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November 05, 1941 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-05

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TMDN'ESDAY. VOiFrAMPiFt lk 1-441

Sanitary Engineer, Clerk Form
Important Part Of County Staff

THE MT1CAL - x N_.,,.IT r:W r..racfn } W'1"A T ' Tt.V.LD.


Nazi Drive 'In


Under Way


Libraries Contain
Old Military Books

Nielsen, include the recording of all
Statistical material discovered by
members of the department in addi-
tion to routine stenography work.
She must take care of the Health
Department files, schedule confer-
ences, record birth and death reports
and communicable disease reports,
and prepare charts showing the
health status of the community.
She also has charge of such sup-
plies as containers for laboratory
specimens, biologic products, Health
Department forms and literature for

rTwo Campus
- -
Plan Activities
Graduate students and staff mem-
bers are invited to attend the social
hour sponsored by the Graduate Out-
ing Club from 7 to 9 p.m. next Thurs-
day at the Rackham Building.
Bridge, chess and other forms of
entertainment suiting the interestsI
of those attending the meeting will
be available. The social hour will be
held in the basement of the Rackham
Building in the Graduate Outing
Club rooms. According to President
Ivor Cornman, Grad., weekly meet-
ings of the club are planned.
The Outing Club last weekend
traveled out to Whitmore Lake and
hiked through the surrounding coun-
try returning to the club rooms for
supper and square-dance practice.
At 7:15 p.m. today the Newman
Club, national organization of Cath-
olic students in non-catholic colleges
and universities, will hold its semi-
annual initiation in the auditorium
of St. Mary's Chapel.
Albin Schinderle, '42, president.
will preside over the affair and will
be assisted by Geraldine Granfield,
'42, membership chairman and Cath-
erine Norton, '42, social chairman.
Team captains are John Casey, '42E;
James Keenan, Grad.; Jerry Hutt-
linger, '44; Vincent Priebe, '42E;
Samuel Bruni, James Landers, '43;
James Connor, '43E, and John O'-
Iara, '42L.
Smoker Will Be Given
By Engineering Council
Transfer students in the College of
Engineering will nave their first in-
formal opportunity to meet members
of the engineering college faculty at
a smoker to be sponsored by the En-
gineering Council at 7:30 p.m. to-
morrow in the Union.-
Speakers for the evening will be
Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the En-
gineering college and Dean Walter
B. Rea, assistant dean of students.
Following the speaking part of the
program the transfers will be given
an opportunity to meet and talk with
faculty men informally..
Engineering council representatives
making the arrangements for the
smoker is Jim Edmonds, '43E, assist-
ed by Carl Rohrback and Bob Imbo-
den, both '42E.

MI LES f0,0
Bl8ack Sea
The German High Command said that the Nazi d rive into the Crimea through the Perekop Isthmus has
riven the Russian army, forcing it to attempt flight th rough Sevastopol and Kerch. Earlier, Germans had
claimed the capture of Simferopol and headed for Bakhchisara, only 20 miles north of Sevastopol. German
planes bombed Sevastopol harbor. Strategy was assayed as an attempt to cut off that naval base and to push
up through the Kerch Isthmus with a double-pronged drive on Rostov and on Black Sea port of Novorssisk.
Thrifht1Jty Students FgtRising Price
ByAccelera ted Cooperative Projects


University libraries contain 372
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1941 volumes, published prior to 1800, deal-
VOL. Lii. No. 33 ing with military affairs, according
to the most recent book in the series
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all of General Library Publications.
members of the University. Compiled by Col. Thomas M.
Spaulding, alumnus of the University,
and Prof. Louis C. Karpinski, of the
Student Tea: President and Mrs. mathematics department. "Early
Ruthven will be at home to students Military Books in the University of
this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. Michigan Libraries" is the fifth in the
series published by the University
To Members of The University Press.
Council: There will be a meeting of Many of the books listed were do-
the University Council on Monday, nated by Colonel Spaulding, himself.
November 10. at 4:15 p.m. in Room His gifts to the libraries include not
1009 A.H. only volumes on military affairs, but
Agenda: also many historical and incunabula

Minutes of the meeting of October
Communication from the Univer-
sity Senate relative to the function
and size of the University Council.
Report of the Counselor to Foreign
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary

books, especially ones dealing with
A large collection of military plates
is also included in the new publica-
tion. They represent the covers of
many of te books listed.
DAILY at 2--4--7--9 P.M.

