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January 09, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-09

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Beastly Cold



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Editor i I.
Colleges Face
Post-War Frobicias ! ,.

VOL. LII. No. 74
Call Sent
General Connolly's Appeal
Recruits ,Civilian Pilots
To Enlarge Air Corps
305 Locl Flyers
AffectedBy Plan
Brig. Gen. ,Donald H. Connolly's
appeal yesterday for 40,000 civilian
pilots to man the vastly increased
Army and Navy Air Corps will call
the 305 University students and for-
mer students who have received Civ-
ilian Pilot Training under the CAA
plan here in Ann Arbor-
According to Prof. Emerson W.
Conlon of the aeronautical engin-
eering department approximately 25
CPT graduates are still enrolled in
the University. A class. of 44 will
graduate from primary and second-
ary training on Feb. 1, bringing the
total in the University to 70 student
Trainees Sign Pledge
All CPT trainees have signed a
pledge "to apply for further flight
training in the armed forces, when
and if needed." University CPT co-
ordinator Harold F. Allen, also of
the aeronautical engineering depart-
ment, said that it was up to the
government to decide "when and if"
the need for the. pilots exists, but
suggested that a system of individual
case settlements is likely.
In his request for pilots yester-
day in Washington, General Connol-
ly said that he was acting at the re-
quest of the Army and Navy aviation
sei-vices. In letters to be mailed to
all CPT graduates he wrote: "Which
service you enter is a matter of your
60,000 Plots Graduated
The CPT program, started in the
fall of 1939 after a limited experi-
mental trial during the spring here
and at a few other schools, has grad-
uated approximately 6,0O -pilots
with 35 to 200 hours of solo flying
time. It is expected that the num-
ber will increa.se to 70,000 by next
July 1.
Washington aviation officials have
estimated that 20,000 of these are
now awaiting call or are already in
the Army or Navy. An additional
8,000 are in civilian aviation, 8,000
are engaged in industry and 24,000
still are in universities throughout
the country.
The University of Michigan stu-
dents who will be called to the avia-
tion branches will start on the bot-
tom ladder in the primary course, but
it is expected that they will be moved
faster., In the past the per cent of
"washouts" among CPT graduates
has been greatly under the number
dropped who have not had the CPT
New Class To Start
Another University CPT class will
be begun here after Feb. 1. The 90
day primary course turns out private
pilots who have 35 solo hours to
their credit. The elective secondary
phase provides advanced training in
cross country and acrobatics and
offers training in heavier aircraft.
Further training consists of the cross-
country phase which also teaches
navigation, night flying and radio
and, lastly, the instructor's course.
Age limitations are 19 to 26 years.

All applicants must passthe regu-
lation Army physical examination.
Fees for the course usually average
about $40.
- As all graduates have already
passed thie Army physical, it is ex-
pected that few will be rejected by
the Navy or Army physical examina-
tion, Coordinator Allen said.
Doctors Will-Meet
T oda y To Discuss
TypesOf Allergy
Opening the Midwest Forum on
Allergy, several hundred doctors will
gather here today for a series of
pre-forum clinics.
The clinics are being conducted by
nine doctors from the University Hos-
pital, precluding the fourth annual
meeting of the allergy forum in De-
Dr. Herman H. Riecker, Professor
of Internal Medicine, will open the
clinic at 10:30 a.m. today in the
Neuro-Pschiatry amphitheatre of the
hospital with a discussion of "Bron-
chiectasis Allergic Factors."




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Soviet Drive Continues
As Huge Battle Looms

