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December 16, 1941 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-16

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Michigan Today


Leading Band
Will Feature
Mimes' Song
irstUnion Opera Composition
On Coast-To-Coast Network
Will Be Sung By Tex Beneke
The nation's top-ranking band will
honor Michigan's top-ranking stu-
dent composers with a serenader to
Michigan at 10 p.m. today over radio
station WJR.
Glenn Miller and his orchestra will
feature its 15 minute program to-
night with a rendition of "A Dream
And I," written by Gordon Hardy,
Grad., and Charles Bowen, '41, for
the 1941 Mimes Union Opera. This
is the first time in the history of
the opera that a student-written
song has been played by a big-name
band on a coast-to-coast hookup.
Tribute Will Be Paid
T night's four-minute tribute to
Hard~y and Bowen is the result of
two weeks of nerve-wracking work
on the part of the composers to get
the tune ready-telegrams, long dis-
tance calls and filing releases to CBS
rand sundry other- places.
"A Dream and I" received a Miller
performance' during Senior Ball last
year when it was sung by Chan Pin-
ney, '41. Since then it's been in Mil-
ler's cold storage room unpublishedj
and ignored, while Hardy and Bower
lived in the confidence' that some
day Miller would bring it out and'
publish it. And now during his salute
fto the University of Michigan, the
song will receive the public approval
of Miller and band..
Team Is Dissolved
Bowen and Hardy have worked as
a team until last year when Bowen
interrupted the team's certain fu-
ture by graduating. He is a member
/of Phi Ofgma Kappa and is now with
radio station WCAR in Pontiac.
Hardy, a graduate student in the
School of Music, and a member of
Theta Chi, is prominent in the musi-
cal world of student productions,
having contributed mans hit tunes to
both JGP and Mimes Opera. This
year, Hardy worked as music chair-
man of "Full House" for ;which he
wrote 12 out of the 23 songs in the
Ma rriage Planned
The engagement .and approaching
marriage of Betty Ann Chaufty,
'41SM, to Henry Newton Ohrt,
'4 lAd, .was announced by her, par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Chaufty.
Miss Chaufty is a member of Sigma
Alpha Iota and served as music chair-
man for the Junior Girls Play and on
League committees.

To Honor University On Program

Shut-Ins And Needy Children
Will Be Aided By Dormitories
Dormitories are entering into the holiday spirit this week in cooperation
with the Christmas Bureau set up by the Ann Arbor Council of Social
Agents. Women' clubs, church and civic organizations, as well as Univer-
sity groups are helping the Bureau in its campaign to gather toys, clothing,
and other gifts which will be distributed among t'he children at University
Hospital. The Bureau is at work every day assa clearing house between
social agencies, who know community needs, and groups who wish to giveI
worthwhile gifts.
Mosher Hall has for the past fortnight been at work knitting the 200 or
more pairs of socks and mittens which the girls plan to hang on their Christ-
mas tree tomorrow evening. After the traditional Christmas dinner, Bible
themes will be read, aloud to a musical accompaniment and carols will be
I sung. Santa Claus is expected to be present to receive the mittens andI
socks which the Christmas Bureau plans to distribute to the needy children
of Ann Arbor. After the dormitory party, the twelve-foot tree will be sent.
to the University Hospital, Mary Jane Dennison, '42, announced.'
Helen Newberry Residence is to entertain Dean Joseph Bursley, Mr. and
Mrs. Frederick Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. John Hays, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brom-:
age and daughter Suzanne, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Shaw and son Perry, Mr.
and Mrs. Karl Litzenberg and son Fritz, Mrs. Henry Joy, Mrs. E. L. Gates,
Mrs. Mary Mitchell, Mrs. Dan Poppleton, Miss Kathleen Hamm, and Miss
Alice Crocker at their annual Christmas dinner tomorrow night. Between
courses their traditional play will be given, and after dinner the group will
gather around the Christmas tree where presents will be placed for the
little patients at University Hospital.
Betsy Barbour House is holding a dinner tonight, and will give gifts as
welt as their silver-trimmed Christmas tree to the children who are patients
at University Hospital.
Eleven small boys from a Y.M.C.A. club will be entertained at dinner at
Michigan House in the West Quadrangle today. Carols will be sung by resi-
dents and guests, and there will be a tour of the dormitory. The youngsters
will then assemble around the Christmas tree where a special program
planned by Peter Farago, '43, will be given. The boys are to receive small
favors as well as a lasting gift given to the club in recognition of their work.
Adams House is having as guests at their Christmas dinner today Mrs.
Henry Carter Adams and Prof. Henry C. Adams, Jr., as well as ten boys from
a club at the Y.M.C.A. After dinner the group will assemble around the
Adams House tree where each boy will receive as a gift something needed in
his club life.
Lloyd House and Williams House will have Christmas dinner in their
I joint dining-room tonight. The gifts which they will have wrapped and
under their tree will be distributed through the Family and Children's Cen-
ter. With money collected from the residents of the two houses presents will
be bought in accordance with two lists submitted by their family, which was
selected by Mrs. Dorothy Engel of the Center.
Allan-Rumsey and Wenley houses will have a joint dinner today to en-
tertain two groups of boys from the Y.M.C.A. Presents will be chosen for'
these guests upon suggestions out of the confidential file of the Bureau.
- j Chicago House will also entertain a group of five boys today at a Christ-
d mas party where Santa Claus will distribute, among the guests presents
. which will be useful in their club activities.

