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January 16, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-16

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Fair and Warmer.

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Engineering Students
Should Be Deferred ..



Parley Will Open
'America At War'
Discussion Today

Donald Nelson Takes Production Reins

Second Tanker Attacked
Off Long Island Seacoast;
Army Will Double Forces

Annual Winter Meeting
To Stress, Emergency
Issue In Panel Series
New Action Voted
By Student Senate
The Student Senate Winter Parley,
first all-campus war forum, will open
its two-day session at 2:15 p.m. to-
day in the Union north lounge when
Prof. Harold M. Dorr of the political
science department takes the rostrum
as keynoter.
Professor Dorr's talk will inaugu-
rate a four-panel discussion series of
the vital issues included in the par-
ley's theme, "America At War." Pan-
el sessions are scheduled for 2:15
and 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Union.
"The subjects to be discussed in
this parley directly affect every stu-
dent in the University," committee
co-chairman Jake Fahrner, '43, de-
clared yesterday. "The parley ses-
sions will be open to anyone who feels
he has something at stake in both
wartime and post-war Am'erica"
Questions From Audience
Immediately following Professor
Dorr's address, the inaugural session
will be given over to questions from
the audience. This open-forum dis-
cussion method will be used until
Prof. Bennett Weaver of the English
department summarizes the parley's
work at 9 p.m. tomorrow.
The 1942 Parley, in addition to its
total-war subject, will also be the
first Student Senate discussion forum
with limited speeches. Members of
both panel and audience will be given
three minutes to speak-no more.
This was brought on by criticisms
of past panels for their monologue
With William Muehl, '44L, as pre-
siding chairman, today's discussion
will be led by Hale Champion, '44,
William Clark, '42, and Rosebud
Scott, '42.
Four Aspects Covered
Four major aspects of World War
II.will be covered in tomorrow's ses-
sion by panel members representing
every shade of campus opinion. The
first group, "Arms For America," will
discuss the economic import of the
U S. war program on labor, con-
sumer, and business. It will be
chaired by Norm Call, '42.
The second panel under Roger Kel-
ley, '42, will be a student discussion
of student position throughout the
country. "War and Education" will
take up this problem from its im-
mediate and long-term aspects.
"Crisis in Morals," topic of the
third panel, includes the religious,
ethical and social results of all-out
war. Don O'Connor, '42, will preside.
Don Stevenson, '42, will head the
fourth panel on "Our Armed Forces."
This discussion group will examine
America's actual fighting of the war
New Action Voted
By Student Senate
As part of its resolution to join
unconditionally in the nation's de-
fense effort, the Student Senate will
cooperate with the University to safe-
guard property and materials used
in war research.
Adopted by unanimous vote at yes-
terday's Senate meeting, this reso-
lution was part of a three-fold pro-
gram laid down by newly-elected
President Bob Krause, '43BAd.
Also included in the series of ex-
ecutive suggestions were the develop-
ment of student expression of opin-
ion through the use of open meet-
ings and suggestion boxes placed on
campus and the securing by the Sen-
ate of its long-awaited right to ini-
tiate legislation to the Committee on
Student Affairs.
Krause next named the heads of
the various Senate committees,

selecting Margaret Campbell, '42, as
chairman of the Defense Committee.
This group will handle civilian and
military defense work.
The Student Service Committee is
to be headed by Hoe Seltzer, '42,
chairman, and Winston H. Cox, '42,
as assistant chairman, while the
Scholarship Committee will be un-
der the chairmanship of Ray Davis.
John Zimmerman, '43, was select-
ed to handle the Senate Parley Com-
mittee, and Harold Klein, '44, will be
chairman of next semester's Elections

