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November 05, 1941 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-05

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Freshmen Lose
Kruse Runs Blocked Kick Back
For Lone Yearling Touchdown


Varsity Reserves, 14-7

Football Up To Date . ..
WITH the,1941 football season go-
ing into the home stretch, right
now seems like the time to take a
look at what's happened so far and
see if we can deduce anything of in-
It's been a good year for the grid-
iron sport in general. A surprising
number of teams have climbed out of
the obscurity which surrounds medi-
ocre records to show the nation's fans
that they weren't dead but sleeping
during the last few seasons. And no
matter what section one may live in,
he can see some pretty well played
football without having to travel too
There aren't nearly as many
great teams as there have been in
past years but there are a great
many more clubs than usual which
can be classed as good.
One outstanding development has
been the superiority of ,midwestern
football over that of any other region.
And it isn't just sectional loyalty
which prompts us to make that state-
ment either. No other district can
boast four teams the equal of Minne-
sota, Michigan, Northwestern and
Notre Dame; even if all of these ex-
Stanford, Navy
May Skirmish
In Rose Bowl
NEW YORK, Nov. 4.-M)-Stan-
ford against Navy in the Rose Bowl;
k'ordham against Texas in the Sugar
Bowl; Duke against Texas A. and M.
in the Cotton Bowl, and Syracuse
against Alabama in the Orange Bowl
-there is a strictly tentative but
possible lineup of 'the post-season
football games to be played next New
Year's bay.
Drafting such a lineup is a hazard-
ous proposition this far in advance
of the regular season's close. But
there is sufficient evidence on hand
to show these pairings are more than
wishful thinking.
Stanford, a good bet though by no
means a cinch to return to the Rose
Bowl, Is reported to favor Navy as its
top choice for .an Eastern opponent.
In the southern part of California-
where the Rose Bowl is located-
there, is strong sentiment backing
the Middies. However, the chief
problem here would be special dis-
pensation from Naval Academy au-
thorities. Under the Academy's Na-
tional Emergency setup the current
seniors will be graduated Dec. 19 and
promptly will be assigned to active
If Navy is not available Texas prob-
ably would be next in line, and con-
siderable pressure already is being
brought to bear in favor of the Long-
horns, currently the country's No. 1
team. Duke did not impress coast
observers in its 1939 Rose Bowl loss
to Southerp California, while Ford-
ham, the-East's top team, gets hardly
any mention.
But the Rams figure very promi-
nently in Sugar Bowl and Cotton
Bowl discussion, especially since, with
only Pittsburgh, St. Mary's and New
York U. still to play, they stand an
extra-fine chance of finishing un.
beaten and untied.

cept the Gophers have
or tied.

