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October 01, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-01

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A Half-Century In Retrospect:
The Daily's 50th Anniversary

"Going Our Way?"

Edited and managed by students of the tiniversity of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publisbers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff

Hervie Haufler .
Alvin Saraso~in.
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Donald Wirtchafter
BEther Osser
Helen Cormnan

. . . Managing Editor
. Editorial Director
. . . AoCity Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
* . * Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
S . . EWomen's Editor
* .Exchange Editor

(Continued from Page 1)
hazing, and the oceans of praise heaped on
Coach Yost; more and more names familiar
to present-day students in the University ap-
peared in the advertisements. All this time
The Daily reported only, campus news. Even
presidential elections were reported only from
the campus angle, and such stories appeared
only at the bottom of page one.
A six-column paper was first published in
1911. At that time The Daily began to look
something like what it is today. In that year,
too, 'Official newspaper at the University of
Michigan" first appeared on the masthead on
the editorial page.
A year later the first wire news appeared
in The Daily. The Detroit News Service sent
in reports on important events, and this ser-
vice led to The Daily's first big "spread" on
a presidential election: a two-column headline,
"Wilson Elected." But a fire in Dayton, O.,
in the same year rated twice as big a headline!
"Union Campaign Begins With A Rush,"
was The Daily's first banner headline on page
one. It appeared Oct. 5, 1915, and it started
the campaign to raise money to build the pres-
ent Men's Union.
War I, The Daily reported war news only
from the campus angle. Interviews with facul-
ty experts on military and political affairs
filled the pages. Then, late in 1915, telegraph
news service (in this case by the New York
Sun) came to The Daily to stay. From that
time on, national and international news com-
manded more and more space in Daily pages.
In 1915, for example, bold headlines told of
Pershing's expedition into Mexico to punish
Pancho Villa, and of President Wilson's pro-
tests to the German Kaiser about unrestricted
submarine warfare. A December 1, 1915,
headline read "Students Endorse (compul-
sory) Military Training By Slight Margin."
In 1916, The Daily received day and night
wire news service from United Press. In that
year, the close Wilson-Hughes election was
explained in The Daily by three banner head-
lines on three successive days: "Hughes Wins
In Heavy Vote," "Election In Doubt," and
"Choose Wilson Again."
A year later, Associated Press began an un-
interrupted 23-year service to The Daily. On
April 5, 1917, The Daily brought the news to
campus that "Senate Passes War Motion."
The war had some effect on Daily personnel,
as 1918 saw one of the two feminine managing
editors in The Daily's history.
Nov. 11, 1918 was literally a "banner day"
in Daily history. Four "extras" appeared on
the streets that day, each with a headline four
inches high emblazoned across the top of page
gone. These headlines gave The Daily's ac-

count of one of the most eventful days in
American history: "Foch Gets Hun Reply,"
"Huns Sign Document," "Congress To Hear
Terms," and "Terms Out."
The University's Board governing The Daily
was incorporated into the Board in Control of
Student Publications in June, 1919. Since that
date, "Board in Control of Student Publica-
tions" has appeared on The Daily's masthead.
The Daily Official Bulletin was first pub-
lished in The Daily in the fall of 1919. Two
years later The Daily was again enlarged to
include seven columns across the front page.
From about that time on, The Daily began to
look like the average newspaper sold on the
DURING the last two decades, The Daily
has given to presidential elections the same
space and attention ordinarily given by a town
newspaper. "Harding's Election Assured,"
"Coolidge and Dawes Sweep Nation," "Hoo-
ver Wins," "Roosevelt Wins In Democratic
Landslide," and "Roosevelt Sweeps 45 States
To Triumph" were the headlines telling Daily
readers the results of the last five presidential
votes. Just before the 1924 election, The Daily
published a, feature section headlined "Cam-
paign Issues From Three Camps." In this sec-
tion were three articles, each written by a facul-
ty member, giving each candidate's (Coolidge,
Davis and LaFollette) answers to campaign
"Hurry Up" Yost resigned his coaching du-
ties in 1927, in order to devote more time to
the athletic directorship. This year will be his
last in the latter post; and, at this time, as it
did 13 years ago, The Daily wishes to pay
tribute to the Grand Old Man of Michigan
Football, noting in passing that throughout
most of its 50 years of continuous publication
The Daily has had the privilege of heaping
merited praise upon him.
In the fall of 1932, The Daily took on its
present appearance. Since then, Daily head-
lines and general make-up have been the same.
(ONE MAN, long associated with the Univer-
sity and for a short time with The Daily,
has said that "Throughout its 50 years of con-
tinuous publication, The Daily has in general
influenced student opinion in the right direc-
tion." He adds that "Students have a right to
express their own opinion, and whatever that
opinion may be, the University will profit by
its free expression."
The editors of the 1941 Michigan Daily, like
their predecessors in the last 50 years, stand
solidly on that principle. They look forward
to another 50 years of progress and achieve-
ment for that little newspaper of 1890 that
hasn't stopped growing. And The Michigan
Daily launches another half-century of what
it hopes will be genuine service to students
and alumni of the University of Michigan.


