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November 18, 1941 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-18

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City Art Association Presents'
Display Of 'Modern Textiles'


Typical Fabrics Exhibited
By Manufacturers And'
Artists';.Methods Sjhown
Draped in a fashion designed to'
catch the observer's eye are more,
than two hundred colorful fabrics
that comprise the Ann Arbor Art
Association's display of "Modern Tex-
tiles," which is open to the public
from 2 to 5 p.m. and 7:30 to 9 p.m.
throughout this week in the mezza-
nine of the Rackham Building.
.A cross-section of what is happen-
ing in the textile world, these cloths
have come from such groups as the
School of Design in Chicago, the
Cranbrook Academy of Art, the Talie-
sin Fellowship, and the commercial
Weaving Demonstration
In addition, a special demonstra-
tion of weaving and stencil printingk
of fabrics will be given at the show
both today and tomorrow. This is
part of the , "Educational Introduc-
tion to Weaving and Printing" di-
vision of the exhibition; the other A
two parts' of it are those of "Prints"
and "Woven Fabrics."
The local Art Association, com-
posed of members of this community,
is beginning a new policy this year
of broadening the scope of its exhib-
its and is trying to establish a greater
connection between art and the com-
mon problems of everyday life. For
this reason the executive members of
the Association selected a 'display on
textiles, these being closer to the peo-
ple and yet created by artists.
Persons In Charge
Persons responsible for the exhibit
have been: Prof. Walter J. Gores,
president of the Ann Arbor Art Asso-
ciation, Grover Cole, secretary of thef

association, Prof. Ernest Mundt,
chairman in charge of hanging the
textiles, and Peter Ruthven, chairman
of the committee responsible for
gathering the fabrics.
Future exhibits planned by this
group, with the purpose in mind of
having a broad enough scope of art
to merit the active interest of the
community and the University, in-
clude several drawings and water
colors by a modern French artist. This
will be shown during the week of,
Nov. 26 to Dec. 10. Also, from Jan. 7
to Jan. 21 "Small Sculpture Through
the Ages" will be shown.
Boston Writ'es
Process Book
. For Engineers

Russia Will Be
Subject Of Talk
By McDowell
American Defense -Group
To Sponsor Professor
In Public Lecture Here
Europe's newest plague spot, Russia
and the Near East, will be discussed
Sunday, Nov. 23 by Prof. Robert H.
McDowell of the history department
in a public lecture sponsored by the
Committee To Defend America.
Speaking on "The Developing Bat-
tle Front in the Caucasus and in
Iran," Professor McDowell is the sec-
ond lecturer to talk in Ann Arbor
this semester under the Committee's
auspices. Jack Jones, Welsh coal
miner and labor leader, opened its
fall program Oct. 9.
Professor McDowell's background
gives him a personal acquaintance
with the region he plans to discuss.
Born in Alexandria, Syria, the son
of an American missionary to Persia,
he has lived many years in the Near
and Middle East.
During the first two years of the
World War he aided relief work in
Turkey, Iran and the Caucasus, but
he finished the conflict as a lieuten-
ant with the British military service.
Professor McDowell remained in
Turkey and Iraq from 1921 to 1928 as
a business man and a participant in
relief work.
Political Science
Club Formation
To Be Attempted

D ioC mmfwal mmomm


Corelatring thy, design and manu-
facture of machines, tools and acces-
sories in written form for the student,
Prof. O. W. BostOn chairman of the
metal processing department, has
presented the result in his recently'
published book, "Metal Processing."
In 611 pages Prof. Boston has con-'
densed and brought up to date his
two volume book "Engineering Shop
Practice," which has been in mimeo-
graphed forms since 1925, for junior
and senior metal processing stu-
The book is suitable for classes in
mechanical, aeronautical, and pro-
duction engineering and was ap-
proved by the College of Engineer-
Ong of the University as a text. Its
appeal is broad enough to be extend-
ed to thb superintendents, foremen,
manufacturers and users of machines
and machine tools as well.
Material covered in the volume in-
cludes the development of the de-
sign of a product and discusses ma-
terials and analyses
In the same field Proi. Boston had
:vritten a number of 'other books,
'Metal Cutting;" "A Bibliography on
Cutting of Metals" in two volumes;
"Cost and Production Hahdbook,"
and' others.
Presbyterians Will Hold
Vesper Service Today
Presbyterians will hold a Vesper
Communion service at 4:30 p.m. to-
day in the church, and those stu-


GOOD BLOCKING - When Steve Juzwik (right) booted the ball (in circle) over the crossbar and between the goal posts in the third
period, he brought Notre Dame a 7 to 6 victory over Northwestern at Evanston, Ill. While Steve kicked, dark-shirted teammates
with precision to keep every Northwestern man many feet from the ball. The Irish scored the touchdown preceding this vital play on
a pass from Angelo Bertelli to Matt Bolger:

Mt. Holyoke Grads
Hold Reunion Here
Twenty-five graduates of Mt. Holy-
oke College who are either living in
Ann Arbor or doing graduate work
here met yesterday in the Union for
a reunion dinner.
Special guests were Dr. Ellen Hins-I
dale, a resident of Ann, Arbor who
was formerly head of the Depart-
ment of German at Mt. Holyoke and
Dr. Alice Crathern/ President of the
Detroit Mt. Holyoke Alumnae Club
and professor of English at. Wayne
University. .
Mrs. Robert Granville of Ann Ar-


An attempt to organize a Political
Science Club following the strpcture
of the House of Representatives will
be made at 3:15 p.m. tomorrow in
room 2203 Angell Hall.
The need for such an' organization
designed for Political Science majors
and other students interested in the
subject was felt by Charles Adams,
'44. Upon his investigation he found
that there were a number of students
who are interested in a club of this
Adams thought that through a
miniature House of Representatives
a club could be built that would pro-
vide interesting and practical experi-
ence in the presentation and form of
legislative bills. There bills could
be of such a nature that questions
confronting the nation would come
under consideration.
He contacted the proper sources
in the department and received their
approval on the grounds that the or-
ganization's constitution be accept-
able and that the active support of
the club come from the students.

bor, who recently returned from the dents who wish to join will be ad-
annual Founder's Day exercises at mitted to membership at this time.
the girls' school, spoke to the guests Joining the church here makes no
about her visit. 'difference whether a student is a
Miss Esther Coulton, House Direc- member of his home town church or
tor of Jordan Hall, also attended the not, but its purpose is to u'nify sru-
dinner. dent Presbyterians, Bert Ludy said.



R U L E R-Little realizing that
he's a king, Feisal of Iraq, 6,
whose nation straddles possible
Far East war routes, poses rather
wistfully In his yellow palace on
the Tigris river in Baghdad.

R E D U C I N C T H E OV E R H E A D-To further defense efforts in Sydney, New South Wales,
Delma Hannon, II, sold her long auburn hair. It measured 2 feet, 7V2 inches before the cutting.


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T O U C H O F O L D W A L E S-Jaunty in their old Welsh
costumes are Owen Matthews (left) and Florence Blake of Phila-
delphia, who wore these costumes at a Welsh music festival staged
for the benefit of the British war relief society.

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I M A G I N E A N A C H E-Miami Beach, Fla., fishermen be.
lieve that this three-inch-wide tooth, dredged from the Atlantic.
must have come from a shark 70 or 80 feet long. Normally sharks
measure some 20 feet, have molars like those shown.

Pass around the chesterelds and
it's pleasure time for everybody ... smoking
pleasure that only the right combination of
the world's best cigarette tobaccos can give you.

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