I _____________

Russian Reserves Bolster
Offensive As German
Troops Entrench
NEW YORK, Jan. 8.-()-The
British radio quoted messages from
Kuibyshev tonight saying "Soviet
troops are moving in an ever wid-
ening arc toward Sevastopol and
have forced the Germans to lift
the siege of that great naval base
to meet threats from the east, west
and north of the peninsula.
LONDON, Jan. 8.-(P)-Vast col-
umns of newly-trained troops from
Russia's almost limitless reserves to-
night were reported moving up to
the central front; where the Soviet
offensive was rolling on toward a
great collision with German forces
attempting to dig in on the Vyazma-
Bryansk line 130 miles west of Mos-
cow and halfway back to Smolensk.
Information from reliable quarters
here that the command of the Red
Army's center had just begun to draw
upon its manpower reserve, after
more than a month of unending of-
fensive action against the invader,
was coupled with word that these
fresh troops were to some degree
equipped with captured Nazi arms.
Specific information was scarce to-
day as to the progress of the drive
beyond Moscow. It already had pro-
gressed to within 40 miles of the Ger-
'mans' Vyazma-Bryansk line with the
recapture of the town of Meshchovsk,
130 miles southwest of Moscow.
But there was news of fresh Rus-
sian successes above the Capital. On
the Kalinin front, about 95 miles
northwest of Moscow, the official or-
gan of the Red Army announced that
Soviet troops in a day's action had
thrown the Germans from 2 addi-
tional villages.
Tonight's Soviet communique said,
with characteristic succinctness, only
that the Red advance was continuing
on various sectors, that more villages
had fallen into Russian hands, and
that the invader had again been driv-
en back so fast that he could, not
entrench himself.
The struggle in the Crimea, where
the Russians were threatening the
isolation of all surviving German
forces, was believed to center about
the port of Yevpatoriya, some 40
miles north of Sevastopol,
China Announces
2,000 More Japs
CHUNGKING, Friday, Jan. 9.-(;P)
-China's central news agency re-
ported today that the Chinese had
killed or wounded 2,000 more Japa-
nese Thursday in their methodical
campaign of annihilation against the
30,000 invaders trapped between the
Laotao and Milo rivers in northern
Hunan Province.
Chinese spokesmen previously had
reported the Japanese suffered more
than 35,000 casualties since the
smashing of their assault on Chang-
sha last Sunday.
As the Japanese, who originally
numbered 100,000 to 150,000 by Chi-
nese estimates, sought to fall back
to their Yochow base 100 miles to
the north, strong Chinese land forces
aided by planes trapped 30,000 of
them in the area between the two
rain-swollen rivers.

Commons Critical As Fall
Of Pacific Stronghold
LONDON, Jan. 8.-(P)-The House
of Commons, critical and uneasy over
allied setbacks by the Japanese, was
told today by Foreign Secretary An-
thony Eden that the most formidable
Axis partner, Germany, was suffer-
ing reverses "far more remarkable"
than those the Russians inflicted on
Napoleon's army in 1812.
Maj. Clement R. Attlee, Lord Privy
Seal substituting for Prime Minister
Churchill, also pointed to British vic-
tories in Africa to soothe a House
concerned over Japanese strides to-
ward Singapore.
As for the yielding defense lines in
Malaya, Eden said the government
assumed full responsibility. But he
rejected suggestions that the gov-
ernment had been derelict there.
"If we were wrong," he declared,
"it was a deliberate decision, and not
one based on neglect."
Cheers greeted Attlee's statement
that the United States' entry into the
war clinched its ultimate outcome
"without a shadow of a doubt.''
But these explanations did not sat-
isfy some members.
"Neither the United States nor
ourselves can stem the tide of Jap-
anese victory in the Far East unless
we hold Singapore," declared Com-
mander Sir Archibald Southby, a
"Russia's successes will not save
Singapore. General Auchinleck's fine
campaign in North Africa does not
offset the loss of Guam and other
Engine Society
Draws Up Plan
To Aid In War
Sigma Rho Tau To Extend
Speaking Engagements
For PublicKnowledge
Student members of Sigma Rho
Tau, national engineering speech so-
ciety, representing three engineering
schools in this vicinity, met to de-
termine the organization's role in
the national war effort at a special
national council meeting held last
night in tle Union.
Chief purpose of the meeting,
which was attended by delegates
from the University, University of
Detroithand Detroit Institute of
Technology, was to lay plans for ex-
tended speaking engagements in the
coming semester to improve public
knowledge in matters vital to war
Also selected at the meeting was
the debate topic to be used in inter-
chapter debating during thecoming
semester. Agreed upon was the sub-
ject, "Resolved: That labor and in-
dustry should be constricted for the
duration of the war."
In the event that government ac-
tion makes the topic an unfair one,
a secondary topic, "Resolved: That
engineering education is more cap-
able than legal education for pro-
ducing men capable of solving the
present social and political prob-
lems," was decided upon.

