Y, JANUARY 21, 1942
TTT A. A. ANAAI V .a. -- EU 1 LY a . A. . t$ L\ I 1. 1 £. £L'3. a3I~
Quintet Drills
In Preparation
For Buckeyes
Comin, Bikoff On Injured
List; Ohio State Rated
Favorites Over Varsity
Michigan's ever-trying basketball
players arrived back in town early
yesterday afternoon and proceeded
to go through a short practice session
in preparation for Saturday's battle
with the Buckeyes.
And they had nothing but praise
for the Badgers who inflicted the
worst loss of the season on them
Monday night. "They were .the best
and hottest team we've met all year,"
remarked Coach Bennie Oosterbaan.
"The boys just couldn't keep up with
The Wolverines have two of their
members on the sick list, but neither
are a direct result of the two games
over the week-end. Mel Comm is
wearing dark glasses because of a
touch of pink eye. He only played a
few minutes against Wisconsin and
was quite hampered by' his ailment.
Bikoff'On Sidelines
Morie Bikoff's hip which he in-
jured in the Northwestern game was
bothering him so much Monday that
Oosterbaan wouldn't permit him to
play, even though he was in uni-
form. He started against Minnesota
in place of Capt. Bill Cartmill whose
ankle hadn't responded to treatment
quite rapidly enough.
Jim Mandler was high scorer over
the week-end sinkingseight field
goals and four foul tosses for 20
points. Cartmill was runner-up with
14 points on six fielders and two free
From the looks of things the Maize
and Blue cagers are going to have
their hands full again Saturday
night. The Buckeyes started the sea-
son off by winning their first two
games, but then turned an abrupt
about-face and lost six in a row. They
broke their losing streak by beating
Iowa with a Frank Merriwell finish,
54-52, and then trounced Northwest-
ern last Monday, 51-41.
Gridders Play For Buckeyes
Three football players grace the
Ohio State starting line-up. Capt.
Jack Graf plays guard, Bob Shaw
holds down the pivot spot and Dick
Fisher, third highest scorer in the
Conference last year, is at forward.
In the Northwestern game, Coach
Harold Olsen uncovered another
high-scoring threat in Max Gecowets,
one of the six lettermen on the Buck-
eye squad. The five foot, 11 inch
junior dropped 16 points through the
hoop, a good record for a forward,
let alone a guard.
Although their Conference record
is not very impressive-two wins and
three losses-the Buckeyes have aver-
aged about 46 points a game in Big
Ten competition, a scoring feat not
to be overlooked.
Pucksters Play Opening Game
With Gophers Tororrow Night
[ t
Hornshy Gets
Baseball Honior
Guat R ht=Whanded fitIr
Tii Michigan piiekrnen with a
prayer take leave of Ann Arbor today
en route to meet the once-mighty
Minnesota Gophers at Minneapolis
on Thursday and Saturday.
With nothing but a tie to blemish
a near complete season's failure,-the
be~faifind fClti -J'C t eeiltf-j% Bob
Arnjld is ctskiered as oxw of the
team's best assets. The brother of a,
former Gopher captain, Ed Arnold,
Bob is a fast aggressive center.
The other two returning lettermen
are Burt Joseph and Fred Yunger.
An alternate to Marty Fauk, Joseph
has finally earned a starting berth
on the sextet in the goal. He already
rates as one of the best net-minders
in Minnesota history. Yunger, al-
though a pint-sized puckman, is the
fastest skater on the squad. He is an
excellent stick-handler and back-
checker. Whether Yunger will play
depends on how strong a call to a
job in a defense industry is to him.
Footballer Bob Smith
Armstrong has two wingmen and
one defenseman available who were
reserves last year. Alf Henry and Joe
Page are the front line replacements,
while Bob Smith can move into a
defense post. Michigan will remem-
ber Smith as a stone wall in Bernie
Bierman's football line. Weighing 210
pounds, Smith can get his husky
frame around with amazing speed.
