Not much change in
5k igP_ M iL
Let's Look
At The Record.
Sudden Stand
By Argentines
Casts Anxiety
Over Parleys
Castillo Refuses To Break
Relations With Germany
As Pressure Increases
Asks Collaboration,
But On Own Terms
(By The Associated Press)
The nature of the ultimate action
against the Axis by the Pan-Ameri-
can conference at Rio de Janeiro was
laid open to grave new speculation
last night by Argentina's 11th-hour
equivocation over the manner and
extent of her "collaboration" with
the rest of this hemisphere.
! The focus of the conference shifted
from Rio de Janeiro 1,100 miles
south, to Buenos Aires where Argen-
tina's Acting President Ramon S.
Castillo told a press conference Ar-
gentina would not break diplomatic
relations with Germany, Japan and
Italy-the step which all the Ameri-
can nations were being urged to take
simultaneously by joint agreement.
Argentina Asks Own Way
On the other hand, Castillo reiter-
ated assertions that Argentina was
prepared to collaborate with her
neighbors in her own way.
He said the last word had been
spoken; but he scheduled a late night
meeting with his Acting Foreign Min-
The Castillo statements followed
authoritative reports that President
Getulio Vargas of Brazil had ap-
pealed directly to Castillo for an im-
mediate rupture of relations with the
The Argentine delegation had sig-
nified willingness to make a break-
but only at a time of Argentina's own
choosing, and other Pan-American
leaders held that this was unsatis-
factory and insufficient.
Pressure Exerted
There even was an unconfirmed re-
port that Argentine Foreign Minis-
ter Enrique Ruiz Guinazu had in-
vited U. S. Undersecretary of State
Sumner Welles to fly to Buenos Aires
to discuss the situation with Castillo.
Ruiz Guinazu, in Rio, denied this,
however, and soon afterward Castillo,
in Argentina, said his mind was al-
ready made up.
Great pressure has been exerted
on Argentina to go along with her
sister nations ever since the confer-
ence opened.
In fact, the word that the Argen-
tines might make a break-sometime
-came after a dramatic conference
at the Itamaraty Palace in Rio, where
representatives of the United States,
Brazil, Venezusela, Mexico, Colombia
and Cuba were closeted with the
Argentine Foreign Minister, Ruiz
- After that conference, Cuba's dele-
gate, Aurelio Fernandez Concheso,
had been particularly optimistic.
When Castillo's latest stand be-
came known, Cuba was among the
first nations to react.
Organist Will Open
New Series Today
Inaugurating the 1942 organ re-
cital series, Prof. Palmer Christian,
of the School of Music and University
organist, will be heard at 4:15 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
Featuring the Prelude, Fugue and
Chaconne in C of the 17th century
composer Buxtehude and "Cathedral
Strains" and "Intercession" of the
20th century American composer
Seth Bingham, the program will in-
clude music representative of all
"0 Zion" by Horace Alden Miller,
Toccata on a Gregorian Theme by
Barnes, Pastoral Sonata by Rhein-
berger, Trio by Krebs and Prelude
by Purcell complete the program.
Next week's recital will be played
by guest organist Barrett Spach, or-
ganist and director of music at the
Fourth Presbyterian Church, Chicago.
Tbe Quickest, Surest Way
YOU Can Help Win This
War °.
- i
............... _
Stamp Drive
Opening Set
Defense Savings Tag Day
Will Initiate Campaign
To Raise Campus Sales
Permanent Stations
Included In Plans
With previews today in several
dormitories, sororities and fraterni-
ties, the University war savings drive
will officially open Friday when rep-
resentatives from major campus or-
ganizations offer minute-man tags to
every student purchaser of a 10-cent
defense stamp album.
The majority of the dorms, frater-
nities and sororities will be covered
tomorrow, and defense bondsmen will
move to downtown Ann Arbor Sat-
urday. Every album they sell will in-
clude a ten-cent defense savings
stamp, first step towards a Series E
defense bond.
