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January 16, 1942 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-16

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Student Group
Will Sponsor
Relief Bazaar
Society Will Buy Medical
Supplies To Be sent
To SovietArmy
Sponsored by the Ann Arbor stu-
dent division of the Russian War Re-
lief Society, a Russian bazaar will be
held Saturday from 2:30 to 6:38
p.m. and from 7:30 to 11:30 in the
Grand Rapids Room of the Michigan
In, order to make the bazaar more
effective, the 7-11 Club will hold a
dance the same evening in the neigh-
boring Kalamazoo Room. The dance
will carry out the theme of the ba-
zaar by having decorations and set-
tings of a Russian nature.
All the funds raised by this bazaar
will be given to the national Society
for the purchase of medical supplies
which can be set to the Soviet Army.
This committee is just one of many
throughout the country. All of these
organizations have started cam-
paigns, and are trying to raise as
much money as possible, using all
facilities which they can comman-
The Ann Arbor committee has set
a student goal of $1,000, which they
wish to obtain by June. A little of
this money will buy a lot. $1 will
purchase an anesthesia mask, $5 will
obtain two wound clips, for $50 an
electric instrument sterilizer can be
made available, and $100 will buy a
hospital field tent. The Russian sur-
geons are badly in need of supplies,

Lost Bomber
Is Discovered
Crew Of Seven Killed;
Two Men Unreported
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 15.-()P)-
Wreckage of an Army bomber which
disappeared over Riverside, Calif.,
December 30, was found today, its
seven occupants dead. Two of the
crew of nine who were in the plane
when it vanished in stormy weather
were reported missing.
In reporting the discovery of the1
plane and recovery of the bodies,
the fourth airforce command said
the craft had been identified defi-
nitely as the B26 which disappeared
at that time.
There was no fire and all military
armamefIt, which had been closely
guarded, was recovered.
The big ship crashed into the
northeast slope of Kellar peak.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.-(P)-
Undertaking an urgent double ex-
pansion of air force combat units,
the Army drastically relaxed re-
quirements today to assure an
adequate number of fliers.
Making eligible for military avi-
ation training an estimated 2,000,-
000 additional men, revised regu-
lations lower age 'limits for avia-
tion cadets to 18, permit accept-
ance of married as well as single
men and discard a previous re-
quirement of two years college
The new rules widen the age
limits for cadets to 18to 26 inclu-


Final Port For Submarine Victim

, Block Is.' ""Nafituch
V. ~Pointau
N.J 1 4-d ONTAUK Aini
Lonq SAtlantic



Flying the flag of Panama, the armed tanker Norness was struck
here by an enemy submarine. The U-boat launched three torpedoes
before the Norness's crew could open fire. Thirty-eight survivors have
been landed in Newport, R.I., but two men were reported lost in action.
Stockwell Corners Yarn Supply
As Dorms Knit For Defense


GRAD WOMEN-Single rooms, well
furnished, cross ventilation, show-
er, lovely for spring. Phone 6152
FRONT SUITE for 1 or 2 men stu-
dents. Very light, large closet.
Available second semester for first
time in 8 years. 420 S. Divisiohn.
-- - -

$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
3 or more days. (Increase
of $.25 for each additional
5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
Our Want-Ad Department
will .be happy to assist you in
composing your ad. Stop at the
Michigan Daily Business Of-
fice, 420 Maynard Street.

Along with a critique
of the new releases
Call For Your
Free Copy
at the
205 E. Liberty St. Phone 3675

The most important activity in the
women's dorms these days is defense,
work, and the girls are doing plenty
of it-lending their capabilities to9
many varied kinds. Stockwell, how-i
ever, beat the other dorms to the
draw in cornering all the available
Red Cross yarn supply in the city.
For this reason, the others will have
to wait for additional wool but it is
promised for the end of this or early
next week.
In addition to this, several pf the
dorms have set aside specially con-
verted recreation rooms as sewing
centers. Mosher girls have been sew-
ing dresses for children and*Stock-
well is specializing in blue and pink
booties for infants-among other
Jordan sells defense stamps and
books and has committees for col-
lecting waste paper and making surg-
ical dressings also.
The several houses have had al-
most 100 per cent 'registration for de-
fense work, signing up for anything
from \entertaining or writing radio
scripts to rolling bandages and of-
fering blood for transfusions.
Many of the dorms also have Re-
ports Chairmen who give detailed
weekly accounts of defense activities
to the head defense committee in the
League. After the start of next sem-
ester it is expected that work which
already has been very well organized
in such a short space of time, will
be running very smoothly and quick-
ly in aiding the war effort.
- *
Exchange Dinners
Wednesday: Michigan and Chicago
of the West Quad with Mosher Hall,
Williams with Adelia Cheever and
Lloyd with Alumnae House.
Faculty Dinners
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Peake and
Mr. Valentine B. Windt were among
Rabbi To Lead
Forum Today
Jewish Community To Be
Subject Of Discussion
Discussing the status of the Jew-
ish community, Rabbi Maurice Pe-
karsky, director of Hillel Foundation
at Northwestern University, will talk
on "Border Dwellers" at Hillel Foun-
dations Fireside Discussion Group,
8:15 p.m. today.
A graduate of Michigan, Rabbi
Pekarsky was a student director of
Hillel Foundation here. He later
graduated from the Jewish Institute
of Religion in New York.
Distinguishing himself as a Zion-
ist, Rabbi Pekarsky was national
president of Avukah, student Zionist
He now stands in the top ranks of
Hillel Foundations throughout the
Rabbi Pekarsky's discussion will
treat the adjustment of the members
of the Jewish community in society.
A forum discussion of the topic willi
follow the talk.
Conservative religious services di-1
rected by Jack Lewin-Epstein, '43,
and David Crohn, '43, will be held be-
fore the discussion group at 7:30 p.m.