Of Sophomore
Is Announced

The engagement of Marjorie Ann
Kaufmann, '44, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry A. Kaufmann of Grosse
I Pointe, to John Alden Farley, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Allen Farley of
Rochester, N. Y., was announced yes-
terday at a dinner at Alpha Phi house.
Miss Kaufmann is a member of
Alpha Lambda Delta and served as a
representative on Panhellenic Coun-
cil. Mr. Farley was graduated from
Yale in 193, where he was affiliated
with Chi Psi fraternity, and was a
member of- the class of '41 at the
Harvard School of Business Adminis-
Jration. He is now associated with the
MARJORIE ANN KAUFMANN ; Ford Motor Co. I Dearborn..

A lumnus' Book, 'Racing


Is About Michigan Freshman
"Ty plodded slowy across campus
'n the general direction of where Fin- out that he has to learn to control
ley Hall ought to be. In his 'iand 'e his quick temper in order to get
,11tohed a card which. bore a list along at the university.

Tryouts To Be Held
For Student Parts
In Children's Playa
Trguts for adult parts in the'
"Princess and the Swineherd," third
in the series of Children's play to be
produced Jan. 23 and 24 by the Thea-
tre-Arts committee of the League,
will be held from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
tomorrow at the League, Mary Elen
Wheeler, director, anounced.C
The cast which will be chosen be-
fore Christmas will require several
male roles. Those who are taking Play
Production but who are not in the
next play are urged by Miss Wheeler
to try out. Anyone interested but un-
able to tryout at the scheduled time
may call her at the League.
Children's Theatre Plays also of-
fer experience for sophomores who
will be taking Play Production next
year and desire parts in those pro-

Honor Societies
Will Participate
In Carol Sing
Four women's honor societies, Mor
tarboard, Senior Society, Scroll and
Wyvern will blend voices. at 10 p.m
tomorrow in an outdoor Christmas
carol sing.
Most of the dormitories will be
(greeted with the Christmas songs
and to those who have taken up tem
porary residence in health servicea
special serenade will be directed. I
the weather is cold or stormy, al
members of the societies are urge
to come well protected, and ski pant
with jackets will be auite in style.
Following the round of singing the
four groups will return to the League
where refreshments are to be serve
in the "Cave." Late permission ha
been secured for those who will at


Stockwell Will Hold
Christmas Dinner.

Initiation Is Held
Bx' Phi Etn Sihn


Stockwell will hold its annual for- ,ay rr' r
mal Christmas dinner at 6 p.m. to- Freshman Society
day, with Deans Alice Lloyd, Jeanette
Perry, and B. J. Backer as guests.yy Phi Eta Sigma, freshman all-cam-
A program prepared by, the Stock- pu ooIrtriy ntae h
welphrus, under Ellen Hooper, '45 pus honor fraternity, initiated the
well chorsu'following new members Sunday at
and a string en efr ble, under Alice an initiation banquet : Allan H. An-
Jernazian, Grad., will be held immie- dro,'4 onB onl,'4 r
drawingbee I derson '44 John B. Cornell '44, A-
diately after dinner inthedrawin thur Geib, '44E, Mark F. Hanze, '44,
room. Philip Hemily, '44E, Herman Hudson,
Stockwell girls will march through '45, Howard Kammeraad, '44E, Rich-
the corridors at midnight Thursday and Kopel, '44, George Koesar, '44E,
singing carols. Leonard M. Mendelson, '44, Wm. V.
Millman, '44E, George M. Snow, '44E,
Announcement Made and Elliot Weinberg, '44.
By OSCAR SHRDLU Prof. A. D. Moore and Prof. Ben-
(Special Daily Correspondent) nett Weaver were present. Professor
ANN ARBOR, Dec. 16- (Special To Moore gave a talk entitled, "Common
The Daily)-One of the oldest and Sense Does Not Always Go With In-
most beautiful traditions at the Uni- telligence."
versity of Michigan is the custom, All freshman men having an aver-
when final exams come to an end, age of half "A" and half "B', that is
of saying, "Well, that's over." 3.5, are eligible for membership."


