-4 r mir4lgau' Daily
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during thc regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Staff
Emile Gel . .
Alvin Dann .
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill .
Janet Hiatt .
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell
Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright
. . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
* . . . Sports Editor
. . Assistant Sports Editor
. . . . Women's Editor
. . Assistant Women's Editor
. . . . Exchange Editor
Business Staff
. . . Business Manager
SAssociate Business Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager
*Women's Business Manager,
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Engineering Students
Should Be Deferred..
. .
S WEET MUSIC to the ears of engi:
neering students these days is the
insistent clamoring of despairing industrial em-
ployers seeking to fill an ever-increasing number
of positions with an ever-increasing number of
available engineering graduates. Additional
harmony comes from the fact that most senior
engineers either have already been or will be
.eferred until graduation, while most junior.
and sophomore engineers are still under draft
age. And there are more than enough jobs for
But that same music may well become dis-
cordant with the new' registration on February
16, when a lower yminimum age will make a
larger percentage of engineers, particularly
sophomores and juniors, liable for military serv-
ice. Dismissing the possibility of Federal action
to give blanket deferment to all engineering
students, the responsibility of decision in this
important question will be placed squarely 'be-
fore the local draft boards. And it is imperative
that they be made to see the urgency of the
current need for technically trained men, a nee4
even more vital than that for draftees.
HERE can be no doubting the importance of
the engineer's role in the behind-the-lines
war, the war of production. Far greater than
our need for akwell-trained armyisour need
for the guns, tanks, planes and other instru-
nents of war to equip that army; and a con-
stant flow of engineers from university to in-
dustry is absolutely essential to maximum war
The problem becomes more acute daily as new
plants are constructed, old ones are expanded,
and every phase of the national assembly line
and its myriad feeders is accelerated. War pro-.
duction must be utilized to the utmost if the
war is to be won, and engineers must be kept
immune to the Selective Service call if this full
utilization is to be attained.
In the past few months many draft boards
have shown that they are well aware of the dire
need for engineers. They have given senior en-
gineers time to finish up their college work, so
that as graduates these students might be of
more value to war industries. But when sopho-
more and junior students with a year or more
between them and graduation come under draft
board jurisdiction, will the reasoning be quite
so logical?
Most boards are quite willing to recognize the
immediate need for engineers; but, they might
argue, of what good to present-day needs is an
engineeer who won't be out of school until next
year? And it is this attitude, this misconception
of the extent and duration of the demand for
engineers, which may well prove a dangerous
weapon in the hands of a short-sighted draft
THE most obvious answer to the problem, Con-
gressional action to give blanket deferment
to all sophomore, junior and senior engineering
students, is rather inconceivable. Other pro-
fessional groups would be quick to jump on the
bandwagon, and Congress would be besieged
with claims of exemption and requests for
blanket deferment. (Equally serious would be
the inevitable general rush to enroll in an engi-
neering college, a rush which could not but
rlra-w 1ie aw1ay f r1V tour14llf veP'Vhit a. yn +I t11WVR. rt
To the Editor:
FOR sheer mediocrity, the performance at Hill
Auditorium last night may claim an all-time
record. "INDIA, illustrated with colored mo-
tion pictures" is the way the Oratorical Associa-
tion had it labeled. The perpetrator was Law-
rence Thaw.
"But it wasn't India!" So those said who have
lived there. Nor was it colored, except that it
was badly so-or discolored at the very best.
Nor was it motion picture of India, but only of
the Thaws.
There were 40 tons of equipment, thousands
of traveled miles and feet of film, all to show
that the Thaws traveled with typewriter in
air-cooled comfort, watched polo, saw clothing
washed, had tea with Maharajas and shook
hands (in unpardonable affront) with Hindu
Somehow the ancient sport of pig-sticking,
half mechanized, lost all its flavor. Somehow
even a sportsman's stomach is turned by slaugh-
ter of a tiger with high-power rifle at almost
point-blank range. The charming naivet6 of
bridegroom, bride and bridal couch in sacred
procession was twisted to appear ridiculous or
lewd. Good fleeting glimpses of holy men by
the Ganges were crowded out by a long exposure
of circus sideshow stuff, a man eating glass and
razor blades.
