Sop homore Cabaret
To Offer
Sectional Colloquialisms Puzzle
The Uninitiated, Even In America
You may know French, Spanish o
Greek, but this knowledge will be o
little use when ypur roommate say
she has gum bands in the poke she is
carrying or that her hat is in the cup
board. Unless you're from Pennsyl
vania or vicinity you will look very
befuddled until she shows you tha
she has rubber bands in the paper
bag and points to the cupboard which
turns out to be the closet.
Everyone has his own peculiar ex
pressions depending on the part o
the country he's from but you don'
realize how queer they are until you
get to a place like college and mee
various and numerous people who
can't understand your perfectly good
dictionary words and expressions.
Dope Is Coke
The person from the South is quit
perturbed by the apparent shock o
her new friend when she suggests
they stop for a dope on the way to
class. Dope, to a southerner is no
thing but a coke.
If you're not from Milwaukee you
won't know that your friend wantsa
drink of water when she suggest
stopping at the bubbler. This word
can be found in /the dictionary but i
is used almost exclusively by inhabi
tants of Milwaukee. -
"See America First"
A doppy person is one who keeps
dropping things constantly anda
nebinose is a person who is forever
snooping and prying into Pveryone's
business. When you stay in bed al
morning you are sleeping in an
when someone from the South asks
if he may carry you downtown he
Tickets Now On Sale
At Union For Annual
Thanksgiving Dance
Tickets for the "Fowl Ball," annua
Union pre-holiday dance, to be held
from 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. tomorrow in
the ballroom, are now on sale at the
main desk in the Union' Bob Tem-
plin, '43, general chairman, announ-
There will be no advance in prices
over those of the regular week-end
ihformal dances. Bill Sawyer and or-
chestra will play for the affair which
will feature door prizes of ten free
tickets to Union dances.
doesn't mean that he will attempt to
r bodily haul you that distance but
s that he wishes to give you a ride in
s the car.
s A lot of the unfamiliar colloquial-
- isms you hear are in the dictionary
y but many can be learned only by
y translation. Just as travel agencies
turge that you "see America first," you
r can console yourself when you fail to
h pass that French or/ Spanish course
that you have "learned America.
- first."
t Language Tea
dWill Be Held
e Today At League
s A Spanish tea, one of a series of
o international teas sponsored by Dean
Alice Lloyd and organized by Mrs.
U Ruth Wendt, will be held from 4 p.m.
U to 6 p.m. today in the Grand Rapids
s Room- of the League.
d In order to further these affairs
t a committee has been organized un-
- der the direction of Dorothy Merki,
'42, chairman of the house committee
of the League, and includes Hepaha
s Yeas, Grad.; Jane Peters, '44; Betty
a Pons, '43; Jane Criswell, '42; Doreen
r Voiles, '42; Phyllis Samuels, '43; Sue
s Udell,'42; Ruth Bennett, '43; Charley
11 Boyd, '43; Judy Perkins, '42, and
d Teddy Field, '42. This group will also
8 act as hostesses for today's tea.
e, The work of the committee, Miss{
Merki said, will be to contact all wvo-
men who would be interested in lan-
guage practice. "Thus far we have
contacted only the women's dormi-
tories, and we wish to reach the wo-
men in sororities and league houses
too," she added.
1 A second imiportant aim of the
I committee is'to help improve our in-
ternational understanding and rela-
tionships by bringing American stu-
- dents in contact with foreign stu-
dents, their language and customs.
A corresponding committee' is being
s formed for men students in the
3 Union.
Miss Merki also said that faculty
and students, both men and women,
are cordially invited to attend the
.larguage teas.,
Revues, Music
Will Carry Out
Varied Themes
Project Will Be Held Dec. 5, 6
At League; Proceeds Will Go
Toward Game Room At Custer
"Soph Cabaret,"-that's the name
of this year's Sophomore Cabaret, to
be held Dec. 5 and 6, and the plans
are all that the name implies, Ann
MacMillan '44, general chairman, an-
Petites Pommes de Terre
This week has been a great and momentous one in our life. 'We have
discovered that we have a reader-and a voluble one. He writes fan letters.
