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January 21, 1942 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-21

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AY,. JANUARY .21,. 1942

January Garg
Will Feature
Dawson Epic,
Do you remember the recent series
of unique classified ads which re-
quested the return of a gentleman's
reversible, and do you remember
wondering at the time about the ad-
Behind the story of the coat, be-
hind the endless search and the de-
velopments thereof-in short, behind
the newsprint lies the epic of a per-
sonality, of a BMOC, one W. Dawson,
called "Buck," a member of the
Michiganensian hierarchy.
Because of the interest aroused, it
has been thought wise to immortal-
ize the tale of this character for pos-
terity, and so it has been preserved
in black and white for coming gen-
erations to read and ponder on. But
the significant fact about all this is
that this very generation has been
selected to receive the honor of first
reading the tale of Dawson, under '
the stock but significant head of
Preposterous Persons, in the January
issue of Gargoyle, which is coming
out-believe it or not-tomorrow.
Prof. Henry Riggs
To Attend National

To Play In Concerts Here

Pictured above is the Roth String Quartet, world famous chamber
music group, who will play in the Second Annual Chamber Music Festi-
val Friday and Saturday in the Rackham Auditorium. Concerts will be
given at 8:30 p.m. Friday and 2:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Saturday. From
left to right they are Feri Roth, first violin, Julius Shaier, viola, Oliver
Edel, 'cellist, and Rachmael Weinstock, second violin.
University Band Will Feature
Two Guest Conductors Sunday



Prof. *Henry E. Riggs, honorary
member of the civil engineering de-
partment and former head of the
department, will leave today for a
nation-wide conference of the Amer-
ican Society of Civil Engineers in
New York.
Professor Riggs, who will attend
the convention with four other mem-
bers of the engineering faculty, is to
be awarded an honorary life mem-
bership of the ASCE. The award is
being given in recognition of his out-
standing record as president of the
organization and his work in several
fields of research.
Prof. John. A. Vanden Broek, of
the engineering mechanics depart-
ment, will also be recognized by the
convention. He is to be .given the
Norman Medal, which is the highest
reward for research. His work has
been in the field of unit design.
Prof. Lewis M. Gram, and Prof.
William S. Housel, both of the civil
engineering department, and Dean
Ivan C. Crawford, Dean of the Engi-
neering School, will also attend the
Fourth 'Pelorus' Appearsj
The "Pelorus," cadet publication of
the NROTC on campus, made its
fourth appearance of the current{
schoolyear yesterday, under the edi-1
torship of Jack Brown, '44E. Featur-
ing for the first time a cover design
in three colors-red, white and blue-
this issue of the "Pelorus" is replete
with well-drawn illustrations and ar-
ticles on various aspects of the Navy
and the NROTC.

Not just one, but two guest con-
ductors will be featured by the Uni-
versity Concert Band when it pre-
sents its public concert at 4:15 p.m.
Sunday following the two-day ses-
sions of the fifth annual instrumental
reading clinic.
In addition to the presence of com-
poser-musician Roy Harris, the band
will also be conducted by Erik Leid-
zen, noted arranger and composer of
New York, who will arrive here for
the clinic and will remain to appear
at the concert.
Born in Sweden, Leidzen came to
the United States in 1915, conducted
the Swedish Glee Club in Brooklyn
for six years, and although he is
known mainly for his band works,
is now also prominent in the field
of choral arranging.
In the field of band music, Leidzen
is and has been principal arranger
for the noted Goldman Band for a
third of the time the band has been
in existence, and is now making ar-
rangements for all the leading music
publishing houses in the East.
He has also been a frequent guest
conductor with the Goldman band,
and has appeared at numerous festi-
Dr. Coller To Lecture
At Minnesota Today
Dr. Frederick A. Coller, Chairman
of the University department of sur-
gery, will present the ninth annual
E. Starr Judd lecture today at the
University of Minnesota. Established
by the late Dr. Judd, Minnesota
alumnus, the lectureship is annually
presented to a man who has distin-
guished himself in medical work.
The title of Dr. Coller's paper is
"Studies of Water and Electrolyte
Balance in Surgical Patients."

