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January 09, 1942 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-09

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New Courses
In Local Cities
Second Series To Offer
Engineering Instruction
For Defense Training
Industry Aids Group
Capitalizing on the success of the
first series of training courses pre-
sented last fall,' a second series of
courses under ,the Engineering Sci-
ence and Management Defense
Training program will be inaugur-
ated in seven Michigan cities when
the first classes open Monday eve-
Designed to fill the current need
for men with advanced technical
training, the courses will be taught
largely by engineering faculty men,
although a number of men from
outside industries will also give in-
Ann Arbor courses which will open
next week will offer instruction in
mechanical drawing under Prof.
Maurice Eichelberger of the mechan-
ical drawing department and in de-
scriptive geometry under Prof. J. C.
Palmer of the mechanical drawing
Open only to selected senior and
graduate electrical engineers will be
a special course in Ultra-High-Fre-
quency Techniques, to be taught by
Prof. Lewis N. Holland of the electri-
cal engineering department as a
credited course the second semester.
Biggest of the courses to be of-
fered in this series will be in Ord-
nance Materials Inspection, to be
opened on campus Jan. 19. One
hundred trainees, under pay of the
Ordnance Department, U. S. Army,
will be enrolled for the three-month
bourse, and 100 more will arrive each
succeeding month until the quota of
300 is filled.
Altogether a total of 35 courses
will be presented in Ann Arbor, De-
troit, Jackson, Flint, Ecorse, High-
land Park, Royal Oak and Dearborn.
Of these 23 will be taught by Uni-
versity faculty men and the remain-
der will be conducted by industrial
Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the Col-
lege of Engineering is the Univer-
sity's representative in dealing with
the U. S. Office of Education, which
. is sponsoring the courses.

Allied Commanders Under Wavell Take Over In Far East

Physics Vital
In Emergency,
Thomson Says
Modernization Of Coursea
Is Stressed At Meeting
Of AAAS Delegates
Physics has taken its place along-1
side other engineering subjects as a
course important to the present war I
emergency, according to a paper by j
Prof. Earl W. Thomson of the U. S.
Naval Academy, read at a recent
meeting of the American Association
for the Advancement of Science held
at Southern Methodist University
and attended by Prof. O. S. Duffen-
dack and Prof. R. A. Sawyer of the
physics department.
Keynoted in the paper was the
suggestion that "the physics teacher
should examine his textbook, his lec-
tures, his problems, his examinations
to see if the context of the course
has been modernized."
As examples of the part physics is
playing in the current war, the pa-
per cited mines which operateion
magnetic and acoustical variations,
and airplane detection devices which
use ultra-short radio, infra-red, vis-
ual and acoustical methods..,
Even greater, however, is the role
of physics in aviation. "The phe-
nomena of flight remain inexplicable
only until they are analyzed under
the scrutiny of one who can recog-
nize the applications of the pertinent
physical laws," the paper stated.

Anthropology Museum Displays
New Exhibit Of Filipino Culture

In the excitement of reading the
latest war dispatches on "General
MacArthur's American and Filipino
army," one is likely to disregard en-
tirely the existence of the latter ele-
But the Filipinos are not a people
to be disregarded. The veterans of
the Spanish-American campaign will
ruefully vouch for that. They spent
months chasing the Filipino guerillas
in the post-war revolt.
Realizing that many of us would l
like to learn more of the Philippines
and their peoples than we now know,
the Museum of Anthropology has set
up a very interesting display at the
top of the fourth landing in the
Museum Building. The material was
all collected by Dr. C. Guthe, pres-
ent Curator of the Museum of An-
thropology on the University of
Michigan Philippine Expedition of
The main exhibit in the central
case consists of a series of lifelike
figurines made in Manila by the na-
Health Officer
Talks On New
Bomber Plant

tives for the tourist trade. One can
get a very good idea of the costumes
of the natives from the realistic little
The curious mixture of native and
imported culture is well evidenced by
one pair of statuettes. One shows a
youth roasting a pig on a spit in tra-
ditional Philippine fashion, and the
other shows another youth making
ice-cream in a primitive freezer.
Also in the main exhibit case are
fine examples of native embroider-
ing done on a delicate cloth made of
pineapple fiber. The whole exhibit
rests on a brightly colored native
sleeping mat made of stiff fiber .. .
hard but cool.
In one of the adjoining cases are
three native shirts of the "hill pa-
gans" from Davao-the present Jap-
anese center of activities. They are
made of heavy cotton cloth embroid-
ered in brilliant geometric patterns.
In addition to the shirts in this
showcase there is a sarong-distinct-
ly not in the fashion of Dorothy
Lamour. It has an intricate but som-
ber design and is made of very heavy
fiber cloth. It is just a workaday
Interestingly enough. 'the expedi-
tion bought the shirts and sarong
right off the wearer's backs. They
told the natives they wanted to buy
them, and the latter immediately
obliged by dashing into their house
and making a quick change.
There is also an exhibit of speci-
mens from an older Philippine cul-
ture, found in caves on the islands.
There are beads, gold jewelry, and a
curious display of human teeth with
purely ornamental gold inlays in

All anti-Axis forces in the Southwest Pacific were placed under Gen. Sir Archibald Wavell (left) of
England. Under him are (above, left to right): Gen, S ir Henry Pownall, Britain, Chief of Staff; Admiral
Thomas C. Hart, USN, Naval Chief; (below, left to right) China's Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, Supreme
Land and Air Commander; Maj.-Gen. George H. Brett, United States, Deputy Supreme Commander.

