Union Buliroom
Long Neglected Dinner Appetiser
Contributes To National Defense
The Springish
List Of
Is Announced
By Committee
Time Was When College Life
For Women Meant Al I Books
When it comes to the matter of
energy-producing foods, it's the little
things in life that count-the mush-
rooms that garnish a juicy T-bone,
the crisp celery, the avocados, oysters,
clams and shrimps that have been
neglected except as appetiser.
They are about to come into their
own at last as a result of the inten-
sive search by nutritionists for new
inexpensive foods, rich in vitamins
and minerals, that will contribute to
American defense through building
up and insuring the health of the
Value Of Mushrooms
According to a recent magazine
article, mushrooms, which long ago
sold at fabulous prices to delight the
taste of fastidious gourmets, are now
grown as a year-round crop, first in
test tube cultures, then in beds of
sterilized peat moss, and finally in,
air-conditioned tunnels.
This controlled process now pro-
vides the chalky-white food with the
attention it truly deserves, for mush-
rooms have been found to contain
tryspin, a digestive enzyme, consid-
erable potassium, mineral ash, and
ergosterol, while at the same time
adding no calories to the intake of
the conscientious dieter.
We've heard so much about the
cod and halibut, that it is somewhat
of a surprise to learn that the simple
oyster is every bit as capable of sup-
plying the human body with concen-
trated Vitamin A. The little bivalve
drinks a lot of water every day-
over 35 gallons of brine to be exact,
which means it also garners a large
store of iron, phosphorous, aluminum
and iodine.
The Greener, The Better
In case you didn't know, the green-
er the oyster, the more stored energy
it has, and the better it is for human
consumption, or so the scientists tell
us. Doctors evidently think the oys-1
ter is a pretty important little creat-
ure because of his minerals, for over
10 New York hospitals have been
giving an average of 200 dozen oys-
ters a day to their patients.
In case you're planning to have
an appendectomy, you'd better hurry
up and acquire a fondness for oysters,
as you may get them for an exclusive
diet three days before and three
days after, mainly because the oyster
seems to be the only animal food
the human body can completely ab-
sorb and put to use.
Since the American public is go-
ing ta' get plenty of oysters in its
diet, now that their high mineral
value has been ascertained, a new
type of farm is in line for booming
business. Because oysters are plant-
ed and harvested with as much at-
tention as a field of corn, modern
and scientific underseas farms all
along the Atlantic coast will be work-
ing overtime as their contribution to
the campaign to build up Ameri-
can health, and thereby, national
defense, through energy-producing
'Athletic Party,' Dance
Will Be Held Today
The swimming pool and gym will
be available to the "Athletic Party"
being held at 8:30 p.m. today at the
Y.M.C.A. building by the Baptist
Guild. Those attending are asked
to bring ther own swimming suits
and gym shoes. Refreshments will
be served later in the evening.
* * *
Inaugurating a new Michigan tra-
dition, the School of Music will hold
its first annual formal dance from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today in the Ethel
Fountain Hussey Room of the
The dance will be sponsored by
Phi Mu Alpha, Symphonia and Mu
Phi Epsilon, honorary music soci-
eties. Prof. and Mrs. Hardin A.
Van Deursen and Prof. and Mrs. John
S. Worley will chaperon.
of all'
Winter Hats continues
Exceptional Values
Perfect Condition
Sizes 22 and 23
523 East Liberty
Michigan Theatre Bldg.
<; .
: .
f: M>
3:: >;>'
s.' j¢S
A '
Just the thing for second night
at J-Hop is this very flattering
crepe dress. With its tiny waist-
line and full skirt it can't help
but do wonders for your figure.
The flowered top with full sleeves
and plunger neck-line caught in a
huge button gives this frock a
freshness of spring, while the dark
skirt keeps it appropriate for this
late winter season. The matching
pompador hat with draped effect
suitable for women with long hair,
completes the costume.
Proposing to remove the hazy
aura of glamour which often sur-
rounds some of the more exciting
and unusual occupations open to
women, a series of articles, dis-
cussing the various aspects of sev-
eral careers to show just what they
do involve, will be presented on
this page.
Qualifications in the way of
requirements, education, person-
ality, training, experience, work-
ing conditions, salaries and oppor-
tunities for advancement will be
outlined in this series in which the
jobs of various women who have
become outstanding in their par-
ticular fields will be described by
Jean Gilmer and Barbara DeFries.