Are we, the White Race, truly so puerile and
James Marshall Plumer,
(Associate Professor of Far Eastern Art)
Vladimir and
the Professor
THERE once was a student, Vladimir Inch-
cliffe by name, who was a pretty good stu-
dent. He was so good, in fact, that one could
often hear said, when he passed by, "That's
Inchcliffe. He knows more than the professor."
Well, Vladimir Inchcliffe, who, incidentally,
was (alas and alack!) but 20 years of age, but
who also was a good student, enrolled in a
course in Prismatical History in the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts.
One day, during his class in Prismatical His-
tory, Professor Popocatepetl (for such was the
professor's name), wrote on the blackboard a
word for all students to learn religiously and
prize dearly in their treasure-chest of knowl-
edge. The word he wrote was phaenozygous, that
is, having the zygomatic arch visible from the
norma verticahis.
Everyone wrote down this important occasion
in Prismatical History, except Vladimir Inch-
cliffe, who raised his hand and waved it wildly.
"I beg your pardon, Professor Popocatepetl,"
he said meekly, "but that word is spelled
P-H-A-E-N-O-S-Y-G-O-U-S. With an S, not Z."
Professor Popocatepetl looked at Vladimir and
turned seven shades of green. "Inchcliffe," he
roared, "I've been teaching Prismatical History
for 54 years and you DARE to contradict me!"
Go back to your seat and see me after class."
AFTER CLASS, Vladimir Inchliffe went to
see Professor Popocatepetl, who took him
directly to a dean-not THE dean-just A dean.
The dean said, "Inchcliffe, I understand you
DARE to contradict Professor Popocatepetl.
Whatever the subject is, you can be sure you're
wrong. You're not experienced enough to know.
Wait until you've been living about 75 years and
THEN challenge a professor. You ought to be
ashamed of yourself. When you're old and ex-
perienced you can challenge others. But go
home and forget about it, or I'll report it to the
So Vladimir took the dean's advice and spelled
the word the professor's way, which was correct.
rr- id
0 FDR's Address To COngress
Recorded For Posterity
MOZART-Sinfonia Concertante in E Flat
Major-Primrose, Spalding and the Nex
Friends of Music under Fritz Stiedry. (Victor
'bis unusual and rarely-beard work is the
last in Victor's series of records celebrating Mo=
zart's sesqui-centennial year. It offers the
unique combination of a master violist, a master
violinist and the kind of orchestra Mozart him-
self would have heard. This is- an engaging work,
and can certainly be classed among Mozart's
SCHUMANN-Symphony No. 4 in D Minor-
Bruno Walter and the London Symphony.
(Victor DM 837.)
Bruno Walter and the now-disbanded London
Symphony give a sincere, if not powerful re-
cording of this greatest of Schumann's sym-
phonies. This is an extremely satisfying rendi-
tion and one which is acceptable in every way,
yet at the same time possessing nothing out-
AGNER-Siegfried's Rhine Journey; Fu-
neral Music-Die Gotterdaem nmerung-Ar-
tbro Toscanin -NBC "Symnhu-ony Orchestra.
Robert S. Alles
RIO DE JANEIRO-While the weightiest
minds in Rio are concerned with a declaration
of war or severing diplomatic relations with
the Axis, another vitally important discussion
is going on behind the scenes regarding war sup-
plies and Pan-American trade.
As a matter of fact, reciprocal trade, as Cor-
dell Hull long has pointed out, actually has
everything in the world to do with our political
For instance, it happens that we cannot buy
Argentine beef, wheat, corn and butter because
we have great quantities of these products our-
selves. It also happens that Argentina is the
chief non-conformist at this conference. Like-
wise, Chile, in ordinary times, competes with
our copper and our fruit. Today, Chile also is
lukewarm about too positive action against the
On the other hand, the tropical countries
produce rubber, coffee, cocoa, mahogany, oils,
hemp substitutes. These do not compete with
us, and it happens that they are the best friends
we -have against Hitler and Hirohito.
In regard to trade, two sets of discussions are
going on behind the scenes in Rio. One is the
attempt to get more vital war materials for
the U. S. A.-Chilean copper, Bolivian tin, Bra-
zilian rubber, Peruvian quinine, Brazilian man-
ganese, quartz, tungsten, tung oil and a long list
of other things.
The second discussion is regarding the future.