Jap Advance
On Singapore
Yet Unhalted
British Army Falls Back
To Slim River; Enemy
Drive East IsPossibility
Superior Numbers
Named As Cause
SINGAPORE, Jan. 8.-(P)-The
defense of Singapore-a month-long
succession of brief stands along nat-
ural lines of resistance, each followed
by withdrawal in face of the foe's
overwhelming numbers-centered to-
night on Kuala Lumpur, crude rub-
ber capital of the world.
Thus, in a month of fighting since
the Japanese opened their great Far
Eastern offensive, the threat to Sing-
apore had been advanced across
about 200 miles of verdant, sweltering
Malaya-or half the distance from
the northern border to Singapore.!
The British High Command ac-
knowledged today that a spearhead of
Japanese tanks had penetrated the
western Malayan defenses north of
Kuala Lumpur on the lower Perak
front and that, apparently as a re-
sult of this and heavy infantry pres-
sure, the British Imperial forces had
fallen back for a new stand south of
the Slim River.
Rivers Form Barrier
The Slim River, about 50 miles
north of Kuala Lumpur, is a tribu-
tary of the Bernam which debouches
side by side with the lower Perak
into the Strait of Malacca. The two
rivers had formed a double barrier
against the Japanese coastwise thrust
southward toward Selangor state,
whose capital, Kuala Lumpur, is also
capital of the Federated Malay States
and the second city of Malaya.
But it was not at all certain to-
night that the only threat to Kuala
Lumpur lay in this offensve across
the Perak, Bernam and Slim rivers.
Illustrating the fluidity of the offen-
sive, the communique contained this
unelaborated sentence:
"In the Selangor area, there were
indications of some enemy infiltra-
tion eastward."
New Threat Impends
Infiltration in force behind the
Perak-Bernam-Slim line would pose
a direct threat to Kuala Lumpur and
to the rear of the city's defenders.
Japanese troopers, worming through
the concealing jungle foliage along
the coast, or troops freshly landed
along the Selangor shore, or both,
may compose the infiltration force.
"Otherwise," said the communique,
"the situation (on the western Ma-
layan front) remains unchanged."
Nations Show
Unity Of Spirit
Hull Pleased With Outlook
For Brazil Conference
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.-(P)-An
expression of gratification over the
spirit of solidarity and cooperative
effort among nations of the Western
Hemisphere was coupled by Secre-
tary Hull today with a prediction
that these ties would be strength-
ened by the forthcoming conference
at Rio de Janeiro.
The Secretary of State's remarks
were occasioned by the departure of
the United States delegation for the
conference of foreign ministers to
begin in the Brazilian capital Jan. 15.
He told his press conference that
he thought there had been gratifying

demonstrations of hemispheric sol-
idarity since the Japanese attack on
the United States and the declara-
tions of war by Germany and Italy.
One of the main purposes of the
conference, he said, was to clarify
and bring up to date the plans of
the American governments in view
of the changed situation resulting
from the active belligerency of some
of the American nations.
It is expected that the major pro-
posals of the meeting will come from
the other republics.
Already there have been several
suggestions from other governments.
One is that all the American nations
declare war on the Axis and another
that all embattled opponents of the
Axis be regarded as non-belligerents.
Former Gridiron Star
Found Dead In Hotel
John A. Bloomingston, 65, former
University of Michigan football star,
was found dead today in the Ben-

