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January 22, 1942 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-22

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T VR' 11A, ,reJA 'AR22, I1q42


voscif THRET

Pucksters Open
0 Thompson Backs Pro Tennis
0 Saga Of Sports Magnate
Daily Sports Editor
* ef * *

woiGame Series




FROM our sideline position as a
Public Trend-Spotter, Sports Di-
vision, it is becoming increasingly
apparent that Alexis Thompson, the
young athletic entrepreneur with a
million-dollar personality and pock-
etbook to match, is faring none too
well in his second major promotional'
venture of the past few months.
The amiable Mr. Thompson, heir
to a vast drug fortune, has never
been regarded by intimates as a
man who permits the green stuff
to interfere with the simpler pleas-
ures of life. In fact, it is reported,
he regards it rather lightly, as he
can well afford to do.
ALTHOUGH he has been fairly
active, officially and otherwise,
in sports ever since his undergradu-
ate days at Yale a few years ago,
Alexis Thompson, up until last sum-
mer, wasn't a name to draw instant
recognition even from the more rabid
of sports followers. But at that time
he figured in a three-cornered foot-
ball deal with pro grid magnates Bert
Bell of Philadelphia and Art Rooney
of Pittsburgh. After considerable
confusion Thompson emerged with
Nelson Is Favorite
In 'risco Tourney
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 21.-(A)-
With Byron Nelson as the "red hot"
of the moment and concededly the
man to beat, the country's touring
golfers fire first shots tomorrow in
the 72-hole San Francisco Tourna-
ment, a $5,000 event along the winter
Nelson pulled a brilliant game out
of his bag to win top money in the
Oakland Open. The Toledo, Ohio, ex-,
pert made his clubs perform to the
extent of a six under par 274, led
from start to finish and won $1,000.
He said he had never played better
The California Club course, scene
of the .12th annual San Francisco
tournament, is made to order for
Nelson's type of game. It is an up
and down hill layout, heavily bor-
dered With trees and requiring excel-
lent iron shots as well as-long pokes..
Nelson is considered by many to be
the best iron shot specialist in the
country. He has played the course
many times, consistently cracking its
36-36-72 par.

the Quaker City National Pro League'
Pouring limitless enthusiasm and
only slightly less dough into the
venture, Thompson promised ev-
eryone in Philadelphia an im-
proved, fighting team. Philadelphia
is used to such promises, although
they usually come from much less
sincere sources. At any rate, in
this instance the pledge to the pub-
lie was in good faith, and if you
stretch a point, came true. Thomp-
son's Eagles were improved and
they did fight. That they again
finished last in the Eastern Divi-
sion can be attributed to factors
somewhat out of their immediate
THE GRID SEASON ended, young
Thompson looked around for
some other promotional venture into
'which he could sink some money,
time andinterest and derive there-
from more money if possible and
t he rich enjoyment which such an
association with sport could pro-
vide. The result: A professional
tennis safari which is currently
barnstorming the nation with a rath-
er disheartening lack of financial
Armed with his checkbook Alexis
succeeded in rounding up the four
biggest names in tennis, adopted a
new system of play devised to en-
sure spirited play at all times, and
blasted the lid off the current tour
amid a tremendous burst of pub-
licity last December in New York.
The first night the troupe drew
well; most of the rest have been
disappointing not alone from, a
boxoffice standpoint, but also com-
BOBBY RIGGS and Frankie Ko-
vacs, youngest members of 'the
safari which is reported to have set
Thompson bapk $100,000, have been
doing well. Ion Budge, however, got
off to a slow start in the tour. Bur-
dened by a rubber tire around the
middle in the form of a too-hefty
waistline, the big red-head only re-
cently began to show anything ap-
proaching his former superlative net
form. And the fourth member, Fred
Perry, obviously is past his tennis
peak. He has been incapable of
keeping pace in his present fast com-
Under the new competitive sys-
tem which Alexis initiated, the
player who knocks off the most
wins pockets the most cash, the
idea being of course that the red-
hot scramble for the receipts will
never slacken as long as it pays to
win. The percentages range from
36 to 15 per cent of the gate re-
ceipts for winner to loser.
®N PAPER the factors point to a
highly successful venture. The
greatest tennis figures of the last de-
cade, a reduced tariff at the box
office, an ideal competitive system,
colorful playing and good playing-
all these add up to a profitable trans-
continental net tour.
But something is lacking. Some-
thing is acting as a red light to the
turnstile traffic. Perhaps the most
obvious conclusion is the correct
one: this nation doesn't like profes-
sional tennis well enough to sup-
port it.