Choral Union
Will Present
Noted Pianist
The man who thinks the United
States is the greatest country of
music lovers, Robert Casadesus, will
present the seventh Choral Union
concert at 8:30 p.m. Monday in Hill
Blond, blue-eyed Casadesus has
devoted his lifetime to music. His
career is the piano, his hobby com-
posing and his only other musical
weakness, the kettledrums, which as
a-boy he played in an orchestra.
Casadesus practices on an average
of at least three hours a day. The
rest of his working time is spent in
study and compositiorl. During the
summer he usually teaches and for
many years he has been the head
of the piano department of the Foun-
tainebleau School of Music.
Monday the French pianist will
play Gavotte, Le Rappel des Oiseaux,
Les Cyclopes, Les Sauvages, Les Niais
de Sologne by Rameau; Carnival, Op.
9, by Schumann; Ballade, Op. 23,
Berceuse, Op. 57, Tarantelle, Op. 43,
by Chopin; and Le Retour des Mule-
tiers, La Soiree dans Grenade, Al-
borada del Gracioso by Ravel.
Demand Met
For Training
In Languages
University Will Prepare
- Students For Liason
Intelligence Branches
(Editor's Note: This is the second
in a series of artices describing Uni-
versity defense courses as approved
.y the newly created War Board.)
In order to prevent the united nti-
Axis effort of 26 nations from turning
into a tower of Babel, the University
of Michigan will join other American
educational institutions in empha-
sizing modern language work in its
emergency curriculum.
Many governmental services, both
military and civilian, will require pro-
ficiency in one or more foreign lan-
guages, a University War Board
statement points out. Complete com-
mand of another nation's language
nmy mean assignment to military
or naval intelligence.
In outlining its second semester
program of emergency language
courses, the War Board stresses the
need for extensive training in all but
the least commonly taught languages.
An elementary knowledge of Japa-
nese, Russian, Arabic, or Portugese,
however, might be of some value to
the government.
Obviously useful in World War II,
an intensive course in Japanese will
be given by Mr. Joseph Vamagiwa.
This course, Oriental Languages 148,
will cover the speaking, reading and
(Continued on Page 6)

Lit School Executive Committee
To Plan Finals Schedule Today

* * * m

punishment Demanded,
For Production Errors

WASHINGTON. Jan. 15.--(A)-A
committee report charging that gov-
ernmental inefficiency and private
selfishness have seriously retarded
America's war production gave im-
mediate rise in the Senate today tb
demands that those responsible bpe
The report, in which the Senate
defense investigating committee call-
ed for drastic reorganization of the
Office of Production Management
and elimination of "bureaucratic red
tape," was submitted to the Senate
by chairman Truman (Dem.-*Io.)
to cover the committee's investigative
work during 1941.
Vandenberg Wants Action
Senators Vandenberg (Rep.-Mich.)
and Norris (Ind.-Neb.) were among
the first to interrupt Truman as he
summarized the finding to ask whe-
ther criminal or other punitive action
could not be taken against those
guilty of the "gross inefficiency"
which the committee said it found.
"I miss," Vandenberg observed,
"the final personification and iden-
tification of somebody who ought to
be demoted or put in jail."
He asked what happened when in-
dividual responsibility for improper
administration of the defense pro-
gram was determined.
"He usually gets a promotion," Tru-
man told him wryly.
Other committee members said the
government's auditing services were
being counted upon to establish spe-
cific responsibility for any wrongful
acts, and Senator Brewster (Rep.-
Me.) added that when the committee
had reason to believe criminal actions
were involved, the facts were pre-
sented to the Department of Justice.
Gross Inefficiency
"The committee," the report de-
clared, "has found numerous in-
stances of gross inefficiency and still
more instances where the private in-
terests of those concerned have hin-
dered and delayed the defense pro-
gram. A considerable quantity of
supplies and material which we
should have today have not been pro-

