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m =rican 'Alpini'
s An Army Symbol..
T HE picture ;iagazine-reading public
of the nation will probably learn
s winter of an American version of the famous
lue Devils" of the French Army;, with "photo-
LpIhic essqys" showing grim young Ameri-
as learnink the trade of mountain scaling and
ier pastimes peculiar to fashionable Swiss
3elow the superficial display of the erhbryonic
h United States Infantry ;Mountain'Regiment,
ugh, is a symbol of an encouraging trend in
ny policy.
HE FIRST BATTALION of the 87th will be
formed November 15 at Fort Lewis,'Wash..;
d will receive instruction in mouitain climb-
, ski and snowshoe travel and living in the
the Army has maintained ski patrols and.,scat-,
ed units of mountain artillery for years, ope
:h photogenic unit was a part of the garrison
Michigan's Fort' Brady, but this is the first
e that the Army has provided for large scale
rk with the type of unit that has made the
nes of the, Chasseurs Alpins ,and. the Alpini
nd above the showing made by the French and
lian armies, and which played such an im-t
'tant part in the occupation' by Germany of
Tway and Greece.
IE UNITED STATES has pioneered the use
of the internal combustion engine, the aero-
ne, and the modern tactics of open warfare
I the elastic defense, but it was our potential
mies who put them to actual use in .the field
I developed them into the .fearful arms they
Zecently, though, the Army has had rmaneu,
s annually instead of every four years, para-
tte troops are being trained in experimental
strength battalions, and the Armored Force
indera unified command instead of scattered
r the nation, a company to a division.
EIE CENTRALIZATION of army posts, has
been another step in this same direction, with
abolition of the former system of maintain-
the old Indian posts which now do nothing
guard gophers and prairie dogs. The over-
ling of Congressional sentiment' in' favor of
ping the lucrative posts in their constituencies,
idental to the feat, was another encouraging
a of the times, indicative of the results ob-
sable w en the necessity of the hour pre-
.s. _ .
'he United States Army is getting and must
tinue to get an army of such proportions and
anization that it can serve to prove new tac-,
and arms as they are developed aid not as
y are perfected by our enemies.
-William A. MacLeod
be entitled to an additional $10 after the first
-year, thus making the pay scale for privates $21
a month for the first four months, $30 for the
next eight, and $40 a month after the first year.
NOW A NEW but still moderate pay schedule is
proposed by Senator Johnson of Colorado,
which would apply to the navy and marines as
well as the army. It tends to equalize more the
traditionally low pay of the army with the much
more attractive pay of the navy.
Under the proposed schedule the starting pay
of $21 a month for privates in the army and
non-rated men in the navy would be 'eliminated,
together with the later $40 for privates in the
army and $36 for second class seamen after
four months, and the compensation for both
would become $42 per' month. For longer service
and for officers there would be mderately in-
creased rates.
The total added cost would be but a frac-
tion of the huge defense expenditures. It
would amount to less than 375 million dollars
a year out of an estimated total of more than
18 billion for defense in the current fiscal
year. It would help to promote the morale of
drafted men and make them feel that in
some measure they are being fairly compen-
sated for jobs lost to them at home.
AN ARMY may well travel on its stomach, but
there's a lot of morale-building vitamins in
a dollar bill.
-Bill Baker
Showdown With Japan
Should Be Avoided . .
ANOTHER ONE of those all too fre-
quent crises involving the United
States and Japan has arisen - only this time
the situation is more serious than on many of
the previous occasions. After four years of war
the Nipponese are in a relaively. desperate
condition and it is apparent to even the most
casual observer that the "Chinese Incident"
will have to be brought to a conclusion soon.
One of the things that is keeping the Chinese
going is British-American moral and material
support, and it is primarily in this drection
that the demands for which special envoy Sa-
buro Kurusu is flying to the United States are
suspected to lie.
