W eather
Not much change in
4 aitui
Tag Day
For Americaea
Chile Agree
To Anti-Axis Bloc
Joint Protection Pact
Conceded By Nations
Enemy Subs
Raise Death
TollTo 75
Vessels Attacked Monday;
33 Survivors Reach Port
As NavyReveals Attacks
Norwegian Whaler
Chases Submarine
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21. -(')-
Two more ships in American coastal
waters- -the 5,269-ton City of Atlan-
ta and the 3,779-ton Latvian steam-
er Ciltvaira-and 45 more seamen
were added today to the known toll
of enemy submarines prowling off
the Atlantic shore.
The vessels were beset early Mon-
day morning off the Carolina coast
and the -Navy made public the de-
tails today when the 33 survivors
reached port. The City of Atlanta
was sunk; the Ciltvaira, torpedoed
amidships, was abandoned by her
crew in a flooded and sinking con-
Recent Attacks Reported
After reporting recent attacks on
four tankers off the Atlantic Coast,
three of which were sunk, the Navy
;,partment announced in a com-
munique yesterday that those sink-
ings "have been accompanied by at-
tacks on other vessels within the ter-
ritorial limits'of the United States,"
referring to the "Atlantic area."
Whether the City of Atlanta and
the Ciltvaira completed the roster of
these "other vessels" subjected to
attack was not stated.
The two developments brought the
enemy score to at least four, and
probably five, ships destroyed in its
recent campaign in American waters,
with one other damaged.
Crew Set Ashore
Twenty-one members of the Cut-
vaira's cre' ivee set ashore at
Charleston, S.C:, by 'an American
tanker. Nine officers and crewmen
aboard a second rescue vessel, the
S.S. Bury of Brazil, were en route
to port. Two men of the Ciltvaira's
crew were reported dead.
Of theroster of 46 officers and
men on the City of Atlanta, only two
were known .to. have survived the
sinking. They .were in a New York
hospital. One was known to be dead
and the 43 others were classified as
Norwegian Whaler
Chases Submarine
NEW YORK, Jan. 21.-()-A Nor-
wegian whaler put to flight a large
submarine which was about to at-
tack an American tanker last Mon-
day off Cape Hatteras, an oiler
aboard the tanker said today.
A. E. Boyce, a member of the tank-
er's crew, said she was three miles
away from the tanker Malay when
the Malay was shelled and torpe-
doed. (The Malay made port, se-
verely damaged.)
Then, he said, his tanker picked up
a message from a Norwegian whaler
saying "Submarine attacking us!"
Ten minutes later came another mes-
sage from the whaler: "We are chas-
ing submarine."
Immediately afterward a large sub-
marine appeared 300 yards off the
tanker's stern, Boyce said.
"It turned to get abeam of us and
then we saw the whaler coming after
it," he said. "The big sub turned
and fled out to sea. I think they were
afraid the whaler might ram 'em,
or that it might have been a dis-
guised raider."
'be Quickest, Surest Way
YOU Can Help Wn This'
S . . , t m
War Savings
Drive Opens
Defense Stamp Tag Day
Planned For Complete
Student minute-men will open an
all-campus tag day tomorrow as part
of a University program to step up
defense bond sales.
First plan of its kind in the coun-
try, the tag day will offer 10-cent
defense stamps and albums to stu-
dents and faculty members. Frater-
nities, sororities and dormitories will
be canvassed today.
This drive is part of a permanent
program to popularize the "savings
habit" here. Following the campaign,
Ann Arbor merchants and University
A list of stations and hours will
be printed in tomorrow's Daily for
those participating in the Defense
Savings Drive. Those who have
signed for the first morning shift
are to report to Room 2 University
Hall for tags, savings stamp albums
and instructions.
cashiers will ask students to "take
part of your change in defense
The stamp albums, each holding
50 10-cent stamps, are designed to
afford an "easy payment method of
purchasing Series E defense bonds.
These bonds were originally offered
through the government's postal sav-
ings plan.