By MORTON MINTZ college expenses via cooperative
Every time the Wolverines score a ! gmethods.
touchdown, they score another ad- I Fraternities Experiment
vance for the newest girls' residence Another is the recent inauguration
hall, Henderson House. of cooperative-type buying by fra-
The football squad is making others ternity houses. Already successful
pay for their efficiency-and the in its cheat purchasing plan, the In-

money gamned is set asiide for building
this home.
University alumnae realized the
need of helping coeds with limited
incomes keep their expenses down,
and they hit upon this plan for build-
ing a low-cost-of-living cooperative-
ly run.
Whenever Michigan scores, the wo-
men drop six pennies in yellow and
blue bags distributed in hundreds of
alumnae homes all over the country.
An extra penny is contributed for
the extra point.
Tried for the first time last year
in Grand Rapids, each alumnae con-
tributed $1.96, thus providing a con-
siderable down-payment for the $50,-
000 Henderson House. The plan is'
now being promoted widely. In De-
troit, alumnae set up a $500 prize trip
to Guatemala and found thousands
eager to help by buying a chance.
This is only one of the new de-
velopments in the fight against high
British Spirit
Is Gibbs' Topic
Noted War Correspondent
Will SpeakIn Detroit
"The Spirit of Britain" will be the
subject of a speech to be delivered
Nov. 12 at the Detroit Town Hall by
Sir Philip Gibbs, famed war corre-
spondent and novelist who recently
arrived from warring England via
the Atlantic Clipper.
Gibbs has gene through every war
campaign since 1912 when he cov-
ered the Balkan War. His first scoop
was his expose of Dr. Cook upon his
return from the North Pole when he
unmasked the explorer as a faker
in a seven-column story which hit
the front pages of papers throughout
the country.
During the World War Gibbs went
to the front as special correspondent
for the British and American press.
writing with a proplietic force which
earned him a knighthood and a world
Two lecture tours which brought
him to the United States, after the
war, packed halls in many major
cities here. "The Middle Road." a
best-seller, was written by him after
his travels through post-war Russia,
Germany and Austria, where he wit-
nessed the results of the collapse of
In his writings as early as 1919 he
predicted the second World War. Re-
cently Sir Philip has published "Sons
of the Others," about the evacuation
of Dunquerque, and "The Amazing
Summer," an account of the months
During which the R.A.F. repulsed
waves of Goering's bombers.

terfraternity Council is confident it
will expand the joint-purchasing plan
into other fields, with consequent
lower cost and greater standardiza-
tion of quality.
But the mainstays of the coopera-
tive movement on campus are the
12 "depression-founded" houses based
on the Rochdale Principles of cooper-
ative living.
Co-Ops Keep Costs Down
They have especially proved their
economic value to nearly 200 students
whose food costs have gone up rela-
tively little, while meals in commer-
cial eating places average approxi-
mately five cents more each than a
few mqnths ago.
Despite rising prices of nearly every
commodity, the cooperatives' prices
for, board alone now range from $1.50
to $3.40 a week, or from about seven
cents a meal to 17 cents, as com-
pared with a range of $1.50 to $3.25
last year. There has been consider-
able price shifting within the price
ranges, however.
Prices for room and board, which
generally include five to seVen hours
work, now range between $2.25 and
$6.00 as compared to $2.00 to $6.00
last year. Higher rates are generally
-Ann Arbor 1

charged in the girls' houses, where
higher quality is usually prevalent.!
The unique system of self-govern-
ment in the Rochdale houses played
a large part in their successful effort
to meet rising prices.
Through the purchasing committee
of the Intercooperative Council,
many cooperatives bought tremendous
quantities of staple foodstuffs before
large price-rises and saved an esti-
mated 20 per cent.
The purchasing committee of the
ICC, composed of the purchasing
agents of very house, investigated
the price of several types of foods in
farmers' markets, cooperative associ-
ations and wholesale firms and re-
ported all essential facts to each
house. Then, each house decided
what it wanted to buy through the
ICC, and the rest it purchased separ-
Though price is a primary consid-
eration, nutritional values of food are
given due recognition and the pur-
chasing agents act as stewards and
general dietitians to provide balanced
and healthy meals.
Eighteen Choirs
Will Sing Here
Music Festival To Be Held
At Methodist Church
More than 400 choir singers will
participate in a choir festival under
the general direction of Prof. Har-
din A. Van Deursen of the School of
Music at 8:15 p.m. Sunday in the
First Methodist Church.
The festival is planned to give gen-
eral enlightenment on church music
and to facilitate the exchange of
ideas between choir directors. Eigh-
teen choirs from the Ann Arbor dis-
trict of the Methodist Church will
unite in the singing of four Thanks-
giving anthems.
Several of the choirs will present
special numbers. The choir of the
First Methodist Church here will pre-
sent the antiphon, "O Thou Eternal
One" by DeLamarter. The Monroe
choir will sing "O Lord Most Holy"
by Franck.
The program provides for audience-
participation in the singing of several
familiar hymns. An organ recital by
Mary Eleanor Porter, organist of the
Ann Arbor church, will open the pro-
Taking part in the program are
choirs from Monroe, Belleville, Bliss-
field, Howell, Farmington, Ypsilanti,
Dexter, Hudson, Milan, Morenci,
Plymouth, Romulus, Tecumseh and
West Mound.