been beaten

Camilli Takes
Most Valuable

West fall's All-American Stock
Looks Better Every Saturday

Two teams, we think, are over-
rated. And, never having seen either
of them in action, we are probably
as well qualified to speak as most of
the experts. Our choices for this
dubious honor are Duke and Notre
Dame, ranked fourth and seventh1
respectively by the Associated Press
The Blue Devils haven't beaten
anybody worth mentioning and,
since the remainder of their sched-
ule isn't any harder than what has
already gone by the board, they
won't beat anybody' outstanding.
but they will likely be undefeated.
And it's tough to keep a team with
an unblemished record very far
from the top.
As for the Irish, well, what can we
say? The boys who do the picking
will never forget the great Knute
Rockne, it seems, so the Ramblers
will always rank a few spots higher
than their season's record merits.
current season, in this depart-
ment's'humble opinion, is the start-
ling renaissance of the two most
openly subsidized teams in the coun-
try. We're referring to a couple of
schools who, quite brazenly, pay their
players about 1000 dollars apiece an-
nually. But nobody kicks because
they pay the rest of their student
bodies at the same rate.
The Army ahd the Navy are rid-
ing high for the first time in many
moons and should have more to
display than marching maneuvers
when they run afoul of each other
in the annual festivities at the big
stadium hard by the Philadelphia
Navy Yard four weeks hence.
Both have tough contests coming
up this weekend with Army facing
Harvard and the Sailors scheduled to
battle Notre Dame. Either one could
lose Saturday and. we're just a little
afraid that the Middies might do just
that. Always unlucky against the
lads from South Bend, they may leave
it up to Northwestern to knock Frank
Leahy's team off. And the Wildcats,
we have no doubt, will respond by
doing just that.
Then, for sheer spectator appeal,
we give you Dick Harlow's Harvard
aggregation which has- only scored
two touchdowns this year but still has
a fair won-lost percentage because
other teams find it so difficult to
score on them. The Crimson defense,
they tell us, is a thing of beauty to
watch and very disconcerting to try
and run through, which fact will be
affirmed by Navy's Barnacle Bill
( Busik who used verything but a mine
sweeper in an attempt to give the
Middies a win over the Johnnies, but
to no avail.
Harlow uses an unbalanced line
(except for a fairly rational chap
at left tackle) and when the half-
backs move into the guard slots
and the ends move outto back up
the line, nobody knows what's going
to happen next, not even (w fear)
Harlow himself. But it's effective.
There are two teams in the country
who stand, we think head and shoul-
ders over all the others. These are
Texas and Minnesota with the Long-
horns perhaps rating a slight edge
over the Big Ten champs. But either
one could probably take any other
team in the land just by throwing
their helmets on the field.

Playing together under fire for the
first time, Michigan's freshman foot-
ballers yesterday scrimmaged a com-
bination of second and third string
varsity players. The varsity had a
little too much class for the yearlings,
winning the impromptu game 14-7.
but the frosh put up a great fight,
and except for two lapses caused by

their inexperience, played as good a1
game as the more experienced boys.,
The freshmen scored first, when'
Jim Brieske broke through the lineI
and blocked Bob Morrison's punt on
the 20 yard line. Harold Kruse found
the ball in the air in front of him,
gathered it in, and easily dashed the
distance for the touchdown. - Russ;
Reader kicked a beautiful placement
for the extra point with Don Lund
holding the ball.'
Second String Comes In
The varsity second string replaced
the third, and set up their first score
when Dave Nelson placed a perfect
punt out of bounds on the four, forc-
ing the freshman fullback, Lund, to
kick from deep in his end zone. Nel-
son returned it from the 35 yard
line to the 25. On the next play, Don
Boor faked the ball to Nelson, then to
Tippy Lockard, and finally took the
ball himself around right end all the
way for the touchdown. Bill Melzow
converted with Nelson holding the
Don Copelan, big center, kicked off
for the red shirted freshmen, Nelson
taking the ball on his 15 and bring-

Davey began to shine. With three
runs and one pass he covered the
entire 70 yards for the score, Melzow
again converting.
The Frosh Settle Down
After this the frosh settled down
and played the varsity to a stand-
still, but could not score again al-
though they gained consistently. ItI
was here that Don Lund demonstratedt
his power. Repeatedly he plowed3
through the varsity line, for sub-
stantial gains, and when a couple ofj
yards were needed for a first down.
he didn't fail to pick them up.
Also playing a good game for the!
yearlings was Russ Reader. ReaderI
has lots of speed and doesn't hesi-
tate to use it when necessary. Russi
reeled off several sparkling runsI
around end and off tackle.
However, the best freshman run of
the afternoon was Pat Keefe's 15f
yard jaunt over tackle. Keefe wasl
hit at least five times, but broke away
each time, until the force of numbers
pulled him down.
Varsity Drills
On New Playsf
Signal Workout Features1
Light Grid Practice
The Wolverine varsity took the
field yesterday for the first time since
the Illinois battle and spent an hour
and a half running through a light
signal drill.
While the second and third teams
were scrimmaging against a stub-
born yearling bunch, Coach Crisler
gave the boys a series of new plays.
Crisler is not going to let the gridders
get stale during their off week and
will take advantage of the extra time
seeing that his men master the new
* * *
Out of Minneapolis yesterday came
another All-Conference Team of the
Week picked by Coach Bernie Bier-
man, Charles Johnson, Sports Editor
of the Minneapolis Star Journal,
Harry McTigue, WLOL sports an-
nouncer, and Babe Levoir. On the
squad Michigan placed two men:
Bob Ingalls, at center, and Tom Kuz-
ma, at right half.
Other Conference players to make
the team were: tackles-Wildung,
Minnesota, and Bauman, North-
western; ends-Schreiner, Wiscon-
sin, and Shaw, Ohio State; guards-
Levy, Minnesota, and .Zorich, North-
western; backs-Hillenbrand, Indi-
ana at quarter, Higgins, Minnesota,
at left half, and Green, Iowa at full.
Big Ten
Round-Up ., ,.,
COLUMBUS, O.-(P)-Coach Paul
E. Brown gave his Ohio State grid-
ders an extra dose of blocking, tack-
ling and charging today as the Bucks
prepared for the high-scoring Wis-
consin Badgers.
EVANSTON, Ill.-W)P-Coach Lynn
Waldorf expressed belief today that
his Northwestern Wildcats, having
been through the wars with Michi-
gan, Ohio State and Minnesota,
would bounce back against Indiana
nie Bierman turned on the sarcasm
today to disabuse his Minnesota foot-
ball team of any idea that the Neb-
raska game next Saturday would be
an easy one for them.
Slipshod handling of assignments
in today's workout, the first heavy
one of the week, brought stern re-
buke and a couple of penalty jogs
about the fieldhouse. Improvement

