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January 09, 1942 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-09

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Matmen Open Against trong Penn tate Team om


Snead Picked
To Win Crown'
Ben Hogan Rated Second
In Los Angeles Open
LOS ANGELES,' Jan. 8. -(IP)- It
may be much like bestowing a fatal
kiss, but professional playmates of
West Virginia Sammy Snead have
named him as the one most likely to
win the $10,000 Los Angeles Open
which will start tomorrow.
Snead undoubtedly has 'the shots
necessary to capture this richest of
California winter links, attractions,
and his 1941 record in tournament
competition topped the pro ranks in
number of victories. He won six
tournaments and more than $11,000
in prize money.
Snead's nearest rival in pre-tour-
nament affection here is Ben Ho-
gan, the little Texas-born dynamiter
who pressed Sam for victory achieve-
ments last year and passed him, and
all the rest of the pros, in gathering
money and points in the "Vardon
Trophy competition.
Neither has won -the Los Angeles
Open, however, and its long history
is studded with big names who trailed
far behind as play progressed. Last
year Hogan wound up three strokes
back of winner Johnny Bulla's 281,
while Snead finished 15 strokes off
the pace.
The seventeenth edition of the L.
A. Open will be at Hillcrest Country
Club over a stern 72-par course.

Illini Cagers Here Tomorrow Night:

Illinois Unbeaten In Six College Tilts

Four Michigan
Stars Disabled;
May Not Start


Quintet Well Over
Feet; Four Sophs

At the beginning of the 1941-42
basketball season, Doug Mills, youth-'
ful coach of the Illinois cage squad, f
was asked what he thought his team {
would do this year.
He answered, "I have the greenest
and tallest team in history, ,we're
either going to go like a house-afire'
or fold like an accordion."
And recent records show that Mr.
Mills was not talking just to make
The Illini are undefeated in six
starts againstrcollege competition -
and are playing the most sensational'
ball in the Big Ten. Only last week
th1ey trimmed Wisconsin, national
champions, by the top-heavy score
of 55-40.
Leading the Illinois squad this year
is Art Mathisen, the only non-sopho-
more among the starting five. The
rugged center, who stands six feet,
five inches tall, led his teammates
in scoring last year with a total of
109 points. In the Wisconsin game
Mathisen made five baskets and a
free throw while playing an excel-
lent defensive game. wasn'ts
Mills' other four starting players son, bu
are all sophomores who tower' more him a1
than six feet, two inches. Heading and ha
the aggregation is guard Andy Phil- the opp
lip, who Mills called the best prep KenI
player he had seen in eight years. more r
Phillip was high scorer in the Badger Blue fo
game with 14 points, several of which head of
were spectacular long shots. fense an
At the other guard position is Gene ii som
Vance, who is considered one of the Many s
fastest men on the squad. Vance were b

... Pilot destinies of Illini

slated to play much this sea-
t his aggressive spirit has won
place in the starting lineup
s been a constant threat to
position ever since.
Menke and Jack Smiley, two
ookies, are the Orange, and
rwards. Menke is the spear-
f Illinois' fast-breaking of-
nd can be counted on to turn
ne excellent ball handling,
sure Wisconsin scoring plays
roken up by Smiley's alert

defensive play so the Wolverines can
expect no little trouble from him.
Besides these men Mills has a
wealth of reserves including three
lettermen who have been relegated
to the bench this year. They are
Capt. Bill Hocking, Vic Wukovits
and Dave Dillon:
The game tomorrow night at the
Yost Field House will mark the 37th
meeting between the two schools with
the Illini holding a 19 to 17 advan-
tage over the varsity.

r: ~ Y
.:. ' 11



Congress Supports
Plans-To Continue
Professional Bail
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. -(IP)-
Members of Congress went to bat to-
day for war time continuance of pro-
fessional baseball.
They contended that the national
pastime was a powerful factor in
keeping high the country's morale,
and should be kept going even though
some of the game's outstanding stars
may be with the armed forces."
"It would be foolish to do other-
wise," commented House minority
leader Joseph Martin (Rep.-Mass.),
who played shortstop on a semi-pro
team in his home town of North At-
tleboro years ago.
While maintaining that no ex-
ceptions should be made for baseball
players capal1e of military service,
the Republican leader said that pro-
fessional teams could provide good
competition, as well as relaxation for
the fans, by, using players in the
upper and lower age brackets.
"I'm for keping it going," declared
Rep. Edward A. Kelly (Dem.-Ill.).
"It's a matter of morale and recrea-
tion. And by keeping pro ball going,
we encourage amateur baseball,
which in turn buildsup bodies of our
youngsters. And that's what we
need today."

