adviser and secure
all necessary signatures.
Robt. L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Registration Material, College of
Architecture. Students should call for
second semester material at Room
4, University Hall at once. The Col-
lege of Architecture will post an an-
nouncement in the near futuregiving
the time of conferences with your
classifier. Please wait for this notice
before seeing your classifier.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Choral Union Members: Members
of the University Choral Union
whose records of attendance are
clear, will please call for their pass
tickets to the Minneapolis Sym-
phony Orchestra concert on the day
of the performance Tuesday, Febru-
ary 3, between the hours of 9 and 12,
and 1 and 4, at the offices of the
University Musical Society, Burton
Memorial Tower.
Charles A. Sink, President
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: It is requested by
the Administrative Board that all in-
structors who make reports of In-
complete or Absent from Examination
on grade-report-sheets give also in-
formation showing the character of
the part of the work which has been
completed. This may be done by
the use of the symbols, I(A), X(D),
etc. E. A. Walter
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Students whose
records carry reports of I or X either
from the first semester, 1941-42, or
(if they have not been in residence
since that time) from any former ses-
sion, will receive grades of E unless
the work is completed by March 9.
Petitions for extensions of time,
with the written approval of the in-
structors concerned, should be ad-
dressed to the Administrative Board
of the College, and presented to Room
4, University Hall, before March 9.
E. A. Walter

give make-up examinations only to
students who have a legitimate reas-
on for absence.
E. A. Walter
May 1942 Seniors, School of Edu-
cation, must file with the Recorder
of the School of Education, 1437
U.E.S., no later than February 14, a
statement of approval for major and
minors signed by the adviser. Blanks
for the purpose may be secured in
the School of Education office or in
Room 4 U.H.
Dark Glasses Return: We wouldE
appreciate the return of any dark
glasses which have been borrowed
from the Health Service. The pur-
chase of dark glasses is becoming
increasingly difficult and our supply
is low, so these borrowed glasses are
Warren E. Forsythe, M.D.,
The Student Senate has set up a
bureau to make the addresses of
draftees and enlistees available tof
the campus in order to encouraget
the sending of letters and gifts tor
Michigan menin the armed forces.
Any student who has friends in the
army or who is entering the army
should leave names and addresses at
the Union or the League in care ofw
the Senate.t
Alien (Enemy) Registration :The
Office of the Counselor to ForeignI
Students has received the regulations
as to alien enemies pertaining to
registration as follows:I
All German, Italian, and Japanese
nationals (persons born in theset
countries or in Austria or Koreat
who have not received FINAL papers
of citizenship and have not yet tak-
en the oath of allegiance to the Unit-
ed States before a Federal Judge) are
required to file application for a
Certificate of Identification at the
Ann Arbor General Postoffice be-r
tween February 9 and February 28,
inclusive. Failure to comply with
the new regulations may be punished
by severe punishments including
possible internment of the enemy
alien for the duration of the war.
The alien enemy must furnish the
following documents and information
at the time of the application: 1) the
alien enemy must present his Alien
Registration Card. All persons who
have not as yet received their cards
should report to the Counselor's Of'
fice at once for information con-
cerning obtaining his card; 2) the
alien enemy must present three
photographs which' are 2x2 inches
in size and which have been taken
within 30 days of the date they are
submitted. They must be on thin
paper, unmounted, and unretouched,
and must have light background.
They must show the alien with-
out a hat and full front view.
Snapshots and group or full-length
photograph will not be accepted;
3) the alien enemy must be prepared
to fill in a questionnaire concerning
The Counselor and the Assistant
Counselor will be glad to help the
persons concerned in the above regu-
lations with regard to any questions
or problems arising out of the regis-
tration or application.
Senior Ball Committee Members:
Today is your last chance to have
Michiganensian pictures taken. Pic-
ture to be taken at Dey's Studio in
a summer formal. Call immediately
for an appointment.
Academic Notices
Meteorology: All students inter-
ested in taking Gelogy 75 or 77 the
second semester are requested to
sign up this week at the Geology

2 2
-- - -- - --t..-R-.
"Bascomb is planning the garden for spring."