The city of Ann Arbor has already
compiled the highest defense savings
per capita total of any city in the
United States. An average of $100
per resident has been contributed
The University drive is chaired by
Burton Rubens, '42, with personnel
being drawn from major campus or- I
Auto Retailers
Ask For Help
Congress Is Urged To Fix
'Fair Price' For Cars
CHICAGO, Jan. 21.-(P)-The men
who sell the nation's automobiles
called upon Congress for legislative
help today as they looked ahead to
business restricted by rationing and
the prohibition of car production.
Members of the National Automo-
bile Dealers Association, represent-
ing 42,000 retail sales firms in all
parts of the United States, adopted
a resolution urging the law makers
to authorize President Roosevelt to
fix a fair price for autos-one that
would assure them a profit.
They asked also for legislation that
would enable any dealer to sell his
frozen stock of cars to a government
agency at a price above the cost to
the dealer and below the retail level.
Japan Endangers Australia,
Suffers Setbacks In Luzon
MELBOURNE, Australia, Jan.
22.-(.P)-Australian Air Minister
Arthur Drakeford declared today
that a Japanese landing in the
New Guinea area may be attemp-
jted today.
It is obvious that the Japanese
have more than one aircraft car-
rier in the Bismarck Archipelago,
supported by covering naval forces
and shore-based aircraft.
(Associated Press War Editor)
The Japanese invader apparently
had been shelled to a halt last night
in the most critical Malayan sector
before Singapore and had suffered a
first-rank defeat by the American-
Filipino army on Luzon, but he was
developing a dangerous offensive
upon the island approaches to anx-
ious Australia.
Here, along the eastern end of a
4,000-mile ocean battleline, Japanese
warplanes in waves numbering as
high as 60 bombers and fighters
struck with such tremendous power
as to suggest that they were attempt-
ing to clear the way for invasion at-
tempts. Prime Minister Curtin told
the Australians that the menace to
that far southern Allied position was
now "nearer, clearer and deadlier
than ever."
Attacked were Kavieng in the
northern Bismarck Archipelago; Ma-
dang, Salamaua, Bulolu and Lae in
British New Guinea.
Dutch Losses
And, further to the west but still
in the Australian, zone, the Dutch
acknowledged that the enemy had
wholly occupied Minahassa Peninsula
in Northern Celebes Island, although
at heavy cost.
At the far western end of the Allied
rectangle, the invader, however, was
clearly in trouble with the single and
qualified exception of the Burma sec-
tor, where a surprise offensive by the
Japanese and their sychophant Sia-
mese had beaten across nearly a third
of lower Burma and cast its spear-
heads to within 45 miles of the old
Burmese port of Moulmein.
From Malaya, official word of yes-
terday was the most nearly cheering
to the Allies in many days.
In the west, the only area where
the invader has raised a real menace,
Reynolds' Talk
PostponedBy War
Unforeseen circumstances have
necessitated the indefinite post-
ponement of Quentin Reynolds'
Oratorical Association Lecture
scheduled for tonight.
Delayed en route from Egypt,
Reynolds has not yet been heard
from because of a war-time com-
munications ban. Association of-
ficials, however, are confident
that the foreign Correspondent is
on his way. Ticket holders were
assured that their tickets will be
valid when Reynolds does speak.
the British Command reported heavy
fighting to the north and back of the
farthest point of previous Japanese
penetration about Batu Pahat, itself
some 60 miles above Singapore, and
announced that the Imperial artillery
batteries were cutting the Japanese
down with point-blank fire.
In Singapore itself, British anti-
aircraft batteries and fighter planes
smashed 13 Japanese raiding planes
-the greatest number yet to be
brought down in a single day and the
sharpest strengthening of the base's
defenses yet shown.
Luzon was the scene of the greatest
Japanese humiliation reported during
the day.