'George Washington Slept Here'
To Be Given By Play Production

Sulpha Drugs
Are Available '
To Physicians

Kaufman-Hart's Comedy,
Scheduled For Jan. 14,
Replaces Rice Drama
A dilapidated old house in Bucks
County, Pennsylvania, will be the
scene of action when Play Produc-
tion students- open "George Wash-
ington Slept Here" at 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
The Kaufman-Hart comedy, which
will be the third presentation of the
current drama season, replaces the
previously scheduled "Flight to the
West" by Elmer Rice. The change
was made because Rice's anti-Nazi
melodrama on the attitude of Amer-
icans toward an involvement in a
second World War had lost perti-

nence with our entry into war with
This next play is a revival of the
second bill presented this summer
by the Michigan Repertory Players
at which time it received notable
acclaim, turning away hundreds of
prospective patrons.
"George Washington Slept Here"
tells the story of Newton and Anna-
belle Fuller, who buy a place in the
country which proves to be an utter
waste of money since it has every-
thing wrong with it from no water
to insects. The trials of rural life
are brought to a hilarious close in
true Kaufman-Hart style as the Ful-
lers "put the 'screws"~ on rich Uncle
Stanley to get them out of the hole.
Valentine B. Windt, Associate Pro-
fessor of Speech and Director of Play
Production, has charge of directing.
Tickets will go on sale at the box-
office of the Mendelssohn Theatre
at 10 a.m. Monday and continue
through Saturday when the play
closes its four-day run.
Patrons holding season tickets and
who saw the summer version of the
play will be refunded one-fifth of
their purchase price upon request.
Film On India
To Be Show

} kAI"lhU JfrA LM





One Performance Only
at 8:30 P.M.
W York
6 Holly-LYLE
d AageT


State Health Department
Starts Study Program-
In Disease reat lteli
A supply of sulfathiazole, sulpha-
diazine and sulphapyridine has been
received by the Washtenaw County
Health Department and St. Joseph's
Hospital to be distributed to physi-
cians in the county for use in treat-
ing cases of pneumonia.
Secured from the State Depart-
ment of Health as part of a state-;
wide pneumonia study prograi, the
drugs are the most effective known
for the treatment of the disease.
In the hands of medical practi-
tioners, these drugs have helped to
cut the death rate from pneumonia
to a fraction of the rate which ex-
isted before their use.
Because the sulpha drugs are more
effective when administered early in
the disease, it is important that phy-
sicians be called in early in the
course of any illness which may be
diagnosed as pneumonia.
Early symptoms of the disease, the
health department advises, are chills,
fever, pain in the chest, a cough oc-
casionally tinged with blood or rust-
colored matter, and rapid breathing.
These symptoms usually follow a cold
or an exposure to inclement weather
When the drugs snpplied by the
state are used, a full case progress
report will be made by the physician.
From these reports the State Health
Department will evaluate the merit
of t e drugs.
Physicians who wish to participate
in this study program can secure
these drugs from the county health
department at 213 N. Fourth Avenue
when they report their cases. After
a period of a week or two, the drugs
may be secured at St. Joseph's Hos-
Cline Will Give Lecture
To Electrical Engineers
Members of the student chapter of
the American Institute of Electrical
Engineers will meet at 8 p.m. Wed-
nesday, Jan. 17, in the Union to hear
a talk by Jack Cline of the electrical
engineering department.
Cline, an experienced pilot and
C.P.A. instructor, will speak on the
subject "Radio and Application in

By The Gunner

"Aviation is but applied physics,"
the paper concluded, "and the phy-
sics teacher should recognize this,
introduce aviation problems into his
elementary courses, and thus in-
crease interest, bring the subject
matter of his course up to date and
make his course of real value, in the
present emergency."
Government Provides /
Local Tax Counselors
Deputy collectors of the Internal
Revenue Department Frank W.
Stampfler, Francis Hughes and A. D.
Miles will be available in Room 608
of the Ann Arbor Trust Building
from Jan. 26 to Feb. 18.
They will help Ann Arbor tax pay-
ers in making out their 1941 income
taxe returns. After Feb. 18 they will
be at the various banks in the city.