Determined Pucksters To Meet.
Point Edward Club Tomorrow

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Priced to save you money. Com-
plete showing of both wool and
leather jackets and mackinaws.
See them today.
$4.95 to $9.95
"Where the good clothes
come from."

Michigan's hockey team is riding
down a long, hard trail right now, but
not without a determination which'
may yet carry it through to an im-
proved season.
Today the sextet looks back on
three defeats and one tie of the still
young season. The games all saw
a Wolverine puck team fight all
the way, only to grab a single tie for
their credit. At least two of the
games might have turned to the
better for Coach Eddie Lowrey's
Up to date, since Lowrey took over
the Michigan reins in 1927, Michi-
gan has compiled a .513 winning
percentage-winning 124 games and
losing 116,, and also 17 ties. Not
since 1939 has a Wolverine squad
even come close to finishing with a
I better than even record. With a
grueling grimness, the puckmen are
willing to face the fact that, without
better success in 1942, the 14-year-
old record can easily fall below the
.500 mark.
Team Doesn't Give Up
One thing about Capt. Paul Gold-
smith and his teammates is that they
never give up in the heat of battle.
Saturday night they will face a vet-
eran Point Edward club which hand-
ed them' a 5-2 lashing last year.
Playing in the same league as the
fine London A.C. sextet, Point Ed-
ward has always been one of the
leaders in that tough competition.
They perform Canadian hockey at
its best, and it is expected that this
year's play will be no different.
After Saturday the competition for
the Wolverines really gets tough.
Ahead of them are four tussles with
Illinois' Big Ten titleholders, four
contests against an always powerful
Minnesota six, two games against the

