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January 09, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-09

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War Budget Proves
U. S. Is Preparing .


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42

of $56,000,000,000 is a sum to stag-
ger the senses. It is an amount which cannot pos-
sibly be grasped by the mind and only with dif-
ficulty scanned by the eye.
Let us not think of this budget in terms of a
dollar sign followed by the number 56 and a
string of zeros for it is far more than that. It
is a stream of tanks and guns and ships and
planes, a stream so broad and long that it
dwarfs into insignificance even the grandiose
visions which have characterized the Nazi mili-
tary mind. We ourselves cannot envision the
endless flow which these dollars represent, but
the freshets can be seen flowing together, and
they will form the raging torrent which will en-
gulf the Axis.
Within a narrow radius of our own campus
these appropriations are making themselves
felt. The automobile industry is being converted
into one gigantic munitions plant, factories are
springing up overnight throughout the area like
Jack's beanstalk. We have seen the Chrysler
tank arsenal rise from a cornfield and the
bomber plant at Willow Run' grow up out of
barren ground.
We haven't been hit hard yet. Yes, we've seen
our friends drafted, we've felt the rise in prices
and heard our parents speak of increasing tax-
es. All of this even before the $56,000,000,000
TAXES AND BORROWING will not alone pay
the cost of this war. Each of the dollars
authorized by Congress represents an appropria-
tion of goods, and every single piece of material
devoured by the war effort represents just so
much less for the consuming public.
The denial of rubber tires isn't the only mani-
festation of the scarcity of commodities which
we shall experience. Strategic and transportation
difficulties have created this hardship for us.
Tires and automobiles aren't going to be the
only things which we are going to have to do
without in the coming months and years. Con-
sumption of all articles will have to be curtail-
ed. Luxuries to which we have become accustom-
ed, half necessities, and even some things which
have in the past been considered essentials will
be denied to us. Our government, by taxation,
will see to it that voluntarily or otherwise we
make our sacrifices for victory.
It is a heartening sign, this new budget. It is
heartening because it signifies the total destruc-
tion of "business as usual". It is heartening be-
cause it shows us, and our enemies, that the ad-
ministration is fully cognizant of the scope of
the war and of the job which must be done before
the prize of victory is won.
- Herbert Edelhertz
hIdustrial 5tallinp

Editorial Staff

Emile Geld
Alvin Dann
David. Lachenbruc
Jay McCormick
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill ._,
Janet Hiatt .
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell
Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
)Evelyn' Wright

Managing Editor
.Editorial Director
h. . City Editor
S. . Associate Editor
* . . . . Sports Editor
. . Assistant Sports Editor
. . . . . Women's Editor
. . . Assistant Women's Editor
. Exchange Editor
Business Staff


. . . Business Manager
. Associate Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
* Women's Business Manager


The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Colleges Face
Post-War Problems.
ONE OF THE TESTS of a nation at
war is the ability of its people and
its institutions to adapt themselves to drastical-
ly changed conditions. While our universities and
colleges are meeting the current challenge by
adjusting their curricula and sessions, it is cer-
tain that the post-war years will present prob-
lems, particularly to the liberal arts colleges,
which will require equally radical departures
from established methods.
The United States which will emerge from
the present conflict will be a nation greatly
weakened in income and living standards. The
burden of staggering national debt, the inevitable
depression following the war production boom
assure that we shall be a poor people for years
to come. For this reason universities and colleges
must anticipate enrollment figures far below
present levels if four years continues to be the
residence requirement for the Bachelor of Arts
degree. So long, and consequently so expensive,
an education will no longer be possible for the
bulk of the people.
Commenting on this comimg problem in the
January issue of Harpers, Wallace Brett Don-
ham, Dean of the Harvard Business School,
makes this pointed statement:
"I am more and more deeply impressed by the
lack of self-respecting stopping points in the
educational system as a whole. I should like to
see our four-year colleges give a degree for a
creditable two years of work, and I should like
to see the same degree offered by the good junior
There is no reason why higher education
cannot respond to changed social conditions
and at the same time make notable progress.
By adopting a two-year degree program, as
Dr. Donham suggests, the number of famil-
ies who could afford to send their young
people to college would be greatly increased.
If the curriculum is of the right sort, two
years of college are sufficient to prepare the
majority of students both for life and for
making a living.
IN THE LATTER regard the experience of such
universities as Chicago and Minnesota with
survey courses might serve as a guide for others.
Two years of intensive studies would also rectify
a giowing complaint that college is "four years
of not too hard imtellectual effort, organized,
athletics, organized social events-all valuable
but leading nowhere."
A two-year degree program for the najority
does not preclude that the four-year program
will be abandoned entirely. For those students
whose ability and financial resources would en-
able them to continue their education to advant-
age,, four years are certainly desirable. Admis-
sion to this second division, however, should
require students to rank in the upper third of
their class. This phase of the plan is based upon
the belief, expressed by Dr. Donham, that, "there
is A group for whom two years of college would
give good results, while four years too often
turns them into impractical dilettantes, unfit-
ted to live and work in a free country."
But the main purpose of the two-year degree,
it should be emphasized, is to assure that the
youth of the nation, in the face of curtailed in-
comes, will continue to receive the preparation