Auspices of the
University Musical Society
SUNDAY, DEC. 14, 4:15
Per formers:

Player Award By DICK SIMON
A spinning, slashing 190-pound
Highest National League1whirling dervish known as "Bullet
lBob" Westfall led his fighting band
Honor Given Brooklyn of Wolverine gridders onto the Illi-
Veteran I Annual Poll nois Memorial Stadium turf last
Saturday and therein lies a tale.
NEW YORK, Nov. 4.-(A')-Ball That short, power-packed frame
players are supposed to have passed I of the Maize and Blue captain rocket-
their peak at, or before, the age of ed all over the Illinois terrain before
33 but Dolf Camilli, smooth, silent some 30,000 fans and showed foe,
star of the Brooklyn Dodgers, has fan and fanatic alike that before
just been acclaimed the Most Valu- the season elapses one fullback who'll
able Player in the National League. have to be reckoned with when All-
He received 300 out of a possible American elevens bloom forth is a
336 votes from a committee of the bruiser-Bob Westfall, Ann Arbor's
Baseball Writers Association of own.
Am'erica in a poll announced today, The rise of Westfall to one of the
far overshadowing the only other country's leading line crashers falls
players given any real consideration along the well-known pattern of "lo-
-teammates Pete Reiser, rookie out- cal boy makes good." Born and raised
fielder who won the league batting in the camp of the Wolverines, Bob
championship, and Whitlow Wyatt, graduated from Ann Arbor High
pitching ace of the senior circuit. School in 1938 after establishing him-
Camilli carried off the home run self as one of the most outstanding
title with 34 circuit blows and led backs ever produced in the state of
the league in runs batter in with 120, Michigan.
although batting only .285. He was captain of the high school
PgadWith Phillies football team and gained All-State
Playeds thhie s honors because of his exceptional
It was a great achievement for the ability to pass and run.
stocky first baseman who had been Westie got his first chance to play
laboring in the National League for collegiate ball insthe very first game
eight seasons and did his best bat- of the 1939 season when Michigan
ting for the plodding Phillies years played Michigan State-and has
before. di been in the fallback spot ever since.
SThe veteran had his troubles this There's an interesting story how
season, too, falling into an appar- "Bullet Bob" got the starting assign-
ently bottomless slump in mid-July ment that day. It seems that for the
after getting away to a stirring start, three weeks preceding the opener
On July 23, while the Dodgers{ were with the Spartans Westfall had been
in Cincinnati, Manager Leo Durocher continually fumbling the ball. In the
benched Camilli and sent him to locker room just before game time
Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore Coach Crisler read out the lineup.
for a physical checkup. At the time He went all the way through and
he was batting .263. finally came to the fullback. "Evy,"
He rejoined the club in Pittsburgh said Crisler, "I'm giving you' a full-
four days later and, though he didn't back today who won't fumble the
say anything about it, he brought ball . . . Westfall." And from that