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Business Staff
Business Manager .
Assistant Business Manager .
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
. Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Spheres Of
Understanding .*



Washington Merry.Go-Round

OCTOBER, 1940. Across the world's surface
Disturbance, Decay and Disintegration are
grimly apparent. A Way of Life is passing.
Under the daily pressure of inexorable bomb-
ings, traditional governmental forms and pro-
cedures in Britain are gradually disappearing,
and ares being tentatively replaced by make-'
shift processes whose ultimate development no
one can yet predict. Everywhere relentless '
change is rampant. In the desert wastes of
Africa new and portentous skirmishes are reg-
ularly occurring. In Mexico therival camps of
Almazan and Camacho glare across seemingly
insurmountable barriers of misunderstanding.
The Balkans, as always but with new intensity,
seethe with iitrigue and unrest. Japan con-.
tinues without abatement her policy of Big Talk,
implemented by the Big Stick. Curious name-
places such as Dakar and Tonkin assume a burn,
ing significance. The sinister game of world
diplomacy gathers momentum as. Spain hastens
to claim her share of Fascist spoils.
OUT OF THIS gigantic upheaval a new form.
'' of society, onevastly different from our
present mode of livng, is certain to evolve. For
once the excessively used platitude, "Civiliza-
tion at th,e Cross-roads," seems to have a new,
almost poignant meaning. Without question we
are standing before one of the great emergent
periods in history, a critically decisive era which
may quite possibly end what we have been call-
ing "modernism."
In this awesome socio-economic milieu col-
leges and universities inaugurate their 1940-41
sessions. Confronted by this confusing mela
of world events, what is the college student of
1940 to do? Certain basic attitudes can be
poinitedly suggested.
FIRST a simple awareness is of prime desira-
bility, indeed is sheer necessity. The college
student, whatever his reactions to the "protec-
tive," "cloistered"'tendencies of the typical col-
lege campus, does not live in a vacuum. He can
ill afford to ignore important developments in
the so-called "external" world at any time, but
such an attitude in the World of 1940 might well
be fatal. Too narrow a concentration on spe-
cialized fields of study, undue attention to pure-
ly social activities, too great an emphasis on
one's own little routine are all open to condem-
nation at the present time. Apathy, indifference,
smugness are qualities which cannot possibly
survive the Ordeal of 1940 and the immediate
years to follow. An almost continuous acknow-
ledgement, indeed consciousness, of that Ordeal
is fundamental, an absolute basic minimum for
an intelligent student community.
But "awareness" is not enough. It is legiti-
mate and reasonable to expect that the student
who is "aware" will continually advance to pro-
gressively wider spheres of understanding of
the world situation. This will require wide, se-
lective and thoughtful reading and study, all
of which should be marked by an efficient oper-
ation of one's intellectual machinery, especially
one's critical standards and sets of moral value.
Once the college student of 1940 acquires even
a beginning in these "spheres of understanding,"
it is inevitable that they will affect in various
ways the choice of his college curriculum, per-
hans even the final determination of his life


Nothing yet has caused us as much agreeable
surprise as the grand reception we got at the
hands of the Detroit crowds last Friday night.
Naturally, it was our first visit to the city this
year, but we scarcely expected the noise of
horns and the waves of confetti that greeted
our arrival
Strangely enough, we found that the an-
nouncement of' Detroit's having at last won a
baseball pennant coincided with our arrival;
no doubt some small part of the cheering may
have been for the players. We do not wish it
thought, however, that we resent this at all;
where we have so much, we can be magnani-
* * *
Getting back to Detroit and her pennant,
Sam and I were puzzled by the lackadaisical
way they took it there. In Boston, we recalled,
the streets are jammed for hours when they win
'pennants. The fact that it takes only ten men
to jam a Boston street has nothing whatever to
do with the consideration.
Those of our readers who are aond of tradi-
tion will doubtless be pleased to know that the
The City Editor s
BIG, BLUSHING Captain Evashevski and
his mates are back now, but their mem-
ory.will live for some time. The cliff dwell-
ers of California haven't witnessed such an
exhibition of ye old footballe in many a day.
Still the gridders talk more about those
exquisite airline hostesses than the game.
There were three hostesses, 33 players.
That's one to a team, isn't it?
* * *
Our good friend the Ann Arbor' News
snapped a classic photo of Evy and the
bevy. The big man just stood there in front
of the plane,; his hands jammed down in his
pockets, and a flush of color in his cheeks.
A sheepish grin was plastered on the big
mug. Beside him was the cause of his
abashment-a pert hostess.
* e ss *