Must Be Stopped

e 9

Drew Persos
n o d
WASHINGTON - Wayne Coy, White House
secretary and director of the Office of Emergen-
cy Management, is one of the ablest members of
the Roosevelt staff. Coy has brains, courage and
real executive ability.
But he has discovered that'it takes more than
even these qualities and his high position to
buck the military brasshats.
Seeking a means to break up administrative
bottlenecks in order to speed war production,
Coy and his assistants formulated a plan under
which Army and Navy procurement chiefs would
have been compelled to subcontract, and also
award orders to expedite the conversion of plants
to armament output.
Coy submitted this proposal to a conference
of OPM, Maritime Commission, Treasury, Agri-
culture, Army and Navy executives. At first the
OPM response was enthusiastic. Under Coy's
plan, OPM authority would have been consid-
erably increased. But when the Army and Navy
brasshats began heaving brickbats, the OPM
spokesman backed down and ran for cover.
His explanation was that it was useless to give
OPM more power as long as it was encumbered
with Floyd Odlum, head of its subcontracting
THE ARMY AND NAVY opposition was based
squarely - and vehemently - on their ob-
jection to giving up any of their bureaucratic
powers. With great heat they demanded that
Coy abandon his plan and give them even great-
er control than they already have over placing
war orders, despite the fact that they have been
under fire for months because of lagging war
Julius Amberg, New York attorney on the
staff of Under-secretary of War Robert Patter-
son; and Struve Hensel, Wall Street lawyer on
the staff of Under-secretary of the Navy James
Forrestal, stormed and raged at Coy. At one
point, Hensel got personal.
"You are blocking the order giving us this
authority," he barked, "while our boys are dying
in the Pacific."
"Perhaps, Mr. Hensel," said Coy quietly, "they
wouldn't be dying if the Navy had been on the
Note: Only a few insiders know it but Coy
deserves a lot of the credit for the final success
of the labor-management conference which came
near busting up after a four-day deadlock over
the closed shop issue. With the President deep-
ly h'ngrossed in his conference with Churchill,
Moderator Will Davis was unable to get to
Roosevelt to obtain his intervention. Coy turned
the trick and the conference was saved from
0 FDR's Address To Congress
Recorded For Posterity
President Roosevelt's address to the Congress
of the United States as broadcast to the nation
on December 8, 1941, requesting a war declara-
tion, has been preserved on Victor Record 27734
complete with the background noises of Con-
gress. This momentous chunk of American his-
tory can now be had to keep for your children
and your children's. children - if they live.
A somewhat less momentous occasion is the,
recording debut of Abbott and Costello in a
corny novelty entitled, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh.
(Victor). Ozzy Nelson's Bluebird record on The
Little Guppy is a worthwhile novelty, in view
of its extremely surprising ending. Speaking of
Ssuprise endings, 1 Said No is about the surprise-

