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November 05, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-05

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Rain and Colder


5k igau


'United Front' Needed
Against Local Thieves . .

t Z -32-



4m Tlo-I& 70 I

Navy Reveals
Atlantic Battle
Has Cost U.S.
Lives Of 122
Oil Tanker Is Torpedoed
Southwest Of Iceland;
No Casualties Are Listed
Hope Is Abandoned
For 97 Aboard James
United States Army and Navy have
lost 1'22 men in connection with the
battle of the Atlantic, it was dis-
closed today,'although there was no
loss of life in the latest incident to
be reported--the torpedoing of the
U.S.S. Salinas, Naval oil tanker.
The tanker, the Navy announced,
was torpedoed "without warning" last
Wednesday night while it was travel-

Drama Season To Open
With 'Jim Dandy' Today

At least fou of the seamen listed
by the Navy as lost in the sinking
of the. destroyer Reuben James
were reported safe tonight by
Officials explained last-minute
changes in the ship's roster might
account for the discrepancies and
indicated the official list might be
changed later when further infor-
mation becomes 'available.
ing in a convoy southwest of Iceland.
It was seriously damaged, but reached
an undisclosed port in safety.
Even as new details of the struggle
accumulated into story of submarine-
surface ship fighting without prece-
dent, the Navy formally abandoned
hope for those listed as missing in the
torpedo sinking of the U.S. Destroyer
Reuben James west of Iceland.,
That meant the death list in the
Reuben James incident stood at 97
officers and men-one of the most
costly losses in modern American
naval history.
Other losses have included 11 killed
in the torpedo attack on the Destroy-
er Kearny, 11 Navy men and an
Army officer lost in a patrol plane
crash last Sunday, an yrmy officer
killed in a plane crash in Iceland last
August, and a naval officer lost over-
board from a dpstroyer.
The Navy rekorted today the big
patrol bomber had crashed into a
mountain on an unidentified island
somewhere in the Atlantic.
Only twice during the entire World
War were heavier losses of naval per-
sonnel recorded than were listed in
the Reuben James sinking. The worst
disaster of World War days was the
sinking by a submarine of the U.S.S.
Ticonderoga, a cargo ship. Casual-
ties included 214 dead, among them
99 soldiers and two Army officers.
Senior Class
Petitions Due
Monday Made Deadline
For OfficeApplicants
Petitions for sinior class offices are
due in the Student Offices of the
Union, at 3:30 p.m. Monday, Robert
Samuels, '42, Director of Elections
announced yesterday.
The applications, which are now
obtainable any day from 3 to 5 p.m.
in the Student Offices, must bear the
signatures of 25 seniors in the lit-
erary college and as many as possible
in the other schools.
Offices in the literary college will
be divided between the men and wo-
men in the following manner: the
positions of president and secretary
will be held by men and the vice-
president and treasurer will be wo-
Men petitioning in that school
should sign up for an interview with
the Men's Judiciary Council. Inter-
viewing will be held between 3:30 and
5:30 p.m. Monday.
Elections for senior class officers
will be held on Thursday Nov. 20 for
the following schools: College of
Pharmacy, College of Literature
Science and Arts, Law School, School
of Business Administration, College
of Architecture and Design, School of
Forestry and Conservation and School
of Music.
Triangles Tap 12
For Membership
T>Pf Tarr Rntn'ardnharma o

