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December 16, 1941 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-16

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Chinese Present Resolution To Ruthven1

- Daily Photo by Bob Killins
Shown above is the presentation to President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven of the resolution, pledging full support to the war effort of the
United States, adopted by the Chinese Students' Club. The resolution
is being sent to President Roosevelt. From left to right are Raymond
Chen, '44, President Ruthven, Florence Wong, Grad., and Paul Lim-
Yuen, '43.
Foreign Students Forget Wars /
In Christmas Party At Center

Wars were forgotten as a true spirit
of internationalism prevailed at the
annual Christmas party given by the
International Center for University
foreign students on Sunday.
More than 10 of them, some with.
wives and children and representing
38 nations, joined in celebrating
Christmas with the traditional Amer-
ican festive spirit. The troubles of
their homelands and the tense inter-
national situations seemed' far away
to them as they ate and talked in the
friendly air, so charactefistic of the
Their voices, accented by many dif-
ferent languages, rang out with the
melodies of the familiar world-wide
Christmas carols. "Oh, Come All Ye
Faithful," was sung simultaneously in
the native tongues of three nations-
German, Turkish, English and in
Gaily decorated in holiday style, the
Center amply filled its role of sym-
bolizing Christmas. A huge tree,
which was beautifully adorned and
surrounded by gifts, was situated in
the main reception room.
A gift of a luggage case was pre-
Drunken Motorists
Pay, Pay And Pay
It might be the cold weather but
police don't think so.
Two men, driving while under the
influence of alcohol, were arrested
Saturday and both their driving li-
censes revoked. One was fined $83.70
by Justice Jay H. Payne-and paid
it. The other was ordered to pay only
$57.60. He couldn't and began a 60-
day term in jail yesterday.
Nor was the weather to blame for
the burglary of two public school
buildings Saturday night, police be-
lieve. Tappan junior high school and
Jones school were broken into and
the rooms ransacked. But typewriters,
radios and fountain pens were left
If tre thieves were after money,
police are cdnfident they had a bad
night's business.
Foresters Choose Allen
Prof. Shirley W, Allen of the fores-
try school was elected vice-president
of the Society of American Foresters
last week. He has been a member
of the governing council of the Soci-
ety for the past two years and is also
a member of the editorial board of
the Journal of Forestry, official or-
gan of the Society. He will repre-
sent the University in the annuql
meeting of the Society, which will
be held' this week at Jacksonville,

sented to Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson,
counselor to foreign students and di-
rector of the Interantional Center,
on behalf of the University's foreign
students, by Orhari Bati, '42E. The
gift was in appreciation of Professor
Nelson's cooperative aid to',students.
Bati, who made the presentation,
was born in Turkey. His father, now
the Turkish Under-Secretary of State,
was a former Turkish ambassador to
Japan and to Belgium. Bati's grand-
father was the first ambassador of
the Turkish Republic to the United
Professor Nelson presented the Cen-
ter with 60 copies of a book of Ameri-
ca's favorite songs. James Crowe,
'43, who was born i Angus, Scot-*
land, acted as Santa Claus and dis-
tributed the gifts brought by the stu-
Prof. unham
Says French
Retain Idealis
"The ideals of liberty, equality and
fraternity which prompted France
to war' against Europe for 22 years
during the French Revolution still
live despite the ultimate failure of
the French attempt at that time and
the present success of the Nazi con-
quest," declared Prof. Arthur L. Dun-
ham of the history department yes-
terday in a lecture sponsored by the
Cercle Francais.I
France went to war in the first
place, he said, because she feared
her absolutist and conservative neigh-
bors, who in turn feared her as we
feared Russia until 1941, "But France
also went to war because of her en-
thusiasm for freedom, democracy and
the rights of oppressed people." It
is these ideals which, he said, still
live and motivate the French.
Her defeat in the 22-year attempt
he attributes to, France's use of force,
which turned her gift of nationality
against her.
"Yet that gift was never rejected,
though it was misunderstood by Ger-
many, whose great philosopher Fichte
laid the basis for the Nazi doctrine
of complete subjection of the indi-
vidual to the State."
"We now know," he closed, '"that
no nation can be free if its individuals
are not. In order to find hfs life, the
individual must lay it down of his
own volition and before God."
Professor Dunham's talk was the
third in the series sponsored annu-
ally by the French club. The next
lecture, to be given Tuesday, Jan. 20,
will be by Prof. Andre Morize of Har-
vard University, who will speak on
"La Reconstruction de la France
apres 1871."