Ensemble 159 will meet at 4:00
p.m. Thursday, Jauary 29, in Hill
Auditorium for examination.
Palmer Christian
English 1, Final Examination, Jan-
uary 30, 10:30 a.m.-12:30:
Arthos, 6 A.H.
Bacon, 2203 A.H.
Baum, 25 A.H.
Bertram, 25 A.H.
Boys, N.S. Aud.
Calver, N.S. Aud.
Copple, N.S. Aud.
Engel, 25 A.H.
Everett, 231 A.H.
Faust, 231 A.H.
Fletcher, 1035 A.H.
Fogle, 205 M.H.
Garvin, 2029 A.H.
Green, 205 M.H.
Greenhut, 1025 A.H.
Haugh, 1025 A.H.
Helm, 1025 A.H.
Hockett, 1035 A.H.
Martin, N.S. Aud.
McClennen, 35 A.H.
O'Neill, 4203 A.H.
Peake, 35 A.H.
Schroeder, 101 Ec.
Taylor, 101 Ec.
Thein, 2231 A.H.
Tilford, 4003 A.H.
Walker, W. Phys. Lect.
Weimer, W. Phys. Lect.
Weisinger, W. Phys. Lect.
Wells, 231 A.H.
English 1, make-up examination
for unavoidable conflicts, Saturday,
January 31, 7:15 p.m., 2225 A.H.
English 2: Ogden, 2203 A.M.; Stbbs,
202 W. Phys.
Room Assignments, German 1, 2,
31, 32: Thursday, Jan. 29, 8-10 a.m.
German 1:
Diamond, Ebelke, B, Haven Hall
Gaiss, Winkelman, C, Haven Hall
Willey, Pott, 1035 Angell Hall
Graf, Van Duren, 35 Angel Hall
Ryder, 201 UH.
German 2:
All Sections, 2225 Angell Hall
German 31:
Van Duren, Pott, Diamond,
Gaiss, 205 Mason Hall
Nordmeyer, 203 U.H.
Wahr, 301 U.H.
Ebelke, B, Haven Hall
Eaton, D, Haven Hall
German 32:
All Sections, D, Haven Hall
History 11, Lecture H. Final exam-
ination: Mr. Willcox's and Mr. Sos-
son's sections will meet in 25 An-
gell Hall; Mr. Usher's and Mr. Monk's
sections will meet in 1025 Angell
Hall; and all other sections will meet
in Natural Science Auditorium.
Political Science 85: The final ex-
amination will be given Thursday,
January 29, at 10:30 a.m. in room
1035 A.H.
H. J. Heneman
Political Science 51, Section 2: The
final examination will be given Fri-
day, January 30, at 2:00 p.m. in
room 2203 AnH.
H. J. Heneman
Mathematics 130, Second Semester.
The announced contents of Math. 130
will be modified to include a study of
the theory and applications of qual-
ity control by sampling inspection.
This method developed primarily by
Dr. W. A.Shewhart of the Bell Tele-
phone Laboratories of New York City
during the past fifteen years, has
proven of great importance in sav-
ing money, time, and materials in
the quantity production of articles
to meet specification limits, and its
application in our rapidly expanding
war industry is obvious.
C. C. Craig
History 49: Final Examination,
Friday, January 30, 8-10. Adams-
Jewett, 205 Mason; Kaine-Zapotch-
na, B, Haven Hall.
V. W. Crane
Sociology 51: Final examination
for all sections Thursday, January
29, 2-4 p.m. The room arrangement
is as follows: 1025 Angell Hall, An-
gell, Fuson and Hewitt; 25 Angell

Hall, Holmes and Myers; B, Haven
Hall, Hawley and Ostafin.
I shall not be on leave in the sec-
ond semester. R. W. Cowden
Doctoral Examination for Rob-
ert Dean Schick, Zoology; thesis:
"Changes in the Vagina of the White
Mouse during Pregnancy and their
Simulation," today, 3089 Natural Sci-
ence, 9:00 a.m. Chairman, A. E.
By action of the Executive Board
the chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and he may grant permission to those
who for sufficient reason might wish
to be present.
C. S. Yoakum, Dean
Special Class in First Aid for mem-
bers of the Women's Research Club
will meet tonight at 7:30 in Barbour
Gymnasium. This course is open to
all women members of the University
staff with advanced academic train-
ing and women graduate students
who are not otherwise enrolled in the
regular Red Cross courses. A full
attendance is requested at this first
Choral Union Concert: The Minne-
apolis Symphony Orchestra, Dimi-
tri Mitropoulos, Conductor, will give
the eighth concert in the Choral
Union Concert Series, Tuesday, Feb-
ruary 3, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Audi-
toriumn. The program will include

WashiBngton Merry.AGo-Round

W ASHINGTON-Two very significant long-
W distance telephone calls preceded the tor-
pedoing of John L. Lewis's blitz AFL-CIO peace
The first call was from CIO president Phil
Murray in New York to war labor chief Sidney
Hillian in Washington. Murray read Hillman
the letter he had drafted slapping down Lewis
and informing him that he (Murray) and not
Lewis was boss of the CIO.
Murray read Hillman the letter for his ap-
proval and suggestions.
This was the first time in more than a year
that Murray had sought out Hillman's counsel
and support. Only a few weeks before, Murray
had taken an indirect swipe at Hillman by urg-
ing the President to place all war labor activities
in the Labor Department. For months mutual
friends of the two leaders had labored unsuccess-
fully to establish a basis of cordial working re-
lations between them.
'You Are Right, Phil'
A T THIS CONFERENCE, Murray stated that
notice had been served on top CIO officers
who are on the United Mine Worker payroll that

Lewis's head and take the fight directly to the
UMW rank-and-file.
"Mr. President," Murray said earnestly, "I
ardently favor peace between the CIO and the
AFL. Also, the last thing I want is dissension
between myself and any man in the labor move-
ment. But we are a democratic people and we
insist on solving our problems in an orderly and
democratic manner. No man is big enough to
tell the American worker what he should do and
how he should do it."
Roosevelt assured Murray he was behind him
"to the hilt." "You are in the right, Phil," he
said, "and you can't lose because labor won't let
you down in this kind of a fight."
A Cook And Ar Army Clerk
THE QUESTION of Army morale has van-
ished like last summer's roses. -Yet many
soldiers still have plenty of grounds for gripes.
Take the case of Sergeant Clark Cook of Camp
Langdon, New Hampshire.
A six-footer, weighing 175 pounds, Clark, a
crack soldier, aspired to be an officer. He applied
for admission to an officers' training camp and
hi,i rt-mirnn.,r,,--v ,-,rryvrr1 if t P if : f fhV1'Cons.

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