The Series E Bond, designed to fit
limited budgets, costs $18.75 and ma-
tures to $25 at the end of ten years.
It can be exchanged for its purchase
price and interest up to the date of
Tags Are Opening Gun
The tags will be the opening gun
in a sustained campaign to bring up
lagging University contributions for
defense savings. Permanent stations
will be set up on campus, and Uni-
versity cashiers will join local mer-
chants in the slogan; "Take part of
your change in defense stamps."
Defense nickelodeons have alsoj
been proposed for the University
campaign. These machines give the
customer a song and stamp after
he has deposited his coin. If used in
Ann Arbor, they will be set up in
the Union.
Drive Has Support
Headed by Prof. Charles Jameson
of the business administration school
and Burton Rubens, '42, the drive
has received support from the
League, Assembly, Interfraternity
Council, the Union, Panhellenic, Con-
gress,' the Student Senate and The
Other organizations have already
added to Ann Arbor's record of the
largest per capita defense savings in
the entire country. Twenty-five-cent
albums have been substituted for
favors at the J-Hop's two-night ex-
travaganza and Phi Eta Sigma unan-
imously voted to take up its share of
Although the concerted drive will
end Saturday, students will have an
opportunity to buy defense stamps
for duration. "Windy"' a new staff
writer, will start to tell them why
in Friday's Daily.
Japs Continue
To Advance
Invading Forces Increase
Pressure On Australian
Defense Line In Malaya
RAF Planes Bomb
Nipponese Bases
RANGOON, Jan. 20.-(PJ)--Pre-
ceded by bombing attacks, (Siam-
ese) Thai troops crossed the Burma.
frontier today east of Myrawaddi
and engaged British defenders
north of the town, a combined
army and RAF communique said
SINGAPORE, Jan. 20.-()-The
Japanese advanced today to within
60 miles of Singapore in Western Ma-
laya, where their blows were falling
hard along a 30-mile sector stretch-
ing from the Muar River down to the
vicinity of Batu Bahat, and on the
eastern front enemy patrols pene-
trated to the area of Endau, about
75 miles above this base.
While the invader's -pressure still
was rising, particularly against the
heroic and outnumbered Australians
on the west, Japanese warplanes were
in heavy action, loosing over Singa-
pore bombs which fell indiscrimi-
nately upon military and residential
areas alike.
Civilian casualties in the morning
airraids on Singapore were estimated
at about 50 killed and 150 injured.
The RAF was casting out its
fighter craft in offensive sweeps cen-
tered about the Muar and British
bombers were in action against en-
emy bases, but not even these and
the presence of United States bomb-
ers striking behind the Japanese lines
appeared to have overturned the in-
vader's aerial superiority.
(The Japanese news agency, Do-
mei, claimed that Japanese advanced
units had reached a point only 18
miles short of the causeway across
Johore Strait to Singapore Island.
Nevertheless, present Japanese ac-
tivity was described in Tokyo as that
of consolidation and mopping-up in
preparation for "the general offen-
sive against the island.")
Profit Limits
For Industry,
Unions, Asked
Investigating Committee' s
Report Blames Strikes
As Chief Defense Delay
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20.-(A)-In
a double-barrelled report citing "tre-
mendous financial gains" for labor
unions and "excessive and uncon-
scionable" profits for many defense
firms, the House Naval Committee
demanded tonight strict profit limi-
tation on all war contracts and gov-
ernment supervision over union fi-
Climax of a ten months' investi-
gation, the Committee's majority re-
port asserted that a. "considerable
number of firms doing business with
the government have begun to reap
a harvest of excessive and uncon-
scionable profits"-profits in "many"
cases of 50 percent and one "as high
as 247 precent."