vals, clinics and other similar music
Along with Leidzen and Harris,
music notables coming here for the
clinic Saturday and Sunday will in-
clude Gustave Langenus, famed clar-
inetist, and August Helmecke, in the
words of John Philip Sousa, "one of
the greatest artists of the world" as
a percussionist.
Under the direction of Prof. Wil-
liam D. Revelli of the School of Mu-
sic, which is co-sponsoring the clinic
along with the Michigan School Band
and Orchestra Association, the Con-
cert Band will also appear on the
clinic program Saturday afternoon
and Sunday morning.
Class C and D numbers at the
clinic will be handled by the Holland
High School band under Eugene F.
Heeter, while the University band will
present the Class A and B selections.
The clinic program has been di-
vided into periods for playing and
studying the music, Professor Revelli
disclosed, and the entire schedule is
being designed to enable high school
conductors to hear and discuss music
appropriate for their bands.
Prof. Earl V. Moore, director of
the School of Music, and Prof. Otto
J. Stahl of the School of Music are
serving on the School's executive
committee for the clinic, while Paul
L. Ranier of Adrian will be present
as president of the School Band and
Orchestra Association.
Departnent Of Zoology
Releases 4'4 Directory
The annual "Directory of Re-
searches in Progress in Zoology" has
come out under the auspices of the
Department of Zoology, Prof. George
LaRue, of the department announced
This directory not only lists re-
searches being carried on in the de-
partment, but is put out in coopera-
tion with the United States Fish and
Wildlife Service, the Institute for
Fisheries Research, the School of
Forestry and Conservation, the Uni-
versity Museum of Zoology and the
Laboratory of Vertebrate Genetics.
Halstead To falk At Hillel
Hillel Players will meet at 7:45
p.m. today at Hillel Foundation to
discuss the long play which will soon
be in rehearsal. Prof. William Hal-
stead of the speech department will
be the featured speaker.

God To Insure
Final Triumph,
States Horton
An Ohio theologist told members
of the Michigan Pastors' convention
here yesterday that the eternal good-
ness of God will insure final victory
of Christian priciples.
Speaking at 2 p.m. yesterday in the
Rackham Lecture Hall before a gen-
eral session of the Pastors' Conven-
tion, Prof. Walter M. Horton of the
Oberlin College theology department
declared that our forces on both the
religious and battle fronts of the
world have suffered serious setbacks.
He pointed to the fact that religion
has been repudiated in many coun-
tries which were formerly Christian-
and to MacArthur's delaying action in
the Philippines as the foundation for
his stand.
"Even in the face of these apparent
defeats, God's glory still persists,"
Professor Horton continued. He con-
cluded with the statement that
Christians have a vast reservoir of
potential power which they can use
to defeat the forces aligned against
them. "Our enemies have none of
the vast power which we possess,"
he said, "they are, in the words of
Bismark, 'attempting to sit on a
The Rev. Bernard J. Mulder, pres-
ident of the Michigan Council of
Churches, presided over this session
of the conference. He gave a brief
talk describing the aims and activi-
ties of his organization and intro-
duced Professor Horton.I
The conference, which convened
for the first time this year on Mon-
day will hold its final session
at 10:30 p.m. today. A banquet
in the Union followed yesterday's
general session andmembers of the
convention heard an address by Dr.
Helen A. Dickenson of the Union
Theological Seminary in New York
entitled "Music and Worship" at 8:30
p.m. yesterday in the St. Andrews
Letter Is Sent
To Roosevelt
(Continued from Page 1)
Michigan, have followed with deep
interest the development of the in-
ternational events in which this
great nation has been involved.
"As supporters of Franklin D.
Roosevelt's Good Neighbor policy
we fully realize that the future of
the entire Western Hemisphere is
intimately connected with the fate
of the United States in the sng-
gle that has been thrust upon the
peoples of the Americas.
"Therefore, as alien residents or
guests of this country, we have de-
cided to request you to transmit to
the President of the University and
to the President of the United
States our pledge to give this peo-
ple our loyal support. We are ready
to cooperate to the utmost of our
capacity with the University in its
defense fight for world preserva-
tion of liberty.
"It is our honor to proclaim here
our faith in the United States, and
it will be our privilege to do our
share in the all-nation war effort,
that 'government of the people, by
the people, for the people, shall not
perish from the earth'."

wnieh mr. RobertV GrIfin wil dciever
the second lecture of La Sociedad
Hispanica's 1941-42 lecture series at
8 p.m. today in Natural Science Au-
Unusual views of Guatemala will
be afforded the audience by means
of colored motion pictures, recently
taken by Griffin. In describing these
scenes Griffin will present a running
commentary in English.
Outstanding features of the lec-
ture will be natural color films of
the Quiche Indians in Chichicas-
tenango, modern Guatemala City,
Antigua, and Lake Atitlan.
A lecturer of long experience, Grif-
fin has been widely acclaimed
throughout the state for his lectures
and movies on Mexico. For some
years he was employed by the 'Amer-
ican Chamber of Commerce of Mex-
ico City as a staff writer on their
magazine. It was i this capacity
that he traveled extensively through
Mexico and Central America, col-
lecting interesting information for
his talks.
Air Corps Examines Men
The Army Air Corps has set up
headquarters in Health Service to
examine today and tomorrow stu-
dents desiring to enlist in army avia-
tion. The whole process of enlist-
ment can be taken care of at this
traveling station which has visited
the campus every few weeks.