Gibert Proves
Cage Standout
Early In Year'
Quintet Preps For ToughI
Tilt With High-Scoring
Buckeye Team Saturday
When Coach Bennie Oosterbaan
started figuring out what players he
would use this fall on Michigan's cage
team, he found Big Ralph Gibert was
not to be overlooked. Although Ralph
didn't start the first game against
Michigan State, he did get in for
about five minutes. Since then he
has progressed in fine fashion.
Coach Oosterbaan knew the merits
of Gibert and he didn't take them
lightly. Gibert came to Michigan
from Flint Northern where he earned
All-State honors playing on the
school's State Championship squad.
As a freshman, Gibert's play was
praised by Coach Ray Fisher, mentor
of the yearling squad.
Gibert Gets Going
During the Christmas holiday trip,
Ralph saw action in every game, but
he wasn't improving as fast as Oos-
terbaan had hoped. It wasn't until
the Illinois battle that the big boy
really got going this season. Against
the Illini Ralph scored eight points
and turned in a fine defensive game.
The following Monday the Wolver-
ines traveled to Evanston to meet the
high-riding Wildcats of Northwest-
ern. Here Gibert was one of the
stars of the evening as he held the
slippery Otto Graham to a meager
two baskets and helped Michigan to
a victory.
Coach Praises Gibert
Coach Oosterbaan thinks Gibert is
potentially a great player. The Wol-
verine coach stated, "Though Ralph
has turned in some fine play to date,
I feel he can do better and that he
will do better pretty soon. He is a
very good defensive player and he
tries as hard as anyone on the squad."
Assistant Coach Ernie McCoy echoed
Oosterbaan's remarks on Gibert's de-
fensive work. Because Gibert has
looked good on defense, he has been
shifted from a forward berth to
Oosterbaan and McCoy are trying
to get Gibert to shoot a softer shot,
and when they succeed, Oosterbaan
will see his expectation come true.
Then Michigan will have a strong
weapon in the person of Ralph
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan knows
well that his quintet will face a pow-
erful team Saturday night when it
faces Ohio State at the Field House.
Because of this he sent the Wolver-
ines through a stiff scrimmage yes-
terday afternoon.
Herm Fishman, who scouted the
Ohio State-Northwestern tilt, brought
back the report that the Buckeyes
have a high-scoring attack. They are
so good that they let Dick Fisher, top
scorer of last year, ride the bench
throughout the game.
Report on Michigan's sick list:
Morrie Bikoff-his hip is back in
shape; Capt. Bill Cartmill-his ankle
is okay; Mel Comin-the "pink eye"
case is improving as he saw action
in scrimmage; a new comer-Leo
Doyle-cane out of the Badger tilt
with an injured left ankle, so he
missed practice yesterday.
There will be a meeting of Var-
sity swimmers only in the Sports
Building Pool at 5 p.m. Friday.
Matt Mann, Coach

(Continued from Page 1)
fense posts. Reichert has played
hard hockey all year, and is the per-
son most responsible for the little
good defense work that has been
turned in- by the Michigan team.
Hank Loud, as usual, will be in the
Minnesota's starting lineup is still
undecided, but it will probably go
like this: Capt. Al Eggleton and Fred
Yunger at wings, Bob Arnold at
center and Bob Smith and John Pet-
ersonhin thehdefense. Senior Burt
Joseph will handle his accustomed
net-minding duties.
Tomorrow's game will be the first
in a series of four between the two
rivals. Last yearhMinnesota took
four straight from the Wolverines by
the scores of 4-0, 7-2, 8-0, and 2-1.
Michigan Pos Minnesota
Loud G Joseph
Collins RW (c) Eggleton
Bradley LW Junger
Corson C Arnold
Hull RD Smith
I Reichert LD Peterson

Lowrey To Start Second Luw;
Minnesota Boasts Reserve Edge

The University of Michigan wrest-
ling team has a match Saturday at
3:00 p.m. in Yost Field House, but
there seems to be an air of mystery
about the whole thing.
For all the information we've been
able to pick up, their opponents may
show up as a flock of masked marvels.
These are all the clues which we've
been able to gather from fellow-tra-
velers around the circuit.
1. A town in Ohio somewhere
named Findlay has a college therein
named Findlay.
2. Said college has among other
extra curricular activities a wrestling
3. To all appearances this is al
breather for Cliff Keen's boys before,
exams start.
4. Most important of all, the
breather may turn out to be a sleeper
if we can judge from the length of
the Findlay schedule, because the
Wolverines are just one of seventeen'
opponents the Findlay Ghosts will
face this year.
From there on we let Dick Tracy
take over. That's all we can dig up
Cfabout them.
Cliff Keen doesn't know anything

' tmei To Meet Mystery Te ati

about them. Fred Delano down at the
publicity department hasn't got any
dope on them- yet. The Daily sports
correspondence files has nothing but
dust in them, and even the ouija
board stands pat on the subject.
Whatever the story may be, Cliff
isn't letting it bother him. He's just
running the boys through short
matches and limbering up exercises,
and the keynote of practice this week
seems to be brevity, with an eye to
the revised final exam schedule, and
the desire to keep his boys eligible.
Tomorrow our spies are due back
and they should have a lot more dope
on this elusive Findlay outfit.
Till then the outcome is pure con-
jecture, with one fan's guess as good
as another's, and would you like to
try for the sixty-four dollar question?
Relaxation is Wise
Let us stimulate and relax yoU wt I)
a scall) treatment -- Facial OfliL
Rub - you'll feel letter.
The Daseola Barbers
Between State and Mich. Theater