old tradition about Michigan women has not
been altered one whit by this year's freshman
coeds. An afternoon at Stockwell disguised as
a brown suitcase has convinced us that the fifth
one still goes to Michigan.
There is such a thing as too much tradition:
* * 4
As for the intelligence of these women, it is
generally quite gratifying, except for some mis-
guided football rooters who insist that:-
(We quote): "Friedman'll pass 'em silly!"
or that
"The boys will fight to victory behind our
swell little captain, Archie Kodros!"
Anyone doubting the authenticity of these
remarks is welcome to see signed affidavits of
them anytime at The Daily. In the meantime,
Sam is working on the Editor of the Freshman
Handbook. Captain Kodros indeed!
* * *
Laurence (not one cent for advertising) Mas-
cott asks us to announce that he lost his reversi-
ble on the corner of First and Kingsley. Mas-
cott, senior, who has been braving the chill New
England winds sans aforementioned reversible,
offers a reward. So does Mascott the columnist,
but who can use Mexican money?
This is our first column of the year, and so
it might be fitting to end it with two more au-
thentic stories about the freshmen. One of them
has to do with the freshman who came across
this question in his reading test:-
Ecstasy is a product of: excess joy, sleep-
ing, eating, or excessive drinking. Under-
line one.
Whereupon this worthy underlined-yep-the
Finally, there was the freshman woman who
confided to us that, "the Red and White eleven
will come through undefeated." All we can say
is, we'd sure like to see her tuition check.
O. A. Stevens, North Dakota Agricultural Col-
lege botanist, each year identifies from 300 to
600 plant species for farmers.
- Christian Science Monitor
Evidence that human beings witnessed forma-
tion of Crater Lake thousands of years ago is
under study by University of Oregon scientists.
- Christian Science Monitor

ELWOOD, IND.-This pleasant
little town, where Wendell Willkie
was born and wherethe accepted the
Republican nomination for Presi-l
dent, has a painful headache.
The folks ruefully call it "Willkie
Day hangover" and blame it on red-
haired, bustling Homer Capehart,
straw boss of the notification cere-
mony. The wealthy musical instru-
ment manufacturer, who two years
ago staged the famed grass roots
conference, sold the townspeople the
idea that a golden harvest awaited
The tens of thousands of visitors
which he promised came, but they
didn't spend, and the only harvest
Elwood reaped was a flock of unpaid
Capehart was irresistibly persua-
sive. "If you folks have any get up,"
he prodded them, "you can make
yourselves some real money. There
will be a half-million visitors here,
so don't be afraid to spend a little
getting ready for them.
"The way to make money is to
spend some. If you'veordered ten
thousand buns, double it. You'll get
your profit in volume."
Elwood took this advice to heart.
Buns, bread, hot dogs, hamburgers,
pies, melons, soft drinks and ice
cream were ordered by the mountain
load. There were enough edibles for
a half dozen armies.
The armies came, but they didn't
eat. What happened was that the
visitors who traveled by train ate on
the train, and those who drove to
Elwood either brought their lunches
or ate somewhere else. The Repub-
lican National Committee had a con-
tract with the Robertson Catering
Co. to supply all persons coming on
the special trains of the Pennsylva-
nia Railroad with ond meal on the
train and a box lunch in Elwood.
Bills, Bills, Bills
Capehart left town after the noti-
fication, and Elwood was left holding
the bag. With thousands of dollars
of unpaid bills, the Elwood Notifi-
cation Committee has only $13 in
the treasury. Glenn Hills, wealthy
Kokomo attorney and GOP nominee
for governor, contributed $5,000 to
pay the most pressing bills.
Largest unpaid accounts are owed
to an Indianapolis decorating firm,
which has placed its bill in the hands
of an attorney; to an Elwood electric
company, which is talking of legal
action if its bill isn't paid soon; to
an Elwood restaurant; to an Elwood
five-and-ten-cent store; and to a
balloon company in Northern Indi-
Among the loudest complainers
are unpaid laborers and specal po-
licemen. One special policeman, Les-
lie Stone, finally got the $18 owed
him when he told harassed Mayor
G. Mr rnham he had joined the