Nordimeyer Stresses Nation's
Need For Language Training
By FLORENCE LIGHT guage in civilian defense, the build-
In cooperation with the University ing of morale and similar work.
plans for intensifying training in Speaking of a conference recently
language study, the German depart- held at Indianapolis. Mr. Nordmeyer
ment is re-shaping its work in order quoted Dr. Mortimer Graves. Adinin-
sitrative Secretary of the American
to meet the special language needs Council of Learned Societies, to the
of the students, declared Prof. H. W. effect that when war came to us, we
Nordmeyer, chairman of the Ger- were just as poorly prepared in lan-
man department, in a recent inter- guage competence as in the matter
view. of airplanes. At the same time, he
said, another speaker. Dr. Richard
German 124 will stress training in Pattee.Assistant Chief. Division of
translating and interpreting war Cultural Relations U. S. Department
communiques, broadcasts and seized I of State, pointed out that we need
documents. German 164 will provide not stress the need of language work
similar training in the oral and for the "duration" only.
aural command of the language in
order to prepare students for gov- Professor Nordmeyer therefore
ernment and military services. The concluded that intensive language
new German courses, Professor Nord- training was essential not only in
meyer went on to say, should prove National Defense but also for the
helpful in providing training of a post-war reconstruction period. "We
vocational character for potential shall have to abandon." he stated,
members of the military services, once and for all the cultural isola-
without barring women students who tionism which is at the bottom of
may use their knowledge of the lan- political isolationism, since Anerica.
as is now plainly seen, will have to
take her place in a global setup."
Griffn Wmill Speak1___
Show Color Films IC iGA
About Guatemala ENDING TODAY
"Guhtemala" is the subject on

A 20th Cent uryFoz Picture
Produced by Darryl F. Zanual
~i~.~Directed by Jahn Ford
25c 'til 5 o'clock, 40c to close
Prices include tax
dhowvs Continuous Daily
Feature at 2:00, 4:30, 7:05, 9:25

By The Gunner

Seven University men were com-
missioned ensigns in the United
States Naval Reserve last week after
four months of intensive study in the
Naval Reserve Midshipmen's school
at Abbott Hall on the campus of
Northwestern University.
The seven were Lester W.-Sperberg,
who served as president of Rochdale
House while at the University; Rob-
ert Mix, LL. B., varsity tennis player;
Frank R. Eager, Daniel H. Schurz,
'36, varsity swimmer; Leonard P.
Siegelman, '38, former Daily business
manager and president of Phi Sigma
Delta fraternity; Peter L. LaKuke,
'41. Delta Theta Phi; and Arnold H.
Anderson, M.A.
Under the Navy's exapnsion pro-
gram, 14,000 more college graduates
will be similarly trained and commis-
sioned as junior officers during the
next two years.

Ogle, '41, have been further ad-
vanced in their training to become
naval aviators by their appoint-
ment as -Aviation Cadets at the
Naval Air Station in Jacksonville,
Fla., this week. Similarly appointed
at the Grosse Ile base was David
M. Nelson, who earned three letters
each in football and baseball at
the University.
*. a * *

Roth String Quartet

Memo to
Michigan Students:
Despite the greatest expanlsion ; adco .-sticuction program
in Bell System history, the Nation's war emergency is plac-
ing an unusually heavy load on long distance lines, espec-
ially during these hours ..
10 a.r. to noon, 2 to 4 and
7 to 9 p.m., daily.
You can help keep the lines clear for vital governmental
messages if you place your personal calls at times other
than during those peak periods.

FRIDAY EVENING, Jan. 23 - Program:


IN D MAJOR, Op. 76, No. 5. .
IN A .N.....4. ,.N . . . ..
IN A MINOR, Op. 41, No. 1 .

. . . . Haydn
. . . hRavel

SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Jan. 24 - Program:

"R isi .1


D NIAJOR, Op. 11 .. ...
SISANliOlL.... .. . ..

M ~ai Piero






F ,

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