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January 16, 1942 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-16

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1.UAr .NT*T;1942









10 0


Michigan Cage
Squad Leaves
For Minnesota
Quintet Faces Powerful
Team; Gophers In Tie
For Second In Big Ten
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan and his
Varsity cagers entrain at 8:25 a.m.
today for Minneapolis where they
will face a strong Minnesota quintet
tomorrow night.
And no matter how you look at it,
the Wolverines are in for a tough
night, for the Gophers are tied for
second place in the Western Confer-
ence standings and have averaged
close to 50 points per game.
A year ago Dave MacMillan, Min-
nesota coach, warned supporters not
to look for much from his Gopher
Gagers in 1941, but to wait for 1942.
Last year his squad finished in a tie
for third in the Big Ten standings!
And now, in the 1942 season, the
Gophers have been beaten only by,
Northwestern in four Conference!
Well-Balanced Offensive
The Gophers have a well-balanced
offense, only 10 points separating
the three leaders in Big Ten cor-.
petition. Don Smith is now in front
with 43 points, but is closely followed
by Warren Ajax who has been the
main spark-plug in the Minnesota
attack. Ajax dropped in 19 points
against Iowa last Monday night, 17
of them coming without another
Gopher getting a point.
Don Carlson, last year's Gopher
scoring champ, was supposed to have
been inducted into the army last
Wednesday, and if he has left school,
it would be a serious blow to Minne-
sota's title chances. In the four Big
ten tilts the scrappy Gophers have
played, Carlson has scored 25 points,
but he has been one of the key men
in setting up scoring plays.
A lot of Minnesota's strength lies
in two sophomores-Tony Jaros and
Don Mattson. Jaros, a forward,
holds the Minneapolis High School
scoring record of 196 points in one
season, and also holds the single
game record of 38 points.
Mattson At Center
Mattson is a six-foot five-inch
center who also hails from Minne-
apolis and who also came to Minne-
sota with an enviable high school
record. Two years in a row he was
named on the All-State team at his
favorite positio of center. The dom-
inant feature about "Big Red's"
play is his ability to get the ball off
the backboard.
Added to this group of cagers,
Coach MacMillan has such capable
veterans as Ken Exel, Hal Thune
and Bill Lind to insert into the line-
up to give it plenty of punch.
Morrie Bikoff, Wolverine sopho-
more who was injured in the North-
western game, took part in yester-
day's two-hour scrimmage session
and is all set to see plenty of action
against the Gophers.
The 11 men making the trip are
Capt. Bill Cartmill, Jim Mandler, Leo
Doyle, Mel Comin, Ralph Gibert, Bill
M'acConnachie, Bob Shemky, Bob
Antle, Don Holman and Wally

- - _

f Bierman Joins Marines
0 Coaching System Remains
Daily Sports Editor



THEY'RE going to stage a lavish testimonial dinner for Bernie Bierman
up at Minnesota tonight-the Bernie Bierman who, since he began di-
recting Gopher gridiron destinies in 1932, has led his Thundering Herd to
a pinnacle'unprecedented in modern collegiate football warfare.
In just three more days the Gray Eagle, a man who. has become
synonymous with national championship grid combinations, will be
back in the service of his country. Bierman holds a major's commission
in the marine corps reserve and saw action with the leathernecks in the
World War. Now on a leave of absence from Minnesota, he will leave
in just a few hours for Quantico, Va.
MINNESOTA will suffer from Bierman's absence, of course, almost as
much as the marines will gain. But the next best thing to Bernie him-
self-his system-remains at the great northwestern university. Nothing
exemplifies this so much as an almost insignificant five-line item which
appeared in the same Minnesota Daily issue which carried the Bierman
farewell banquet story:
"All freshman numeral men are asked to report for their first win-
ter football drill today, it was announced by Coach Bernie Bierman."
Just that and nothing more. But underlying that simple message is
the foundation upon which Bierman's entire system is moulded-unflag-
ging, ceaseless WORK.
THE GOPHERS, unlike Michigan, believe in winter football practice ses-
sions. A little later they will all turn out for the regular spring drills.
All summer long they will practice intensely on individual skills, perhaps
punting, placekicking or passing, etc.
Then in the fall Bierman whips gigantic squads into peak condi-
tion as rapidly as the human element involved will permit. Rarely dur-
ing the seasoh do Bierman-coached teams scrimmage. But they get as
steady dose of a rigid conditioning program, which keeps unfolding and
keeps unfolding. The Grey Eagle never relents until satisfied-which
is rarely until the last day of the season. Many have been the days when
a cryptic practice story is sent over the wires to the nation's press read-
ing something like this:
"Minnesota's Coach Bernie Bierman expressed dissatisfaction with his
football Gophers at practice today in no uncertain terms. After a severe
tongue-lashing in which he warned them that their attitude must radically
change for the better, he ordered many of them. to.jog around the huge
practice fields as a penalty measure for dispirited performances."
E D FRUTIG, Michigan's.All-American end of last year, has had both di-
rect and indirect contact with Bierman's system and happened to dis-
cuss it a couple days ago while in Ani Arbor preparatory to his Navy work
in Chicago.
As a player under Bierman in last year's East-West game, Frutig
tasted the Minnesota mentor's thorough, hyper-efficient coaching
methods. As a Green Bay professional performer this fall, Ed roomed
with three former Gopher stars, Bill Johnson, a former Minnesota co-
captain, Bill Kuuisisto, an ace guard, and Harold Van Every, the half-
back who passed Michigan to defeat in the 1938 clash.
"Those Minnesota boys worked harder and longer than any of the rest
of the men on the team," Ed declared. "It's a carry-over from their col-
legiate days under Bierman, who is one of the hardest-working coaches
with whom I have ever come in contact."
MINNESOTA'S magnificent football record of the last decade is, of course,
too well known to require repetition. It is the fi'est in the country-
and compiled against the greatest teams in the nation.
If this little essay has any point at all, it is this: Bierman ought to
fare right well with, those marines, who proudly proclaim themselves
as the finest fighting force in the entire world.
Maple Leafs Defeat Canadiens, 3-2