... recovered from injuries

Mermen Renew Old Rivalries:
Wolverine Swimmers Play Host
To OSU Here Saturday Night


The Michigan and Ohio State
swimming teams will match strokes
with each other for the first time in+
two years when Coach Mike Peppe+
and his band of Buckeye invaders
challenge the long standing Wolver-
ine domination of the natatorial
world at 7:45 p.m. Saturday in the
Sports Building Pool.
Not like last year when the lads
from Columbus were so weak that
the Maize and Blue mermen would
have rode rough-shod over them had
they met, Peppe will be bringing one
of the greatest Scarlet and Gray tank
aggregations of the last decade to
the watery arena Saturday night.
Buckeyes Have Power
Studded with star juniors and
sophomores and led by Captain John
Leitt, one of the best sprinters in the
Big Ten, the powerful Buckeyes stand
a better chance of upsetting the Wol-
verine apple cart than any team
which has met Matt Mann's title-
holders in dual meet competition over
the past two seasons.
From the first event on the pro-
gram, the 300 yard medley relay, to
the 400 yard relay which will wind up
the festivities, Captain Dobby Burton
and his mates will be locked in the
tightest dual struggle they have en-
countered in intercollegiate circles
as they attempt to ward off the
strong and determined victory bid of
the invaders.
Wolverines Are Favored
But in spite of the lavish advance
notices emanating from the Colum-
bus stronghold, the Michigan tank-
ers will hold the role of favorites
when. the first splash is made in the
varsity natatorium Saturday night.
Probably the hottest fancy diving
battle ever seen in the local pool will
take place when Maize and Blue ace
T-Bone Martin and teammate Lou
Haughey pit their ability against that
of Frank Dempsey and Charlie Bat-
terman. Dempsey placed second to
fellow Buckeye and present National

Intercollegiate champion Earl Clark
in the Western Conference Meet last
year, but reports have it that the
Ohio State junior is being oversha-
dowed this season by sophomore Bat-
Batterman Is Injured
There is good chance, however,
that Peppe won't enter his sophomore
sensation against the Wolverines be-
cause of a vertebrae fracture suffered
by Charlie at Fort Lauderdale during
the recent holiday vacation. If this
happens, Jim Strong will take Bat-
terman's place on the springboard
and the Buckeyes will depend on
Dempsey to capture the valuable first
place points.
If Batterman does compete, the ex-
perts have the Ohio State boys tagged
for one-two in the diving with Mar-
tin slated for the third spot. But
T-Bone Martin right now. is in the
best shape of his career, and if any-
body in the country holds the key to
toppling the Buckeye aces from their
lofty perches, Martin is the man. Not
many eyebrows will be arched in
surprise, least of all by those who
have seen the Maize and Blue senior
in action this season, if those first
place points end up on the Michigan
side of the ledger.

Enjoy lite this winter !Wear Jockey
Longs whenever you're going to be
exposed to chilly weather. They're
sleek, trim, and stylish, and the
patented front construction provides
masculine support. Buttonless, easy to
launder, and they need no ironing.
Don't be a winter sprinter-dashing
from heated home to heated car! Let.
Jockey Longs (and Jockey Contoured
Shirts to match) add to your comfort.

Stadel & Walker
First National Building






Number Two in a series published by The Detroit Edison Company


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122 E. Liberty
Next To P. Bell On The Corner

For more than 2,000 years after Thales'
experiments with amber and lodestone,
his discoveries lay dormant. No one
recognized their great importance and
significance, or troubled to follow them
further. Not until the year 1600, in the
reign of Queen Elizabeth of England,
was the thread of electrical knowledge
again picked up.
Dr. William Gilbert, Physician in
Ordinary to the Queen, was a far from
ordinary person. A doctor by profes-
sion, he performed and recorded so
many experiments with "electrics" that
his observations were published in a
book, "De Magnete." This monumental
work represented 17 years of study and
research, and is a magnificent example
of inductive philosophy. Written with
the "inquiring mind" of a
true scientist, Gilbert's.
book laid the foun-

dation of the whole science of magne-
tism as we know it today. Queen Eliza-
beth and her Court were so interested
in his demonstrations that he was
granted a pension of £100 a year to
further his studies.
Gilbert took up the study of amber,
and showed that its power of attraction
was common to many other materials:
glass, resin, sulphur, rock crystal, sap-
phire, diamond. These substances he
called "electrics." He also showed that
the earth itself is a giant magnet, and
that this explained the behaviour of the
magnetic compass. He used a sphere of
lodestone to demonstrate the earth's mag-
netism. He also devised the "versorium,"
a light needle or pointer mounted on a
pivot for detecting electric charges. The
Great Fire of 1666 de.


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