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Crewman Inspects Shell Holes In American Tanker 'Malay'
Americas May Reach Permanent
Understanding, Student Predicts
Hudson Takes
Crewman Nick Athens of Lecompte, La., inspected shell holes below decks of the American tanker Ma-
lay which was shelled and torpedoed off the North Carolina coast by an enemy submarine. After the attack
the unarmed 8,206-ton tanker limped under her own power to an anchorage off the Newport News Ship-
building and Dry Block Company plant. One crew me mber was killed and four others were believed lost.
Paul Schulte Lays Foundation
For University Vocal Library
Records Of Famous Talks
Are Filed In Albums
By Local Radio Man
A vocal "library" is visualized by
Paul Schulte, local recording genius,
who dreams of the day when students
will be able to look up in the card
catalogue Willkie, Wendell L. oi
Ruthven, Alexander G. and draw out
the recordings to play and contem-.
Since this blond young mikeman
installed his recording equipment
three years ago, neatly encased in its
airplane luggage jacket, he has been
making albums for his library of the
future. Utilizing the radio to new
and profitable advantage, Schulte
has been recording for posterity-
and for sale-broadcasts by President
Roosevelt, Wendell Willkie, and those
of other notables destined for a spot
in history texts.
Schulte follows Morris Hall's ex-
technician Charles Moore in making
albums on campus functions, which
will probably be of value to the Uni-
versity someday, for both academic
and sentimental reasons. Experts
consider outstanding among the al-
bums one of "Hurry-up" Yost's fare-
well banquet. Other good ones, they
claim, include the Choral Union's
"Messiah" concert, Play Production
performances, and J-Hop.
At present Schulte is negotiating
for a faculty library, in which he,
hopes to place the voices of all the
According to Mary E. Cooley, host-
ess of the Hopwood Room, the fresh-
man Hopwood competition of 1942
promises to be the largest so far,
if the number of aspirants examin-
ing prize manuscripts on file is any
gauge of it.
Despite the deadline being moved
up four days to correspond with an
accelerated University routine, fresh-
men are putting the finishing touches
on their papers, in preparation for
the contest.
The usual cash awards of $50, $30
and $20 in the fields of essay, prose-
narrative and poetry are offered. Par-
ticulars on eligibility and contest
specifications may be found in a
pamphlet available in the Hopwood
University's outstanding men, a sort
of living memorial to their work.
There are the more usual record-
ing duties, too. Schulte "cans" on re-
quest voices of School of Music stu-
dents so that they may listen to their
own warbling and note spots for im-
provement. And he makes little six
inchers for speech majors, who send
these to broadcasting studios as their
Schulte is not immune to difficul-
ties, however. His apartment "stu-
dio," practically on top of the Car-
illon tower, trembles when the bells
chime, and he must time his record-
ings so that the vigorous tolling every
15 minutes will not record. Then, too,
when recording affairs outside of his
studio, he has trouble with uninitia-
ted speakers who scream into the
mike, or turn their backs unwittingly
on the vital little gadget as they ad-
dress people behind them. Worst
catastrophe occurred during the re-
cording of a local play when the
mikes, mounted on the footlights,
were unable to withstand the heat
and the wax lining of the instruments
became liquid, replaceable at con-
siderable expense.
Unit Proposed'
On Production
For Americas
(Continued from Page 1)
hemisphere of a multitude of projects;
designed to speed war production.
5-That all airlines in the hemi-
sphere be operated by bona-fide na-
tionals of each country.
6-Assurances that essential im-
ports required by various Latin Amer-
ican governments will be made avail-
able to the extent consistent with
each country's defense requirements.
7-Exchange of skilled workers and
technical missions so new war in-
dustries can be established through-
out the continent.
8-Operation of a Pan American
statistical union to provide a stand-
ard inter-American formula for de-
termining the assets and liabilities,
financial and economic, of each coun-
State Department officials, who
went over the plan, point by point,
after it was divulged earlier today by
a commerce department executive,
stressed the fact that it is still in the
discussion stage and that it may be
radically revised before the Rio con-
ference acts upon it.
Prof. Morize
Lecture To Be Sponsored'
By Le Cercle Francais
Prof. Andre Morize, professor of
French literature at Harvard Univer-
sity and director of the Middlebury
French Summer School at Middle-
bury, Vt., will address members of
the University on "La Reconstruction
de la France apres 1871" at 4:15 p.m.
today in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Given in French, the lecture will be
the fourth in the series held annual-
ly by the Cercle Francais. Admis-
sion will be by season ticket, which
may be purchased from the secretary
of the romance languages department
or at the door at the time of the pro-
Prior to the last World War Profes-
sor Morize was connected with John
Hopkins University. In 1914. he en-
listed with the French forces, and
upon his return to this country in
1917 he took up his present posi-
tion at Harvard.
Since his appointment, in 1926, as
director of the Middlebury school,
Professor Morize's administrative
ability has made of it the outstand-
ing French school in America.
He has recently published a book,
"France: Ete 1940," drawn from his
observations during the period, at the
beginning of the present war, when
he served as director of the cabinet at
the Commissariat a l'Information in
Alumni In Manila
Cut OffBy Siege
Siege conditions in the Philippines
have prevented communication with
one of the many active University
of Michigan clubs scattered through-
out the world, the Manila chapter.
Last message from this club came
only a short while ago when Christ-
mas greetings, dated Nov. 30, reached
President Alexander G. Ruthven and
T. Hawley Tapping, general secre-
tary of the Alumni Association, from
Benito H. Lopez, president of the
Manila group.
Although Manila is half-way
around the globe, it contains a com-
paratively large number of Univer-
sity graduates.