the guests at Stockwell's final faculty
dinner of the semester yesterday.
Alumnae House, according to Mar-
ian Smith, '44, also entertained facul-
ty visitors at dinner yesterday.
Dance News
Mosher girls and their dates will
enjoy a midnite supper (innovation)
dance to the music of Max Crosman
and his band from 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m.
today at their annual Winter Formal.
Ellen Batteurs, '43, is chairman.
Stockwell will also have a formal to-
day-with Gordon Hardy providing
the dance time, says Ri Ri Wooten,
Mr. David Mattern, who organized
the men's glee club in the West Quad
for carol singing at Christmas time,
met with the choir members yester-
day to discuss plans for further or-
ganization of the group. He and Mrs.
Mattern were dinner guests 'yester-
Shoes, hats, dresses and blouses
are being sold at a 400% discount in
the exclusive Frannie and Dottie
Shoppie on a certain noted corridor
in Stockwell. The proprietors model,
give extra attention, extend credit
and let their customers take their
merchandise out on trial. In fact
they do everything but cash checks-
and yu can try on the shoes to the
tune of G. Miller's "A String of
Pearls" or "Moonlight Sonata" de-
pending on your mood.
City Officials
Begin Studies
Of Blackouts
City officials began the study of
the intricate problems involved in
blacking out Ann Arbor at a county
defense council meeting called by
Mayor Leigh J. Young, city defense
council chairman, in the armory yes-
Patrolman Robert Mayfield of the
city police department, Albert Ja-
cobs of the country defense council
and Deputy Sheriff Thomas Fitz-
gerald-all attended an FBI school
in Detroit recently-led the discus-
Chairman of the county defense
council Harrison H. Caswell declared
that the meeting was called so that
the work could be planned thorough-
ly and without haste.
It was recommended that the de-
fense council take the necessary
steps to include the entire county in
the blackout plans, since a blackout
of Ann Arbor alone would not be
effective if the surrounding areas
were not in darkness.
The discussion leaders pointed out
that a mere turning out of lights
was not enough for a satisfactory
blackout. Control of traffic and
automobile lights must also be real-
ized, the leaders stated, and ar-
rangements must be made to meet
the problem of business district
Signals able to be heard through-
out the entire cty must be estab-
lished and air-raid wardens ap-
pointed to supervise the program, it
was pointed out.

U.S. Advocates
Anti-Axis Front
In New World
Pan-American Convention
Is Warned Of 'Illusory
Neutrality' By Welles
RIO DE JANEIRO, Jan. 15.-G -
The United States veged the non-
belligerents of the Western Hemi-
sphere today to abandon neutrality
and to form a united front against}
aggression by driving out Axis agents,
now serving under the cloaks of dip-t
lomats, from the New World.
This plea was made by Undersec-
retary of State Sumner Welles at the
opening session of the third consul-
tative conference of foreign ministers1
of the Pan-American Republics.
Welles warned that in this day to
cling to "the tattered fiction of an
illusory neutrality" was suicidal.
He spoke to delegates of 20 othert
American republics, ten of whom al-
ready are at war. Of the others,
Argentina alone stood out as the only
nation reported unwilling to join a,
united front of outright diplomatic9
hostility to the Axis.
President Getulio Vargas of Brazil
pledged that his country, which juts
out into the south Atlantic toward
Africa and Europe, would never be
used as a "point of vantage for ag-
gression against sister nations."
Foreign minister JIan Bautistal
Rossetti of Chile elaborated upon the
unity theme by calling on the dele-
gates to "use all our faith and en-
thusiasm" to make the hemisphere
"one and indivisible in the defense
of her inalienable right to decide her
destiny for herself."
Argentina's position held the close
attention of all, with the success or
failure of the entire conference per-,
haps hinging on the stand to be taken
by this strong nation.
Welles and the Argentine foreign
minister, Dr. Enrique Ruiz Guinazu,
had a 25-minute conference this
morning after which Welles only said:
"I have ,had a cordial and pleasant
conversation with my old friend, the
foreign minister of Argentina."
Plans To Be Considered
For Local Youth Hostel
A meeting to consider plans for
the organization of a youth hostel
in Ann Arbor will be held at the
home of Werner F. Striedieck, of
the German department, 10 Har-
vard Pl., at 8 p.m. today.
The idea of a local youth hostel
was prompted by the automobile tire
shortage with consequent curtail-
ment of motor vacations. Expansion
of the youth hostel movement is in-
tended to provide new vacation op-