MacArthur Holds Line
There, said the War Department's
morning communique, General Doug-
las MacArthur not only was holding
his line on Bataan Peninsula but had
struck out with a series of savage
counter-attacks that had thrown the
enemy back with heavy losses from
his previously obtained positions near
the American-Filipino center.
In Russia, the day was again one
of Soviet successes.
Information of yesterday indica-
ted that now that the Nazis' salient
of Mozhaisk 57 miles west of Moscow
had been smashed and an estimated
200,000 Germans put to flight back
toward the Dneiper River through a
perilous corridor separating the
northern and southern Russian wings,
the Red command was concentrating
on regaining the Donets Basin in the
Class To Open
Today In Flint
Prof. Morrison To Begin
Thirty-Fourth Defense
Course Of Program
The last of 34 Engineering, Science
and Management Defense Training
courses scheduled to open this sem-
ester will get under way today when
Prof. R. L. Morisson of the transpor-
tation engineering department meets
his first class in "Traffic Control in
Congested Areas" in Flint.
Already in session are 33 other
courses meeting in Ann Arbor, Flint,
Jackson, Detroit, Royal Oak, Ecorse
and Dearborn, including the ord-
nance materials inspection course
which got into operation here Mon-
Preliminary attendance figures in-
dicate that the total enrollment for
the series will approach 800, although
it is probable that a few courses will
have to be dropped, while others will
show a fluctuation in enrollment for
Ithe first few meetings.
With the exception of the ordnance
materials inspection course, all
courses will meet two nights a week
for a period of eight weeks. The in-
spection course meets eight hours a
day, five days a week, for a period
of three months.
The first 100 trainees for the in-
spection course began training Mon-
day,and will be followed by other
groups of 100 at monthly intervals
until the quota of 300 is reached. The
second contingent is expected to ma-
triculate on or about Feb. 16.
Administering the courses is Dean
IIvan C. Crawford of the engineering
tcollege, working with the U. S. Office
sof Education and the University Ex-
itension Service. Prof. R. H. Sherlock~
of the civil engineering department
is course coordinator.
S'Sneak Preview'
Of 'Ensian Photos
ss Will Be Exhibited
e A one-man photographic salon, ex-
hibiting the work of Stuart Gildart
y '43A, 'Ensian photographer, will b
- shown in the first floor hall of the
nv cnhnl--o..io"fn av Pir+-rP
War Headlines .. .
(By The Assocaed Press)
Japanese appear halted by British
artillery fire in western Malaya;
MacArthur's forces on Luzon drive
invader back in fierce counter-at-
tacks; Allied islands off Australia
are under heavy Japanese bombing
attack as possible prelude to inva-
sion attempt; Minahassa section ofI
Dutch Celebes is occupied by enemy;
Japanese-Siamese invasion force
reaches to within 45 miles of Moul-1
mein in Burma; Chinese troops ar-l
rive after 1,000-mile march afoot tol
strengthen Burma.
* * *
Russians are driving forward on
Donets River front in Ukraine; Nazi
force estimated at 200,000 is in re-
treat from fallen Mozhaisk.
Second Annual
Music Festival'
To Open Here
Feri Roth's String Quartet
Will Present Concert
Of Chamber Selections
The first concert in the Second An-
nual Chamber Music Festival will be
presented by the Roth String Quartet
at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Rack-
ham Auditorium. Other concerts will
be given at 2:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.
The Roth String Quartet is under
the leadership of Feri Roth, first vio-
linist. The other members are Rach-
mael Weinstock, second violinist,
Julius Shaier, violist, and Oliver
Edel, 'cellist.
The appearances of the Roth
group in this country have done much
to popularize chamber music. In-
terest first started in this type of
music around 1900 when the Flon-
zaley Quartet began its now legend-
ary career. Feri Roth and his music-
ians came on the scene in 1928 and
since then have established them-
selves as leaders in their field.
The programs for the concerts are
as follows:
8:30 P.M. Tomorrow
Quartet in D major, Op. 76, No. 5,
by Haydn.
Quartet in F by Ravel.
Quartet in A minor, Op. 41, No. 1,
by Schumann.