The present war emergency offers
an opportunity to create not only a
temporary agreement but a lasting
understanding between the Americas,
Luiz A. Severo da Costa, Grad., an
official of the Brazilian Department
of Labor, declared in an interview
Da Costa is a native of Rio de Jan-
eiro and is studying public adminis-
tration here. The Americas, he ex-
plained, can contribute even more to
civilization by the example of their
peaceful cooperation than by the fur-
nishing of the tools of war with
which that civilization can be assured.
He recommended a policy of "one for
all and all for one" for the Pan
American republics.
Despite earlier reports of disunity
at Rio, da Costa had predicted that
the conference would take an anti-
Axis stand and had maintained that
Argentina would join its fellow re-
publics. The Argentine people were
essentially democratic, he said.
The previous attitude of Argentina
was the consequence of the economic
situation of that country. Its econ-
omy is competitive with that of the
United States in many respects. This
forces it to depend on European
Referring to his own native coun-
try of Brazil, da Costa pointed out
that it always had been a peace-
loving nation and closely tied to this
country. Brazilian statesmen have
favored collaboration with the United
Both President Roosevelt and Sec-
retary of State Hull are extremely
well liked in Brazil, and their "good
neighbor" policy has been accepted.
Brazil has already collaborated with
the United States at the Panama
Conference of 1939, in the joint dec-
laration of the 21 republics con-
demning the German invasion of the
Has Anybody
Seen Lantz's
As a teaching fellow in the speech
department and the assistant min-
ister at the First Methodist Church,
Edward Lantz, Grad., had always
considered himself quite a systematic
But today he is beginning to won-
For Monday night he lost his 25,000
word masters' thesis, the culmination
of two years' constant work.
After a Monday night class, Mr.
Lantz calmly pllaced his completed
thesis, two notebooks and an original
play on the curb in front of Angell
Hall while he fumbled for his car
With happy thoughts in mind
about how he was to get his mas-
ters' this Spring when he turned in
his thesis, he drove to his home at
818 Henry Street.
Three hours later he remembered
his thesis-on the curb-frantically
drove back, but it was gone.
If you found it-and are through
reading it-Mr. Lantz would like to
have it back, please. His phone is
Fletcher To Give Talk
Sir Angus Fletcher, retired director
of the British Library of Informa-
tion, will discuss "The War Uses of
Propaganda" at 8:30 p.m. Wednes-
day, Feb. 3 in the new Rackham
Building in Detroit.
LANSING, Jan. 21. --RP)- Michi-
gan's passenger tire rationing quota
next month will be 2,871, a decrease
of more than 1,000 from the January
quota, it was announced today by
Arthur H. Sarvis, state rationing ad-
ministrator. Quota this month was
Sarvis said the state allotment of
passenger tire tubes in February will
be 2,403 compared with 3,336 in Jan-
Band Group Names Five
The 1942 officers of Kappa Kappa
Psi, national honorary band frater-
nity, as elected at yesterday's meeting
are Gene Sherry, '42SM, president;
Richard Worthington, '42SM, vice-
president; George Irwin, '43; secre-
tary; Bob Roberts, '43SM, treasurer;
and Justin Grey, .'42SM, editor. I
low countries in 1940 and at the Ha-
vana Conference of the same year.
Brazil is economically important
during the present conflict because
of the production of rubber, sugar,
coffee and minerals. Although the
largest in population and area of all
the South American republics, it is
the most vulnerable to invasion.
If the Axis powers seized the
French African port of Dakar, they
would be within 1,600 miles of the
long, undefended Brazilian coast.
Brazil, da Costa insisted however,
would fight to the bitter end to re-
tain its freedom.
Tire Quota Reduced
2,871_For February
First Position
In Speech Tilt
For his delivery of the topic
"Hands," Herman Hudson, '45, won
the finals speech contest held for the
members of the Speech 31 classes
yesterday in the Natural Science
Bennett Yanowitz, '44, took second
place for his speech entitled "After
the War, What?" and Mervin Pregul-
man, '44, captured third position for
his delivery of the speech "The Red
The other contestants and their
addresses were Tracy Freeman, '44,
Why I Came to Michigan"; John
McCarthy, '44, "Football in 1942";
and John Muehl, '44 "Faces."
Members of the Speech Depart-
ment were the judges at this meet.
They were Dr. Arthur Secord, chair-
man, Prof. H. Harlan Bloomer, Prof.
Louis M. Eich, and Hugh Norton,.
The six contestants taking part,
were chosen from a preliminary con-
test held last Monday. At that time,
they delivered three minute speeches,
but in yesterday's meet the time was
lengthened to five minutes.
Since this contest was composed of
extemporaneous speeches, it served
as an experiment for the faculty of
the Speech Department. If this one
is considered a success, other con-
tests of the same type will be held
I some time in the future.
Etho String Quartet
FRIDAY EVENING, Jan. 23 - Program:
IN D MAJOR, Op. 76, No; 5 . . . . ... Haydn
IN F . . . . . . . Ravel
IN A MINOR, Op. 41, No. 1 . . . Schumann
SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Jan. 24 - Program:
QUARTET IN D MAJOR, Op. 11 . . . . . . . Tschaikowsky
"RISPETTI E STRAMBOTTI". . . . . . . . . . Malipiero
QUARTET IN G MINOR, Op. 33, No. 5 . . . . . . Boccherini
SATURDAY EVENING, Jan. 24 - Program:
. . . . . Mozart
. . . Roy Harris
SERIES '1ICKETS (including tax) $2.75-$2.20; single $1.10. On sale
at offices of University Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower.
Starts Today-
WEEK DAYS at 2-4-7-9 P.M.
MATS. 25c - EVES. 40c incl. tax
Scheduled for Tonight at Hill Auditorium
Date to be announced later.
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