endingest tune popular now, and the Bluebird
version by Alvino Rey is super. Yvonne King's
voice is really swell for the part.
Jan Savitt's Meadowbrook Shuffle on Decca
harks back to the good old Jan we used to know.
Liebestraum, on t'other side, ain't fast or hot'
enough fer the likes of us, but there's them which
likes it. Also, in the ,classix, Glenn Miller's re-
cording of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, backed
by Slumber Song, is bound to be a best-seller.
. Just as everybody expected, the war songs
are coming out fast and furious. The White
Cliffs of hover has been recorded by every band
from Hacklebarney .s Hot Hamhocks to the Jerk-
ville Symphony Orchestra, but the best of a
dubious lot is Glenn Miller's Bluebird recording.
Dick Todd has a similar recording for the same
firm, but we give the edge to Miller. Sammy
Kaye's Remember Pearl Harbor will probably
be a popular war record.
of Jazz series (three albums) is a remarkable
set, especially the first two. It disregards color
or style of jazz, merely setting up good swing
combinations. If you really like hot jazz, you
can't resist these three albums. New Decca re-
leases (hot): How About that Mess is a good
instrumental by Lucky Millinder .. . Joe Turner
sings some real authentic blues numbers, Rocks
in My Bed and Goin' to Chicago Blues. Lazy Gal
Blues and Git It are the latest from Skeets Tol-
bert's Gentlemen of Swing, in the Decca Sepia
Series. -D.L.
prouriation may be necessary to achieve the un-
nerativ'ely nrefe(ldd ativity t if itis let us go alead

(Continued from Page 2)
Plant and Equipment, R. W. Ham-
Notice in re University Property
Removed from the City or off Uni-
versity Property: Any University
representative having charge of Un-
versity property should give notice in
advance to the Inventory Clerk, Busi-
ness Office, University Hall, when
such property is to be taken outside
the City of Ann Arbor or off Uni-
versity property for use in any Uni-
versity project, as, for example, the
W.P.A. A loss recently occurred on
which the University had no insur-
ance because of the fact that no
notice had been given to the Inven-
tory Clerk that such property had
been taken to the location where it
was In use, and the property was
therefore not covered by the insur-
ance policy.
Shirley W. Smith
Home Loans: The University In-
vestment office, 100 South Wing, will
be glad to consult with anyone con-
sidering building or buying a home
or refinancing existing mortgages
and is eligible to make F.H.A. loans.
Conservation of Rubber Items:
The Purchasing Department is no
longer able to buy rubber bands and
rubber erasers except on a preference
rating much higher than the rating
assigned to the institution for oper-
ating supplies. The stock of these
materials must be issued sparingly.
Much of our present supply will be
badly needed in the operation of the
Hospital. Under present conditions
it is assumed that every one will co-
operate to the end of avoiding waste
and making the present stock last
as long as possible. Re-use rubber
bands or use substitutes wherever
Shirley W. Smith
Notice to Men Students: For the
information of men students living
in approved rooming houses, the
first semester shall end on Thursday,
February 12, and the second semes-
ter shall begin on the same day.
Students living in approved room-
ing houses, who intend to move to
different quarters for the second
semester, must give notice in writing
to the Dean of Students before 4:00
on Thursday, . January 22, 1942.
Forms for this purpose may be se-
cured at Room 2, University Hall.
Students should also notify their
householders verbally before this
date. Permission to move will be
given only to students complying
with this requirement.
Alec Templeton Concert Tickets,
The counter sale of tickets for the
Alec Templeton concert to be given
February 26, will begin Monday
morning, January 12, at the offices
of the University Musical Society,
Burton Memorial Tower. Tickets,
including tax, will be priced asfol-
lows: main floor 95c, first balcony
75c, and second balcony 55c.
Tickets for the Robert Casadesus
concert (in the Choral Union Series)
January 19, and for the Roth String
Quartet concert in the Second An-
nual Chamber Music Festival. Jan-
uary 23 and 24, are also on sale at
the same office,
Applications in Support of Re-
search Projects: To give the Re-
search Committees and the Execu-
tive Board adequate time for study
of all proposals, it is requested that
faculty members having projects
needing support during 1942-1943
file their proposals in the Office df
the Graduate School by Friday, Jan-

uary 9. 1942. Those wishing to re-
new previous requests whether now
receiving support or not should so
indicate. Application forms will be
mailed or can be obtained at Secre-
tary's Office, Room 1508 Rackham
Building, Telephone 331.
C. S. Yoakum
An official University of Michigan
Survey will be distributed through
various channels on campus begin-
ning today. This Survey is for men
students only. Every man is expected
to fill out one survey sheet. If you
are not approached to fill out the
sheet, stop at one, of the campus sta-
tions which will open beginning Fri-
day, January 9, to secure this m i
ter'ii .
' Joseph A. B'rsley
Dean of Students
An assembly of all men students
registered in the School of Music will
be held today at 4:15 p.m. in the
School of Music Auditorium. This
meeting takes precedence over all
other engagements.
E. V. Moore, Director
College of Engineering: Seniors
who expect to graduate in February
1942, should fill out the proper blank
for diploma application in the Sec-
retary's Office, Room 263 West En.
gineering Building, not later than
January 24.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary
Students in Naval Architecture
and Marine Engineering, Electrical
{iiiis-leyri5, all1 nd Mechanical Eng
eIt'n Feresentati!'ves from Gibbs

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"He's 64 and wants to marry me, but I'm not sure it's just to get
out of the draft!"