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perfectly behaved form
terer, whoses patented
struction pre ents all
ging, twisting or joy
ng over knees.

Carolers who possess booklets with
words to the songs may bring them.
Unless flashlights are also carried
these will be useful only under the
street lamps, however.
I Members of Wyvern are to gather
at 9:30 p.m. in the League' lobby for
an important meeting preceding ,the
caroling. At this time committee
members for the Wynx dance will be
appointed, and plans for the yearbook
picture announced.
for The Ke
......................... . . .
": : .:IiR. ..S' . .. .
large assortment of lusci
baggy sweaters - rounda
V-necks-priced from $2.98
$ 2
n Christ-
HOSIERY - is always goo
1, 2, or 3 thread sheer silk
iylons - priced from $L.15

of the courses he had decided on for.
first semester-"
Chapter IV of Stewart Beach's
book, "Racing Start" ougt to sound'
familiar to Michigan freshmen. Ty,
it seems, has a room in Randall House
of South Quad, and is beginning his
first year at a big midwestern uni-
versity with hopes of making the
swimming team.
There's No Mistaking
Even someone who didn't know that'
Stewart Beach, '22, spent last semes-
ter brushing up on Michigan atmos-
phere would guess that "Racing
Start" has its setting here, though all
the buildings and events are faintly
disguised in different names. From
the president's welcome speech to lan-
tern night in June there is no mis-:
taking the campus.{
"Racing Start" is Beach's first piece
of longer fiction, though far from his
first experience in writing. After re-
ceiving his A.B. he went East and
has Lved in New York and Boston ever
since, writing, editing and teaching.'
Besides writing several successful
short stories and a broadway play he
acted as managing editor of House
Beautiful for five years.
Returned To Campus
When Beach was commissioned to
write a boy's novel about a freshman's
experience in a big university, he was
not satisfied with his memories of the
campus in 1922. Returning last year
he set about to absorb the atmosphere
of classroom, fraternity house and
In "Racing Start" Tyler Clark finds
~~J and C
Pop them into water
-see t/em piffup!

brighten your holiday table-a va-
riety of cut flowers and Christ-
SHOP has all these. Just call 4422.
FLOWERS are the perfect gift for
all women. Add the personal touch
to your Xmas gift this year with a
bouquet or corsage from UNIVER-
E. Liberty.
PAJAMA SETS.. . 3 pieces in cotton
quilted at $5.95, in seersucker at
$3.95, and in broadcloth at $2.95.
Mich. Theatre Bldg.
OUR FINEST STOCK in years is
waiting for your inspection. Gifts
for every writing need and original
accessories with real "gift appeal."
BALL & THRASHER, 205 South
Fourth Ave.
cardigan sweaters in luscious col-
ors, matching skirts in plaids and
solids from $2.95 each. ELIZA-

3 w a. o r t a
I. '~I'~A







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} i
HOLIDAY HITS - stunning
silks in solid colors and prints
-tailored pastel wools-priced
from $7.95 to $29.95.

BLOUSES of sheer silk or crisp
cotton tailored for wear and
flattery - long or short sleeves
- priced from $1.98 up.
old gown look brand new -
Kessel's has a large assortment
in black or bright colors -
priced from $3.98 up.


For a thrilling Christmas gift
. one or a series of toiletries
in these famous fragrances:
Eau de Cologne
Sait.. . 2.50
Shocking . . . 4.75
Dusting Powder
Salut . . . 3.00
Shocking . . . 3.50
Bath Sponges
Salut . . . 1.25
Shocking . .. 1.50

Fortunate indeed is the lady of fashion who o
mas joyfully'unwraps MARY BARRON slips.

3d _-
5 up.



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