Crisler Keeps j
Wolverines Fit
During Layoff
Rain Sends Team Indoors:
For Workout; Injured
Gridders AllImprove
A restless bunch of Wolverine grid-
ders, victims of a schedule maker's
whim, will not take the field for
Michigan tomorrow.
Raring to go and well-conditioned,
the Maize and Blue football team
will have to store up their abundance
of energy and save it for their in-
vasion of New York next Saturday
when they tackle Columbia.
Like To Play
These boys really like to play the
game, and it's a better than even
chance that they will either be think-
ing football, talking football or lis-
tening to a broadcast about 22 other
men, who with a better break in their
schedules, are able to give their best
for their coach and alma mater, come
2:00 p.m. tomorrow. At least. they
can say that under the present sched-
uled plans, this will be the last time,
for a couple of years at least, that
they will be afforded such an oppor-
tunity. Starting in 1943, they will
battle through nine straight games
before Hank Hatch, equipment man-
ager, calls in their uniforms. But
maybe they will need the rest more
next time.
Squad Works Indoors
Coach Fritz Crisler, despite in-
clement Ann Arbor weather, is deter-
mined that the squad shall not de-
velop any staleness during the layoff.:
After a hard scrimmage on Wednes-
day, old Jupe Pluvius decided that
dry Ann Arbor needed a little re-
freshing, so down came the wet and
in went the football team-but not
without some wind-sprints. Inside of
the Field House, Crisler kept the men
on the go with some blocking asid
signal drills. No one appreciates more
the disgust of creaking joints than
Mr. Crisler.
Along the injured front, everything
seems to be shaping along all right.
Julius Franks' ankle is getting
stronger every day, while that swoll-
en, ankle of Harlan Fraumann is
gradually going back to normal. Tip-.
py Lockard's knee scare of Wednes-
day appears to be just an ache,'but
the trainers and Dr. Hammond are
still keeping their eyes on it.
Ohio County Is
Home Of Many
Football Stars
No other district in the United
States hascontributednore ntowards
making football the great and color-
ful game that it is than Stark County,
Stark County is just an average
county in size and wealth, but it
houses two of the craziest football
minded towns in creation-Canton
and Massillon.
Stark County Grid Notables'
For over half a century these two
cities have been contributing grid
notables to colleges and professional
clubs throughout the nation. It has
been the home of such famous foot-
ball players as Jim Thorpe, Ed Mol-
inski, Don Scott, and Michigan's
Tippy Lockard. But Stark County's
contribution to the gridiron sport
hasn't been lirhited to active partici-
pants. More than a score of well
known coaches had their start there;
Wisconsin's Harry Stuhldreher, and
Ohio State's Paul Brown are both
Massillon products.
The Badgers and the Buckeyes
meet this Saturday in Columbus in
what promises to be one of the most
colorful games of the day. Because
of Canton's and Massillon's impor-
tance to these two colleges this Satur-
day has been designated as Stark
County Day.
Gala Occasion
Both towns are sending their bands
to tlie, game, accompanied by floats
and hundreds of motor cars. Some of
the stores and shops will close for
the gala occasion and even the local
high schbol games are called off. It's
football near its height and Stark
County is out to make the most of it.
Climax of the county's football sea-
son will be when Canton and Mas-
sillon meet later on in the season.
This game is known as the foremost
high school tilt of the season. Over
15,000 people attend this all important
clash. Unlike most high school foot-
batl crowds, this audience not only
includes townspemple but sport scribes,
scouts, and radb6 announcers from all
over the nation.
a Paul Brown On Pan
" _ +* Complaints At OSU
Daily Sports Editor
* ,* * *
E LSEWHERE on this page you will
find considerable mention of
Stark County, Ohio, and Ohio State's
new coach, Paul Brown. Which makes
it an excellent opportunity to point
out that young Brown is not treading.
the placid gridiron path, strewn with
flowers, tra la, that Buckeye fans
would have you believe.
The fact is, Brown is having his
troubles--and plenty of them. He
moved into big time football this
fall, graduating from the ranks of
prep school coaches right to the
throttle of Ohio . State's gridiron
APPLYING the same techniques
which made him the nation's
most successful high school mentor
at Massillon, Brown laid down the law
immediately upon his arrival in Col-
umbus. At spring practice drills he
made it plain who was boss. There
would be absolutely no loafing, Brown
declared, and as an extreme example
he ordered his players to remain on
their feet during all time out periods,
no matter how tired they might be.
Everything appeared fine on the
surface. Ohio State swept their
first two games impressively, edg-
ing a strong Missouri outfit and
trouncing Southern California, 33-
0. Columbus, a town where the
gridiron fever rages at a tremen-
dous pitch anyway, went absolutely
wild over their rejuvenated fav-
BUT THEN things moved more
slowly. The Bucks just nosed out
Purdue, 16-14. This was followed by
Ohio's first defeat, a 14-7 affair
handed them by Northwestern.
Then came the surprise blow.