duced and the war effort has been
seriously handicapped as a result."
Among the committee's major find-
ingS were these:
That "after two years of frantic
effort, we have too few planes to al-
low adequate flying time to our own
pilots,"- while much production was
of "mediocre" models, largely because
of failure to standardize production
of a limited number of types and
failure to bring into the production
picture the facilities of small plants.
$1-A-Year Men Hit
That men receiving private salaries
from big business concerns have
worked for OPM for $1 a year or for
no compensation and have actually
been "lobbyists" for private business
interests. The committee asked an
end to employment of $1-a-year men.
That there was failure to. expand
production of many vitally needed
war materials, such as copper, lead,
zinc, and aluminum.
That the armaments program was
handicapped by unnecessary strikes,
though of late there had been less of
this obstruction.
That the automobile industry was
permitted to build new plant facili-
ties for defense manufacture, using
goviernment funds, instead of con-
verting existing facilities to defense
production, thus leaving the industry
free to continue automobile produc-
tion at the highest level since 1929.
The committee's recommendations
for reorganization of the OPM, of
which the report said, "Its mistakes
of commission have been legion; and
its mistakes of omission have been
even greater," were prepared before
President Roosevelt announced a re-
vision of the defense set-up, with
Donald Nelson at its head.

With the examination period
shortened by one week in a war-time
record-shattering move to cram three
semesters into the school year, the
Literary College Executive Commit-,.,
tee will hold its regular meeting to-
day and expects to draft an official
final examinations schedule which
will be followed by the Literary Col-;
lege and the College of Engineering.
The official schedule of final ex-
aminations will be printed in to-
morrow's Daily.
Assistant Dean of the Literary Col-
lege Lloyd S. Woodburne informed
The Daily late yesterday that the de-
cision of the executive committed
will provide .a common examination
schedule for both schools.
"There is a probability," Dean
Woodburne stated, "that various
other schools in the University will
pattern their examination schedules
after that of the Literary College."~
He said that he had been asked by
the Deans of other schools concern-
ing the program of examinations pro-
posed by the Literary College. In
general, he indicated, our schedule
will call for three two-hour exams
each day at 8-10 a.m., 10:30 a.m. to
12:30 p.m. and 2-4 p.m.
Plans for shortening this semester's;
examination schedule by a week are
String Quartet
To Give Two
Concerts Here.
Roth Group Will Present
Chamber Music Series
For University Festival
The 20th century counterpart of
Ole King Cole's "fiddlers three," only
there are four of them, the Roth
String Quartet, will appear in the.
Second Annual Chamber Music Festi-
val which will be held on Friday, Jan.
23, and Saturday, Jan. 24, in the
Rackham Auditorium.
The quartet will present concerts
Friday evening, Saturday afternoon
and Saturday evening. Heading the
Roth String Quartet is Feri Roth,
violinist. The other members are
Rachmael Weinstock second violin-
ist, Julius Shaier, violist, and Oliver
Edel, 'cellist.
Roth, a native Hungarian, has been
a professional musician since the
age of 14 when he first played in
the Budapest Opera orchestra. His
greatest interest, however, has been
in string quartets. He organized one
early in his career that gained fame
all over Budapest.
A later effort firmly established
Roth's fame in chamber music cir-
cles. In 1928 he came to America
where his work has been accepted as
unapproached in his field. His quar-
tet leadership is gifted with magne-
tism and enthusiasm that brings ex-
traordinary results from his asso-