For what Latin-American nations want to know
is whether this wartime trade is going to keep
up after the Dutch East Indies, Malaya and
Africa come back to their own.
America's Tropical Empie
As long ago as 1935, four years before war
started in Europe and seven years before we
began to worry about tin and rubber, Foreign
Minister Oswaldo Aranha, then Brazilian Am-
bassador in the United States, urged, begged
and cajoled our State and Commerce depart-
ments to buy more tropical products from South
America, instead of Malaya, the Dutch East In-
dies and Africa.
"We should trade by hemispheres," Aranha
argued. "Europe has her colonies in Africa and
Asia from which she gets coffee, rubber, tin and
all sorts of tropical products. And Europe will
always favor her own colonies.
"In South America we produce exactly the
same things. Yet you buy from Europe's colonies
in Asia and Africa instead of buying from us.
Furthermore, you have to haul it half way
around the world. It is expensive, and in time
of war you might not be able to get it at all."
There are a lot of people in high places in
Washington today who wish they had taken
Aranha's advice and begun, seven years ago,
to build up our rubber and tin supplies in South
America instead of the South Pacific.
However, when Aranha, by that time Brazil-
ian Foreign Minister, came to Washington in
* 1938 and urged that we send agricultural ex-
perts to Brazil to advise regarding increased
rubber planting, the U. S. Agriculture Depart-
ment actually balked at spending the necessary
$40,000 and wanted this amount paid by the
yState Department.
Now that the war is on, the great bulk of
Latin-Americans are just as anxious over Singa-
pore and the Dutch East Indies as we are. They
see their fall as a great victory for Japan and a
great blow to democracy. However, many Latin-
Americans cannot understand why we insisted
on getting our tin and rubber from across the
Pacific, especially when the Dutch and British
formed an international cartel to hold up the
price against us, and when we could have cul-
tivated the Good Neighbor policy by getting tin
and rubber much closer to home.
British Rubber Monopoly
Some Latin-Americans are even frank enough
to suggest that we might have saved ourselves
some costly fighting on the far side of the Pa-
cific. But particularly they are interested in
whether we are going back to Dutch and British
tin and rubber as soon as this war is over.
In this connection it is interesting to read
over the stormy diplomatic notes which the late
Frank B. Kellogg, Secretary of State under
Coolidge, sent to the British government pro-
testing against their Malayan rubber cartel.
That was in 1925, but Secretary Kellogg sounded
very much like Thurman Arnold, the trust-
busting Assistant Attorney General in 1942.
"The Government of the United States is
opposed to government nionopolies of the prod-
ucts in any country," Kellogg cabled Alanson
B. Houghton, U. S. Ambassador in London, in
the summer of 1925. He also pointed out that
the British-Dutch rubber monopoly had tripled
the price of rubber since Jan. 1 and that this
was a terrific gouge of the United States, which
consumed 70 percent of all the world's rubber.
Ambassador Houghton reported that he had
gone to spend a week-end with Lord Salisbury
and discussed the matter with British Colonial
Secretary Amery, to whom he suggested that
two U. S. representatives sit on the British rub-
ber committee. But he reported to Kellogg
doubt that the suggestion would be carried out.
On Nov. 25, 1925, iAmbassador Houghton ca-
bled Kellogg that "Winston Churchill (then
Chancellor of the ,Exchequer) proposed a bank-
ing syndicate composed chiefly of Americans to
regulate the price of rubber."
(Continued from Page 2)
Corps School, Graduate School of
Business Administration, Harvard
University, Boston, Massachusetts, at
various intervals commencing July 1,
1942. Upon completion of the course,
qualified officers will be reappointed
in Class SC-V (G) and will be as-
signed to duty wherever their serv-
ices are required. Those who fail to
complete the course will be dis-
Applications will be received from
seniors only, and they must present
a signed statement from the Regis-
trar to the effect that "barring un-
foreseen circumstances, the appli-
cant will be graduated from the col-
lege in which enrolled not later than
June 30, 1942."
Interested applicants may call at
the NROTC Headquarters, North
Hall, between the hours of 12:00-
1:30 and 3:00-4:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday.
R. E. Cassidy, Captain, U.S.N.
All Women students are reminded
that they must register any change
of residence for the second semester
in the Office of the Dean of Women
by noon of January 19. They must
also inform their househead of their
intention by that date.