jJim Dandy," William Saroyan's
rolicking fantasy-comedy, will open
the winter season of Play Production
of the Department of Speech when
it begins its four-day run at the Lydia
Mendelsohn Theatre at 8:30 p.m.
Play Production is probably the
first theatre group in the country to
present the play. It is being given
this month in approximately 50 Uni-
versity and Community theatres and
for this reason has attracted nation-
wide interest. This is the first time
thata Broadway play has been pre-
sented by a number of amateur
groups before its New York appear-
Play Will Surpass Prize-Winner
Saroyan, who is the first play-
wright ever to win both the New
York Critics' Circle Award and the
Pulitzer Prize simultaneously, has ex-
pressed the belief that this play will
surpass his prize-winning "The Time
of Your Life."
Says Mr. Saroyan: "At the worst,
we will confuse people; at the least,
we will awaken their imaginations; at
the best, we will broaden the areas
of dramatic art. One thing is sure,
we will not find it possible to leave
people exactly where we found them."
Typical of the mood of the play
are the descriptions of the charac-
ters which vary from Jim Dandy as
"anybody" and Jim Crow as "any-
body else" to Johnny, "a young man
with one foot in the grave." The
scene is laid in a public library-
without walls-supervised by a fem-
inine librarian who reclines on a can-
opied couch in the true Cleopatra
The play fulfills all the require-
Fund Campaign
Short of Goal
On Final Day
Half Of $59,000 Quota
Is Yet To Be Collected
Today In Local Drive
On the eve of the final day of sol-
icitations the Community Fund cam-
paign had covered less than half the
ground towards its $59,434 goal.
At the close of a report luncheon
fo the mens' divisions at the Union
yesterday a total of $24,238.85, 41%
of the quota, had been collected since
the beginning of the campaign Oct.
But Prof. Laylin K. James, of the
Law School, chairman of the Fund,
was not discouraged. 'Some of the di-
visions are composed of large units
which do not report until their can-
vass is finished, which explains the
slowness of some divisions, he said.
However, he pointed out that an in-
tensive effort would have to be made
on the last day if the quota is to be
The special gifts division still leads
the other divisions with a total of
$12, 416.10. Totals for the other di-
visions are: University $6,474.50, com-
mercial $2,657, Industrial $1,870, util-
ities $1,250, Junior Chamber of Com-
merce $984.25, women's $946.25, pub-
lic schools $464.50, service clube $309,
University hospital $184.25 and Dun-
bar Community Center $41.50.
The final report meeting will be
held at noon tomorrowmin the Union.
The Real American Spirit?

ments of three different kinds of
dramatic presentation as drama, mu-
sic and dancing combine to provide
an epoch-making form of entertain-
ment. The music, however, is not of
the usual "soft lights" variety for
blares of a bugle will announce the
entrances of "anybody" Jim Dandy.
Windt Will Direct
For the thirteenth consecutive year
Valentine B. Windt, Director of Play
Production and member of the De-
partment of Speech, will direct this
season's plays. In the instance of
this opening drama, however, play-
wright Saroyan objects to the use of
the term "director" as applied to the1
guiding hand.
"'Jim Dandy' ", he maintains, "is
a symphony of words and therefore
needs a conductor rather than a di-
Art director for the play is Robert
Mellencamp and Emma Hirsch is cos-
tumiere. Lucille W. Walz, treasurer ,
of the drama group, announces that
season tickets will be on sale until
tomorrow and seats for this produc-
tion are still available.
Extra Showing
Comedy Fans
Art Cinema Will Present
Two Movie Programs
In Revised Schedule
There are some who missed the op-
portunity to "get away from it all."
The Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
was filled to capacity at the first pre-
sentation of the Art Cinema's comedy
series, and to -accommodate "eager
fans," the League, under great pres-
sure, its officials say, will provide a
supplementary showing of the re-
maining films in the series at 6:30
p.m. preceding the regular 8:15 p.m.
Season tickets for the remaining
three presentations to be given at
6:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 23 and
Jan. 18 are on sale'at reduced rates
in the Union, League and a State
Street book store.
Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton
will be the stars in Sunday's presenta-
tions of "Grandma's Boy" and "Sher-
lock Jr."
A student of American comedy
wrote, "it was after he assumed his
horn-rimmed glasses in 1917 that
Harold Lloyd developed his own in-
genious type of character comedy.
"The Lloyd character in 'Grand-
ma's Boy,' a typical American coun-
try boy, always struggles eagerly to
adapt himself to circumstances more
complex and more sophisticated than
are common to him. He is always
successful in the end, but comedy
arises from situations which reveal
how difficult this adaptation is."
This author writes of Buster Kea-
ton in 'Sherlock Jr.,' "He would re-
semble the classic simpleton of legend
and fairy tales were it not for a qual-
ity which might be termed meta-
physical madness.
He is imperturbably serious, in-
scrutable, and stubborn and acts un-
der the impulse of an irresistible
power unknown to himself, compar-
able only to the mysterious urge that
causes the birds to migrate or the
avalanches to come crashing down."