being whipped into shape in accord-
ance with a general program by the
University to take up the slack be-
tween semesters in the regular two-
semester program followed formerly.
Under the present plan, the sec-;
ond semester will begin on Feb. 9 in-
stead of Feb. 16. Spring vacation will
also be cut out in a move to save
ten days.
Students will take their final ex-
aminations for the second semesterl
during the week of May 20-27 in-
stead of June 6-16. Commencement1
is scheduled for May 30.
War Economy
To Be Taught
Next Semester
Department Of Economics
Will Give New Course;
Smithies To Instruct
Aiming to help students under-
stand war economics-the most im-
portant branch for years to come-
Prof. Arthur Smithies of the econom-
ics department will teach a special
course dealing with the problem next
Known as Economics 198, the
course, open to students who have
taken Economics 151, or to those
who gain permission of the instruc-
tor, will study problems involved in
devoting a large portion of the na-
tional income to waging war. It will
also take up the relation of wartime
economic policies to post-war eco-
nomic reconstruction. Economics 198
will be taught at 11 a.m. Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday.
Other divisions of the course will
include: (1) the procurement of re-
sources for the conduct of the war;
(2) the operation of the non-war
sector of the economy; (3) state-
ment of the problem in terms of the
theoretical analysis; (4) policies de-
signed to solve the problem; (5) pol-
icies involving direct control such as
priorities and price control, and (6)
borrowing and taxation and their
relation to the question of inflation.
On the post-war economic prob-
lem, these points will be considered:
(1) the transition from a war to a
non-war economy; (2) policies which
may be adopted during or immedi-
ately after the war to avoid or miti-
gate the depression that would nor-
mally accompany the transition; (3)
longer-run policies of national sta-
bility, and (4) international econom-
ic organization.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.-(RP)-
Wartime daylight saving time leg-
islation which may cause the en-
tire nation to advance clocks one
hour to conserve- electrical ener-
gy for essential production was
approved finally by Congress to-
day amid quips that it would serve
no useful purpose.

Enemy Warcraft, Preying
On Coastwise Shipping,
Blasts Unidentified Boat
Speedy Jap Liner
Sunk B Torpedo
NEW YORK, Jan. 15.-(IP)--Strik-
ing for the second time within 32
hours, enemy warcraft attacked an
unidentified tanker off the south-
shore Long Island town of Hampton
Bays today only 75 miles from New
York, it was announced by Coast
Guard officials at Quogue, Long Is-
At the New York headquarters of
the Third Naval District, the com-
mandant, Rear Admiral Adolphus
Andrews, declined comment on the
reported attack. He said he had
ordered his staff not to release in-
formation concerning ship sinkings
in the future and added that all such
information. must come from Wash-
In Washington, the Navy Depart-
ment said it had not received any in-
formation concerning an attack or a
torpedoing since announcement last
night that the Panamanian tanker
Norness was torpedoed three times
by a submarine 60 miles southeast
(By The Associated Press)
British consolidate line In soutl
ern Malaya for decisive battle for
Singapore; Australian troops pre-
viously held in reserve are now in
action; most of Malaya is lost to
defenders; communication is out
between Batavia and northeast-
ern fighting area of Celebes.
Russians recapture Selizharovo,
175 miles northwest of Moscow, in
farthest ppsh yet made against
Nazis in capital theater; Red
troops are reported breaking Nazi
fort ring arouid harkov in Uk-
raine; Soviet forces land on Sea
of Azov west of Taganrog.

Wolverine Puckmen Swamped
liBy Speedy Illinois Skaters, 10-0

Starting off in high gear and gain-
ing added momentum with each suc-
ceeding period, the fighting Indians
from Illinois descended on the Michi-
gan Coliseum last night and handed
the Wolverine hockey team one of its
worst setbacks in many a season,
thumping them to the resounding
tune of 10-0.
It was strictly a no-contest affair
with the Illini only proving that they
are still the class in collegiate hockey
circles. All that the Wolverines got
out of the trouncing was a real fight
and a two-inch laceration which Roy
Bradley received over his eye.
De Paul Leads Scoring
Picking out any particular Illinois
man for some especially fine work
would be a difficult job. They were
all good-from the starting sextet
right down to the last reserve on the
12-man squad. If it is the man who

from Minnesota, these two brothers
put on a fine show of defensive and
offensive hockey. Together their of-
fensive power was terrific. Mario
turned in two scores and two assists,
while Aldo marked up one counter
and four assists.
Illinois Starts Fast
The Illini lost no time in the first
period in starting to scalp the Wol-
verines. At :38 De Paul cracked in his
first goal before the completely sur-
prised Wolverines could get their
bearings. He followed five minutes
later with another score, going in all
alone and faking Hank Loud out of
the play. Accurate passing, coupled
with greater speed, brought the In-
dians their third score of the period
when Aldo Palazzari got his only goal
of the evening.
Before the period ended De Paul
got two more goals and Bob Miller