U.S. Subs Raid Japanese
Shipping, But Philippine
Positions Become Graver

i b>

Student Senate Elects Krause
To Succeed Todd As President

Campus Defens
Campaign A
At Meeting I

e Stamp
In Union

Faced with the need for immediate
action on campus defense questions,
the Student Senate moved its elec-
tion date up two weeks and then
named Robert Krause, '43BAd, to re-
place Bill Todd, '42, as Senate presi-
dent at a storm meeting yesterday
in the Union.f
The Senate, split over the consti-
tutionality of an advanced election
date, turned its session into a heated
debate and the label "obstructionist"
was heard nearly as often as the
speaker's demands for order.
Krause has been a member of the'
Senate for two and a half years,
serving in the past as treasurer and
chairman of the Student Rights
Committee. Second to him in votes
received, Jack Edmonson, '42, was
chosen vice-president. Edmonson is
the present chairman of the senate
Winter Parley Committee.
Martha Kinsey, '44, and Margaret
Campbell, '43, a member of the Board
in Control of Student Publications,
were chosen to serve as secretary and
treasurer. Miss Kinsey was the only
newly-elected member of the Senate
to gain an administrative post.
The entire Student Senate pledged
its support to a campus defense bond
drive to be opened Jan. 22. Senators
will join a united effort to encourage
defense saving among men and wo-
men students.
Acting immediately after their
Mud, Sand Aid
Axis Getaway
In Libyan War
(By The Associated Press)
CAIRO, Jan. 8.-General Erwin
Rommel's African Corps was making
a getaway tonight from the Agedabia
area of Libya, favored by an unusual
combination of mud that hampered
flank attacks and a swirling sand-
storm that half-blinded his pursuers.'
Further complicating the running
battle which British Imperials fought
with Rommel's rearguard were mines
which Rommel's sappers laid in roads
and other inviting terrain.
Nevertheless, according to today's
communique from British General
Headquarters, the Coldstream Guard
and the Scots Guards, battle-honored
regiment of the British, established
contact yesterday afternoon with, the
enemy's rearguard about seven miles
southwest of Agedabia.
Farther south, a flanking opera-
tion was attempted simultaneously
by the King's Dragoon Guards and
a South African armored force, but
while this carried the offensive 20 to
40 miles deeper into territory pre-
viously held by the Axis, it still left
Rommel's flank intact.
But the storm, whipping sand
(Continued on Page 6)

election, Krause and the new officers
revamped four committees as the
first step toward a "streamlined sen-
The defense committee will be
headed by Miss Campbell, who is a
member of the all-campus "Commit-
tee of 1942." John Zimmermann and
Jake Fahrner, both '43, were named
to the Parley Committee. The Stu-
dent Service group was assigned to
Hoe Seltzer, '42, with Winston H.
Cox, '42, as assistant.
Ray Davis, - 42, and Sam Russell,
'43, will handle scholarship activities,
and Harold Klein, '42, will be in
charge of elections.
According to Krause, the Senate's
administrative policy will be steered
by this group during the coming
semester. A definite program will
be formulated for each Senate com-
mittee, he declared.
Yesterday's meeting was the sec-
ond session of the Senate since its
Dec. 12 election, but this was only
decided after a 15 minute discussion.
Sponsors Ask
Campus Help
Students Urged To Return
Questionnaires At Once
As CampaignContinues
Students are requested to fill out
and return the "abilities and inter-
ests" defense questionnaires some-
time today if possible.
The official University survey will
continue until the first of next week
at the special tables on campus, but
these are intended only to reach
those students who have not already
been contacted through their frater-
nity, cooperative or dormitory.
The house presidents. at the vari-
ous living establishments are to take
care of the distribution and collection
for their own group, while the stu-
dents may turn the questionnaires in
at the Student Offices of the Union
or at the special campus stations.
Tables have been set up in the
Engineering Arch, the Library, the
Union, the Wolverine, Angell Hall,
the Architecture School and the
Graduate School.
All of the 7,500 men students are
urged to. fill out the questionnaires
completely and accurately. An offi-
cial University survey, the type and
number of courses added to the cur-
riculum next semester will depend
largely on the answers received.
If enough students evidence an in-
terest in any subject which is not
now offered at the University, an in-
structor will be found and the course
added to the curriculum.
Distribution and collection of the
questionnaires is being taken care of
by the newly-formed Committee of