Summer Jobs: Registration is be-
ing held this week of students inter-
ested in working next summer in
camps, in resorts, in industry, or in
various other types of jobs. In order
that the Bureau may be of the most
service, it is urged that all students
interested register now. The blank
may be obtained at the Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-
formation, 201 Mason Hall, hours
9-12 and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appointmentsl
and Occupational Information
Choral Union Members: Members<
of the University Choral Union,t
whose attendance records are clear,
will please call for passes admitting
to the Casadesus concert, Monday,I
January 19, between the hours of 9,
and 12 and 1 and 4, at the offices of1
the University Musical Society,"Bur-
ton Memorial Tower.I
Charles A. Sink, President
-- -
The Bureau of Appointments hast
received notification of the next Gov-t
ernment-sponsored Meteorology pro-
gram. This program will start ont
March 2, instead of July 1 as origin-
ally scheduled. Candidates must be
over twenty but not over twenty-sev-
en years of age, and citizens of the
United States. Those selected by
the Army will have the status of Avi-
ation Cadet, non-flying, and Navy
group will be Ensigns in the Navalk
Reserve -AV(S)- on active duty.
The tuition fee will be paid by the
government, and both Aviation
cadets and Ensigns will receive a
monthly pay during training. Col-
lege seniors without degrees will be
eligible for the Army. Those select-
ed by the Navy must have Bachelor's
degrees prior to enlistment. t
Further information may be ob-g
tained from the announcement which
is on file at the University Bureau
of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
Office hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
The University Bureau of Appoint-.
ments has been notified of the fol-
lowing Civil Service Examination.
Applications will be received until
further notice, and the first exam-
ination for these positions will be
held on January 24, 1942.
Trainee-Repairman, Signal Corps
Equipment, $1,440 (six-months train-
ing with pay).
This examination is open to both'
men and women. The place of em-
ployment will be Signal Corps, Sixth
Corps Area, War Department, Head-
Cquarters, Chicago, Ill.
Further information may be ob-
tained from the notice of the examin-
ation which is on file at the Bureau
of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall,
office hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing Civil Service examinations.
Closing date for applications is given
in each case.
United States Civil Service
Student Physiotherapy Aide, $420,
until further notice.
Apprentice Physiotherally Aide,
$1,440, until further notice.1
Junior Professional Assistant. $2,-
000, February 3, 1942.
Student Aid, $1,440, February 3.
Student Dietitian, $420, January
31, 1942.
Senior Biological Aid (Injurious
Mammal Control), $2,000, Februaryl
24. 1942. 1
Special Investigator (Metropolitan
Police Dept., D.C.) $3,600, February
24, 1942.
Departmental Guard, $1,200, until
further notice.
Principal Home Economist (any
specialized field), $5,600, until fur-
ther notice.
Senior Home Economist (any spe-
cialized field), $4,600. until further
falrlfm p:c'no miiisl fny :peciahized
Mason Hall. Office hours, 9-12 and1
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Academic Notices
Chemistry 55 and Chemistry 169E
Laboratory: The final examination
will be given on Tuesday, January
20, 4:00-6:00 p.m., in place of the
examination originally scheduled for1
that date.
Doctoral Examination for Joseph
Harold Burckhalter, Pharmaceutical
Chemistry, thesis: "Alpha-Thieny-
laminoalkanes," today, 309 Chemis-t
try, 2:00 p.m. Chairman, F. F.t
By action of the Executive Board,4
the chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examina-1
tion and he may grant permission toc
those who for sufficient reason mightc
wish to be present.t
C. S. Yoakum, Dean
Final Examination in Journalism1
31 will be given during the regular
class hour, Wednesday, January 21.
All back papers must be handed inP
before that hour.
English 149 (Playwriting) will meett
Tuesday evening, January 20, in-I
stead of Monday, in 4208 A.H. in-
stead of 3217 A.H.
Kenneth RoweI
Concentration in English. Bring
materials for conference at follow-I
ing times-January 16, 9-11; Janu-
ary 19, 21, and 23, 1:00-4:00.