Thursday Set
For Gargoyle
To all connoisseurs of the standard
college man's wall decoration, Gar-
goyle sends greetings-and its con-
tribution to the hundreds of such
walls upon this campus, namely, the
Garga Girl.
Promising the supreme in human
architecture, plus that certain spark
that has endeared her predecessors to
modern youth, the Garga Girl will
remain under cover (of the maga-
zine until hundreds of pairs of scis-
sors will have made possible her dis-
play au mur. And the great day is
However, even when she has been
removed, there will remain an im-
posing list of features in this new
January Gargoyle. Prominent among
these, and following a more serious
vein, is this month's edition of Your
Michigan, the story of the campus in
This section of the magazine will
be devoted to the School of Medi-
cine, especially busy now in view of
the increased demands made upon
its members. For this feature, Gar-
goyle has secured a sequence of pho-

of Montauk Point, Long Island, at
1:20 a.m. (EST) yesterday.
The time of the new attack re-
ported by the Coast Guard was un-
officially placed at 9:30 a.m. (EST)
today at a position 19 miles offshore
and approximately 50 miles west of
the spot where the Norness fell vic-
tim to a brazen raider that surfaced
and casually torpedoed its target.
3,600,000 Man Army
To Be Mobilized In 1942
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. - (A) --
Plans for mobilizing a powerful army
of 3,600,000-just as a starter-
promised victories to come today
while on the actual fighting fronts
a great Japanese liner and two Jap
bombing planes were smashed by
American fighting men.
Before the year is out, Secretary
of War Stimson told reporters, the
army's present strength in ground
and air forces is to be doubled, twice
the present number of air combat
and armored units will be in the
service, and 32 new divisions, many
of them motorized, are to be created.
The year 1943 wil see an additional
Meanwhile word was received that
an American submarine in Far East-
ern waters had sunk a 17,000 ton
Japanese liner of the fast Yawata
class, a vessel capable of conversion
into an aircraft carrier.
From the Philippines, at the same
time, came word that nine Jap bomb-
ers attacked Corregidor, the island
fortress at the mouth of Manila Bay,
only to have two of their number
shot down, and others damaged by
anti-aircraft fire. Ground troops on
Batan Peninsula were doggedly and
successfully holding out against Jap-
anese efforts to infiltrate their de-
fense lines.
The projected 3,600,000-man army,
plus 200,000 or more officers, would
give this nation a fighting force sub-
stantially stronger than that of
Japan, but still far smaller than that
of Nazi Germany.
Kaufman-Hart Comedy
Continues Performance
George S. Kaufman and Moss

v-5, V-7 Units May Be Closed
To Further Enlistments Soon

v I

Able-bodied University of Michi-
gan men who plan to enlist in the
Navy's V- or V-7 reserve units some-
time "soon" had better make up their
minds right away or they might well
be left ashore.
Capt. R.E. Cassidy, newly-appoint-
ed commandant of the University
Naval Reserve Officers Training
Corps, said yesterday that both re-
serve units, offering junior and sen-
ior students deferment until comple-
tion of their college work, might
stop accepting applications "anytime
V-5, flight training, and V-7, mid-
shipman reserve, have been created
to train men still in school. A man
enrolled in either of the two units

feel it safe to say that the quota is
rapidly being filled. Last week alone
we interviewed more than 250 stu-
dents here."
The two reserve units are open to
upper classmen in every college and
university in the nation.
Although acceptance for either V-5
or V-7 is made in Detroit at the Navy
recruiting station, a student may
secure an unofficial physical exam-
ination at the Health Service if his
request is made through the local
Col. Francis M. Ganoe, head of
the University ROTC unit yesterday
advised freshmen and sophomores to
enlist in the ROTC. Top ranking
freshmen and sophomores will be giv-
en written notice certifying that they

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