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French Group
. Lecture Series
Opens' Today
Eight Die In Flaming Wreckage Of Bus
Prof. Talgmon Will Read
Portions From French
Classics Of Literature
Several selections from French
masterpieces of literature will be read
by Prof. Rene Talamon of the ro-
mance languages department at 4:15
p.m: today in Room D, Alumni Mern-
orial Hall, to open the series of lec-
tures sponsored annually by the Cer-,
cle Francais.
Following a few words of explan-
ation for each, Professor Talamon
will read "Les Vieux," a short story by
Alphonse Daudet which has its locale
in ,Provence in the south of Francais;
a brief scene from Moliere's "Le'
Bourgeois Gentilhomme" and a poem
by Victor Hugo entitled "Les Djinns."I
Given in French, the entire series
is open to the public upon presenta-
tion of a season ticket. These tickets
are available, for 50 cents, at the'
office of the secretary of the romance
languages department in the Ro-
mance Language Building.
The second program of the year, to
be given'Wednesday, Dec. 3, will be
on "Jean-Baptiste Lully et l'Opera
-francais au XVIIe Siecle." Francis
Gravit of the Department of Ro-
mance Languages, who is giving the
lecture, will use phonograph records;
as illustrations.
Pre-Medical Society
Will Meet Tuesday
The Pre-Medical Society will meet
at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday in the Union1
to see the film "Various Aspects of
Cells in Living "Tissues."1
Dr. James A. Miller of the anatomy
department will discuss the three-t
reel film which deals particularlyf
with cancer cells.f
Signallers Use,
New Devices
Code Aptitude App, atus
Is Helpful In Traiping
Signallers of the University's ROTC
have just acquired two of the latest
signal training devices used by the
United States or any other army.
Designed to test the psychological
aptitude of the cadet at the very be-
ginning of training, the code aptitude
alparatus is simply a specialized
phonograph which plays records of,
code signals which try the applicant's
ability to distinguish between dots,
dashes and combinations of them.
The code recorder and keyer are
used much as voice recordings are
used in speech correction. They en-
able the student to record on tape his
signals and then, with the aid of a
photo-electric cell to hear them
played back.
Beside being used by Signal Corps
cadets, the Civil Pilots Training cour-
ses make use of the ROTC equipment.
New under-arm
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I Concert Band
Pointing out that the activities of
the University Bands are far from
over at the end of the football sea-
son, Prof. William D. Revelli. con-
ductor of the University Bands, yes-
terday issued the call for additional
tryouts for the Concert Band.
Unlike the football Marching Band,
both men and women may audition
for the Concert Band, and all stu-1
dents on campus who play an in-
strument and are interested in music
are urged to report, regardless of
their previous experience.
Declared "the most outstanding
college band in the country" by Con-
rryouts Wanted
di ctor Edwin Franko Goldman last
year, the University Concert Band
has already served notice of its re-
newed claim to the title with its
Varsity Night appearance last month.
Already scheduled for the band are
concerts on Dec. 9 and Dec. 17, in
Jackson and Ann Arbor respectively,
as well as a half-hour broadcast
every Thursday evening.
Serving as a feeder for the con-
cert band and offering a wealth of
possibilities for students wishing to
brush up on their musical abilities,
the Regimental Band is also in need
of players, again both men and wo-
men being eligible.
Seniors -
Kill, "Three Birds"
With One Stone
This smouldering wreckage resulted when a Greyhound bus crashed into a culvert, shot down an em-
bankment and burned four miles east of Rushville, Indiana. Eight persons, including two small children,
died in the flames which reduced the heavy vehicle to a jumbled mass of metal. The accident occurred as
the bus driver swerved to avoid collision with another car.
Detroit Naval Examination
ApplicationsDue Nov. 24
If you are a female between the
ages of 18 and 25 you are eligible for
service with the Detroit Naval In-
spection District at a salary of $1260
a year.
A government civil service exam-
ination will be given in the Ann Ar-
bor post office and applications must
be filed with the Seventh U.S. Civil
Service District before Nov. 24,
The positions open are for Minor
Inspectors of naval ordnance materi-
al. Besides filling the above-men-
tioned requirements the applicant
must be in good health and a citizen
of the United States.
fF Quiz lKins
Monday, Nov. 24... 8:15 P.M.
Tckes on e . ,1,
Prices: $1.10 - 83c - 55c (tax included)
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Saturday Morning and Monday
"From These Roots," a novel by
Hopwood contestant Barbara Fleury,
has been accepted for publication by
E. P. Dutton, and will appear early
this winter.
John Malcolm Brinnin is to have
two volumes of poetry published dur-
ing the current year, one by the Mac-
Millan Company early in March, and
the other by New Directions some
time in February. The latter volume
will be made up of "The Lincoln
Lyrics," a section of the volume with
which he won a Hopwood in 1940.
the MacMillan volume will have nu-
merous other poems that have won
Hopwood prizes for Brinnin. The
November "Poetry" carries his "At
the Band Concert."
* x *
Mary Cooley, hostess of the Hop-
wood Room, 'reports a record attend-
ance at Thursday afternoon's tea.
Two Hopwood Room Letters are
sent each semester to "brothers" of
the Hopwood "fraternity" in all parts
of the country, containing news of
fellow Hopwooders who are "doing
things" in the literary world. The
first Letter of the season was issued
Nov. 12.
* * *
Scrutiny of summer publications
brought to light more literary gems
by Hopwood clan members.
Charles Miller, 1941 winner of the
major award in fiction, had "Epilogue
for Pilate" in the June number of
Theodore Hornberger (major award
in essay, 1933) wrote "Literary Re-
gionalism: Problems of Interpreta-
tion" for a summer issue of "South-
west Review."
Hsing-Chih To Talk
On Chinese Prose
Chinese prose composition will be
the subject of a lecture by Hsing-
Chih (Gerald-Tien), Grad., at 4:15
pm. today in the Rackham Amphi-
This lecture is the third in a series
of six lectures sponsored by the Uni-,
versity Chinese Students Club. The
series is a study of Chinese poetry,
prose, drama, novel and contempor-
ary literature. The remaining three
lectures will be given on the next
three successive Tuesdays.
Hsing-Chih is a former member
o the faculty of Yenching Univer-
sity in Peiping, China. He is study-
ing in the Graduate School on a fel-
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Fine Portraiture
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Psyhitrs Says World
Threatened Bly A pathity
NEW YORK, Nov. 17-/P)-The
R.A.F.'s chief mental troubleshooter,
Dr, Robert Dick illespie, told a med-
ical audience here tonight that a
post-war mental epidemic threatens
The epidemic, he predicted, would
hit nations and peoples in two ways:
one is a revival of the almost-for-
gotten medieval mental trouble
known as accidie, a serf-like apathy
of the brain, the other as a mental
restlessness which would rebel against
social order.
"The continual thwarting of the
desire for activity produces restless-
ness and irritability followed by re-
bellion," he said.
"After the war we may expect ei-
ther a dangerous restlessness or an
equally dangerous apathy unless we
are as energetic in organizing peace
as we have been in organizing war."
TUES., NOV. 18, 8:30