Bill Courtright Launches ~This evening, in a squared arena
Campaign For National bounded on all sides by three strands
of velvet rope, a couple of great big
165-Pound Mat Title guys will throw punches at each
other for the dual purpose of raising
By JACK FLAGLER money for the United States Navy
Two exceptionally well matched and of settling a question that very
squads will be pitted against each i few people think needs settling.
other at 2:00 p.m. Saturday in Yost TeetocpJsp oi
Field House when the Nittany Lions These two chaps, Joseph Louis
of Penn State face Cliff Keen's Wol- Barrow and Jacob Baer by name,
met enee before and, on that oc-
verine grapplers in the season opener, casion, their bore and
The Lions had a very ptent season cainthrbtlend iutr
last year, Linin gsevenoandslosn confusion with the ring filled with
only to Princeton, and tomorrow's managers, seconds, gendarmes and
onlyir will in a revenge match for casual strangers who thought it
the Vairsit S aehaving con fered beinteresting to be i a ring
mats, by the close score of 14-12. -ob
Four May Not Start 1 Many of the people in the ring
Coach Keen had an anxious look were talking, among them Referee
on his face yesterday with four of his Arthur Donovan, Jacob Baer and
star grapplers on the partially sick Jacob's manager, Ancil Hoffman.
list and the possibilities of their "This fellow here," said Donovan,
starting against the Lions Saturday patting Joseph Louis (nee Barrow
as yet uncertain. and sometimes referred to as the
TDark Destroyer) on the seat of the
They are heavyweight Johnnypnt,"shewnr fhsem
Green who has a sore neck, Mel pbrogliosand the winner of this em-
Becker, suffering from a strained world's anis, a result, still the
shoulder, and Ray Deane and Dick mtdworld's boxing champion i h n
limited or heavyweight divisios."
Kopel, both with very bad head colds. "That, on the face of it, is dicu-
Keen stressed the fact that he was lous," said Mr. Hoffman, "all these
note tryig to offerh anpremature people have seen Mr. Barrow clout
excuses, but since the teams are somyaiinteksrpo-c pnla
very evenly matched it may mean my man in the kisser post-campanilla
just the margin of victory if one of or after the bell.
the ace men one way or the other is "Certainly," said Jacob Baer
unable to start. "We're not singing (known to his intimates as Buddy
the blues, though," he hastened to and hereinafter to be referred to
assure. as the Hammering Hebrew, with
Keen Banks On Courtright apologies to Sgt. henry Greenberg,
When the Wolverine matmen face { U.S.A., to whom that nickname
State tomorrow, Coach I Cliff Keen rightfully belongs), looking rather
will be banking heavily on a fast, bleary-eyed, for he was a tired and
tricky 165 pounder to inaugurate beaten man. indeed.
what has all the advance indications "I reiterate," said Donovan, "Mr.
of a great season. Louis has emerged victorious for I
The grappler under observation is have not seen him strike the large
none other than stocky Bill Court- cove following the sound of the
[right, son of Michigan's golf mentor, gong,"
Ray (Corky) Courtright. Keen said "That man," replied Hoffman, in-
yesterday that Bill ought to cop the dicating the champion, "is an im-
'championship of his division at the poster. Here," indicating the spent
National Intercollegiates later this challenger, "is the new champion of
year, if he keeps up the pace he has the entire globe." But no one in au-
been hitting so far in practice. thority concurred.
Courtright has been somewhat of I Mr. Baer said nothing. He was
the hard luck lad on the Michiganf very tired.
outfit. As a second semestgr soph- A subsequent poll of the gentle-
omore last year he had only a half men of the fourth estate who had
year of eligibility, and in that time _
he saw action in four matches. It so .
happened that each of these bouts Lo is T0 Risk
was with opponents of much more
varsity experience, and boys who To
were considered exceptionally out- Title or20 t
standing performers.
At that, Bill came out with an
acceptable two win-two loss record
and dropped the decision in the In-
diana meet with but three seconds to NEW YORK, Jan. 8.--()-For the
go against Anado Lazzara, who was first time in the history of the ring,
Conference champ at that weight. a world heavyweight champion risks
Almost Beats Champ his meal ticket tomorrow night
His finest performance, however, without receiving a cent-win, lose
and, the one which makes him one or draw.
of the top contenders for national That's the condition as Joe Louis
recognition this year, was at the Na- makes the 20th defense in his record
tional meet. Unfortunately running run as head man of fistiana against
against National title-holder Vergil the challenge of the good-natured
Davis from Oklahoma A&M in a California giant, Jacob' (Buddy)
qualifying round, Bill amazed every- Baer.
one by forcing him into an overtime The greatest puncher since Demp-
match before finally succumbing. sey and the 245-pound goliath who
If Courtright goes on the title trail knocked Joe out of the ring in their
this season, it will be old stuff for tussle last May, but was disqualified
him. He started his medal winning after being floored three times, start
mat career in high school by taking pitching punches at 10 p.m. (E.S.T.)
the State AAU title. Last year as a in Madison Square Garden for the
freshman he came through again, benefit of the Navy Relief Society.
this time with the National Junior Promoter Mike Jacobs, who, like
AAU crown. Bill has a deceptive, Joe, is dumping his entire profit into
shifty and wide open style with no the kitty for the benefit of families
particular favorite holds. His forte of sailors at sea and those killed in
is speed and versatility balanced by action, expects some 20,000 to gather
a cool head and supple body. 'round for the cause.
- -

fine Colorado College of Mines squad
at Colorado Springs, two more bat-
tles against Michigan Tech and a
single game against the Paris
Michigan played all of these teams
last year and failed to garner a single
victory. Two games against both
Illinois and Minnesota are scheduled
before the break between semesters.{
Therefore, the attack towards a more
successful season will probably reach
its peak during the second semester.
This all relies on the assumption the
squad will be tremendously strength-
ened by the return to the ice of the
now ineligible players.
Speed Is Lacking
The most important task that faces
the puck team is that of acquiring a
speedier offensive attack. The lack
of speed has already cost the sextet
many scoring opportunities. Through
the past four contests the defense
has shown definite improvement. And
it is still coming. Captain Goldsmith
is developing into the player that
fans had expected.
From here on the ball gets rolling,
first against Point Edward, and then
tougher ones follow. Here's hoping
that the ball can pick up sufficient
speed before March 14 when the Wol-
verines write finis to the season
agpinst Illinois at Champaign.
Ted Williams Passes
Army Physical Exam
MINNEAPOIS, Jan. 8.-(R)-Phy-
sicians adjudged Ted Williams, Amer-
ican League atting champion, a
"healthy sphecimen" after the Boston
Red Sox outfielder passed his Army
physical examination at his draft
board here today. "I guess they need
more men," commented Williams,
who was placed in class 3A last year
because of dependents. He is 23
years old.



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$3.00 pr,.

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11 .A/IX S



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