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November 18, 1941 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-18

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7;500 Pipes Are Played Daily
By Organist Palmer Christian

Seventy-five hundred pipes may be
a pipe dream to you, but to Prof.
Palmer Christian, University organ-
ist and member of the music school
faculty, it's just part of his daily
finger exercises.
Professor Christian, who will give
his third recital of the current fall
Wednesday afternoon series at 4:15
p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium,
4'xplained many of the mechanisms of
the Frieze Memorial organ in an in-
terview yesterday.
The organ pipe chamber, which is
18 feet wide, 40 feet high and
over 50 feet long, looked cramped
asProfessor Christian was forced to
bend down in pointing out the dif-
ferent pipes. Tapping the base of a
huge wooden pipe encasement which
resembed a giant pillar more than an
organ pipe, he compared its thirty-
two foot height with another pipe not
far away which measured about one
half an inch. The respective rumble
and squeak made the difference even
more impressive.
Later, after emerging from the
chamber, Professor Christian an-
For tomorrow's program, Profes-
sor Christian has chosen a progra
including ,the works of Handel,
Caesar Franck, Maleingreau and
Representing Handel will be four
pieces from the Water Music Suite.
E. William Doty, whose "Mist" will
be played is a former student and
faculty member here. He is now
Dean of Fine Arts at the University,
of Texas.
nounced the formation of a new Sun-
day afternoon series of recitals to
start next semester.
Because of the almost half-century
Ann Arbor tradition of reserving
Wednesday afternoon for organ re-
citals, Wednesday Is still the day Uni-
versity organ recitals aregiven. How-
ever, -there has been an increasing
demand for Professor Christian to
give. his recitals on a day when more
people will have an opportunity to
Also announced was the appear-
ance of guest stars on this forthcom-
Hand Your Ballots
To ThemToday
The following sophomores will at-
tend the election polls throughout the
campus at today's senior eection.
Literary School, 25 A. H.
1 p.m. Dave Striffler, A. J, Geib..
2 p.m. Dave Striffler, Orrie Barr.'
3 p.m. Dave Striffler, Al Anderson.
4 p.m. Dave Striffler, Al Anderson.
Business Administration Lobby
1 p.m. J. C. Kuivinen, Dick Ford.
2 p.m. J. C. Kuivinen, Bud Brandt.
3 p.m. Bill Stewart, Bud Brandt.
4 p.m. Bill Stewart, Bud. Brandt.
Forestry School, 2039 Natural Sci-
ence Building:.
3 p.m. Bob Shott, Carl Orberg.
4 to 5:30 p.m. Bob Shott, Carl Or-
Education School, 2431 University
Elementary building:
3 p.m. Burt Kolb.
4 p.m. Burt Kolb, Bud Burgess.
President Sees
Envoy Kurusux
Special Japanese Envoy
Discusses Conciliation
(Continued from Page 1).
genial mood when they arrived at
the State Department. They posed

good naturedly for many pictures.
But to questioning reporters they had
little to say.
To one query Kurusu replied by
gesturing toward Nomura with the
remark: "There is the Japanese Am-
bassador. 'Ask him. I am only the
Ambassador's assistant."
At the White House more pictures
were taken, but reporters' questions
were dodged with even more dexter-
ity. Kurusu, who in Manila had used
baseball language in referring to
himself as a pinch hitter, in San
Francisco had said he hoped to
",carry the ball through for a touch-
down" and in Washington had used
the race track term "you be the book-
maker," had no similar sporting
phrase for today.
Meanwhile, in Tokyo, the House of
Representatives gave swift approval
tonight to the government's 3,800.000-
000 yen (nominally $874,000,000) ex-
traordinary military budget and the
press trumpeted that Japanese-Amer-
ican relations "have gone from bad
to worse."
OPM Says Your Auto
Will Get New Plates

ing Sunday afternoon series. Among
those included are Tom Kinkead of
the music school faculty and MisE
Claire Coci, a former student of Pro.
fessor Christian's who is now enjoying
much success in New York.
Professor Christian himself is not
exactly new to student audiences.,
having been a member of the faculty
here for some eighteen years.
He is known throughout the coun-
try for his transcontinental tours and
appearances with many symphony
orchestras, and will appear on subse-
quent programs this semester on Dec.
3 and Jan. 21.
Film tLeague
Will Present
The Puritan'
Written by a man who once called
Hollywood "technically marvelous.'
mentally void," "The Puritan" will
open a three-day run at 8:15 p.m.
Thursday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
The French production, to appear
here under the auspices of the Art
Cinema League, is the work of Liam
Q'Flaherty. author of 1935's prize
winner, "The Informer."
Loth a psychological study of the
crazed killer Ferriter and a blast
against church and legal censorship,
the film has aroused storms of con-
troversy in Europe's Fascist countries
and in New York State. It was made,
in pre-war Paris in 1937.
O'Flaherty's novel ran a rough
course before it finally appeared in
America. It was first presented on
the New York stage in 1936, and is
easily one of the most subtly pro-
vocative films of the decade.
Tickets will go on sale at 10 a.m.
tomorrow in the Lydia Mendelssohnl
box office. ,
The Coliseum ice rink has
opened for the 1941-42 season.
The skating rink will be open from
2 to 5 p.m. every weekday, from
2:30 to 5 p.m. Sunday, and from
,7:30 to 10 p.m. every day except
Sunday and Monday. There will
be no skating on nights of hockey

