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November 05, 1941 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-05

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T I M_________A,______________

The Michigan Daily

Letters To The Editor

H aufler Answers Charges.. .

To the Editor:
N OW that various and sundry
pleasure in poiniting out the

have found
obvious fact

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.,
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
'ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42


ditorial Staff

Emile Gel .
Alvin Dann .
David Lachenbruc
Jay McCormick
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill
Janet Hiatt
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell

. . . . Managing Editor
. . . . . Editorial Director
h . . . . City Editor
. . . .' . Associate Editor
* . . . sports Editor
. ssistant Sports Editor
Women's Editor
Assistant Women's Editor
. . . . . Exchange Editor
Business Staff
Business Manager
. . Associate Business Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager
. . Women's Business -Manager


H. Huyett
B. Collins

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff, and represent the views of the writers
United front' Needed

Against Local Thieves . .


ternities and two University build-
ings were burglarized. The total loss came to
approximately $265.00 in property and that
which is dear to the heart of every student-
the long green.
Our police chief warned all fraternities, and
sororities, at that time, that they should keep
their doors and windows locked. It is better
to struggle with an elusive key-hole than to be
reduced to nickel beer for a month or so.
INSPITE OF the chief's warning the crime wave
swept on, aided and abetted by unlocked
doors and windows. Two of the University's pro-
fessors were robbed of $2,000, although the
house breaking artist had to break a window
in one instance.
Tien Monday, the independents were subjec-
ted to their first loss of this semester to the cam-
pus vandal. $25.00 of the United States' Trea-
sury's best silver certificates were hooked from
a 'rooming house on Monroe Street. So now we
must re-word the chief's warning: the culprit
does not discriminate between the IFC and the
Student Congress and it will require a united
front to prevent further general loss.
So, ,as they say in those horrifying insurance
ads, "you may be next." The picture of your best
girl may be swiped and your laundry money
too. And ladies - this fellow made a perfect
mess of the last room he entered - he spilled
talcum powder all over the rug.
-Robert Stirling

that my recent anti-interventionist letter was
emotional, I gladly admit that I had no intent
of writing professorial logic, but iistead wrote
the letter out of an intense bitterness against
the hypocrisies surrounding our drift toward war.
The letter served its purpose; it finally tripped
Mr. Ogden full onto the dissection table, when
it would have been much more flattering to him
if he had kept his hand-me-down logic in the
In his reply, Mr. Dawson drew a very noble
picture of our nation, "alive, articulate and in-
formed as never before," listening calmly to both
sides of the case, staying constantly in close
contact with reason, and finally, after judicial
deliberation, deciding upon war.
Mr. Dawson is wishful thinking. You have
only to listen to the radio blaring the national
anthem a score of times each day, to see tri-
colored banners everywhere proclaiming "My
country right or wrong," to observe our war-bent
press lauding their side and villifying any and
all opposition--you have only to notice all these,
and you will realize that our nation's march to
war leans on reason about as heavily as it leans
on the philosophy of Plato.
WHERE are the "many voices" that Mr. Daw-
son speaks of? Have those who oppose war
been met with reason, or with cries of copper-
head, traitor, Nazi? How can John Q. Public
react rationally when he is flogged on into frenzy
by the same old symbols and the same old songs
and the same old saws about "our moral duty"
and "freedom of the seas?"
I admit, too, Mr. Dawson's charge that I am,
filled with distrust. There are plenty of reasons--
the incident of the U.S.S. Greer, for example.
President Roosevelt made a lot of that. He told
how the Greer was marked plainly as a U.S.
ship and how the distinctive shape of its funnels
would preclude any possibility of its being mis-
taken for a British ship. Well, I discussed the
incident with the officer of a submarine and I
learned that it was entirely possible -to make
such a mistake; that one can see little more
than a silhouette through a periscope, and that
it was very unlikely that a submarine officer
would have enough knowledge of ships to recog-
nize a vessel's nationality by the shape of its
funnels. It so happened that this officer believed
in intervention. "No, the Greer incident was
probably only a mistake," he said, "but the
people of this country are so unwilling to do
what they must do that the President has to
make the most of all such incidents in order to
whip them up."
Rationality, Mr. Dawson?
NOW that our Navy ships are poking their
prows into dangerous waters, we read about
their "lawful errands." What is lawful about
them? How can we expect to protect British
convoys without having our ships sunk and our
sailors killed? How can the Nazis do anything
other than to try to sink them? If the tables
were turned, you can bet your life that we would
be sinking these ships right and left. And yet
President Roosevelt calls it "Piracy," cites these
sinkings as justification for our shooting war in
the Atlantic. He speaks irately also of the sink-
ing of those U.S. ships which slick American
businessmen, trying to dodge the neutrality act,
placed under Panama registry. There may not
be a "diabolically clever minority" tricking us
into war, Mr. Dawson, but there are leaders
who are deliberately putting us in a position in,
which we cannot possibly escape war-and that
is little different.
WE have reached the stage where we are cloth-
ing the barbarity of our entrance into war
in noble bunting. You can buy a defense bond
and so share in saving your country-but what
most people are after is the 2.9 interest. Big
businessmen shout about how much they are
doing for defense-but they must be guaranteed
their profit before they take a step. You hear
about patriotic Detroit tank builders who work
overtime so that defense production may be
speeded, but they will tell you that they are more
eager to get an overtime bonus than to prove
their patriotism.
When I see and hear things like these, Mr.
Dawson, I am quite convinced that the words of
your letter are far, far too elegant to describe
this march to war. Despite all your attempts to