The Michigan squad which leaves
today includes: Captain Paul Gold-
smith, Bob Collins, John Corson, Roy
Bradley, Max Bahrych, Jimmy Hull,
Ed Reichert, Johnnny Braidford,
Doug Hallman and Hank Loud. The
injury which Bradley received in the
first Illinois encounter 'has healed
sufficiently to allow him to play
against the Gophers.
Nai edTo Hit!lOf Fanme, f
L ~ h lugl d~i~ ig boi d, somersaulted1
1 116*, ~through the air two-and-a-half
NEW YORK, Jan. 20.-IP)-Base-!1416 times, straightened out and entered
ball's Hall of Fame at Cooperstown the water with hardly a ripple. And
is slowly becoming more populous-jnonMichigan's mighty swimmig
and not with ghosts, either. By ART HILL eiam has three varsity divers.
an o ihghss ihr For up11 to Thursday afternoon the
Rogers Hornsby, alive and vigor- ;_ _ _ _ Wolverines could lay claim to only
ous, was added today to the group of AR makes beasts of men and, two springboard artists that could be
26 immortals who already have been according tothe latest advics used in competition. But at approxi-
enshrined in baseball's birthplace. it may make Varsity athletes out of mately four p.m. Thursday, Alex
He was named on 182 ballots in a I incoming freshmen at many of Can.i a poised himself at the end of
poll of 223 baseball writers conducted the schools of higher learning thenb executed a front two-and-a-
by Bill Brandt, publicity director of throughout the United States. half to change the status quo of the
the National League, in the first elec- Many colleges have already tak- Maize and Blue diving troupe and ac-
tion held since 1939 and thus caught en the step, making the young- complish something that Coach Matt
up with the honor he missed by a sters eligible for big-time competi- Mann has been trying to make the
small margin three years ago. tion and a good deal more are ex- good looking sophomore do since he
A three-fourths vote was needed pected to follow suit before long, entered school two years ago.
to elect and although 72 different Yesterday's mildly startling devel- Ten Dives Required
players were offered by the writers, opment was the announcement of In order to dive for the Wolverines,
each of whom was asked to list ten Harvard University that freshmen a man must be able to perform ten
nominees, Hornsby was the only star will be allowed to play on the dives from the high board. Up until
selected. Crimson Varsity football team in Thursday Canja could only do nine.
There was no question that the 1942 (that is, if the frosh can For some unexplainable psychologi-
greatest righthanded hitter in base- master the merry-go-round de- cal reason, Alex would balk every
ball's long history had earned the fense in time). time Mann asked him to do a front
accolade. In 23 years in the majors -[N THIS SECTION, the burning two-and-a-half. In fact, Matt says
he carved an everlasting niche for question has to do with what ac- that any time he wanted to send the
himself. He played for five different tion the Wetern Conference i boy home all he had to do was yell,
clubs and managed four of them, led take on the freshman question. "Front two-and-a-half next." Canja
the National League in batting for Michigan Coach Fritz Crisler has wouldn't even try the dive.
seven seasons-six in succession from some ideas on the subject, however, So Matt and T-Bone Martin, ace
1920 and again in 1928, hit over .400 which might bear repeating. Michigan diver, took him in hand.
for three different years, and twice "I hope that it won't become Since last September they've been
was named the, most valuable player use i play- working on him. Martin himself used
in the senior circuit. I necessary to use freshman play- to balk at the dive three times out of
Wolverines have hopes of returning
Sunday with something better to
their credit.
Minnesota will not be thetsame
powerhouse that has had terrific
edges over Eddie Lowrey's sextets in
past seasons. In six contests thus far,
the Gophers have won but two, while
losing four. They have already split
with two teams that Michigan has
faced--the London A. C. and Mich-
igan Tech. They were defeated by a
strong Dartmouth squad in the re-
maining two games.
Coach Larry Armstrong has re-
fused to meet the strong Illinois
squad this year, and for good reasons.