J. L. Davisc
Choral Union Concert: Robert Ca-
sadesus, French pianist, will give the
seventh program in the Choral Un-
ion Concert Series, Monday, Janu-
ary 19, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Audi-
torium. The program will consist of
numbers by Rameau, Schumann,
Chopin, de Severac, Debussy and'
A limited number of tickets for
remaining concerts are still avail-
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: A display of work by
members of Alpha Alpha Gamma,
national honorary society for women
in architecture and the allied arts, is
being shown in the ground floor
cases, Architecture Building, from
January 13 through January 21. Open
daily 9 to 5 except Sunday. The pub-
lic is invited.
University Lecture: Miss Margaret
Bondfield, former member of the Bri-
tish Cabinet, will lecture on the sub-
.ect, "How Labor Fights," at 4:15
p.m., Tuesday, January 20, in Rack-
barm Auditorium, under the auspices
of the Department of Economics.
The public is cordially invited.
Lecture, College of Architecture
and Design: Mr. Tirrell J. Ferrenz,
Executive Assistant of the Home Ow-
ners' Loan Corporation, Washington,
D.C., will speak on "Costs of Com-
munity Improvement Projects," on
Monday, January 19, at 4:15 p.m. in
Room 101 Archetecture Building. The
public is invited.
Lecture: Dr. Gregory Vlastos, Pro-
fessor of Philosophy at Queen's Uni-
versity in Ontario, will be the last
speaker on the series on. "The Fail-
ure of Skepticism?" sponsored by
The Newman Club, The B'nai B'rith
Hillel Foundation; and' Inter-'Guild,
at R ckham Leture Hall o
lecture is: "La Reconstruction de la
France apres 1871."
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured from the Seretary
of the Depatrment of Romance Lan-
guages (Room 112, Romance Lan-
guage Building) or at the door at
the time of the lecture for a small
sum. Holders of these tickets are
entitled to admission to all lectures,
a small additional charge being made
for the annual play. These lectures
are open to the general public.
Events Today
Course in the Rules of Parliamen-
tary Procedure will be given by Mor-
tar Board for all women on campus.
Second and third sessions today at
4:15 p.m. at the Michigan League.
French Roundtable: Today at 8:00
p.m. Mr. Jacques Smith will lead the
discussion of the French Roundtable
on "La vie dans un ecoe Belge" in
the International Center, Room 23.
Advanced students, in French and
persons whose native language is
French are invited to attend.
American Country Dance Group:
Men and women students interested
in learning square and round dances
are invited to attend the meetings of
this group today 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Women's Athletic Building.
Coffee Hour for Faculty and Grad-
uate Students of Latin and Greek will
be held today at 4:15 p.m. in the West
Conference Room of Rackham Build-
Coffee Hour: All students are wel-
come at the Student Religious Asso-
ciation Coffee Hour, held in the Lane
Hall Library on Friday afternoons
from 4:00 to 6:00.
"George Washington Slept Here"
by George S. Kaufman and Moss
Hart will be presented through Satur-
day night at 8:30 p.m. as the third
production of the season by Play
Production of the Department of
Speech. This is a revival of the sell-
out hit of our last summer season.
The box-office will be open from
10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. the remainder of
the week
The Disciples Guild will have a
"Final Frolic Before Finals" party at
the church, Hill and Tappan Sts., to-
day at 8:30 p.m. Disciple stu-
dents and their friends are invited.
Call 5838 for reservations. Small
The Westminster Student Guild
will not have a party at the church
this evening. Instead, students are
invited to meet at the Intramural
Building at 8:00 p.m. for swimming
and games on Saturday, January 17.
Rabbi Maurice Pekarsky, Director
of the Northwestern B'nai B'rith
Hillel Foundation, will speak at the
Hillel Fireside Series tonight on the
topic "The Border Dwellers" in Jew-
ish life. The public is cordially in-
vited. The talk will begin at 8:15
p.m., and will be preceded by Con-
servative Sabbath services at 7:45
Wesley Foundation: Party tonight
at 9 o'clock at the First Methodist
Church. Program of games, skits,
folk dancing, refreshments. The
members of the Lutheran Student
group will be our guests.
Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students and
their friends at Harris Hall this
afternoon 4:00 to 5:30.
Unitarian Church Library Tea at
four o'clock for students, faculty and
friends of the church.
C 51
e .. 1 F"' '.
By Lichty
"Come, come, Mrs. Pringle, in times of national emergency there
must be no hesitation, no doubts-the hamburger or the liverwurst
-what will it be?"