glamorize World War II, it remains the same
sordid mess as World War I, and will effect just
about as much-i.e., nothing.
- Hervie Haufler,
(Former Daily Managing Editor)
showing an annual income of $50,000 or more.
Compare this to the 7,509 filed in 1914. In 1917,
up until we entered the war, and continuing
through the year we soared to the unheard fig-
ure of 19,103. However, in 1918, after we had
entered the war and were in the midst of it, the
number of people dipped sharply to 14,495.
HOW DID THE WAGES of labor keep up dur-
ing the years? In figures released by the
Ijnited States Department of Labor, we have
ample proof that the wages did not keep pace
with the change in prices. For, while in 1913
for every 100 dollars paid, (and these are union
wages) the cost of living was 100 dollars, in
1916 this jumped to 106 dollar wage to fit a
118.3 cost of living. In 1918 the wage was 130
dollars, but the cost of living was 174.4 dollars.
Now, while the war profits are being made,
«.nF1.iv r t I- - A - T --.-4- , ; - -4 - -

A Reply To Slautterback. ..
To the Editor:
THE November 1st installment in this column
of H. J. Slautterback's isolationist philosophy
is a typical case of Get-Roosevelt obstruction-
ism. In the early stages the disease is charac-
terized by Hearstian pustules, a pasty Taft-faced
color and sour-grape belly rumblings oddly like
those emanating from Palo Alto. In the end it
leaves its victims deaf and blind-but not dumb,
There have been epidemics in the past. Even
before Roosevelt with his mild social pioneering
sent the temperatures of the reactionaries climb-
ing, the malady was known. It seems to affect
the minds of its victims; they grow delirious
over States Rights; they have delusions of per-
secution, they see the Founding Fathers writh-
ing on the wall. Often they develop a Messiah
Complex and set out to save the Constitution.
T has left its scars upon America,this blind
obstructionism, this crazy insistence upon
States Rights. I list only a few. There are as
yet no adequate child labor laws; in thirteen
states only a small percentage -of the citizens
can afford the $2 to $6 luxury of voting; more
than 35,000 young men of draft age had to sign
their registration cards with an "x" in one state
And now it seeks to paralyze effective Execu-
tive action in the present world crisis by its
charge of dictatorship. I should like to prescribe
an article for editorial-writer Slautterback. It
appeared in the N. Y. Times of Oct. 18 and is
entitled "A Historian Examines the Charge of
Dictatorship against Roosevelt" by H. S. Com-
mager of Columbia University. It might serve
as a timely catharsis.
STOPPING HITLER is not a proposed amend-
ment to the Constitution which we can'de-
bate endlessly. It is a long, bloody, heartbreaking
job which we must face-largely because the
obstructionists of yesterday blocked the begin-
ning of world government. Stopping Hitler is
the ghastly job which must be done if mankind
is to have the chance to resume its labored
march toward a better world.- B. S. Henshaw
vdt9 mytv
0 The Prune
of Waterbury
T HIS IS A SAD TALE of one of the most ser-
ious disillusionments that I ever experienced.
It was recalled to me yesterday when I met a
fellow who said he was from Waterbury, Con-
That reminded me of the Prune of Waterbury.
The story of the Prune of Waterbury was
told to me by my older brother once when I
was very young. I will try to retell it as
faithfully as my memory will allow me.
ONCE UPON A TIME a man living in Water-
bury, Connecticut, decided that it would be
nice to have a fruit garden in back of his house.
So he bought some seeds, among which were a
very special variety of prune seeds.
He planted the seeds in his garden, that is--
all but the prune seeds. For them he had just
one nice large round plot left. Although it was
a fairly sizeable plot, it wasn't large enough for a
whole package of prune seeds. So the gentle-
man farmer walked into the house and got a jar
of glue, with which he carefully pasted the prune
seeds together to form a globule roughly resemb-
ling a popcorn ball. He planted this in the exact
center of the plot and thought no more about it.
Until -
One day he went out into his back yard to
see how his fruit garden was growing. The
oranges still looked like lemons, the bananas
were still the size of peanuts and the watermelp
ons were just poking their little zeppelin-like
noses through the turf. But in the center of the
little circular garden was a prune - a beautiful,
perfectly-developed, normal-sized prune.
The gentleman farmer gasped. It certainly was
early in the season for his prunes to be ready
for harvest. My, it looked like a good prune, too.

