oy aeburn To Play For En neerin Ball Today In I
Vocal Contest
To End Today
Winner Of Orchestra Position
To Be Announced Wednesday
Herb Miller's search for a campus
songstress will end today when danc-
ers in the League Ballroom cast their
* final preference votes for the one
woman out of the nine competing.
The winner will be announced in The
Daily Wednesday, Miller announced
The votes cast today during the
dance, which will be held from 9 p.m.
to '1 alm., will be averaged in with
those cast last Saturday when the
contest opened. The same nine wom-
en who sang at that time will again
sing today, thus making the winner
the choice of two different dance
The woman selected as the public's
favorite will become a permanent
part of Miller's band and will appear
each Friday and Saturday at the
regular informal dances. According
to Miller, there is a great deal of
good natural talent embodied in the
nine singing contestants and he feels
that the winner will probably have
but a small majority over her run-
Stage names mingled with the real,
the nine vocalists are Helen Ryde,
Marjorie Hollis, Leanore Grossman,
Dorothy Joseffy, '44, Virginia Al-
len, Marry Hummon, Timmy Gale,
Irene Mendelsohn, '43Ed, and Wini
fred Brown, '44SM. °
Chapter Houses
To Qive Seven
Parties Today
Never let it be said that the cam-
pus quiets down on a weekend with-
out a good football game, for festivi-
ties go one forever, as evidenced by
the parties scheduled for today.
Beta Theta Pi opens the list of ac-
tivities with their pledge formal to be
held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today at
which chaperons will be Mrs. Shelby
Schurte and Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Cra-
Delta Kappa Epsilon will hold a
dance from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. today.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles DuCharme and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greening will
Delta Tau Delta will give a pledge
formal from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today,
at which Capt. and Mrs. D. J. Bul-
mer and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bush will
chaperon. Phi Delta Theta will have
a house dance from 9:30 p.m. to 1
a.m. today. Mr. and Mrs. R. Solar
and Dr. and Mrs. William Coxon are
to chaperon the dance.
Phi Sigma Delta will give a pledge
formal from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today.
Mrs. H. S. Ellman and Mr. and Mrs.
Morris H. Cohen will be guests. Theta
Delta Chi will hold a dance from 9
).m. to 1 a.m. today.
Zeta Beta Tau will have a house-
party this weekend.- Saline Valley
Farms will be the scene of the ac-
tivity from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today,
while a party will be given at the
chapter house tomorrow.
Plane In Flight
To Be Included
In Decorations
Tickets Still Available Today
At Union Desk; Attendance
To Be Limited To 325 Couples
"Rhythm by Raeburn" and "The
Dance of the Year" will step off of
the advertising posters into reality
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today when the
annual Engineering Ball, sponsored
by the Engineeripg Council, gets un-
der way in the union Ballroom.
Supervised by general chairman
Robert L. Collins, '42E, the annual
dance will bring the music of Boyd
Raeburn and his orchestra, coming
here direct from an engagement at
the St. Anthony Hotel in San Antonio,
Airplane To Decorate
Decorations will consist of a "work-
ing" model of a Bessemer converter
at one end of the Ballroom and an
airplane suspended so as to simulate
full flight at the other. Side-wall
panels will contain a series of eight
pictures of engineering operations or
Appearing in the role of vocalist
with the band will be Penny Lynn,
while guitarist Hal Derwin will supply
the male singing voice. Completing
the list will be Ike Ragon, who spe-
cializes in comic novelty numbers.
Band Has 13 Pieces
Known especially.for its woodwind
choir, a reed section of exceptional
quality, the band is a 13-piece or-
ganization comprising five brass, four
saxophones and four rhythm instru-
Booked for engagements in well-
known hotels all over the Mfddle
West, the band recently completed a
three-month contract at the Chez
Paree in Chicago, and has already
been signed to play there for the big
Christmas and New Year's dances.
Tickets Are Available
Tickets for the dance may be ob-
tained from 8 a.m. until 9 p.m. today
at the main desk of the Union, Collins
announced. Attendance at the dance
will be limited to 325 couples.
Acting as ball sub-committee chair-
men and committeemen are senior
engineers Joseph M. Hallisy, finan-
cial chairman; Donald Whitney, pub-
licity; Verne C. Kennedy and Robert
Radkey, tickets; Carl Rohrbach, floor
chairman, and Alex C. Wilkie, pro-
Chairmen Listed
Other chairmen include George D.
Gotschall, music; John J. Casey and
Cornelius Skutt, decorations; and
Robert Imboden, banquet chairman.
Because many committee members
have tickets out and have not checked
in as yet, it is difficult to predict
attendance, Collins observed.
Congress Tea Dance
To Be Tomorrow
In League Cafeteria
Congress, Independent Men's Asso-
ciation will hold a tea dance at 2 p.m
tomorrow in the Michigan League
Cafeteria. It will be open to all stu-
dents with or without dates.
The drawing of three tickets from
those distributed with the purchase
*Rfrehment- will be a big feature
of the affair. Winners will be entitled
to free admission to Herb Miller's
week-end dance at the League.
S. Che Tang, '43E, I.M.A. social
chairman, and Larry Williams, '44
are directing the dance, while all
program arrangements have been
made by Ralph Beuhler, '44E, Don-
ald Largo, '43E, Gene Brown, '43E
Coral De Priester, Bill Bufington, Ed-
ward Merz, all '44E, Robert Fry, '44
and Howard Long, '44.
Interviews To End
Last chance for interviewing
for Awards manager and Hobby
Lobby chairman on the WAA ex-
ecutive board will be from 3:30
p.m. to 5:30 p.m. today in the
offices of the Women's Athletic
Building, Donelda Schaible, '42,
has announced.
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