The majority - four Democratic
members, including Chairman Vin-'
son (Dem.-Ga.) and ten Republi-
cans-bluntly blamed strikes as "the
greatest single cause of delay in the
defense program," and added that
"tremendous financial gains" made
by unions during the defense effort
"present an astounding picture of
concentration of wealth, a situation
hitherto usually associated only with
industry and finance."
Army Air Corps
Cuts Requirements
For Flying Cadets
Operating under relaxed rules, the
Army Aviation Cadet Examining
Board will visit Ann Arbor today and
tomorrow to secure both flying and
ground personnel.
Under the recently announced
lowered restrictions, the Board will
enlist for flight training all young
As Drive Remains Unchecked;
Torpedo Boat Sinks Jap Vessel
Daring Attack Strikes Ship
Lying In Philippine Bay;
Troops Renew Assaults
Submar ne Activity
Occurs Off Coast
MELBOURNE, Australia, Jan.
20.-(P)-Planes from a Japanese
aircraft carrier took the war today
to the island of New Britain, stra-
tegically situated nearly 500 miles
northeast of the Australian main-
land on the United Nations' route
of supply from the east.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20.-(/P)-A
fast, tiny motor-torpedo boat of the
United States Navy dashed into a
Philippines Bay, the Navy announced
tonight, ran a gauntlet of machine
gun and shore battery fire and tor-
pedoed a 5,000 ton Japanese ship.
At the same time, the Navy said
strong counter measures had been
undertaken against enemy submar-
ines off the Atlantic seaboard. These,
it added, attacked several vessels in
addition to those reported in the last
few days.
Japs Renew Attack
The foray of the nine-man torpedo
boat apparently was intended to sup-
port the operations of Gen. Douglas
MacArthur against the Japanese on
Bataan Peninsula, between Manila
Bay and the South China Sea. At
the upper end and on the seaw.ard
side of the peninsula lies Subic Bay.
The attack occurred in Binanga Bay,
which is part of Subic Bay and lies
to the seaward side of the upper end
of the peninsula.
Meanwhile, MacArthur reported
that the Japs had renewed their at-
tack, concentrating on the center of
his line. He =also informed the de-
partment that six Army bombers had
sunk a Japanese Cruiser near Jolo,
between the Philippines and Borneo,
and had left a big Japanese tanker
in flames.
U-Boats Active
This cruiser and the 5,000-ton ship,
no description of which was given,
brought to a total of 41 the number
of Japanese vessels which have been
destroyed by the American Army,
Navy and Marine Corps in a little
more than six weeks of fighting.
U-boat activity from Cape Hat-
teras to Newfoundland was reported
by the Navy. It noted the sinking of.
three tankers in the last few days,
made no mention of a fourth which
was attacked but made port, and said
there had been attacks on other ves-
sels in American territorial waters.
British Labor
Leader Tells
Of New Unity
As far as British labor was con-
cerned, the evacuation at Dunkirk
was a "new Penticost" Miss Margaret,
Bondfield, prominent British trade;
unionist and labor leader said yes-
terday discussing "How babor Fights"
in the Rackham Auditorium.
For it was the unity of action
which encompasses Britain after the1
stupendous evacuation that British
labor and industry put aside its dif-;
ferences and went all out to replace
the equipment lost in France, she
went on.
Government Restrains Workers 1
The government actually had to
restrain the workers from imposing
a seven day week and 12 hour day1
upon theiselves, Miss Bondfield de-
clared, in order to keep a steady sup-
ply of materials moving to the fronts,1
and to assure the health of the
After May, 1940, British industri-,
alists and labor leaders talked to
each other as citizen to citizen, rather
than as employer to laborer.
Miss Bondfield pointed out that it '
was labor which has put the pressure
on for increased production of war
materials. She added that labor
has even been unjust in some cases
in its demand for upping production,
but its main objective has been to
get moving and keep moving.
Unions Share In Effort
From the beginning of the war,
Miss Bondfield said, the trades un-
Japanese Smash Toward Singapore
0EMASo 25
MUA k .