Coach Brown, backing his stringent
rules with equally severe action,
booted his best end, Charley Ander-
son, off the team. He issued no
statement of expianation, stating
briefly that it was in the best in-
terests of the squad. Anderson's
football background makes the ac-
tion even more puzzling. For the
lanky flankman, one of the nation's
finest, had played under Brown in
high school back in Massillon.
JUST last Saturday Ohio State
barely nosed out by 21-14 a Pitts-
burgh team which had previously
been crushed by Michigan and Min-
nesota by a total of 79 points. And
the criticism of Brown increased.
, New this piece is by no means
written to indict Coach Brown for
his method of handling his team.f
Chances are that he is right. Its
purpose is merely to point out that
Columbus' rabid fandom is again
showing signs of restlessness and
even discontent.
COMPLICATING the picture is the
unofficial observation made by
one of Michigan's coaches way back
last spring. Brown is in a tough spot.
As a mentor just one year removed
from prep school he will find it hard
to please his former brethren. If his
teams lose, other high school pilots
will blame it on the fact that he did-
n't handle well the talent they had
sent him. If his teams win, these
coaches will tend to take the credit.
Brown is on the spot-the na-
tion's hottest.
D IPLOMATIC relations between
the sports staff and the business
staff are on a pretty high plane.
Everything is swell.
So we'll \overlook the pitifully
small page they gave u this morn-
ing if they kind of igno e the men-
tion we're giving the M club dance.
Understand they're going to have
an orchestra and everything. Page
five for details.
ALONG this same line is tle fact
that we picked up a couple of
free Daily tickets to Play Production
last night. Saroyan played the audi-
ence in a tough game called "Jim
Dandy." Saroyan won.
Wildcat, Hawkeye Grid
Stars May Not Play
EVANSTON, Ill., -(P)- George
Benson, Northwestern's varsity full-
back, probably will miss the Indiana
game Saturday because an injured
foot tendon, suffered in the Minne-
sota game, has failed to respond to
* * *
IOWA CITY, Ia.-(R)-Capt. Bill
Diehl, star University of Iowa center,
will- not be in the starting lineup
when the Hawkeyes tangle with Illi-
nois in a Western Conference foot-
ball game Saturday, Dr. Eddie An-
derson said today.
With rain making it impossible to 1
practice on Ferry Field, and with the
Varsity taking up all of the space in
the field house, Michigan's freshman
football team was forced off the prac-
tice field for the day. However, Coach
Wally Weber took advantage of the
opportunity to give his boys a chalk
talk and skull practice in the locker
Particularly stressed were the
blocking assignments on offense, and
defensive positions and zone defense
against running and passing plays.
As an object lession in position play
Coach Weber specifically pointed to
Don Boor's touchdown sweep around
right end in the frosh-varsity game
last Tuesday.
Boor faked to two men, and when
he finally went around the end,'there
was a clear path to the goal line, with
the yearlings completely sucked out
of position.
If Coach Weber's words of wisdom
are heeded, however, that will be the
last time it will happen. And Wally
always makes sure that his words are
Insignificant Touch Football
HasWide Campus Popularity
All eligibile sophomores and It might'well be called the mush-
room game, because it springs up
second semester freshmen inter- buoyantly each fall, in every place
ested in trying out for basketball where there is a handful of boys, a
maagers, report , any Monday, reasonably open space, and something
Wednesday or Thursday at 7:15 that is, in shape, at least, reminiscent
p.m. at the Sports Building. -of a football.
-Bob Wallace, Senior Mgr. Touch football is really a com-
mnoner's game, a game for the masses.
*WWWWWWl+ W@WOO@0,6 Unlike the usual Saturday-afternoon-
* * Broadcast football game, it is em-
* phatically not a spectator's sport.
* * The people that like touch football
Sare the.people that play the game,
Sand they are by no means a limited
is Next Month 0 number.
Games Every Day
Start Your * In front of almst every fraternity,
* come four o'clock in the afternoon,
* Shopping Early * the brothers can be seen kicking and
* passing vigorously, half the time in
* at the street or in a very inadequate
*8 *space, but their vigor is undaunted,
0 * despite the fact that conditions are
Burr Patterson & Auld * definitely crowded.
0 Fraternity Jewelers 0 The popularity of the game can be
1209 South Universit judged by the fact that there are
approximately 40 teams entered in
* Ruth Ann Oakes, Mgr. 0 competition this fall, some with nine
* men on a team and some with only
S @*@i@* oseeiee six, but added up, this accounts for
a large percentage of boys who in-
dulge in touch football.
Game For One And All
Part of the popularity of the game
lies in the fact that it isn't neces-
sary to be a walking muscle to play
in the game, nor does one have to coy-
ly tip the scales at 200. Since there
is no violent blocking and no tack-
ling, and since speed and accuracy
of passing are definite assets, small
and frail or lean and lanky have just
as much chance to be star material as
anyone else.-
Sure, it's an unimportant game to
the person who isn't playing; cer-
tainly no one is going to ask with'
excited gasps who was the winner of
the last game between the Ramblers
and the Spinners; obviously touch
football isn't going to loom up in
banner headlines on the sports page,
but it's a fast game, a good game,
and above all, a game for more than
a well-trained, practice-ridden few.
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