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W AR is a serious thing-more serious
than profits. This lesson is one that
America should have learned from France, from
England, from every nation at war, but it has
The auto industry-a lode of untapped pro-
ductive capacity-seemed at last to be awakened
from its profit-drugged sleep when Price Ad-
ministrator Leon Henderson clamped down on
the business-as-usual production of pleasure
cars. With flourishes and fanfare the auto in-
dustry conference appointed a joint labor-man-
agement advisory board. And this is only an ad-
visory board and nothing else.
The board itself, however, seems a step in the
right direction toward achieving all-out pro-
duction were it not for the statement made by
General Motors' president. Fresh from the mo-
mentous conference which- did not one official
thing except to appoint the powerless advisory
committee, C. E. Wilson is reported by I. F. Stone
in the New York daily, "PM," to have asked for
concessions from the government. He requests
that car prodiuction be continued until inven-
tories have been used up, clauses in contracts
to allow additional charges for price raises, a
loop hole to allow industry to gain tax exemp-
tions on government amortized plants so that
government will really pay twice and stronger
letters of intent to let contracts so that the gov-
ernment will be bound but industry freed. Chrys-
ler's representative concurred with Mr. Wilson,
but Paul Hoffman, president of Studebaker had
more foresight than to go along with them and
is said to have protested. Edsel Ford remained
AMERICA needs what the auto industry can
produce and it needs it now. The nation is
aroused, but it seems that the auto industry is
aroused. only to a new way of making more
money. American soldiers want an America to
come back to. is it that the auto makers are
not worried about the nation?
All of industry dragged concession after con-
cession out of the government before they even
consented to hear of defense contracts before
the war. There was a virtual strike of capital
for some three months in the surmner of 1940.
They got what they wanted and now the most
important automobile manufacturers are not yet
ready to act quickly.
Pools of industrial resources are discussed and
praised by many persons even in management,
but C. E. Wilson thinks that this is "socializa-
tion" and under no circumstances should be per-
mitted. "PM" reports that industrial ,men are
not talking abouit pools but in terms of -individ-
ual plant production. Talk about the virtual
adoption of the Reuther plan is only talk.
TIME AND AGAIN the auto industry has been
given the opportunity, nay, begged, to produce
for defense. And each time it has seen fit to look
for more lucrative contracts and to stall with
tally about safeguards for industry and protec-
tion for stockholders. Even now they are stalling
while the investments they value so much are be-
ing trotected from a.um terrible danger by our