Kurusu's departure coincided with a seven
point program printed in the Japan Times 'and
Advertiser, Foreign Office organ, which it is
said the United States must accept if an agree-
ment is to be reached. In effect the program
calls 'on America to withdraw its influence from
the. Orient particularly in aiding China, recog-
nize Japan's military and economic conquests of
the last ten years and approve the "new order"
in greater' East Asia.,
IT IS OBVIOUS that we cannot afford to meet
any of Japan's demands 'without seriously
weakening Our position and that of both Brit-
ain and Ch na. The United States would have
to get out of Asia in every sense of the word -
a 'great victory for appeasement. It would mean
turning over the sources of many strategic raw
materials to Japanese control. Chinese resis-
tence would be likely to collapse of at least be
greatly weakened, and Japan would be ready
for that long contemplated move on Russia.-
Many people, including highly placed officers
in our armed forces, desire a showdown with
Japan and urge immediate action even to the
extent of war. They call for action on the two
pointed groinds that if we fight now, Russia
can still be a strong ally but if we wait the
Soviets may be too weakened by the Nazi attack
to have value as an ally; and to avoid the risk
of havipg to fight in two oceans at once in thee
future the United States should dispose of Japan.'
HE PREMISE of those who want to follow
the course of action is that war with Japan
would be a short-time proposition. The only
flaw in this reasoning lies in the impossibility
of a short war. Our nearest base is Guam, which
isn't too well equipped to handle a large naval
force. The Philippines are hopelessly vulnerable,
and without a decent naval port. Defense plans
for the Philippines are based on holding out for
a maximum three months. Singapore is really
the only adequate .naval base, and it, unfortun-
ately, is far froth Japanese waters. Furthermore,k
the Pacific is overflowing with Nipponese island
naval bases, making an American supply line
of any dependability virtually impossible unless
an ineffectively long route is followed... . ..
Add to this the thought that the Japanese
navy is about the same size as our own; hasn't
been used much in the Chinese campaign, and
would be operating in home waters, and it be-
comes fairly recognizable that war with Japan'
would be costly and lengthy.
The main theatre of war is in Europe and the
Atlantic; it would be extremely ill-advised for
'the United States to become involved in any
long drawn out conflict in the Pacific while the
future of the world is being decided elsewhere.
Just as war would be costly to us, it could very
easily be ruinous to Japan in its present condi-
tion. Since it would be unwise for us to go to
war with Japan at this time, the logical courses
to pursue is to stand fast, procrastinate and
wait developments with the little brown men sit-
ting in the uneasy seat trying to figure out the
next move.
--Edmund J. Grossberg
* Egad, a
I just can't understand intellectuals.
The other day, for instance, The Daily re-
ceived a letter from a reader who, "for obvious,
practical reasons requests anonymity." The au-
thor begins his preface with, "The composer of
the document enclosed . . ." That's a rather
lengthy way of saying "I". Then later he calls
himself "we," and continues saying "We humbly
present it as an attempt to be more penetratingly
The letter starts, "These columns seem a fit
refuge from the sterility of the academic po-
dium." Oh, go on, brother, you're kidding me!
In the same paragraph he speaks of "a hideously
incongruous and prodigal arrogance." Keep it
up. bub-nobody understands.
And here's a honey: "The long-corroding
Anglo-American heritage effervesces only slight-
ly, and then with fetid pungency, in the New
World's melting pot." Do tell. Catch the next
one, jive fans: "The congeries 'of multi-direc-
tional and mutually deluding arguments deduced
by the war party, insufficient thus far in con-
juring up disaster spectra, yields now only to
rise to a new superficial ideational height."
Juggle that around on your epiglottis.
Our author tosses a well-turned metaphor to
that monster which usually rears its ugly head.
Sex, I mean. However, his presentation of sex
couldn't arouse a base instinct in an Army pri
vate stationed in Iceland: "The disillusioning
recognition of the amoral Muscovite bedfellow
with whom we share our 'chaste' bed sheets
aborts the reliogio-ethico-ideological postulate
in its stage of gestation. More penetratingly,
the assumed moral crusade presumes the validity
of the super-imposition of our Christian virtue
and our "Democratic" Tradition on historically
non-receptive milieus. Only the most esoteric
virgin bares a bludgeoning fist to proselytize her
congenitally less moral sister into chastity."
Well, well. I nev'er knew sex could be quite so
Here he gets hdt: "Our supra-conceptualism
inviolate infinitely in the escutcheon of our
Christ-like legions!" Well all right, bub, you
can get mad but you don't have to swear about it.