Opens Today
At Rackham
Parent Education Institute
To Hold 3-Day Meeting;
Plan On 1,000 Delegates
Wyland To Speak
At Opening Session
Over 1000 delegates are expected to
attend the twelfth annual Parent Ed- .
ucation Institute which will open its
three day program at 9:30 a.m. today
in the Rackham Building.
Considering the general theme.
"Man Remakes His Environment,"
the opening day sessions will be lim-
ited to a discussion of family rela-
tionships, this topic being taken up
by a series of conferences and
R O Wylaxd To Speak
IRay 0. Wyland, Director of Edu-
cation and Relationships for the Boy
Scouts of America, will address the
first general session this morning on'
the topic, "Guarantees of Democra-
cy." He will be followed in the after-'
noon by one of the Institute's top at-
tractions, Dean Marten ten Hoor of1
Tulane who will speak on "Democracy
vs. Totalitarianism-A Crisis in Edu-
cation." Other featured speakers of
today include Eugene Ellot, State Su-'
perintendent of Public Instruction,
and Prof. Ernest G. Osborne, Teach-'1
ers College Columbia University.
Hooton ToTalk Thursday
Prof. Ernest Hooton, well-known
Harvard author and anthropologist,
will headline Thursday's program
with speeches both in the morning
and evening, his topics being "The
Patology of Nations," and "Environ-
ment Unmakes the Man."
Also speaking tomorrow will bej
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky, Univer-
sity adult education expert; Mrs. Sid-'
onie M. Gruenberg, author and edu-
cator; and Dean Carroll Sibley of Los
Angeles College.E
Scheduled to address the closingt
sessions of the Institute Friday onI
the day's topic "The World Com-I
munity" are Mrs. Gruenberg; Frank-
lin Dunham, director of the Catholic
Community Service; Dr. Ernest J.3
Chave; and Wendell Lund, Executive
Director of the Michigan State Un-
employment Compensation Commis-7
sion. -
Engine School
Freshmen Will Elect Two
To Engineers' Council
Freshmen in the College of Engi-
neering will do their first voting as a
class today when they elect two rep-
resentatives to serve on the Engineer-
ing Council.
Balloting, will be done in regular
weekly freshman assemblies at 10
a.m. and 2 p.m. today, rather than
at a separate ballot box as used on
other class elections, election chair-
man Verne C. Kennedy, '42E, an-,
New this year are stringent regua-
tions against electioneering in the.
form of bulletin board posters andt
pass-out slips or cards. Instead, pic-f
tures of the candidates have been ob-r
tained and posted on the EngineeringI
Council bulletin board by the electionr
Candidates for election as selected

by the election committee are George
Collins, John Dowdle, James Eyster,
Walter Furbush, John Mansfield,
John Miller, AlfredoShevin, David
Upton and Ray Yagle.
.Serving on the election committee
are Kennedy, John Burnham, 42E,
Don West, '43E, and David Weh-
meyer, '44E..

Tokyo Offers Seven Point
Far Eastern Program
To Ease Pacific Crisis
Nippon Says U.S.
Must Name Ternis
TOKYO, Wednesday. Nov. 5-()-
The foreign office-controlled Japan
Times and Advertiser published a
sweeping 7-point program today for
the United States "to make effective
on her own initiative" to ease the
Pacific crisis in which other sections
of the press bluntly said the time
has come for a final showdown.
"This is not the time, when the Pa-
cific is on the brink of war, for Japan
to make known terms to the United
States, but rather for America specif-
ically to say what terms of settlement
that country intends to make toward
undoing its acts of aggression," the
newspaper said.
Boldly asserting that if the United
States does not "take the right turn
in the road she can face the alterna-
tives," the newspaper put forward its
program for the United States as
"1. Stop all military and economic
aid to Chungking by all foreign states
and cease all propaganda or military
missions to keep Chungking at war
with Japan. America could advise
Chungking to make its peace with
"2. Leave China completely free to
deal with Japan and therefore end
hostilities and establish economic co-
"3. Stop encirclement of Japan by
military, naval and air bases and by
economic barriers. Proceed no fur-
ther with military and naval move-
ments in the western Pacific under
the pretext of defense.
"4. Acknowledge Japan's co-pros-
perity sphere, her leadership in the
western Pacific and, in doing so, leave
Manchukuo, China, Indo-China,
Thailand, the (Netherlands East)
Indies and other states and protec-
torates to establish their own political
and economic relations with Japan
without interference of any kind.
"5. Recognize Manchukuo. Nobody
can undo what is done there.. The
state exists with an emperor heading
it and nobody will change it. Common
and political sense . . . ditates such
diplomatic recognition.
"6. Stop at once unconditionally the
freezing of Japan's assets and China's
assets in America, Britain, the Indies
and wherever that provocative mea-
sure is applied.
"7. Restore the trade treaties, abol-
ish all restrictions on shipping and
commerce, undo everything wrong-
fully done in the name of peace but
with the design for war, whether ec-
onomic or military."
Ross Takes State Job
George G. Ross, associate professor'
of landscape architecture and city
planning in the College of Architec-
ture and Design, has obtained leave'
from the University to take over his
new duties as Director of the State
Planning Commission, it was an-
nounced yesterday.