VOL. LII. No. 801
Publication in the Daily Official1
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
University Council: There will be4
a meeting of the University Council 1
on Monday, January 19, at 4:15 p.m.,1
in the Rackham Amphitheater. The
meeting will be relative to informa-
tion about the War Program of the
Universuis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Members of the Faculties: On
Monday, January 19, at 4:15 p.m.1
there will be a special meeting of thet
University Council, for the discussion
of various phases of the University's
wartime program. It was originally
announced that this meeting would
be held in the Rackham Amphithe-
ater and that all members of the
University Senate who might care to
do so were invited to attend. It now
develops that contrary to the orig-
inal expectation the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall will be available at the
hour stated and a larger number
can be accommodated. Consequent-
ly the Council cordially invites all
faculty members, whether or not they
are members of the Senate, to be
present at the meeting.
L. A. Hopkins
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Facul-
ty of this College today at 4:15 p.m.,
in Room 348 West Engineering Build-
NeW Registration Dates: Students
will registe for the second semester
on February 5, 6, and 7 under thel
same alphabetical schedule as was
previously announced for February
12, 13, and 14.
Shirley W. Smith
Home Loans: The University In-
vestment office, 100 South Wing, will
be glad to consult with anyone con-
sidering building or buying a home
or refinancing existing mortgages
and is eligible to make F.H.A. loans.
Freshmen and Sophomores, Col-
lege of Literature, Sciene, and the
Arts: Appointments for approval of
elections for the second semester may
be made by calling at the Office of
the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason
Hall, or by telephoning Ext. 613. Be-
cause of the change in the examina-
tion schedule, it is absolutely imper-
ative that you keep your appoint-
ments with your Counselors as sched-
uled. Failure to do this will make it
impossible for you to register at the
proper time..i
Arthur Van Duren, Chairman
Academic Counselors.

Public Health Assembly: Dr. Haven
Emerson, Professor Emeritus of Pub-
lic Health Practice. Columbia Uni-
versity. and Lecturer in Public Health
Practice, University of Michigan, will
speak on "Beverage Alcohol as a
Public Health Problem" at an assem-
bly period on Monday, January 19, at
4:00 p.m. in the Auditorium of the
Kellogg Building. All students in
public health are expected to be pres-
ent and anyone interested is welcome.
The Bureau of Navigation desires
to appoint 350 officers in Class SC-V
(P) in the Naval Reserve. It is in-
tended that officers so appointed will
be ordered to active duty for a course
of instruction at the Naval Supply
(Continued on Page 4)

Distinguished French Pianist
Mon., Jan. 19, 8:30
Feri Roth Julius Shier
Rachmael Weinstock Oliver Edel
Friday and Saturday, Jan. 23-24
Three concerts
in the Rackham Building
Tues., Feb. 3, 8:30
in special concert
Popular prices
Thurs., Feb. 26, 8:30
Tickets on sale at the Offices
of University Musical Society,
Burton Memorial Tower.




MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935. }
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
EXPERT TYPING. Term papers,
theses. Accuracy guaranteed. Rea-
sonable. Call Mrs. Eley or Mrs.
,Walsh. 2-4108. 201c
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 2c
MIMEOGRAPHING - Thesis bind-
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State. 6a
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
7112. 7c
ning School begins Monday eve-
ning, January 19, Ann Arbor High
School. Business, Language, Arts,
Mathematics, Homemaking, Crafts,
and Recreation courses offered.
For further information call 5797.
PERMANENTS, $3.00-$7.00. Sham-
poo and set, 65c all week. Gingham
Girl Beauty Shop, 302 S. State.
Phone 2-400.
LOST-Lady's gold Elgin watch with
cord. Barbara Shure, 464 Jordan
B all. ___ - -200c




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