Interesting facts I didn't know till now: "An
objective knowledge system dictates' that tem-
porality is forever frustrate." I could have told
you that, but in different words. Now, brethren
and sistern, get, hep with the following golden
pearl of wisdom: "The - basic conceptual ap-
proach articulates the poignant incompatibility
with truth of the interventionist postulates."
"And may the gods laugh to seeus sweat and
bleed to check-mate an irresistible teleology of
accursedness." And next time may they get
Ethyl. In a bold swoop, our hero lays open his
heart: "I therefore spew interventionist doctrine
as transient crisis-motivated phantasmagoria."
Bravo! Bravo! "Until I feel assured a world con-
genitally perverse can truly involve pacific and
perpetual federativism, I desire not to become a
co-defendant in this great mass sexual orgy."
I told you to keep sex out of this, you snake!.-
It's easy to be an intellectual.-Just write so
that nobody understands you, and then everyone
will respect you. "He's so deep," they'll say. Or
"They say that there are only six men in the
world, including Einstein, that understand him."
Well, I'm giving you all notice, youse intel-
leckchools, I understand youse and I understand
youse well. Yer all a lfoax! So get out! You
have five minutes to get out before I expose
every one of you!
. Our little pal concludes: "With feverish gib-
berish we seek to decipher this generation's
sentence as it slowly and inexorably grows more
illegible." Well, well! At last he hit it on the-
nose! Please, Pals, nomore feverish,-gibberish in
The Daily's columns, because no longer will we
seek to decipher yor generation's already illeg-
ible sentence.
Why, if we can't understand your language,
how can we know whether the stuff is obscene or
an infringement of our code of ethics?
must be based upon objective analysis of con-
temporary social forces.
THEREFORE, I submit-that we should exam-
ine the institutional framework of modern
society, rather than the reactions of any indi-
viduals or groups to forces within that frame-
work. Specifically; two facts are becoming trag-
ically apparent:
(1) The isolationists in America have fall-
en into the same revolting doctrines that
make national socialism so reprehensible:
namely, appeal to class and racial prejudices
and a particularist view of history.
(2) An increasing number of men who
think of themselves as liberals have defi-
nitely changed their tune and do now be-
lieve that America should more actively en-
ter the war.
Both of these facts' are ominous, and more so
because neither group has tied its views up to
any valid long-range program. A university
community, I submit, ought to be asking what
is wrong with contemporary institutions that
seem to force men into periodic wars? What
permanent revisions of those institutions give
the most promise of creating conditions suitable
for lasting peace? Such an attitude would not,
have time for name-calling, which is bound to
result from preoccupation with our individual
reactions to the immediate problem. Institu-
tions, not men, should be critically examined.
SEVERAL WEEKS AGO you were good enough
to print a two-installment letter over my
name discussing the merits of the federal union,
proposal. This proposal is the only one I know
Drew Pedrson
Robert S. Ate9
WASHINGTON - Admiral Jerry
Land, Republican chairman of the
Maritime Commission, was testifying
on Capitol Hill in executive session
regarding the reasons for arming
U S. merchant ships.
Among other things, he was tell-
ing Congressmen why Danish, Italian
and Axis ships seized in American
ports had been placed under the Pan-
amanian flag instead of being turn-
ed over to the British to be run as
lease-lend vessels. The reason, Ad-
viral Land said, was that the United
States wanted to retain control over
;he ships. And once they got to Liv-
erpool, if running under the British
flag, the United States might not be
able to say where they should sail
This brought a mild protest from
several members of Congress who
remarked that it was strange we
couldn't trust our lease-lend Allies.
Admiral Land also discoursed on a
purported plan to arm U.S. mer-
chant ships with "ash-cans" (depth
bombs), which, exploding under the
water, sha ae loose' the plates of a
submarine by underwaterpercus-
Afterward, Congressman Ciarles
' Dewey of Illinois, who is an old Re-
publican friend of Land, took the
Admiral aside and said:
"Look here, Jerry, why do you want
to take advantage of these poor mid-
west Congressmen who haven't been
near tidewater? You know perfectly
well that if one of your 'Ugly Duck-
lings' (latest type merchard ship)
dropped an 'ash-can' overboard her
stern would be blown off."
Note-Destroyers are able to drop
depth bombs because their high speed,
around 30 knots, permits them to get
away before the bomb explodes. Most
merchant ships, however, travel too
slowly to get away.