It would taste fine in his corn flakes tomorrow
morning. He stooped to pluck it, but something
told him to stop. Just think, he imagined, if
it has grown to this size in a week, how big it
might grow in another week.
THE NEXT WEEK, sure enough, it had grown
to the size of a baseball. The neighbors came
over to look at it, and they all agreed it was the
biggest prune they had ever seen. Our farmer
friend again decided to pick it and exhibit it at
the Connecticut State Fair the following week.
It ought to take first prize. But again he re-
frained from plucking the prune, in anticipation
of what additional glory time might bring.
As the weeks went by the prune kept grow-
ing. It became the size of a football, then
the size of a man. The Associated Press got
hold of the story, and before long it was
known throughout the United States as the
"'Prune of Waterbury."
The Lincoln Highway was rerouted so that
tourists could visit the famous botanical wonder.
Graham MacNamee conducted a coast-to-coast
broadcast as they started to hollow out the great
fruit. The innards of the prune were to be used
to make a gigantic prune whip whiclf was to be
divided among the orphanages in the state of
Even after the prune was hollowed it contin-
ued to grow, and tourists continued to flock there

Drew Pearson
Robert S. Allen
JOHN L. LEWIS didn't go to the
conference with the President, at
which the miner boss backed down
on the "captive" mine strike, until
he was assured that he was being
Lewis wanted it clearly understood
that he was not asking to see Roose-
Myron Taylor, astute former head
of the United States Steel Corpora-
tion, diplomatically smoothed the
way for the "invitation."
Taylor and Lewis had conferred
alone in the former's hotel suite for
several hours, discussing the pro-
posal, later agreed to by Lewis, to
submit the closed shop issue to the
National Defense Mediation Board.
fresh from a missioneto Rome,
talked at length on the extreme
gravity of the international situa-
tion, the great danger facing the
United States and the crucial role it
is playing in world affairs. He made
it clear that now is not the time to
rock the boat. Lewis, who fancies
himself an authority on international
affairs, was much impressed.
After lunch, the two men were
joined, at the President's request, by
Will Davis, chairman of the Media-
tion Board. Davis is another of Lew-
is' pet peeves, so his presence did
not soothe the union leader's touchy
sensibilities. Davis is the one man in
the administration who has stod up
to Lewis.
Finally, Taylor suggested that the
three go to the White House for a
personal talk with the President. It
had been many months since Lewis-
and Roosevelt had been face to face.
replied, "Iwon't go without an in-
,All right," said Taylor quietly,
"I'll see if we can get an invitation."!
He picked up the phone, asked for
the White House and-was promptly
connected with the President, to
whom he said, "We have been talk-
ing over a plan, Mr. President, and
think we ought to come and see you
about it."
see them immediately. Taylor
turned to Lewis and said, "Is that all
right with you, Mr. Lewis?"
"If we are invited," was the answer,
"it's all right with me."
At The White House
LEWIS was very solemn when he
entered the White House. The
President greeted him pleasantly, and
throughout the hour and 45-minute
conference was at his most charming
Like Taylor, the President also
talked at length about the serious-
ness of the international situation
and the peril facing the country.
LEWIS was the last to leave the
President's office. As they shook
I hncl R~nazup.t. AAA. Glad you

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'F i n ri

(Continued from Page 2)

Profits Are Made
Before War Entry.


is '~
Re& w.

is want good bomb-proof construction--we may not have
war, but there'll ALWAYS be parties!"