State Matmel
Face Michigan
Here Saturday
Spartans Boast Of Color
And Strength, Feature
Three National Champs
Passing reference has already been
made to the personnel of the mighty
Michigan State wrestling squad
which invades Ann Arbor tomorrow
night in search of its third consecu-
tive victory. More will now be said on
this trenchant subject.
Herb Thompson was National Jun-
ior 121 pound champion last year.
Even withouttthe publicity Herb
could be spotted as a champ the
moment he steps on the mat, The
man is fast, the man is tricky, and
above all the man is a very colorful
character to watch in action. He will
open the show tomorrow evening with
a very peppy overture.
Twin Champs
The fame of the Spartans' Merle
(Cut) Jennings and Berle (Bo) Jen-!
nings is a nation-wide affair. Cut
and Bo are twins and last year they
walked off respectively with the 121-
and 128-pound titles in the Nationals.
This year each has moved up one
weight division, which means that
both the featherweight and light-
weight classes on State are manned
by the best there is in the country.
At 145 pounds Johnny Marrs has
taken over since a pulled-clavicle in-
jury to first team man Bill Maxwell.
Johnny is a pretty capable guy and
he's got, one thing especially which
pays off large dividends in combat-
condition. Herby Barnett had better
not expect to do any kitzeling around
when he meets John tomorrow night,
because the State man will personally
see. to it that nine minutes of dy-
namic wrestling with no quarter
given will be provided the fans.
Tuffy Is Tough
Freeman Merrill, the State captain,
is known as Tuffy. And Tuffy, who
operates at 155 pounds, is very tough.
He combines this ruggedness of spirit
with an exceedingly sharp pair of
eyes and a very quick-thinking mind
which enable him to observe and in-
terpret each slightest feint or move-
ment of his foe and thereby antici-
pate the mode of attack. As a result
he makes a disconcerting habit of
turning what his opponent consid-
ered a very fine offensive maneuver
into the latter's own death trap.
What Johnny Spalink in thepmid-
dleweight class lacks,in class and pol.
ish, he makes up for in ruggedness.
To date it remains a moot point to
just what extent toughness and raw
guts are effective against such a com-
bination of speed, strength ad tech-
nique as Bill Courtright represents,
but Johnny hopes to settle the ques-
tion in his favor come tomorrow.
Foster Carries Burden
The two top light-heavies up East
Lansing way are hurt, so that the
burden of proof falls upon Jim Fos-
ter. Jim is not really too red hot at
the mat game, but when Michigan
meets Michigan State there's do-or-
die tradition to think of. Jim will
be thinking of it when he steps out
to meet our Mr. Galles.
The heavyweight finale is going to
be a rollicsome affair. In this cawnuh
State trundles forth a jolly 215
pounder named Mike Dendrinos.
Mike is a Greek, so was Jim Lon-
dos, but don't confuse the two. One
thing about Mr. Dendrinos is that he
believes wrestlers are put out on the
mat to wrestle and not to stalk about
in aimless and boring fashion. And
since Johnny Greene of Michigan
entertains the same conception there
is little doubt but that these two
characters will provide a very enter-

taining and thunderous curtain-
dropper to Saturday evening's spec-
And here's a warning. Anyone sit-
ting on those rickety bleachers when
these two behemoths meet in mortal
combat does so at his own risk. Sym-
pathetic vibrations, you know.