Members of the Faculty are invited
to attend the 12th annual Parent
Education Institute which will be in
session at the Rackham Building to-
day, Thursday and Friday, Novem-
ber 5, 6 and 7. Call at the registra-
tion desk in person for admission
Students in the University will be
admitted to the lectures in the Lec-
ture Hall, provided there is room
after delegates are seated.
C. A. Fisher, Director
Extension Service
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Courses dropped
after Saturday, November 8, by stu-
dents other than freshmen will be re-
corded with the grade of E. Freshmen
(students with less than 24 hours of
credit) may drop courses without
penalty through the eighth week.
Exceptions to these regulations may
be made only because of extraordin-
ary circumstances, such as serious or
long-continued illness.
E. A. Walter
School of Education Students, other
than freshmen: Courses dropped
after Saturday, November 8, will be
recorded with the grade of E except
under extraordinary circumstances.
No course is considered officially
dropped unless it has been reported
in the office of the Registrar, Room
4, University Hall.
Freshmen inathe College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts may ob-
tain their five-weekprogress reports
in the Academic Counselor's Office,
Room 108 Mason Hall, from 8:00 to
12 a.m. and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. ac-
cording to the following schedule:
P through Z, today.
I through 0, Thursday, Novem-
ber 6.
A through H, Friday, November 7.
(Continued on Page 4)


From the screen's
Add -Master Craftsman U


- Coming Sunday -
"When Ladies Meet"


Here Is Today's
In Summary



Now Showing!

Protests and counter-protests were
received at the City C incil meet-
ing Monday in regard to he proposed
use of the Hoover estate on Washte-
naw Avenue as a park and children's
Property owners surrounding the
estate say that the area is not large
enough for a park, the position of
the entrance would create a traffic
nuisance, it cannot remain strictly
a community park, and that the
property should be built up for
home owners, since the city would
receive money in taxes, instead of
increasing the outlay of city money
for park purposes.
Petitioners for the park pointed
out that children would be forced to
play in the street with no play-
ground facilities, and William Stur-
gis, 14, said that the argument that
property value would be reduced is
wrong because children are the
home owners' most valuable pro-
The question was referred to
committee by the Counci Ifor fur-
ther study.
Informed- that their request for a
traffic control signal at Stadium
Boulevard and Main Street was out-
side their jurisdiction as a recom-
mendation, the City Council placed
the report on file without comment.
The problem was turned over to the
sheriff, who will submit the required
diagrams showing accidents at the
intersection during 1940 and 1941.
Claude Eoertsen
To Address Hillel
"Students and the War" will be the
subject of Hillel Foundation's fire-
side discussion group to be addressed
by Prof. Claude A. Eggertsen at 8:30
p.m. Friday at the Foundation.
Professor Eggersten, who teaches
history of education courses in the
School of Education, will discuss the
issues and problems facing youth in
this war. A question period will

-- xete'-
1. Roast pork with apple sauce, baked Idaho potato,
buttered sweet corn, roll and butter .............. . ....... 35c
2. Chow Mein on crisp toast, roll and butter..............30c
3. Hot roast beef sandwich, gravy, mashed potatoes
cabbage salad .............. ...........................30c
4. Waffles with butter chips, maple syrup, milk or coffee .... 24c
5. Baked beans with salad, vegetable, roll and butter
m ilk or coffee -............................................33c
6. Chicken salad sandwich with lettuce, potato chips
m ilk or coffee .-..-... ..................................30C
7. Grilled cube steak, french fried potatoes, salad,
vegetable, roll and butter...........................40c
8. Hamburger on toasted bun, french fried potatoes, salad,
milk or coffee.......................................30c
9. Banana and Nut salad on crisp lettuce, roll and butter or
toast, milk or coffee-........ .......... .......30c
Vegetable Beef Soup ........... .......................10c
Deluxe Hamburger on toasted bun, relish, potato chips ......15c
Egg salad 15c, Minced Ham 15c, Tuna salad 15c
A Sample of our well-balanced daily meals.
CAM P UScut-4ate DR UG

:x:00 P.M.
Overture to 'Euryanthe" Weber
Symphony No 5 in E-flat major, Op. 82 Sibelius

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