DR Reports
On Japanese
'Peace' Talks
Reveals Emperor Replied
To Message Three Days
After Attacks Started
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15. -(P)--
President Roosevelt sent to Congress
today the documented story of the
peace talks that smoke-screened Ja-
pan's sudden Sunday morning attack
on Pearl Harbor to start the war.
His message characterized it as a
record "for all history to read in
amazement, in sorrow, in horror and
in disgust."
He revealed it was not until three
days after the treacherous attacks on
United States ships and men and ter-
ritory that he received an answer to
his eleventh hour message to Em-
peror Hirohito Dec. 6 asking his co-
operation in further efforts to pre-
serve peace.
Desire For Peace
This answer was to the effect that
the Emperor's "cherished desire" was
establishment of peace in the Pacific
and that "His Majesty trusts that
the President is fully aware of this
The President summarized the his-
tory of Japanese-American relations
from the time Commodore Perry
"knocked on Japan's doors" in 1853.
For many years after 1853, the
President recalled, during a period
when Japan was weak and needed
friends, the United States "used ev-
ery influence it could exert to pro-
tect Japan in her transition stage."
"This barbaric aggression of Ja-
pan in Manchuria," said the Presi-
dent's message, "set the example and
the pattern for the course soon to be
pursued by Italy and Germany in
Africa and in Europe. In 1933 Hit-
ler assumed power in Germany. It
was evident that, once rearmed, Ger-
many would embark upon a policy of
conquest in Europe. Italy-then still
under Othe domination of Mussolini
-also had resolved upon a policy
of conquest in Africa and the Medi-
Stage by stage the collaboration
between these three aggressor na-
tions grew closer. Japan in 1937
opened new large-scale military oper-
ations against China. Two years
later Hitler started the wr in Eur-
ope with his invasion of Poland and
in September, 1940, after the defeat
of France, the three Axis Powers
concluded a tripartite treaty of alli-
afnce "deliberately aimed at the Unit-
ed States."
Precarious Situation
With Japan on the rampage, the
situation in the Far East became
steadily more precarious and "it be-
came clear that, unless this course of
affairs in the Far East was halted,
the Pacific area was doomed to ex-
perience the same horrors which have
devastated Jurope."
So the United States "in an en-
deavor to end this process by peace-
ful means, while there seemed to still
be a chance," opened last April the
discussions with Japan which were
still going on when the Japanese
'U' Graduate Addresses
AIEE Meeting In Union
Student members of the AIEE met
yesterday at 8 p.m. in the Union to
hear a talk by George M. Ch te of the
General Electric Corporatio.
Mr. Ch Ite, who was graduated from
the Univrsity in 1923, spoke on the
subject, "Motor Application in Indus-
try." He emphasized particularly the

defense aspects of his topic.
. In a short business meeting which
followed Mr. Chute's talk arrange-
ments wore made for 'Ensian pictures
and plans for a joint meeting of the
Detroit, Ann Arbor and East Lansing
sections were discussed.
--4 -

Skiing, Woodcraft
Training Courses
Offered By State
LANSING. Dec. 15-1P)--Adventur-
ous Michigan youths are weldome at
a special school in skiiing, snow-shoe-
ing, map-work and woodcraft offered
by Michigan State College in the Up-
per Peninsula during the Christmas
The College said the course was in-
tended primarily for fo'estry stu-
dents, but would give practical train-
ing in winter army maneuvers. It
will be held at the Dunbar Experiment
Station near Sault Ste. Marie from
Dec. 27 to Jan. 4.
P. A. Herbert, head of the forestry
department, said the course was open
to the students and alumni of all
Michigan colleges and that winter
traveling equipment had been prom-
ised by the army command at Fort
Brady. The school will operate on a
cooperative basis, students being
asked to, bring their own bed-rolls,
do their own cooking and work several
hours each day in the woods to pur-
chase their food.
Counters Are Cleared
Of Japanese Products
(By The Associated Press)
Made-in-Japan merchandise, once
so familiar to shoppers, became vir-
tually extinct on the Michigan mar-
ket at the same time that Federal
authorities disclosed further restric-
tions on the Japanese himself.
The merchandise from Nippon,
business experts pointed out, has de-
creased greatly in volume iin recent
years and the remaining quantities
removed Tuesday were small. Imports
fell off, particularly since the Japan-
ese sank the U.S. gunboat Panay,
and American manufacturers. stepped
in to supply much of the goods for-
merly bought from Japan.
The S. S. Kresge and F. W. Wool-
worth stores announced they were
withdrawing all Japanese-made goods
from sale. A Traverse City roofing
company made a bonfire of 5,000 cal-
endars which bore the stamp "Made
in Japan."

Magnesium, Cinderella Metal,'
Plays Part in Plane Production
Emphasizing the integral part mag- awarded a copy of Perry's Engineering
nesium has begun to play in airplane Handbook for his excellence in the
production, S. D. Kirkpatrick, na- short quizzes held at the beginning
tional president of the American In- of AIChE meetings. The second award
stitute of Chemical Engineers, related of the evening, given to the junior
s ,AIChE member with the highest
the wonders of that "cinderella scholastic average, went to Charles
metal" to student members of the Thatcher. '43E.
AIChE and the American Institute of Toastmaster for the evening was
Metallurgical and Mining Engineers Prof. A. H. White of the chemical eh-
tgineering department, while Dean,
at a banquet m'eeting last night. Ivan C. Crawford of the College of
Special mention was made of the Engineering presented the scholar-
role Michigan's own Dow Chemical ship award.
Co. is playing in the production of In addition to being national presi-
magnesium. A pioneer m the produc- dent of the AIChE, Mr. Kirkpatrick
is also editor-in-chief of the Chemical
tion of bromine from sea-water, the and Metallurgical Engineering maga-
Dow company has recently developed zine. He is a graduate of the Univer-
a process for extracting magnesium sity of Illinois.
from the same source, and a large
plant for the process is being con- Life Insuranee; stl
structed in Freeport, Tbx., under gov- WAR IS]
ernment supervision.
Thomas E. Osborn, '42E, was PROVIDENT MJJTUAL LIFE




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