. ,
, .

. .

DEFENSE EFFORTS . . . cannot be
hampered by the selfish obstruction
of a small, but dangerous minority of industrial
managers, who hold out for extra profits . . . It
cannot be hampered by the selfish obstruction
of a small but dangerous minority of labor
If these above words f om President Roose-
velt's Navy Day speech are to be taken as an
indication of how the administration intends
to treat labor and capital during this "shooting
war", it would appear that there is going to be
no favoritism concerning their respective sacri-
fices. Hence the unpopularity of the minework-
ers' strike.
HOWEVER, the administration has a faulty
habit of saying one thing and doing another.
With this in mind, let us examine the facts Rf
the case.
Although the government has already inter-
vened in two strikes by sending troops, the only
action even proposed towards preventing war
profiteering is Henry Morgenthau's excess prof-
its tax, which would lop off all profits in excess
of 6 per cent. This is only a proposal, mind you,
and Mr. Morgenthau has already assured Big
Business that it won't go into effect for at least
a year.
T IS OUR CONTENTION that most of the
profits of war are made before a country goes
to war, and not once the shooting has started.
Before active entry, the manufacturers can be
busy selling materials to countries already at
war, who obviously need them and are ready to
pay the price.

nanas, mooseveit sa, , uyV
came in, John." Lewis replied,
"Thank you, Mr. President." Lewis
appeared greatly relieved when he
Soon it could be seen all over the
state of Connecticut towering above
the cities, trees and rolling New
England hills. Coming up from New
York on the Boston Post Road it
was readily noticed as a big black
cloud-like substance on the far-
distant horizon.
The Prune was then given the name
"Prunella Park," and many costly
amusement devices were erected with-
in the monstrous fruit - from ferris
wheels to roller coasters - all con-
structed of good, edible prune.
ONE DAY, after this story had been
well-impressed upon me, my fam-
ily decided to take a trip to Boston
- via Waterbury! I was thrilled at
the prospect of actually seeing - and.
maybe even entering the famed Prune
of Waterbury of song and story!But
I was to be horribly disappointed.
We crossed the Connecticut state
line -but I could not see a sign of
the huge black mass on the horizon.
Closer and closer we came to
Waterbury - but still no Prune.
I felt a burning disappointment
down in my throat - mixed with
amazement and wonder.
FINALLY we saw a sign - "Water-4
bury welcomes you." Then city -
just plain ordinary everyday city,
with no signs of any unusual phe-
nomena. Just then my mother said
to my father, "Let's stop here for
Everybody thought that would be
a fine idea, except me, and I didn't
much care whether or not I ever saw
Waterbury again. But here was a
chance to get out and investigate.-
While everybody else was eating, I
slipped away and walked down the
street. I -came to the firehouse,
where two men were quarrelling. One