O N .a*PA:OH
J 'O H O R E
KUKU ............
The British admitted that Japanese forces advanced yesterday to
within 60 miles of Singapore. The Nipponese troops were aiming hard
blows along a 30-mile area stretching from the Muar River (2) to Batu
Pahat. The Japanese were reported to be bombing Singapore heavily.
Civilian casualties were heavy. Yesterday Domei, official Japanese news
agency, reported that Japanese forces had landed at Pontian Besar.
This report was unconfirmed, however. The Japanese are also advanc-
ing on the Segamat front (1) with Kluang the probable objective.
Colleges Join In Effort
ToSpeed Up Education,
Students beat
Rio Meeting,
While the foreign ministers of
their respective countries are em-
broiled in a drawn-out discussion at
Rio de Janeiro, 37 of the 40 Latin
American students in the University
yesterday drew up their own mutual-
accord pact, signed it and sent it on
to President Roosevelt.r
Representing 16 of the nations
south of the Rio Grande, the stu-
dents pledged support of the United
States' "fight for world preservation
of liberty," deeming it an honor to
share in the all-nation war effort
so that "government of the people,
by the people, for the people shall
not perish from the earth."
J. Raleigh Nelson, counsellor to
foreign students, said in his letter to
President Roosevelt: "We have been
gratified to note that this entirely
spontaneous gesture of good will was
suggested by our group of scholar-
ship and fellowship students. It in-
dicates an appreciation of what the
cultural exchanges may mean."
Signers of the memorial are from
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Col-
ombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador,
Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nica-
ragua, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and
The text of the statement follows:
"The undersigned, Latin Ameri-
can students at the University of
(Continued on Page 2)
President Signs Bill
For Daylight Saving
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. -(P) -
Schools Radically Change
Curricular Programs
In the precedent-breaking move to
accelerate its curriculum, the Uni-
versity of Michigan is not alone in
the American educational world. On
campuses throughout the land thous-
ands of students are likewise settling
down to year 'round studies for the
Most revolutionary speed-up meth-
od is that announced by Purdue Uni-
versity-the suspension of final ex-
aminations. This action, plus the
elimination of spring vacation, will
enable Purdueto end its second sem-
ester five weeks ahead of the old
schedule, making possible a full-
length semester during the summer.
At Harvard and Yale College
Board Examinations, formerly re-
quired for admission, have been elim-
inated and replaced by special ex-
aminations. Harvard is considering
a plan whereby students who for-
merly depended upon summer work
to attend college will receive finan-
cial assistance from the university;
and President James, B. Conant has
urged that the government adopt a
policy of selecting promising high
school graduates for combined mili-
tary and academic college training
at government expense.
The University of Chicago, which
has been accepting high-ranking
high school students at the end of
their third year since 1933, now plans
to expand the program. In addition,
President Robert M. Hutchins and
the Daily Maroon, student newspa-
per, have declared themselves in fa-
vor of a two-year degree program.
Columbia University, which ordi-
narily admits new students only in
September, will organize a freshman
class at the beginning of the second
Hershey Declares
Need For Recruits
Means New Rating
BALTIMORE, Jan. 20.-(RP)-Brig.
Gen. Lewis B. Hershey declared today
that a lowering of physical standards
would be necessary to draw man-
semester in February. The university
is also considering proposals to re-
duce student expenses during an ex-
tended summer session.
Students at Dartmouth College
who attend the 15-week summer ses-
sion this year will be able to complete
full-year courses in that period. The
courses will meet six days per week.
The University of Indiana, in addi-
tion to going on a three-semester
basis, has provided for continuous
military training throughout the
Students Asked
To Help Draft
Volunteers Are Needed
To AidRegistration
More than 20,000 volunteer work-
ers will be needed by Michigan's local
Selective Service boards to conduct
the third registration, scheduled for
Monday, Feb. 16, it was announced
by Col. E. M. Rosecrans, state Selec-
tive Service director.