burger, 9,000 buns, 200 pounds of
Coney Island sandwich supplies, and
1,500 bottlesof milk. Moschell paid
his bills by borrowing $120 on a 90-
day note from the local bank.
He feels that Capehart or the Re-
publican organization ought to re-
imburse Elwoodians for their losses,
and there is talk of getting up a peti-
tion to demand this.
The Braun Bottling Company esti-
mates its losses from $800 to $1,000.
The firm emptied 1,000 cases of a
specially-prepared "Willkie Day"
souvenir drink into the sewers. The
owners of the Willkie birthplace
painted the house and placed a tar-
paulin on the floor so visitors could
be shown through at 20 cents a head.
They took in approximately $12.50.
Bright Spots
Before Willkie left Rushville, a
committee from the Elks Lodge in-
terviewed the nominee and told him
of his home town's economic plight.
He washvery sympathetic and prom-
ised that if elected he would locate
some defense industries there.
The city needs them. The indus-
tries which years ago made it one
of the most prosperous in Indiana
moved away when the natural gas
played out. One of the last of the
local plants is having its own slump,
too. The Monticello Manufacturing
Co. which produces the Willkie
"Hope of our Nation" auto tags, is
laying off men.
Several of the laid-off workers
dropped into the Democratic head-
quarters the other day to see if they
couldn't stir up some orders for
Roosevelt tags. The Democrats
shook their heads sadly. "We'd like
to," they said, "but we haven't got
any money."
Note-For Tony Shaffer, alert far-
mer near Elwood, the doleful hang-
over was a ten-strike.. He hauled
surplus bread and buns from Callo-
way Park for two weeks to feed his
stock. Shaffer paid 20 cents a thou-
sand-until he found he could take
them for nothing.
Navy Bound
WASHINGTON - United States
Coast Guardsmen may soon be sing-
ing, "We're in the Navy now .. ."
The Coast Guard was incorporated
into the Navy during the World War,
but after the Armistice was returned
to its independent status as a Trea-
sury agency. During the government
#reorganization in 1939, the Navy
made undercover efforts to absorb
the Coast Guard, but the potent in-
fluence of Secretary Morgenthau and
Rear Admiral Russell R. Waesche,
popular CG Commandant, stood in
the way.
With the Army and Navy being
expanded, the plan has been revived
and the inside word is that the
transfer will be ordered shortly.
Meanwhile, Coast Guard facilities
already are being drafted for Navy.

coast of Greenland, and the CG de-
pot at Curtis Bay, Md., recently was
pressed into service for theover-
hauling 'of two Navy destroyers.
Eight more are scheduled to be sent
there for repairs.
Note-The Coast Guard is older
than the Navy, having been founded.
in 1790. It has its own Academy at
New London, Conn.
U.S. Warships To Far East
Most important question now un-
der discussion inside the Navy De-
partment is whether to make use of
the giant British naval base at Sing-
apore by accepting a British offer
to station part of the U.S. fleet there.
Opinion inside the Navy is divided,
but it looks certain that a compro-
mise would make a of Austra-
lia, New Zealand, Singapore, possi-
bly even the Dutch East Indies. Of-
ficially this would be a goodwill tour,
though its real purpose would be a
"stop, look and listen" warning to
Japanese militarists now itching to
grab the rich colonial possessions of
France, Holland and England in the
The plan of sending U.S. warships
to the Far East is a part of the en-
tire Roosevelt policy of strengthen-
ing the American stand in regard to
Japan, since the deal on British is-
land bases leaves the Atlantic coast
in a far better condition of defense,
So far that policy has taken the
form of:
1. A $25,000,000 loan to China.
2. The prospect of selling private
U. S. manufactured airplanes to
French Indo-China.
3. An embargo on scrap iron to
Japan, together with an expected
embargo on oil to Japan in the near
Aggressive Naval Group
The school inside the Navy which
believes in taking a firm hand in
the Far East and perhaps using
Singapore includes Admiral James
0. Richardson, Commander of the
United States Fleet; Admiral Edward
C. Kalbfus; Admiral William Leahy,
now Governor of Puerto Rico, who
still plays a very active part in the
councils of the Navy; plus many oth-
er important officers.
This school, and it is probably
dominant in the Navy, believes that
the United States cannot afford to
get Maginot-minded. In other words,
if the defenses in the Pacific are
based upon Hawaii alone, and the
Navy stands behind Pearl Harbor
as the French did behind their Magi-
not Line, then eventually it will facd
real trouble from a strong Japan
which has increased her strength at
the expense of French Indo-China
and the Dutch East Indies.
In other words, this naval group
is inclined to the view that the colo-
nial possessions of Britain, France
and Holland are to the United States
what Norway, Holland and Belgium

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