Not one of the men who played on the
national championship team of two
years ago remains on the Minnesota
squad. Lost are such players as Har-
old (Babe) Paulson, Ken Cramp, Ian
Anderson, Ray Fisher and Bill Galli-
gan, all of which means that+ Arm-
strong isn't planning to take back the
Big Ten title which Illinois annexed
last year.
Gophers Improve
It is expected, however, that the
badly depleted squad will gain mo-
mentum as the season progresses.
Four lettermen, a few reserves and
some fine sophomores give reason for
any opposition to expect trouble.
Every one of the 20-man squad
hails from either Minneapolis or its
twin city, St. Paul. The Gophers will
be led by Capt. Al Eggleton, who has
the fine record of not receiving a
single penalty in the past two years.
Trackmen To Compete In East
Wolverines To Enter Two-Mile Relay Team In Famed
Millrose Games In Madison Square Garden
Basketball's Founder Honored
On 50th Anniversary Of Sport
One of the most promising two-
mile relay teams ever to come out
of the Midwest will represent the
University of Michigan in the famed
Millrose Games Saturday, Feb. 7, at
New York's Madison Square Garden.
Two veterans of last year's cham-
pionship quartet, Johnny Kautz and
Dave Matthews, have already been
selected by Varsity Coach Ken Doh-
erty to make the trip along with an-
other seasoned half-miler, Bob Ufer.
Competition for that vacant
fourth spot, which has been hotter
than the rejuvenated Russian Army,
will come to a head Saturday after-
noon in the Field House following
the wrestling match between Michi-
gan and Findley College.
Of the eligible half-milers still
floating around loose, Doherty has
come up with four definite prospects
-Johnny Ingersoll, John Purdue,
Buck Dawson and Will Ackerman.
These four and the three already
picked will give their all in two spe-
cial half-mile battles on the Field
House cinder path. The best time
turned in by the four hopefuls
named above will be worth a trip to
New York and will give its maker
the honor of running on a great
Michigan relay team.
The eyes of a majority of the
many thousand fans which jam the
Garden for the Millrose Games each
year will be on the Maize and Blue
boys. And why not? Last year an
inexperienced Wolverine quartet of
Kautz, Matthews, Ackerman and
Jack Leutritz came to New York un-
heralded and were not considered as
having more than an outside chance
against such crack relay teams as
Fordham and North Carolina.
What happened is history now.
Matthews opened up with the pro-
verbial bang and built up a good
lead. Kautz and Ackerman main-
tained the lead. Although Leutritz
tired, the Wolverines still won with
ease, beating a great Fordham quar-
tet by 15 yards. The time of 7:55 was
good, but 11 seconds off the meet
record set by Georgetown in 1925.
Rumors floating back from thel
East insist that Manhattan will be
the team to beat this year. The Jas-
pers are being boomed as record
breakers, and are supposed to run
7:44 or better, an average of 1:56
per main.
Michigan Record Bettered
This claim pales into insignifi-
cance when one considers that the
best half-miles turned in by the Wol-
verines would give the quartet better
than 7:40. The winning time of
7:55 last year is bound to fall with
such teams as Indiana, New York
University, Manhattan, North Caro-
lina and Drake.
Inexperience on a board track will
count heavily against the Michigan
team. Only Kautz and Matthews
are familiar with the heavily banked
turns of the Garden track. It re-
quires 11 laps of the track to the
mile, and with shorter straightaways,
the runners will have to change their
style of running.