Appears Here,


S *
Choral Union
Will Present
Third Concert
Camera Artist Rodzinski
Will Lead Symphony
Even musicians 4ove to take pic-
Artur Rodzinski, distinguished/ con-
ductor of the Cleveland Symphony
Orchestra, is one of the country's
many camera fiends. Besides that, he
is one of the best amateur photog-
raphers in the state of Ohio.
But he'll forsake his camera for a
baton at 3 p.m. Sunday when he steps
to the -podium on the Hill Auditorium
stage to lead his 82 virtuosos in the
third concert of the annual Choral
Union Series.I
His audience will probably reach,
the 5,000 mark-Hill Auditorium's
seating capacity-because Dr. Charles
A. Sink, president of the University
Musical Society, says "there aren't
very many tickets left."
The few that can still be bought
are available at the offices of the
University Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower.
Program for the afternoon concert
is designed to please the audience by
its variety. The works to be played
include: Overture to "Euryanthe" by
Weber; Symphony No. 5 in E-flat
major, Op. 82, by Sibelius; "Iberia,"
Impressions for Orchestra No. 2, by
Debussy; and "Scenaiio for Orches-
tra" on Themes from "Show Boat,"
by Kern.
The Cleveland Orchestra is one of
the finest musical institutions in the
nation. It has toured for 22 years,
played 856 concerts in 25 states and
earned the name of the "touring or-
The organization is .very popular
with Cleveland audiences, has its own
three-million-dollar home ' and has
appeared in -Choral Union concerts
twice before.

German Offensives Peril
Caucasus, Crimea; Japan
Wants Final Showdown'

U.S. Warning To Finland
Attacked By Opposition;
Foreign Policy Defended
'Defensive War'
ClaimedBy Taft
(By The Associated Press)
The multi-armed German offen-
sive reaching out in the east toward
the Caucasus and south for Sevasto-
pol in the Crimea apparently still was
pushing back the Soviet lines general-
ly last night, and the, loss of much of
the best of the Russian south was a
plainly growing probability.
In the Crimea, about which the
Russians were silent yesterday save
for reports of minor and local suc-
cesses, the German command claimed
the capture of Feodosiya, a port and
communications center 60 miles short
of Kerch and connected by rail to
that city-which is separated only by
a two-mile-wide strait from the Cau-
casian mainland.
This, victory was attributed to a
Nazi force striking eastward and
roughly at right angles from the col-
umns beating downward upon Sevas-
topol itself with the assignment of
knocking out that key Soviet naval
base for the Black Sea. Sevastopol
was understood to be under German
artillery fire.
Well to the north of all this action,
a third German force, or rather a
series of forces operating along and
above the northern shores of the Sea
of Azov, was smashing from several
directions at the approaches to Ros-
tov on the River Don, the western en-
trance to the Caucasus on the trunk
railroad connecting that area with
the rest of Russia.
The Russians themselves acknowl-
edged that before Rostov violent Ger-
man tank charges had driven a sali-
ent several miles deep' into the Soviet
line, although saying that efforts to
extend this salient had failed.
So far as the Crimea was con-
cerned the immediate German con-
cern appeared to be to reach Kerch
in time to prevent its possible use
as a point of debarkation. The Nazi
High Command pictured the Russian
Crimean forces as in flight generally,
but every other source of informa-
tion-including the observation of a
German war correspondent that the
hardest fighting was still to come-
rebutted that contention.
Senators Attack
Warning To Finns
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4.-(4P)-Foes
of the Roosevelt foreign policy joined
in a concerted attack upon the Ad-
ministration today for warning Fin-
land to end its conflict with Russia.
In reply, Administration supporters'
charged them with endeavoring to di-
vert attention from the real issue
before the Senate and the nation.
This, said Senator Lee (Dem.-
Okla.), was whether the United
States is to help those, meaning
Russia in this instance, "who stand
as a barrier between the United
States and war."
The day's debate on Neutrality Act
revision also brougit declarations
from Senators Bilbo (Dem.-Miss.)
and Lodge (Rep.-Mass.), who previ-
ously had supported much of the
Administration foreign policy, that
they would oppose 'removing restric-
tions which keep American ships out
of combat zones.
Senators Taft (Rep.-Ohio), Clark
(Dem.-Ida.) and Clark (Dem.-Mo.)
participated in the criticism of the
warning to Finland, with Taft ask-
ing in tones of deepest sarcasm whe-
ther this country had received any
assurances from Russia that the lat-
ter would not attack Finland if and
when it is victorious over Hitler.
"We will be deeply ashamed," said
Taft, "for all time to come of our
warning to Finland to .cease a war