American Volunteers Aid
In Bombing Bangkok,
Destroy Seven Airplanes
Roosevelt Praises
Marines' Conduct
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. - (P) -
Heartening word of United States
submarine successes against Japa-
nese shipping came from the Fr
East tonight, but there was consid-
erable anxiety here over signs that
General Douglas MacArthur's forces
BOMBAY, Jan. 8.-:(JP-A Singa-
pore radio report heard here to-
night said that the Japanese had
declared martial law in Manila.
They were reported also to have
seized all public facilities, hospitals
and motor vehicles, and to have
decreed that nothing be moved i
or out of the city.
in the Philippines soon would face
the full power of growing enemy
forces there.
In its first communique for days
the Navy said:
A Japanese transport and three
cargo vessesl, about 10,000 tons each,
had been sunk by a submarine of
the Asiatic Fleet.
The warship toll exacted in the
memorable fight Marines put up on
Wake Island was increased to seven.
A report, written Dec.20Ovo days
before the Japanese overwhelmed
the defenders-added a destroyer
and a gunboat to the cruiser, sub-
marine and three destroyers rgported
The Navy also disclosed that Pres-
ident Roosevelt, with words of pride,
formally cited the garrison of less
than 400 Marines. Their "courag-
eous conduct," he said, "will not be
forgotten so long as gallantry and
heroism are respected and honored."
A day-by-day report of the fury
of the attacks and the tenacity of
the defense on the sun-blistered isle
between Hawaii and the Philippines
was released by the Navy.
With the situation in the Philip-
pines growing more ominous by the
(Continued on Page 6)
American, RAF Pilots
Raid Bangkok Airdromes
(By The Associated Press)
RANGOON, Burma, Jan. 8.--
Flying more than 300 miles over
Jungle and mountain bases in Bur-
ma, five aircraft of American volun-
teers operating with the British Air
Force attacked airdromes near Bang-
kok today in the second raid in 24
hours on the Thailand capital and
nearby airdromes. ,a
The raid followed hard after tn
RAP assault last night which left
huge fires blazing amid military ob-
Jectives in Bangkok in the war's first
Allied thrust against Thailand, carry-
ing the conflict close to the fabled
road to Mandalay.
The Americans, sid a communi-
que from combined Army and RAt
headquarters here, certainly de-
stroyed seven enemy planes on the
ground and probably destroyed an
One of the raiders was missing
after today's attack. In the open-
ng raid all planes returned safely.
The destruction of the seven planes
Today-believed to have been bomb-
3rs-brings to 53 the total of Japan-
,se aircraft known to have been de-
Aroyed from Burma, and in addi-
ion 20 or 30 more have been declared
probably destroyed.
Crew Members
Of Army Plane
Survive Wreck

RAWLINS, Wyo., Jan. 8.-(A')-An
airplane crashed and burst into
flames tonight near Hanna, Wyo., 35
miles east.
Highway patrolman Leroy Man-
kin reported that one man aboard
the plane parachuted to safety and
was taken to the Hanna hospital. He
reported, the policeman added, that
there were seven others aboard the
Sheriff Glenn C. Penland and his

Grin And Bear It:
New Taxes To Hit Middle Class,
Prof. Arthur Smithies Predicts

U. Of M. Keeps 'Em Flying:
Board Examines 80 Students
For Army Air Corps Training


The middle class is due to take it
on the chin again under the proposed
new taxation program, Prof. Arthur
Smithies of the economics depart-
ment commented yesterday.
"Soaking the rich" wouldn't be
entirely effective in clipping consum-
er spending to meet the threat of
inflation because only about 25 per
cent of the consumer buying is done
by the people in the over $5,000 in-
come bracket, he pointed out.
The big problem facing the eco-
nomic experts today is to keep money
expenditures down. With a large
part of national production being de-
voted to producing war materials,
the limited gantity of consumer goods
available to the public and the larg-
er amount of money being paid out
has been largely responsible for the
rising price level.
The $2,000 to $5,000 income group,

rises in prices because, of the in-
creased armament expenditures ne-
cessitated by, the war, but does not
expect it to become serious if present
plans are carried out.
The 56 billion dollar war budget
represents an increase of more than
10 billion dollars over the top esti-
mates for the 1943 budget plan which
was considered before the United
States formally entered the war.
Professor Smithies explained that
the nine billion dollar increase in
the tax levy was designed to counter-
act the expansionary effects on mon-
ey national income of the new addi-
tion to arms expenditures.
He expects the further inflationary
rise in prices because only part of
the new taxes would be met from
current expenditures and the rest
would be paid for out of income
ordinarily saved.
Although the direct taxation pro-

More than 80 University students
were examined by the Traveling Avi-
ation Cadet Examining Board yes-
terday, and the Board will remain
in town until tomorrow, it was an-
Members of the Cadet Board
pointed out that when students are
drafted, they do not have as good a
chance of getting into the field they
prefer as when they join the air
corps. Flyers are badly needed, they
pointed out, for Army planes aver-
age two pilots, 10 ground men per
plane, and a large number of other
To be eligible for examination by
the Board, the applicant must have
three letters of recommendation, a

is based on the same academic stand-
ard as West Point and Annapolis and
high ranking students will have a
higher class standing.
Students with insufficient credits
can apply and may be put in ground
crews or be sent to officer's train-
ing schools.
While in training the air corps pays
$75 per month plus room, board,.
medical attention and a $10,000 life
insurance policy. The value of the
training course has been set at $25,-
Upon graduation the student be-
comes a second lieutenant in the air
corps with a salary of $245 per
At the end of three year's service
in the air corps, the flyer will re-

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