Not exactly the type we've always dreamed of receiving, we must admit,
but then, when one is just beginning,,one could hardly ask for more. He
does not praise the beauty of our prose, neither does he admire the per-
fection of our judgment, but he writes a plenty funny letter, and in these
days of trial,-and all that sort of bilge,-every bit of cheer is welcome.
Naturally, if we ever have a chance, we are planning to administer a
good stiff mickey to the wretch, but the letter is still funny:
Music and more music, sweet or OPEN LETTER TO MISS KAY RUDDY
swing, dancing revues, and singing- My dear Miss Ruddy:
everything is to contribute towards a When I arose this morning I felt fine. I showered, brushed my teeth,
real cabaret atmosphere. and went down to breakfast still feeling fine. I drank my fruit juice, had
Herb Miller To Play j one fried egg (easy-over), drank my milk, and I felt even better. Then I
Dancing will be in three rooms. picked up the Daily and read your column. Ugh!! How rotten I feel now!
tiati '.As I read the first paragraph of your noteworthy epistle (the para-
each with it's distinct flavor. Sophis-
tication will be the note in the ball- graph that contained the wise observation about people falling into cate-
gories), I thought how wonderful it must be to have such an uncanny in-
room, will have a game bar, gambling! sight into human nature as you displayed by this all-seeing comment. I
play soft music under deep blue mentioned this fact to one of the brothers and asked him for his candid
lights. Decorations are to be in keep- opinion. "Who said what?" he mumbled,. and I thought his remark very
ing with the dreamy music, similar appropriate and let it go at that.
to those that would be found at the When, in the second paragraph, you named the various campus groups,
coming-out party of a New York I thought you showed an amazing knowledge of life here at Michigan. No
debutante. one but a specially trained observer could classify the campus so accurately
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_fWHITE ..
An elaborate musical floor show
will amuse the "guests" during the
Contrasting abruotly with the ball-
room will be the colorful "Cotton
Club" next door. Swing music, and
plenty of it, will make up the reper-
toire of the "darky" band that is to
hold down the corner there. The
music is to set the pace for the danc-!
ers, and decorations set a lively back-
ground for both, with no reins on
color. Another musical revue, one of
an entirely different nature, will
make up the floor show for the Cot-
ton Club.+
Proceeds To Be 'Donated
The third room, a "Monte Carlo"
room will have a game bar, gambling
with counterfeit money, and prizes
for the. winners.
Proceeds from "Soph Cabaret" will
go towards the creation of a game
room for the colored boys at Fort
Custer. At present they have no fa-
cilities for recreation, and no means
of visiting nearby cities for amuse-
ment. In other years the cabaret pro-
ceeds have gone toward a league
scholarship fund, but in view of the
present situation and the urgency of
the need in question, it was voted to
divert all profits to the provision of a
game room and game supplies at
New Classes
Are Now Open
Mass Meeting For Swimming
Club Will Be Today In WAB
Registration for classes in physical
education for upperclass and gradu-
ate women will take place every day
this week in Room 15 of Barbour
Gymnasium, Miss Dorothy Beise, of
the department, has announced.
Set up to meet the cemand ex-
pressed by campus women at the
"Sports-Det-Together" held early in
the semester, these classes will offer
instruction on Fridays, that the prac-
tice may be achieved in WAA clubs
during the rest of the week.
The new season's classes are: ice
skating, at 3:30 p.m. on Friday; body
conditioning and swimming at 4:15
p.m. onmFriday, a new class in plays
and games for children at 3:15 on
Fridays; and badminton at 10:30 a.m.
on Tuesdays and Thursdays and at
4:15 p.m. on Fridays.
S * *
If you want to "get in the swim"
or are interested in seeing just what
the swiming club, sponsored by WAA
under the direction of Hazel Muller,
'43, does, then the time and place to
be are 4 pm. today at the Women's
Athletic Building.
A mass meeting will be held at that
time, under Miss Muller's direction,
for all those women who are inter-
ested in the club, which meets on
Thursday evenings in the Union Pool.
Plans for the year, including the
development of a water ballet, and
competing in a telegraphic meet will
be discussed.
Any woman interested in joining
the riflery club, w'ho was unable
to attend the mass meeting, must
contact Nancy Filstrup, '43, chair-
man of the club, by noon tomor-
Alpha Omicron Pi announces the
nledin of Elizabeth Roth. '43. of
and boldly. No fear of treading on anyone's toes here. No, sir. Fearless
Ruddy, that's you. But tien you disappointed me.