2:30 P.M. Saturday
Quartet in D major, Op. 11, by
"Rispetti Strambotti" by Malipiero.
Quartet in G minor, Op. 33, No. 5,
by Boccherini.
8:30 P.M. Saturday
Quartet in D major by Mozart.
Four Preludes and Fugues by Roy
Quartet in F major, Op. 135, by
Today Is Set
For Campus
Gargoyle Sale
It isn't a tag day, it isn't another
extra, but today there will be sales-
men on campus-to distribute the
January Gargoyle.
There will be features aplenty in
the magazine, features designed to
hit every angle of campus appeal.
Notable among these is the special
photo section presenting the Univer-
sity's contribution to the program for
national defense.
In another pictorial feature the
magazine has continued its series of
Your Michigan, with the medical
school selected for this month's stop-
ping place on Garg's tour of the Uni-
versity. One of the highlights of
this story is a sequence of photo-
graphs giving the steps in a blood
In line with Garg's policy of en-
couraging student writing by print-
ing' each month the prize winner
from among the short stories sub-
mitted by students, this month they
have selected for publication "The
Room," from the pen of Kay Ruddy,
'45E, Daily columnist.
Many more features are promised,
and cartoons galore and many pages
of photographs, all of which, predict
the staff, point to another early sell-
out. So students are warned to
purchase their copies as soon as pos-
sible today to avoid the possibility-
demonstrated to be very real-of be-
ing too late.
Council Defies
strife Threat
Ratification Of Four-Point
IStatement By Argentine
Congress Still Pending
Americas May Unite
In War Production
RIO DE JANEIRO, Jan. 21.-(?)-
Argentina and Chile swung into line
with the 19 other American republics
tonight in a declaration of intention
to sever diplomatic relations with the
Argentina, considered from the
very start of the current conference
of foreign ministers as the most like-
ly obstacle to unanimity behind such
a declaration, accepted the compro-
mise plan without reservation.
The wording of the all-important
agreement, however, indicated that
Argentina's acceptance nevertheless
would have to be ratified by the Ar-
gentine Congress.
With Reservation
Chile's Foreign Minister Juan
Bautista Rossetti, however, made the
reservation that he would have to
consult his government. From the
start he had insisted that Chile's spe-
cial geographical situation affected
her position.
A four-point statement was thresh-
ed out in a series of talks among
the conference leaders, the climax
being a session in the office of For-
eign Minister Oswaldo Aranha of
Brazil, at which adherence to the
two reluctant powers finally was won.
Besides Aranha and Rossetti, those
attending were U.S. Under-Secretary
of State Sumner Welles, Argentine
Foreign Minister Enrique Ruiz Qui-
nazu and Peruvian Foreign Minister
Alfredo Solf Muro.
The first two points of the formu-
la reiterate the long-standing dec-
larations that any act of aggression
against an American republic by a
non-American state is an act of ag-
gression against all of them and that
all 21 nations will cooperate for their
mutual protection.
Third And Fourth Points
The third and fourth points, em-
bodying the question which has occa-
sioned all the negotiations with
Argentina and Chile, are:
"The American republics conse-
quently declare that in the exercise
of their sovereignty and in accord-
ance with their constitutional insti-
tutions and powers, provided that
these are in accord, they cannot con-
tinue diplomatic relations with
Japan, Germany, and Italy, since
Japan has attacked and the others
have declared war upon a country of
our hemisphere."
City Employes Of Detroit
Seek Wage Increase
DETROIT, Jan. 21.-(I)-The De-
troit City Council today defied the
City Employes Union (AFL) to ful-
fill a promise to strike at 4 a.m. Fri-
day and thereby disrupt vital serv-
ices and paralyze facilities of thous-
ands of defense workers.
By a vote of 8 to 1, the council re-
jected demands of the union for a
15 per cent blanket wage increase for
municipal workers.