U.S. Captures
Richly Laden
German Ship
First Nazi Vessel Taken
As American Warship
Blocks Reich Cargo
The Navy brought into port today
its first major prize of the battle of
the Atlantic-the disguised German
motor ship Odenwald, loaded with
rubber and automobile tires destined
for the Reich or Nazi-dominated
Seized in the South Atlantic No-
vember 6 in the guise of the Ameri-
can merchant ship Willmoto, and
damaged in an attempt at scuttling,
the vessel limped into the harbor of
San Juan, Puerto Rico, with a naval
crew aboard.
Prompt legal action was antici-
pated to forfeit the Odenwald, a craft
of 9,098 tons, along with its cargo of
more than 3,000 tons of rubber, for
violating' laws of the sea. The status
of the crew of 12 officers and 33 men,
who were taken into naval custody,
remained undetermined.
The Navy said investigation dis-
blosed the ship had left Yokohama,
Japan, two months earlier and had
sailed around Cape Horn at the tip
of South America with the intention
3f running the British blockade. Its
destination was believed to be Bor-
leaux, Occupikd France.
The Navy's account gave the im-
pression that the first suspicions that
the vessel was sailing under false
colors were aroused by actions of the
crew after the Odenwald was first
sighted when 11 miles distant.
Signals of the cruiser, which the
Navy declined to identify, were
ignored. Then, during a subse-
quent conversational exchange shout-
ed through megaphones, the Nazi
crew started throwing over the sides
"a continuous stream of packages."
A boarding party was sent to th1
Odenwald, and then came two ex-
plosions as the attempt to scuttle was
'nade. The German crew hurriedly
put two lifeboats over the side, and
two frightened men lepped into the
Notified of the scuttling attempt,
the warship commander thereupon
sent a salvage crew aboard, and with
"no cooperation at all" from the
Germans, this force succeeded in
making emergency repairs and start-
Ing the engines after an all-day



Hittite Civilization
Is Lectur e Topic.DAILY OFFICIAL
Of .Prof. GrsIng BULLETIN

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personal appearance is always at the same high* level, for nothing can ruin a fellow's
personality more than untidy attire; shirts that are wrinkled and soiled, for example.
The .best way of avoiding this is to have your laundering done by a laundry with ex-
perience- and a sound reputation, and here in Ann Arbor no better can be found
than the independent Ann Arbor laundries. By having your laundry done hereyou

Prof. John Garstang of the Univer-
sity of Liverpool will deliver a Uni-
versity Lecture on "Hittite Civiliza-
tion" at 3:15 p.m. tomorrow in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Professor of the theory and prac-
tice of archaeology at the University
of Liverpool, he has distinguished
himself as one o'f the outstanding
British archaeologists. He is in this
country doing work for the Oriental
Institute of the University of Chi-
Professor Garstang has conducted
excavations in England, Egypt, 'the
Sudan, Palestine, Syria and Asia
Minor. The results of his work have
been published in a large number of
scientific works, including "The Land
of the Hittites" and "The Hittite Em-
The lecture, sponsored by the De-
partment of History, will be open to
the public.

(Continued from Page 4),
Home Nursing: The first meeting
of the 7:00-9:00 p.m. section of Home
Nursing will be held in Barbour
Gymnasium on Wednesday, Novem-
ber ,26. Any student wishing to reg-
ister for Home Nursing may join by
reporting to this section in Barbour
Gymnasium on November 26 at 7:00
The Modern Dance Club will not
meet Wednesday evening, November
19. The next meeting will be Wed-
nesday, November 26, at 7:30 p.m. in
the Studio, Barbour Gymnasium.
Social Hour for Graduate Stu-
dents will be held in the RackhamI
Assembly Hall on Wednesday, 7:30-
10:00 p.m. Games, dancing, re-
freshments. No admission charge.

can save both time and money, and there is certainly no savings

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