(Continued from Page 1)
riod with a little more scrap, and it
wasn't until 6:15 that Illinois began
firing again. Mario Palazzari at this
stage of the game knocked in two
quick goals and Herschel Benson fol-
lowed up in quick order with the final
marker of the night. Illinois 10.
Michigan 0.
Just after the middle of the third
period. Roy Bradley set 'in a crash-
ing body block against Illinois' crack
defenseman, Amo Bessone. Bessone
went flying over Bradley's head and
cracked Roy just above the eye. The
wicked blow sent Bradley spravling
on the ice and he had to be helped
off to the dressing room. Seven
stitches were necessary to cover the

two-inch laceration over Bradley's
eyebrow, but Dr. A. W. Coxon re-
ported last night that Roy is alright.
With but four minutes to play in
the same third period, Michigan's
Bob Collins received a hard body
check from Illinois' big defenseman,
George Balestri. Then the fun began.
Fists started flying from all direc-
tions. Some hit their mark and when!
the debris was finally clearedaway,
both men were given major five min-
ute penalties and had to leave the
ice since there were only four min-
utes of playing time remaining.
At this point, Heyliger sent to the
showers the remaining players that
were on the bench, and the succeed-
ing minutes were played by five Illini
puckmen, but nothing else spectacu-
lar occurred.
Tomorrow night these same two
teams will meet again.

Worst Defeat In Years
Rough Tilt Features All-Out Fight Between Collins
And Balestri; De Paul Scores Four Goals

'~s~--- H~'4Mrie Pepe
LowL(ey'sqa For StteAandedAU
For State A AI T s

Matt Mann's perennially powerful
swimming team, fresh from a 38-19
victory over the Grand Rapids
YMCA mermen Wednesday night in
which they shattered three pool rec-
ords, are preparing to carry their
might over to East Lansing tomor-
row for the Michigan State AAU
Even though some of the out-
standing members of the Wolverine
squad did not swim against the
Grand Rapids aggregation, the nata-
tors experienced no difficulty. Jack
Patten broke his own 2:16.5 mark
in the 220-yard freestyle event, as
he swam a very fast 2:12.9 race. Ted
Horlenko cracked the old mark of
1:05.8 in the 100-yard backstroke
event as he turned in a new record
of 1:04.5.
The other record-shattering per-
formance occurred in the 400-yard
freestyle relay, as the Wolverine
quartet, composed of Walt Stewart,
Gus Sharemet, Capt. Dobby Burton
and Lew Kivi, ganged up on the old
mark of 3:53 and emerged with an-
other new pool record.


Hockey Summaries





(c) RW

M. Palazzari
A. Palazzari


Michigan Spares: Collins, Corson,
Hull and Hillman.
Illinois Spares: Lotzer (c), Priest-
ley, McCune, Miller, Ferronti and
Referees: Arthur Lever and Gor-
don Anderson.
Scoring: (1) Illinois, DePaul (A.
Palazzeri), 0:38; (2) Illinois, DePaul
(unassisted), 5:50; (3) Illinois; M.
Palazzari (A. Palazzari, DePaul),
11:49; (4) Illinois, DePaul (M. Pal-
azzari, A. Palazzari), 17:47; (5) Illi-
nois, DePaul (unassisted), 18:50; (6)
Illinois, Miller (Benson), 19:21.
Penalties: Bradley, Ferranti.
Scoring: (7) Illinois, Ferranti
(Benson), 2:42.
Penalties: Collins, Bessone, A. Pal-
Scoring: (8) Illinois, M. Palazzari
(A. Palazzari), 6:15; (9) Illinois, A.
Palazzari (M. Palazzari), 7:36; (10)
Illinois, Benson (Miller) 10:13.
Penalties: M. Palazzari, Balestri,




Special Delivery



Kegs With Beer Pumps Furnished
Open Until Midnight
303 North Fifth Avenue



MONTREAL, Jan. 15. -U'P)- The
Toronto Leafs moved back into a
tie for second place in the National
Hockey League tonight by defeating
the Montreal Canadiens, 3-2, in over-
time. Nick Metz scored the deciding




v ,
(goal on a pass from Syl Apps seven
seconds after the start of the extra
The victory, third of the season
for the Leafs over the Canadiens,
boosted Toronto abrest the New York
Rangers, two points behind, the
league-leading Boston Bruins.
It was a bitter disappointment for
the last-place Canadiens, who played
the Leafs off their feet in the third
period to score two goals and match
a pair tallied by Toronto in the sec-
ond session.
Zivic Fights Robinson
NEW YORK, Jan. 15.-(A)-Joe
Louis is in the army now and out of
the headlines for awhile, so the secret
can come out that Fritzie Zivic and
Ray Robinson will take pot-shots at
each other for 12 rounds tomorrow
night in Madison Square Garden for
a crack at Red Cochrane's welter-
weight title.








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.: ** : ''" Cosmo with zipper lining is the
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Zip lining "n" for cold weather
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This Cosmo Coat is made of gen-
uine Airdale Calvary Twill and
#:+has taken top rank in the coat
field. It is selling regularly at
$7 .95

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There's nothing like the
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Tk..lvcI1 Ja~nua~ry 22



I'S, SIR!'and each and every
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and nrove it.'



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