The union, meantime, remained
firm, but said a mass meeting of its
members would be held tomorrow
night. Over objections of interna-
tional officers, it approved the strike
call last Sunday, declaring wage in-
creases were necesssary to offset ris-
ing living costs.
Today's action of the council,
which said no further wage demands
would be considered for the remain-
der of the fiscal year was interpreted
as unequivocal support of Mayor Ed-
ward J. Jeffries' stand that duly elec-
ted officials and not labor unions
would run the city's government.
Forner 'Great To entangle:
Minnesota, Michigan Pucksters
Will Meet In Two-Game Series
You'll Shout When It Hits You:
Room Rent Problems Raised
By Shortening Of School Year
Americas May Unite
In War Production
WASHINGTON, Jan.- 21.-(/P)-A
hemispheric war production plan, de-
signed to integrate the effort of new
world nations opposing the Axis, was
disclosed here today.
The plan, conceived by United
States officials and contributed to
by the recommendations of several
Latin American governments, is now
being presented at the American con-
ference of foreign ministers at Rio
de Janeiro. It includes these points:
1-Recommendations that each
country take steps to minimize trade
bariers on strategic materials for the
duration of the emergency.
2-A program whereby the intrica-
cies of foreign exchange would be
eliminated by a common denomina-
tor for international trade between
anti-Axis countries.
3-Joint use of all merchant ships
with the United States and other
large maritime nations providing na-
val and air convoys for the vessels'
4-Construction throughout th+
(Continued on Page 2)
(Special to The Daily) w
MINNEAPOLIS Jan. 21. - Two
former "greats" in collegiate hockey
circles-Minnesota and Michigan-
will meet tomorrow night in the first
of a two-game series.
The story of these teams goes back
to the middle thirties when they were
in the class of the nation's finest.
Yes, that was way back before 1937,
the year that Illinois became the
third Big Ten school to take up
hockey as an active competitive
sport. The power of the Gophers and
the Wolverines started to move on
a down-grade, then, while the Illini
steadily moved forward.
Michigan's fall was fast, but it
wasn't until last year that Minnesota
4'lt1 t +r-a.1 n ,1 rn r ro f .Vie"T pvliger's
has taken two victories in the same
number of games.
The 10-man Wolverine squad that
is now on its way to Minneapolis
will carry a definite disadvantage in
the way of reserve strength. Coach
Armstrong has 20 puckmen available
for active duty and this should be
an important part as the battles
Second Line To Start
With an eye on the last two en-
counters with the powerful Illinois
squad, Lowrey expects to start his
second line tomorrow. Johnny Cor-
son is expected to take over th
starting center position, and Bob Col-
lins will start at right wing with Roy
Bradley as the other flanker. Col-
University students who live in
rooming houses and are contracted
for an 18-week second semester are1
going to have to fight their own bat-
tles to get a rent money refund when,
they leave school three weeks early,
according to Assistant Dean C. T.
There will be no rent refund in the
dormitories although a per-diem ad-
justment will be made on meals, Dr.
Karl Litzenberg, director of the Uni-
versity residence halls said.
For those concerned with the pres-
ent semester, any rental refunds in
rooming houses should cover a one-
week period.
A glance at the revised 1941-42
University calendar, which graduates
seniors three weeks early, is mislead-
ing in a computation of the length
nf the school year as far as rentals
basis. In most cases rooming house
owners have followed the same pat-
Any rental adjustments must be
handled individually by all rooming
house students.
"We cannot tell the landladies to
make adjustments," Dr. Litzenberg
explained, "as we are not giving any
ourselves in the dormitories. But we
hope that some landladies will vol-
untarily ,make -any necessary re-
The dormitory meal schedule will
be virtually unchanged as meals will
be served through both condensed
final examination periods. But ad-
justments will be made, with a com-
putation of the second-semester
meals upon a daily, rather than a
semester basis. There will be 225
House Committee
Will 'Approve Bill
For .Ladies' Arm y
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21. -(P)--
Ready to trade the glamour of peace-
time for the grime and grind of be-