Coach Doherty does not expect
any records to be broken by his Wol-
verine quartet. "I don't want them
to run too fast so early in the sea-
son. With the Conference opener
more than a month off, the boys
would reach their peak too soon,"
Doherty pointed out.
ers, "Fritz says emphatically, "for
r four, so both he and the patient men- nect
three reasons. In the firstplace, ter knew how to attack the problem. of th
incoming freshmen to compete in They took Alex over to the low board figu]
Varsity athletics and try to keep and coached him there. to b
a their studies at the same time. Cana Comes Through Way
It takes new students a while to And Thursday afternoon when calcu
get used to the college routine and C nja came down to practice he told watc
they should be able to give their Matt that he had something he want- 'Patt
wholetteynhon etohivework." ed to show him. With that he scram- then
whole attention to their bled up the ladder to the high board didn
"THEN, TOO," the Wolverine men- and did his front two-and-a-half watc
for adds, "there is the danger of before the grinning coach. finis
injuries. In th e past, w e have alw ays -be nbltkep in to ch wi hu
been able to keep in touch with our
players during the summer and give
them advice on keeping in shape.
This, of course, would be impossible WALK OVER MAN10
with freshmen because wp wouldn't
know what players are going to en-
roll in the fall." ... for all men of action. Streamline
The third reason that Fritz of- fit. Looks like a boot under your
fers is the old one, the possibility trouser-cuff. Antiqued brown
of proselyting. The freshman rule Norge. JODHPUR.
was originally initiated to prevent
schools from bringing in high
school stars for immediate Varsity
action. That of devil, subsidiza-
tion, would have a good chance to
rear his ugly head again during
the current unpleasantness, es-
pecially if it were to last for four' "
or five years. f
IT SEEMS LIKELY that the Big
Ten faculty committee may see
things in the same light that Fritz
has and it will probably be a good
thing if it does. With the world in
its present state, there are quite a
few things more important than in- BURTON WALK -
suring that college football doesn't
fall off a little. It's a pretty safe bet 115 South M
that Big Ten ball will still be just
about the best in the land.
This old game of basketball cer-
tainly has come a long way.
Fifty years ago the boys found they
were tiring of playing duck-on-the-
rock, English rugby and lacrosse, so
an obscure gym instructor dreamed
up a new game which combined the
best features of these games and
called it "Basketball."
The young inventor, Dr. James A.
Naismith, wanted something that
would give his physical education
class recreation in the winter with-
out the drudgery of ordinary physical
exercises. So in the winter of 1891
he nailed two peach baskets on the
walls of the gym at Springfield Col-
lege of Springfield, Mass. Using as
soccer ball in place of the ball that
we now know, Naismith's class found
that it was a lot more fun tossing the
ball at the peach baskets than doing
that "hands on head, bend" stuff.
As the Doc said, "The game was a.
success from the first time the ball
was tossed up."
Success From Start
We doubt if this new game was
quite as revolutionary as the first
automobile, but it is no doubt that
.it was a success. Today, as we cele-
brate its golden anniversary, basket-
ball attracts the largest attendance
of all the sports played in the United
States. Last year over 90,000,000
people threw a wad of cash on the
o1' barrel head to see the stars of
the hardwoods play in games through
out the nation.
Many changes have been made in
the game since Naismith invented it.
Its first rules numbered only 13 and
now there are more than 20. But
the idea isstill the same. Also the
same is the height at which the
baskets are placed above the floor.
W L Pct. Pts. O.P.
TIlinnis . . 5 0 1.000 253 190,
When this young instructor nailed
the baskets on the wall for the first
time, he placed them 10 feet off the
floor and they have stayed at that
height ever since.
Game Streamlined Now
In recent years the trend has been
to speed up basketball. Now we have
a streamlined game that gives the
crowd 40 minutes of thrills. The first
game was played with nine men,
because Naismith had 18 men in his
gym class, but today we have the
modern high-scoring, five-man team.
Yale was the first university to
adopt basketball and it soon spread
to every school in the country. We're
glad the Doc thought of this game,
because we can hardly imagine the
University of Michigan sending a
duck-on-the-rock team to Evanston
to play a rugged match with the
Dr. Naismith died in 1939 after he
had seen his game gain national im-
portance. During the game's 50th
year, Springfield College hopes to
erect a "temple of basketball" on its
campus to honor the instructor who
has given pleasure to millions. The
building will house old equipment,
records, and other curios of the game.,
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