Approved Organizations: A list of'
organizations which have been ap-
proved for the year 1941-42 will be
run in the D.O.B. on November 9 and
11. It is hoped that all organizations
wishing such approval will submit
a list of officers to the Office of the
Dean of Students before November 7.
Choral Union Members: Pass tick-
ets for the Cleveland Orchestra con-
cert to be given Sunday afternoon,
November 9, will be issued to members
of the Choral Union whose records
of attendance are clear, and who call
in person, Friday, from 10 to 12 and
1 to 4, at the offices of the Univer-
sity Musical Society in Burton Me-
morial Tower. After 4 o'clock no
tickets will be issued.
Charles A. Sink, President
Varsity Glee Club: The following 1
upperclassmen will continue to report
for Varsity rehearsals. Freshman
names are not included, but those
now attending Varsity rehearsals are
asked to continue to do so.
Albin, Aldrich, Barrett, Bassett,
Bazley, Beu, Boynton, Brown, Busche,
Cohn, Conti, Converso, Crowe, De-
Jong, Derby, Dongvillo, Farrand,
Fischer, Fredrickson, Funk, Gibson,
Gillis, Harris, Hileman, Hines, Hol-
land, Imperi, Klopsic, Koppin, Lan-
dis, McDnough, Morrison, Murphy,
Norris, Plott, Powers, Rawden, Red-
mon, Repola, Rhodes, Stern, Strick-
land, D. Wallace, Wierengo, Wilton,
Whitney, Quee n, Kellogg, Carle-
bach, Hildebrandt.
Women students wishing to attend
BEYOND any shadow of a doubt'
the popular record of this week or
any recent week is Artie Shaw's new
Victor release of Beyond the Blue
Horizon. The reverse side, Is It Ta-
boo?, is an excellent companion-piece
and almost reaches the same heights.
Although Shaw is the particular
favorite of this column, this twosome
should please everyone, from the most
ardent hot-jazz enthusiast to the
Wayne King fan.
This Shaw combination is as skill-
fully executed and orchestrated as a
symphonic selection, and yet the 30-
piece band achieves the flexibility of
a six-piece outfit. In Beyond the
Blue Horizon, the trombone of Ray
Coniff steals the disc, but the string
section, piano and Shaw's clarinet
deserve special mention. The Is It
Taboo? side shows the same skill in
fascinating beguine tempo, except
that there is no trombone solo. Al-
together this is the Shaw outfit's
best performance since their Frenesi-
Adios Marquita Linda job . .
FREDDY MARTIN'S latest widely-
ballyhooed Bluebird record is
called Symphonie Moderne, and is
from the picture, "Four Wives," in
which somebody writes a symphony
and that's it. Koussevitzky will never
conduct Symphonie Moderne, but it's
good for what it's intended to be-a
follow-up to the Tschaikowsky Con-
certo. If you buy the record, you'll
notice something on the other side
called Anniversary Waltz. As the
Bluebird people say on the release
! sheet, it's got S-C-H-M-A-L-T-Z,
and plenty of it.
Glenn Miller's made a good record-
ing this week for Bluebird-a novelty
ballad called Dear Arabella, featuring
the Southernaires, Marion Hutton
(she's back!) and Tex Benecke. It's

the Columbia-Michigan football game
are required to register in the Office
of the Dean of Women. A letter of
permission from parents must be in
this office not later than Wednes-
day, November 12. If the student
does not go by train, special permis-
sion for another mode of travel must
be included in the parent's letter.
Graduate women are invited to regis-
ter in this office.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
be held in Room 319. West Medical
Building tonight at 7:30. "Fluorine
in Metabolism" will be discussed. All
interested are invited.
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet tonight in Room 410 Chemistry
Building at 4:15 p.m. Dr. N. R.
Davidson will speak on "Electrical
Conduction in Liquid Hydrocarbons."
Seminar: Mr. F. J. Lockhart will
speak at the Seminar today at 4:00
p.m. in Room 3201 East Engineering
Building on "Conditions Governing
the Rate of Transfer of a Material
Across a Liquid-Liquid Interface."
Organ Recital: The second pro-
gram of this season's organ recital
series will be presented in Hill Audi-
torium this afternoon at 4:15, when
Palmer Christian, University Organ-
ist, includes works of Muffat, Buxte-
hude, d'Andrieu, Lully and Vierne in
his concert. Professor Christian has
arranged programscomprising liter-
ature of all schools and each recital
usually includes examples in chrono-
logical sequence.
The general public is cordially in-
vited; small children, however, will
not be admitted.
Carillon Programs: The bell cham-
ber of the Burton Memorial Tower
will be open to viistors interested in
observing the playing of the carillon
from 12 noon to 12:15 p.m. daily
through Friday of this week, at which
time Professor Percival Price, Uni-
versity /Carillonneur, will present an
informal program.
University Lecture: Sr. Amado
Alonso, Director of the Instituto Filo-
logico, Buenos Aires, will lecture in
Spanish on the subject, "La novela
Don Segundo Sombra y su significa-
cion en la literatura gauchesca de la
Argentina," under the auspicesof the
Department of Romance Languages,
on Monday, November 10, at 4:15
p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
The public is cordially invited.
Lecture: Professor Ernest A. HOot-
on, Anthropologist, Harvard, will lec-
ture on "The Pathology of Nations,"
at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday in Rack-
ham Lecture Hall, This is open to
faculty and students.
Events Today
Pre-medical Society Meeting will
be held tonight at 8:00 in room 319,
Michigan Union. Dr. Elizabeth Cros-
by will lecture on the film, "The
Development of the Nervous System."
There will be a discussion of the
Pre-medical aptitude tests. All pre-
medics invited.
The Ann Arbor Library Club will
meet tonight at 7:45 in the Amphi-
theatre of the Horace H. Rackham
School of Graduate Studies. Dr.
Warner G. Rice will speak on "The
Librarian's Responsibility to the His-

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