Real facts about arming U.S. mer-
chant ships have been confused in a
welter of debate. But here is tpe sit-
uation as near as we can get it.
There is no distrust of the British
regarding the future routing of our
ships or Panamanian ships if placed
under the British flag.
The chief reason for sending U.S.
ships into the war zone under the
American flag is that the British
are getting hard up for crews. Thou-
sands of tons of British shipping have
been sunk, and- with them, thou-
sands of British seamen. Especially
lacking today are engineers. Deck
hands are not hard to get. But many
lease-lend cargoes have been held up
a few days in recent weeks waiting
for British crews. Because of this
scarcity, Panamanian ships have been
manned by checkerboard crews of
various nationalities.
Another reason for sending Ameri-
can ships into the war zone is ef-
ficiency of operation. It is a tough
job to find the right ships these days
to carry heavy tanks, which cannot
be easily hoisted into the holds of
small vessels. A British or Panaman-
ian ship large enough for this is not
always available.
Six Guns Per Ship
However, the arming of American
ships, any way you look at it, is a
mixed blessing. Many of the guns
to be mounted were either built or
designed' in 1902, the type used on
U.S. ships during the World War.
However, they are good guns yfors
submarine shooting, and in addition
the ships will carry anti-aircraft guns
and four heavy machine guns to pro-
tect them from dive-bombers.
The biggest !US. merchant ships
will carry 4-inch and up to 5-inch
guns, depending on whether they have
reinforced decks. World War ships
still have reinforced after-decks,
while all new U.S. ships built since
1936 carry reinforced decks both fore,
and aft:#
Without these reinforced decks, the
percussion from a 5-inch gun would
shake open the seams of the ordin-
ary merchant vessel.
At present the Navy has on hand
about 400 guns, which.will arm about
200 ships out of the total U.S. mer-
chant marine of 1,200 ships. How-
ever, the great majority of our mer-
chant marine is used in coastwise
trade, the Gulf, the Caribbean and
South American waters. Two hundred
armed ships, it is figured, will be
enough for the time being.
The armament on these will be
sufficient to cope with any spbmar-
ine in the summer months. In the
winter, however, with poor visibility,
heavy fog and long hours of twilight 1
it will be a tough job. The main 'rob- i
lem is to see the submarine.
of it might lead to further discussion
in your columns, and now again in-
vite comments.
Apart from this particular topic,1
however, it is sincerely to be hoped R'
'that Daily writers and contributors
will leave the hurling of polemics up
to the Sunday supplements, and get
- t Z) C-L
4 ( 19"I, Chicago Time, Int.
Reg. U. &. Pat. Off~AlRs e i
... and I say we oughter have at least one street light!.. .
How else are we gonna practice blackouts?"
VOL. LII. No. 35
Publication! in the Daily official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
j Notices
To.Members of The University
Council: There will be a meeting of
the University Council on Monday,
November 10, at 4:15 p.m. in Room
1009 A.H.
Minutes of the meeting of October
13. '
Communication from the Univer-
sity Senate relative to the function
and size of the University Council.
Report of the Counselor to Foreign
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Bronson-Thomas Prize in Ger-
man. Value $32.00. Open to all under-
graduate students in German of dis-
tinctly American training. Will be
awarded on the results of a three-
hour essay competition to be held
under departmental supervision in
the latter half of March, 1942 (exact
date to be announced two weeks in
advance). Contestants must satisfy
the Department that they have done
their reading in German. The essay
may be written in English orGerman.
Each contestant will be freerto choose
his own subject from a list of 30
offered. Students who wish to com-
pete must be taking a course in Ger-
man (32 or above) at the time of the
competition.., They should register
and obtain further details as soon
as possible at the office of the Ger-
man Department, 204 University
Choral Union Members: Pass tick-
ets for the Cleveland Orchestra con-
cert to be given Sunday afternoon'
November 9, will be issued to members
of the Choral Union whose records
of attendance are clear, and who call,
in person, Friday, from 10 to 12 and
1 to 4, at the offices of the Univer-
sity Musical Society in Burton Me-
morial Tower. After 4 o'clock no
tickets will be issued.