No Limit On Wearing Apparel,
Slacks, Plaid Shirts, Sweaters,
Anything But Formals Will Do
Now that Hickory Squeaks and hisi
two bum companions are in townk
and impatiently awaiting the fall oft
night so that they can come out of
the boxcar, everything is set for thet
Hobo Hop to be held from 9 p.m. tot
1 a.m. today in the Union ballroom,
the central committee announced
in unison.
Not only that but each hobo chair-
man has a hoboess to accompanyj
him and this list, S. Che Tang, '43E,t
general chairman, said, may be re-
vealed in all its major interest at this
time. Tang will attend with Mary'
Euyoung, Bill Buffington, '44E, sec-
retary, with Alice King, '43; Bob.
Sforzini, '43E, ticket chairman, with
Eleanor Hicks.
Al Wohl, '43, buildings chairman,
will be "ridkn' the rods" with Patricia
Ransohoff; Coral DePriester, '44E,
Date Bureau chairman, with Ger-
trude Rubin. Furthermore, Tony
Gentile, '43E, patrons chairman, has
invited Nellie McCoindle, Ed Merz,
'44E, publicity chairman, has invited
June Karker, '44, and Howard Hover,
'44E, decorations chairman, will at-
tend with Betty Hartford.
000, the technical name of the
Hobo Hop, is sponsored by Congress,
Independent Men's organization, but
is open to anyone who wants to
come. Tickets are now on sale at the
main desks in the Union and League
or may be obtained from any com-
mittee members. Tickets will also
be sold at the door of the ballroom.
There is no limit on what to wear,
Tang said, as anything at all will do
-slack combinations, skirts and
sweaters, plaid shirts, date clothes--
anything but formal wear. Incident-
ally, gang, this is one of your last
chances to be your own normal selves
-meaning exams, of course-so
don't hesitate to join the hoboesy
Formerly "female education" was
not regarded as one of father's
assorted methods and means of see-
ing that daughter was able to per-
manently leave the old homestead;
in other words, college hasn't always
been regarded as a marriage institu-
The first college in this country
to admit that women might be able
to assimilate a little weightier knowl-
edge than that dealing with the
neatest way to sew a fine seam was
Oberlin College in Ohio.
In 1837 four women enrolled as
freshmen in this school, three of
these educational adventurers com-
ing from the East and one being so
original as to come from Oberlin it-
The courses that these women took
weren't what would constitute the
modern definition of a mental vaca-
tion. The freshmen warmed up with
Cicero, Xenophon, Acts of the Apos-
tles in Greek, and other such likely
subjects. Later they moved on to
Latin, Hebrew, mathematics, logic,
rhetoric, natural philosophy and even
I sacred music!
The women also led a rather stren-
uous life outside the classroom. They
leaped out of bed at 5 a.m. and dur-
ing the course of the day would serve
meals, clean their own rooms, and
even clean the men's dorms as part
of the daily schedule. Many of these
girls earned money (2/4 cents an
hour) for washing and mending the
clothes of the young men at Oberlin.
However, the popular belief that
all work and no play makes Jane a
dull girl, was prevalent even in these
benighted times, so the Oberlin wo-
men were able to find some lighter
recreation in the form of extracur-
ricular activities. These included a
woman's literary society, the Oberlin
Female Moral Reform Society and
the Co-educational Musical Union.
However, in the course of a hun-
I dred years or so, college life and col-
lege women have changed slightly.
Co-educational schools have been
caustically called matrimonial marts;+
the courses usually elected by wo-
men deal with more modern sub-
jects; rarely does any college woman
whip out of bed before 7:39 a.m. at
Oberlin or any other place; and ac-I
cording to the latest figures, the
O.F.M.R.S. (Oberlin Female Moral
Reform Society) is just another
Series Of Sessions
On Law Procedure
Will Close Today
The last in a group of three ses-
sions of instructions in the princi-
ples of parliamentary law, sponsored
by Mortarboard for the benefit of
women on campus, will be held at
4:15 p.m. today in the League.
The sessions were started because
of the noticeable lack of knowledge
in parliamentary procedure among
women on campus, both leaders and
those who merely take part in meet-
ings.' All questions on parliamentary
procedure and on ,the method of
conducting meetings will be an-
swered at today's session.