which is essentially a defensive war."
Marriage Lecture
Series Ends Today
Last in the fall series of marriage
relations course lectures will be given
at 7:30 p.m. today in the Lecture
Hall of the Rackham Building on
"iVIarriage Adjustments." Prof. Ern-
est G. Osborne of Columbia Univer-

.Halifax Bombarded With Eggs
Hurled By Irate Woman Pickets

Ersatz For Black Friday:
Freshman-Sophomore Games
To Take Place November 15

DETROIT, Nov. 4--A')-Unshaken
by a barrage of eggs and tomatoes
hurled at him by women pickets op-
posing this nation's entry into war,
Lord Halifax, British Ambassador to
the United States, rounded out to-
night a two-day tour of Detroit's arms
production centers.
One egg struck Halifax as he pass-
ed a group of 25 parading women
outside the downtown building where
he visited with) Archbishop Edward
Mooney, head of the Catholic Arch-
Diocese of Detroit.
An hour later the Ambassador
visited the Henry Ford Hospital and
received treatment for an eye irri-
tation, but Cyril Cane, British consul
here, said the trouble was not a
result of the egg-throwing.
The missile-tossing women carried
such placards as "Remember the
burning of the Capitol in the War of


LaGutardia Wins
Over O'Dwyer;
Jeff ries Elected
NEW YORK, Nov. 4-(AP)-Fiorello
H. La Guardia did it again, but this
time it was a tussle.
For the third successive time he ad-
ministered a beating to Tammany
Hall, and the city's other Democratic
organizations, not by such impressive
margins as the two previous elections,
but still enough to defeat the Demo-
cratic candidate, William O'Dwyer.
With only 348 election districts out
of 4,059 yet to be heard from, the

"Class rivalry on the Michigan"
campus is not dead."
This is the cry which yesterday
came from the lips of freshmen and
sophomores alike, as they set Nov.
15 for the staging in Yost Field House
of what seems likely to prove the most
spirited class games Michigan has
ever seen.
Rushing plans for the big day,
leaders of both classes announced
meetings for tomorrow in the Stu-
dent Offices of the Union. Dormi-
tory presidents and a few other prom-
inent freshmen will meet at 7:30 p.m.
to decide questions of strategy, dis-
cuss the rules for the games and elect
a captain. A similar conference of
sophomore leaders will take place at
8 .m.

then defend it against the determined
rush of the freshmen.
Other games to be held include aj
mass tug-of-war; a fight over a
gigantic canvass ball, eight feet in
diameter, and a pillow fight.
- Under the direction and sponsor-
ship of the Union, the Interfraternity
Council and The Daily, the games
have full University approval. John
White, '42, is acting as adviser for the
freshmen, while Jack Hooper, '44, is
temporary adviser-leader of the
ASU To Give Skit Today;
Nazis Will Be Discussed
A skit entitled "School for Bar-
barians" will be presented at a meet-
;- -f.. ..C E t.-. A * C+ 1-f- T T--.2.


Beatrice Knowles, president of a
group called "The American Moth-
ers," charged that the egg-throwers
were members of a rival organiza-
fin-.. ~ t'MI. . dn.. .C of I,- TT C0 A 1

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