Persons wishing to volunteer their
assistance on registration day should
get in touch with their nearest Local
Board, Colonel Rosecrans requested.
With Michigan's registration con-
centrated in one day, it is expected
that approximately 435,000 men will
visit registration places in public
schools and other, government build-
ings. Special registration places are
now being established by Local
Boards in all major industrial plants
and colleges and universities.
Colonel Rosecrans today issued
printed copies of the President's pro-
clamation and ordered Local Boards
throughout the State to arrange for
posting of the proclamation in board
offices and all public buildings. The
proclamation orders the registration
of all male persons born on or after
Feb. 17, 1897 and on or before Dec.
31, 1921.
J.-Hop Ticket
Sales Continue
.T-Han tickets will besol1m ain
Retreating Nazi Defenders
Face New Entrapment
As Soviet Pincers Close
Germans Dislodged
From Tula Region
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, Jan. 20.-The Red Army
has recaptured Mozhaisk in a hard-
won victory which blasted the Ger-
mans from the last advanced citadel
of their broken drive upon Moscow
and left the invader facing the pros-
pect of a cruel, 200 mile retreat to
the Dnieper.
The reoccupation of Mozhaisk, an-
nounced officially by Moscow tonight
after a 45-day offensive, sent Adolf
Hitler's legions reeling back along
Napoleon's terrible road of retreat
and left Orel, on the south, and
Rzhev, in the north, the only re-
maining strongpoints held by the in-
vader on the present Moscow front.
Mozhaisk, 57 miles west of Moscow,
is on the main Moscw-Smolensk-
Minsk road and the Germans once
were reported to have 100,000 men in
the battle for that vital salient.
Prisoners Taken
What remains of these forces is in
danger of entrapment by Soviet
armies which have driven the claws
of a giant pincers to the rear of
Mozhaisk in the vicinity of Vyazma,
70 miles to the west.
Some prisoners already have been
taken, Moscow said.
Even if some of the Germans do
get through the narrowing gap, there
are no suitable defensive positions
short of Smolensk, where Hitler sup-
posedly had established his head-
There the Dnieper curves south-
ward, affording the most likely posi-
tion for a German defensive stand.
The Moscow radio said Soviet
forces attacking Mozhaisk were
obliged to cut through strong, elab-
orate defenses which the Germans
had been building since October.
They had mined all approaches to the
city but in their capture suffered
severe losses in manpower and equip-
ment, the report said.
German survivors were still being
pursued to the west, it added.
The correspondent of Krasnya
Zvezda said 150 populated places
were cleared of the enemy, "complet-
ing the liberation of villages in the
Moscow region."
Germans Resist
At the same time Germans were
dislodged from areas in the Tula re-
gion and considerable areas in the
Smolensk region, the correspondent
The Germans captured Mozhaisk
in mid-November and had been un-
der heavy pressure there since the
Red Army counter-offensive started
Dec. 6.
The stubborn German resistance
at Mozhaisk was described by the
Army organ Red Star early Monday
(Russian time) in a dispatch telling
of bloody hand-to-hand fighting
raging through streets crimson with
flames started by the Nazis. Red
Star said the entire city was afire.
Tonight's Russian communique
told also of the recapture of Ostashe-
vo, described as a district center, and
the village of Plensonskoye. Neither
is shown on maps.
War Correspondent
Is Delayed In Trip;
Lecture Postponed
Fresh from the Libyan battle-
front-practically "hot off the
griddle"-ace foreign correspon-
dent Quentin Reynolds, scheduled
to deliver an Oratorial Association
lecture here Thursday, has been
delayed en route from Egypt and
his talk has been postponed in-
Association officials disclosed
yesterday that he did not arrive on
the Clipper as expected, and a ban
on communications prevents as-
certaining exactly when he will
arrive. They expressed confidence,
however, that the greatest war cor-
respondent of the war is safely on
his way.