Mortarboard has had printed small
booklets with all the main points of
parliamentary procedure outlined in
Kappa Kappa Gamma announces
the recent pledging of Molly Carney,
'43, of Birmingham.
.. ...
Club Basketball
To Be Formed
Next Semester
Club Basketball will be a feature
of WAA activities second semester,
Betty Steffen, '42, in charge of the
group, has announced. Games will
be played from 4:20 p.m. to 5:40 p.m.
on Tuesdays and Thursdays, the def-
inite date of beginning to be an-
nounced later.
Teams are composed of women
who hare experienced basketball
players and who enjoy playing for
fun. Each team will be composed of
ten players with one member acting
as captain. The five captains who
have been chosen to head the teams
are: Arlene Ross, '43, Obeline Elser,
'45, Helern Garrels, '43, Virginia
Johnson, '43, and Nancy Bercaw, '43.
Those women who are interested
in Club Basketball and who have
not been contacted, are urged to call
Miss Steffen.
Robes ... Blouses
Swea ters
Michigan Theatre Bldg.
January, Clearance
Time Out
Toasted English Muffin
Orange Marmalade
Hot Tea or Coffee
Jewelry, Belts To Be Featured
At Russian War Relief Bazaar
Values to $24.95 .
$4.98 values...........
Values to $9.95.........
}j t
rx" tct , r
- xs - -b.s , r, c2 ,4"t
p} '.
Q ....\. t/1 kj. r- t iZ F
sW \ .
No MATE ILKthe iiioving Up Of this important
dance date! We are already showing many
now formals bought especially with J-Hop
in mind. Make your choice now from
lovely new printed jerseys . . . mous-
selines . . . rayon crepes . . .nets ...
This year's fashion demands odd
jewelry and other accessories which
reflect the spirit of foreign cultures.
Ann Arbor women have now the op-
portunity before them to acquire such
articles. The Russian War Relief
Bazaar will have on sale many of
these different objects.
A few of the items of this sort are
embroidered belts from Yugoslavia,
jewelry, and hand blocked scarfs
from Rumania. The belts are decor-
ated with little men and women dan-
All Strictly Russian
Other objects at the bazaar will
be truly Russian. There will be Rus-
sian candies, both hard and soft
varieties, Russian playing cards, and
of special interest, a seven candle
All these articles may be pur-
chased at the bazaar which will be
held this Saturday from 2:30 to 6:30
p.m. and from 7:30 to 11:30 in the
Grand Rapids Room of the Michigan
For Medical Supplies
This bazaar is being sponsored by
the student division of the Russian
War Relief Society, so that funds
may be raised to buy medical sup-
plies for the Russian Army.
In conjunction with the bazaar,
the 7-11 Club will hold a dance in
the neighboring Kalamazoo Room.
Here, again the atmosphere will be
Russian with the setting and decora-
tions portraying the mood of this
Auctioneer Mike Dann
As an added feature, an auction
will be held in the room of the bazaar.
Myron Dann, '43, has been elected to
fill the post of auctioneer for the
This bazaar is only the beginning
of the activities of the committee.
They will also start a drive for funds
Saturday, and all students and cam-
pus organizations will be asked to
BLOUSES (jersey and flannel )1
Values to $3.50 .........
Values to $2.98
Other groups reduced to $5.98, $7.98, $10.00
345 Maynard
, " ,
it ly/ ScOP for }our Vardrubc
1/ rrifi SCOOP 1for a? l'(ISlm L
tion-right. MOCCI ES in rich $9
Antique Tan! Same hand-
rubbed look .. same stitched
vamp . . . same flexible sole!
Bcautiful Dayti#e and Even
RESSESat $7.0 1 0, $g5.
(foiu i Vale $1.95 to $2995)
t1.R -- .Every Ute's a Beauiy
Every One's .Worth
r =
chiffons. In white, pastels
is is the onl of year you ca lfind such fashion
oferng at such sliver-slim- prices. We've madeOn
grand sweep of our racks! With prices on am'yeery..
thn eaching for the moon, weaee nalnost ey
thin rechig fr te monwe needn't tell you more!
You've every reaso n to be here when our doors open.
h'e fashions ron to stack your own closet with
these fsin
ONE-PIECE DRESSES. Rayon crepes, rayon jerseys
sheer wools, wool-and-rabbit hair. Misses, rayorsys
women's sizes. 9-17, 10-46., juniors, and
Spring-bright colors.
-- ; .