Charles A. Sink, President
Presidents of Fraternities and Sor-
orities are reminded that membership
lists for the month of October are
now due in the Office of the Deai
of Students. A complete list of men
pledged during the month should be
Freshmen in the College of Litera-
ture, Science, 'and the tArts may ob-
tain their five-week progress reports
in the Academic Counselor's Office,
Room 108 Mason Hall, from 8:00 to
12 a.m. and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. ac-
cording' to the following schedule:
A through H, today.
Women students wishing to attend
the Columbia-Michigan football game
are required to register in the Office
of the Dean- of Women. A letter of
permission from parents must be in
this office not later than Wednes-
day, November 12, If the student
does not go by train, special permis-
sion for another mode of travel must
ibe. included 'in * the parent's letter.
Graduate women are invited to regis-
ter in this office.
Academic Notices
Graduate Students in Zoology:
Graduate students who wish to de-
Clare their intention of becoming ap-
plicants for the doctorate in zoology
should secure the proper blanks at
the Zoology Office, 3089 N.S.,. and
positions by Weber, Sibelius, Debussy.,
and Jerome Kern, Sunday afternoon,
November 9, at 3:00 o'clock, in Hill
A limited number of tickets, either
for the season or for individual con-
certs, are available at the offices of
the University Musical Society, in
Burton Memorial Tower, up to noon
Saturday. On Sunday afternoon
tickets will be on sale at the box
office in Hill Auditorium after 1:30.
Charles A. Sink,'President
Messiah Concert: The annual
Christmas presentation of Handel's
"Messiah" will take place Sunday
afternoon, December 14, at 4:15
o'clock. The following artists and
organizations will participate:
Marie Wilkins, soprano; Edwina
Eustis, contralto; Ernest McChesney,
tenor; Douglas Beattie, bass; Palmer
Chr'istian, organist;' the University
Symphony Orchestra; University
Choral Union; Thor Johnson, Con-
Reserved seat tickets (main floor,
55c; and balconies 28c, including tax)
on sale beginning Monday, Novem-
ber 10, at the offices of the University
Musical Society, in Burton Memorial
Charles. A. Sink, President
Rlecital: A recital by student en-
senibles under the direction of Mr.
William D. Stubbins, Mr. Russell
Howland and Professor William D.
Revelli will be presented in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater Tuesday eve-
ning, November 11, at 8:30. Included
in the program will be compositions
for woodwindquintet, clarinet uar-
tet, saxophone quartet and cornet
University Lecture: Sr. Amado
Alonso, Director of the Instituto Filo-
logico, Buenos Aires will lecture in
Spanish on the subject, "La novela
Don Segundo Somlra y su significa-
cion en la literatura gauchesca de la
Argentina," under the auspices of the
Department of Romance Languages,
on Monday, Novepnber 10, at 4:15
p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre
The public is cordially invited.
Events Today
ROTC Parade: Seniors and Sopho-
mores will fall in for parade today at
4:45 p.m. rather than 5:10 p.m.
Religious Drama: Students inter-
ested in a study of religious drapnatic
art looking toward the creatior of a
marionette theatre should be at Lane
Hall on Friday evenings at 7:30 p.m.
Coffee Hour: All students are wel-
come at the Student Religious Asso-
ciation Coffee Hour held in the
library of Lane Hall on Friday after-
noons from 4:00 to 6:00.
Radio Station W45D: University
Symphony Orchestra and Little
Symphony, 330-4:06 p.m. today, un-
der the direction of Thor Johnson.
A Roller Skating Party will leave
the Roger Williams Guild House,
503 E. Huron St., tonight at' 8:00
sharp. Small charge.' All Baptist
students and their friends are in-
vited to join the party.
Ushering Committee Theatre Arts:
Please sign up for ushering for the
Cinema. Art League Movies, "Grand-
ma's Boy" and "Sherlock Junior" to-
day, Saturday and Sunday. There
are TWO performances, one at 6:30
[igher Pay
or Armed Forces .
IF YOU are going to give up a year or
more of your life for your country,
matter how altruistic a patriot you may be,
expect something for it, don't you?
And that may to some extent account for
Le low morale of our armed forces: better
Ly for men in the military service of the
uritry, particularly for army enlisted men,
To the Editor:
This letter will commend the recent column by
"Touchstone"in which he deplored the tendency
of Daily writers and contributors to resort to
emotional drivel (regardless of how splendid the