and students are requested to sign up 8
for interviews. v
Summer Jobs: All students inter-
ested in obtaining employment for
next summer, in camps, in resorts, f
or in industry, should register Mon-
day, January 12, at the Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-
formation, 201 Mason Hall, hoursw
9-12 and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Academic Noticesd
Doctoral Examination forTaft
Yutaka Toribara, Chemistry; thesis:
"A Study of Complex Oxalatostan-
nates and Dioxalathothiometastan-P
nates," today, 309 Chemistry, 3:30a
p.m. Chairman, H. H. Willard. n
By action of the Executive Board3
the chairman may invite members of t
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and he may grant permission to thoses
who for sufficient reason might wisht
to be present.
C. S. Yoakum, Dean
Doctoral Examination for George7
Azro Moore, Zoology; thesis: "Stud-p
ies on the adaptation of fishes to thed
silty water of the GreatPlains," to-v
day, Zoology Office, 8:00 a.m. Chair-
man, C. L. Hubbs.
By action of the Executive BoardI
the chairman may invite members ofe
the faculties and advanced doctoral1
candidates to attend the examinationa
and he may grant permission to
those who for sufficient reason mightv
wish to be present.-
C. S. Yoakum, Dean
English 190: Junior Honors. Stu-
dents wishing to elect English 190v
- should arrange to see Mr. Weaver.
Each student should present a tran-
script of his academic record. Room:t
2218 A.H. Hours: Wednesday, 1:45-L
2:45; Thursday, 2:30-3:30.t
Bennett Weaver
English 31, Section 14, will meet
Saturday in 2013 A.H. instead of 200P
R. C. Boys
Exhibition, College of Architecture
amid Design: Student drawings ofj
competitors for the Edward L. Ryer-
son Traveling Fellowship, at Illinois
Institute of Technology, University
of Illinois, University of Cincinnati,
Ohio State University, Iowa State
College, and University of Michigan,
are being shown in the third floor
exhibition room, Architecture Build-
ing. Open daily 9 to 5 except Sun-
day, through January 12. The pub-
lic is invited.
Lecture: Dr. Gregory Vlastos, Pro-
fessor of Philosophy at Queen's Uni-
versity in,bOntario, will be the last
speaker on the series on "The fai-
Lure of Skepticism" sponsored by
The Newman Club, The B'nai B'rith
11ilel Foundation, and'inter-Guild,
at the Rackham Lecture Hall oh
Sunday, January 18, at 8:15 p.m.
French Lecture: Mr. Andre Mbrize,
Professor of French Literature at
Harvard University and Director of
the Summer French School at Mid-
dlebury College, Vt., will give the
fourth of the French Lectures spon-
sored by the Cercle Francais, on
Thursday, January 22, at 4:15 p.m.
in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The
title of his lecture is: "La Recon-
struction de la France apres 1871."
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured from the Secretary
of the Department of Romance Lan-
guages (Room 112, Romance Lan-
guage ;Building) or at the door at
1 lie i'w m of the lcetuive for a small
- ,u1m1I V1''1li''e of he li,{ .r tiket are
Senitised to ad sselis toall lectre ,


,.J .

By Lichty

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:30-12, Rackham Assembly Hall. A
aried program of old-time dances
s planned, and instruction will be
provided. Space is limited, so you
nay not get in if you come late. Re-
Westminster Student Guild Party
will be held at 8:30 p.m. Fun, frolic
and refreshments for all.
Coffee Hour: All students are cor-
dially welcome at the Student Re-
igious Association Hour held on Fri-
day afternoons from 4:00 to 6:00 in
the Lane Hall Library.
Hillel Players: Tryouts for the
Players' major production, "Awake
and Sing," will be held this after-
noon at the Foundation starting at
3:00. Everyone interested is invited
to try out.
. Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students and
their friends at Harris Hall this
afternoon, 4:00 to 5:30.
Wesley Foundation. "March of
Time" party tonight at 9 o'clock.
Program of games, refreshments and
dancing. Come for the year in re-
French Roundtable will meet in the
International Center, Room 23, this
evening, at 8:00. Mrs. Turyn will
lead the discussion on "La situation
actuelle en Pologne." Persons whose
native language is French and ad-
vanced students in the French lan-
guage are welcome to attend.
Bowling Club for women students
will meet today in the small lounge
of the Women's Athletic Building.
JGP make-up committee meeting
today at 4:30. All those who signed
up for the committee and others in-
terested please attend.
American Country Dance Group:
Men and women students interested
in learning square and round dances
are invited to attend the meetings
of this group today, 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.,
Women's Athletic Building.
Rifle Club: Meeting at 3:15 today
in the WAB. The 25c dues is due at
that time.
Comning Events
Members of the Chinese Students'
Club and members of the Interna-
tional, Center and their friends are'
invited to an open house in the Far
Eastern Art Room, Alumni Memorial
Hall, on Sunday evening,January 11,
from 7:30 to 9:00.
Graduate Outing Club meets Sun-
day, 2:30 p.m., at the Rackham
clubroom, rear west door. In case
of cool weather, there will be skat-
ing, sledding,, tobogganing, supper.
Badminton - Women and Men
students: The badminton courts in
Barbour Gymnasum are open for
use of women and men students on
Monday and Friday evenings from
7:30 to 9:30.
- Economics Club: Members of the
staff and graduate students in Eco-
nomics and Business Administration
are invited to hear Professor M. H.
Waterman discuss "Economics of
Public Utility Holding Companies" at
8 p.m. in West Conference Room of
Rackham Building on Monday, Jan-
uary 12.
Le Cercle Francais holds its next
meeting on Tuesday, January 13,
8:00 p.m., -at the Michigan League.
Prof. Koellti will give an informal
talk. on: "Fuite d'Europe en septem-
bre 1939." French songs; All mem-
brfs cotrdially invited.
Fhi Eta SI'SmA " nsia_'tpict ps

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