As your last classification you named the parrotisites (a name aptly
coined by wonderful you), which group you called the best of all. Your
characterizations of these parrotisites was very accurate and I immediately
realized that the reason you spent so much of your time in State Street
Black Hole was to make such constructive epistles as your column this morn-
ing completely accurate and faultless. But I must say that. putting this
group at the top of the list conflicts with my ethical and moral sense because
it obviously ddesn't belong there. I am an ardent proponent of "giving credit
where credit is due," and I am sure that your sense of modesty is the only
thing that kept you from doing the same. But we all know how modest and
unassuming you are, so, to save you the embarrassment of self-glprification,
I shall now take it upon myself to expose the qualities of -your class (so
modestly hidden by you) which place it head and shoulders above any other iT95 SHOE SHINE BRILLIANCE IN
group on camp6s. PUMPS and SPECS! Here
This group you humbly call the Publications Mob and you skipped over that mirror-rubbed
them rapidly for fear that someone would shout that you were conceited. Iyu
feel that you were unduly worried. How could anyone possibly draw such a ' look in a tucked-vamp Spec in
rank conclusion about modest you Victory Red, Antique or Black
But to get back to the point. I have coined andther name for the Pub-Vee
lications Mob. I prefer to aptly call them the Sophisticated Thinkers, Intelli- and in a Boomp Toe
gent Nincompoops, Kindergarten Editors, and Rodent Society. One can easily $i/ Spec in Antique Tan'
see that this name is far too long to repeat each time this honorable group is
referred to, thus, as ASCAP proves, the soundest solition is to just use the
initials. By mere coincidence, the resulting word STINKERS i also very
appropriate . . . ..495
Their favorite prey is some innocent young thing who thinks that bore-
dom is just too, too. Gathering in all their inborn sophistication, they slouch
in their favorite pose, push their battered Dobbs back on their heads, and,
with all the perfection of a sideshow contortionist, work their faces into a
look that seems to say "You know, I'm too good for this place. They don't" "
appreciate me." After holding this pose long enough to get the desired ef-
fect, they finally speak. "You know," they say, "I'm too good for this place.
They don'# appreciate me." ..... 3
Well, after telling you all this, I feel fine again. Now I can go to class
with a clean, fresh feeling. My ethical and moral sense have now been satis-
fied. I hope you will correct your error, the fault of modesty, so that other esCo nA4
students that feel as I did may feel the same relief that I have.
I must rush to a 11:00 now. I will probably see you in the Black Hole COLLEGIATE SHOE SHOP
at 2:00. Until then I remain - Tom Matthews
P.S.-Gee, but your modesty is inspiring.
The snow may fly and the wind may howl - but don't
be a "sissy" and shiver thru the game Saturday.
'man likes to see his date with a red nose.) He'll think,
"Why didn't she get some of those snug warm, good-
looking "duds" at DILLON'S before this?"
Good years State Street' Shoes
In Versions
for Mid-Wiznter Wear
Repeating a good thing . . six shoe patterns you've liked
so well, we've had them done in new fabrics, new leathers,
new colors, as well as repeated in their original state.
Ankle sox from 50c
Mittens - Scarfs
Knee sox from $1.00
Skirts - Shirts
Sweaters from $2.00
Suits - Jackets
Reversibles from $10.95
Dress from $7.95
Casual Coats
Some with zipper-in
linings from $19.95
a x
:igVy p ti .h y+.+
y " : cq
' . 4 .
r iy t:
1' !
h $
} f
/ .n
a. STITCHED PUMP. In black or
brown suede, brown gabardine, black
and brown alligator-calf, 6.75
b. NAILHEAD SHOE. Black or brown
crushed calf studded with gold-gleam-
ing nailheads, 7.75
These shivering gals
didn't stop here.
black calf, or suede with calf t
suede with grey snake, brown or black
gabardine with snake, orin brown al-
ligator-calf, 5.95
3rown or
rim, 6.75,
Black or .
Dressy : .s
6/ozndteeLe§bn/ion S
'round the corner on State
brown simulated alligator,
0 step-in in brown or black el
If f - - - - - - iEmia, N. Y. ' -(U