In a talk before the Social Service
Seminar last night Dr. Engelke, head
of the Washtenaw County Health
Department, stressed the importance
of the new bombing plant and its
.effecton the health problems of the
community of Ypsilanti.
The promise of a rapid increase in
population due to the large number
of workmen and their families will
place a terrific burden on the county,
he said, especially since this industry
is tax-free and the people will be di-
rectly responsible for all its indus-
trial problems.
He stated that there is very poor
sanitation around trailer camps, cab-
in camps and other transient abodes
which the workers are having to use
as temporary homes and around the
many new buildings springing up in
the community.
Dr. Engelke also deplored the des-
perate need for nurses and doctors in
defense. He said, "Soon registered
nurses will be doing the work of doc-
tors; practical nurses, the jobs of
registered nurses; civilians, the jobs
of practical nurses; and doctors will
be working double time."


RO O1tk
Ofethestra SEATS Balcony
$2.20, $1.65, incl. tax NOW 55a, $1.10, $1.65cil. tax



Professor Cordon
Will Enter Service
Of Aviation Board
Called to add his abilities to light-
ning expansion of the nation's air
arm, Prof. Emerson W. Conlon of
the aeronautical engineering depart-
ment will take up duties in the Bur-
eau of Aeronautics the latter part of
next week in his capacity as a lieu-
tenant of the Naval Reserve. ,
Professor Conlon, famed for his
researches in magnesium alloys for
wing construction; has served since
1939 as head of the Civilian Aero-
nautics Authority for the University.
DAILY 2-4-7-9 P.M.
- Today and Saturday -



'Silk Route' Is Subject
Of Color Picture
India's unimaginable displays of
wealth and magnificence, mighty
religious sequences and a host of
other spectacles will be shown in
professionally - taken color movies,
with accompanying lecture, by Law-
rence C. Thaw at 8:15 p.m. Wednes-
day in Hill Auditorium, under the
auspices of the Oratoribal Associa-
The world celebrated traveller will
show "The Great Silk Route," cov-
ering the ancient trade routes from
Paris, across Europe, the Balkans,
Turkey and half of Asia in addition
to his film on India-a total of a
quarter-million feet of color film.
Scenes seldom witnessed by rep-
resentatives of western civilization
such as the desert wildness of Iraq,
the ancient splendors of old Persia
and the mountain fastness of mys-
terious Afghanistan as well as all the
exquisite beauty of ancient Indian
culture, and all the pomp and splen-
dor of the fabulous maharajas' state
spectacle will be shown.
VoL I11T No. 74
Publication in the Daily Official
uiletin is construytive notice to al
mnibers of the University.

Don Chown, one of Michigan's
best-known radio personalities, has
enlisted in the U. S. Army Air Corps
and is at the Fort Custer Recruit Re-
ception Center awaiting transfer to
Selfridge Field.
Private Chown was a staff an-
nouncer and arranger with WJR, De-
troit, before his enlistment. While at
the University where he received a
master's degree, he was arranger and
manager of the University Marching
Band and assistant to the director of
broadcasting. Chown is also the offi-
cial song leader of the Alumni Asso-
The Air Corps' newly enlisted mem-
ber has been the guest conductor of
the Grand Rapids Symphony and the
University Symphony. He is to play
in the band and work on a post radio
program at Selfridge Field.
* *
Four more University men have
been commissioned ensigns in the
Naval Reserve. The latest group to
join the naval flying forces are Hel-
muth E. Hoerner, William D. Big-
gers, David A. Black and Robert M.
Only fools and foreigners, so goes
the saying, will attempt to predict
the weather in Texas.
But, excluding those dubious
groups, Uncle Sam's rapidly expand-



ing Air Corps can use specifically
trained college students in just that
sort of work.
Four groups of civilian meteorol-
ogists graded as full instructors, or
associates, assistants or juniors, are
being sought by the Gulf Coast Air
Corps Training Center to begin im-
mediately. The positions, although
they carry a Civil Service rating, will
be filled directly at headquarters of
the G.C.A.C.T.C. with salaries rang-
ing from $2,000 to $3,800 annually.
Topping the qualifications list is
the request for students who have
had at least a year of weather bu-
reau work plus a six-semester hour
college course on the subject. Appli-
cations will be accepted also from
students who have college credit in
differential and integral calculus and
advanced physics.










im E" FI

Vsaw tVU



Oiv Three 10-i'nad O-e . 4 ueh recordIs



Radno& Record Shop
11r t r uV I I klaFIt IC-1-\irv AM /L PI f ' e1 L

To the Members of the University
Council. There will be a meeting of
the University Council on January
12 at 4:15 p.m., in Room 1009 A.H.
Minutes of the meeting of Decem-
ber 8, 1941.
Report of the Committee on the
Orientation Period, P. E. Bursley.
Subjects offered by members of
the Council.



Distinguished French Pianist
Mon., Jan. 19, 8:30
Feri Roth Julius Shier
Rachmael Weinstock Oliver Edel
Friday and Saturday, Jan. 23-24
Three concerts
in the Rackham Building
rL', r5i t


Special Delivery


In Color "Bird Tower"
"V tc Worf4

Kegs 11"i h s ' ! t ll-ka i'firm- ac ted






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