day to this, the Wolverine captain
has made but one fumble and that
was in the Minnesota game. The
ball was knocked out of his hand
while he was making one of his fam-
ous spinner plays.
During this time the Wolverine
line-blaster has mustered quite a
record. In 1939 he gained 393 yards
in 80 attempts for an average of 4.5
yards per try. In 1940 he netter 808
yards from scrimmage and led the
Western Conference in the number
of yards gained from scrimmage,
averaging a nett gain of more than
110 yards in each Conference battle.
Bob ranked fourth nationally last
season among the collegiate backs in
total yards gained, being topped only
by Al Ghesqiiire of Detroit, Bud
Knolla of Creighton, and his own
teammate, Tom Harmon.
Added to this he gained 196 more
yards in eight games than John Kim-
brough, eminent Texas Aggie, could
in nine.
In the five games played previous
to the, Illini contest, Westie has
gained 305 yards in 84 trips through
the line. In Saturday's contest, he
scored two touchdowns in making his
three-year total reach eight.
Not only is he- one of the hardest
line plungers in the nation, but Coach
Crisler hails him as the greatest ex-
ponent of the spinner play in col-
legiate football. He conceals the ball
so well that most opposing players
can't tell whether or not he has the
Westfall might have been more
widely acclaimed on honor teams
last fall but for the fact that he was
overshadowed by Harmon. This sea-
son, however, "Bullet Bob" has risen
to new heights as is evidenced by his
brilliant performances against North-
western, the Gophers, and Illinois.

with him a couple of bottles of pills.
Right away he resumed his slugging
and the Dodgers drove on to their
first pennant in 21 years.
Camilli's role in the strong finish
made by Brooklyn was not lost on
any observers: His long hits broke up
many games and his skillful fielding
saved twice as many more. This all-
around 'performance caused him to
be listed first on the ballots of 19 of
the 24 committeemen, three writers
from each National League city.
He was the only player to get votes
from every writer-two placing him
second, one-third, one fourth and one
Teammate Reiser Is Second
Reiser, his closest rival, received
183 points on the basis of 14 for first,
nine for second, eight for third, etc.,
and Wyatt was given 151. Reiser
rated three votes for first while one
member of the committee listed Jim
Brown of the St. Louis Cardinals on
top and another voted for Dixie
Walker of the Dodgers.
Frank McCormick, first baseman
of the Cincinnati Reds. who was
Inamed the Most Valuable Player last
year, did not get a single vote this

ing it back to the

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W.illiams Wins
Football Crown
Of West Quad
Last Minute Safety Give
Williams Team 15-13
Victory Over Winchell
In one of the most exciting games
ever played in the Intramural dor-
mitory football league, an alert Wil-
liams House team won the West
Quadrangle championship by edging
out Winchell House, 15-13.
In the first half, Winchell racked
up two touchdowns on heaves from
Mel Wallace to Jack Coit and Harold
Anderson, and Phil Marcellus added
one extra point to give Winchell a
13-0 advantage.
Breaks Hurt Winchell
Then came a series of breaks that
completely changed the complexion
of the game. Williams was forced to
punt from midfield, Jim Bargmann
of Winchell muffed the kick deep in
his own territory and Dave Levenson
recovered in the end zone for a Wil-
liams touchdown and the score stood
Winchell 13, Williams 6.
With the time running out in the
fourth quarter, Williams got another
big break. A Williams pass was in-
tercepted at midfield by Jack Coit,
who attempted a backward passto
one of his teammates, but the ball
went straight to Levenson, who was
tagged on the Winchell 30 yard line.
Three plays failed to gain and then
Bob Ideson tossed a long pass to
Ham Fischer who was caught on the
4-yard line. Two running plays were
stopped but on third down, Fischer
passed to Frank Comstock for a
score. This time Ed Reisig converted
to tie the score at 13-13.
Levenson Scores Safety


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