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February 01, 1940 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-02-01

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C. Gordy Plans Citizens Give
Post -Graduate 51,700,000
Engine Course To War Relief
Battle Creek Named Site (By The Associated Press)
Of Series Of Lectures WASHINGTON, Jan. 28 - Ameri-
On 'Modern Medicine' cans have given $51,700,000 to 294
separate agencies since the forces of
Adof Hitler began marching less
Started experimentally in Kaa- than a year and a half ago.
mazoo a short time ago, the plan for Of this, $25,000,000 has gone to
Post-Graduate Engineering Study will 293 agencies, all but ten of which
spread to Battle Creek Thursday, have grown out of war distress. The
other $26,700,000 went to the Ameri-
February 6, when Prof. C. B. Gordy can Red Cross.
of the mechanical engineering depart- About $36,000.000 of money and
mient opens a course in modern in- goods have been sent to the sick and
dustrial methods there. hungry and homeless of the war,
Theme of the course will be "How $20,000,000 by the Red Cross and the
t m t s' remainder by the wide scattering of
to Obtain High Level Performance other agencies which ranges all the
in Industrial Operation," and Profes- way from The Seventh Column, Inc.,
sor Gordy's opening lecture is en- of West Fairlee, Vt. (funds received,
itled "Methods-Improvement or none; funds spent, none; unexpend-
ed balance, none: estimated value of
Work Simplification." t1contributions in kind, none )to the
Other speakers on the series, which British War Relief Fund which .has
was organized by Professor Gordy, handled several million dollars of
who will also act as presiding lec- contributions.
turer, will be Dean C. F. Freund of Since the war started, Americans
the University of Detroit, Prof. J. W. have started 283 agencies to help
Riegel of the University Bureau of f war sufferers and have contributed,
Public Relations, Prof. C. N. Rix of or arranged to contribute through
Michigan State College, E. B. Roberts 17 other religious or beneficent or-
of Westinghouse Electric and anoth- ganizations that were already in ex-
er to be announced. istence. Several of the agencies es-
Cooperating institutions are the tablished were promptly forgotten.
Unive rsity of Michigan, 'MichiganLike The Seventh Column of West
Uiege of Mining and Technology Fairlee or the French War Relief
the University of Detroit and Wayne Fund of Nevada or the Polish Relief
University oCommittee of Columbia County, New
York, the State Department lists the,
Due to the marked success of the amount of their contributions and
Kalamazoo venture, other cities are relief work done at zero.
asking for courses of a similar nature, In number of agencies, Poland has
and it is very probable that the had more volunteer helpers in the
course and others of its kind will be United States than any other na-
repeated in other Michigan cities in tion. It has 106 agencies rounding
the future. up goods for the victims of that first
The current lecture series will be area of conquest. Next comes Eng-
sponsored jointly by, the Michigan land with 90 separate agencies func-
Engineering Society and the Battle tioning in its behalf, some of them
Creek Engineers Club. organizations that were started be-
-___fore the fall of France to aid the
allies. Fifty-four agencies still are
NOW PLAYNG! trying to' be helpful to France.
Fifteen different agencies are work-
ing for the aid of the Jews who have
been the especial victims of the war.
Four are trying to help Belgium.
Two, each, are plugging away for
Norway and Denmark, Czechoslova-
3-Shows OD kia, The Netherlands, and Greece.
Six different agencies in fairly well
-Starting at -scattered sections of the country are
collecting funds for the aid of Ger-
12:15 - 4:10 - 8 P.M. mans in war prison camps or else-
where. One is raising funds for Italy.
--edEarly in the war the Red Cross, ever
Weekdays mindful of its own neutrality as an
Adults 40c to 3:30 P.M. agency of mercy, asked the German
Government is its services were need-
After 3:30 - 55c ed and was told "no". Since then,
Children 25c to 5 P.M. its services have been going to the
stricken of other lands.
Prices Include Tax -__
Tire piture everybody Help prevent eyestrain
wants to seel Exactlys
origially presented!.
It is easy to "test" the lighting in9
cTempestuous your home. The Light Meter will r
in the arms of measure your lamps and fixtures k
Rhett Butler ' and tell you if you have enough i
light for safe seeing. Call any
Detroit Edison office.f

Production of C H IGA
of the Old South
C C r VrrN .RS

THI 1 11MWxI2AN flAUI1I +utA EBUR ,14
4f KTT W &T



II ________



Haines-4203 A.H.
Halliday-305 M.H.
(Continued on Pag-e 4)

f i

VOL. LI. No. 93
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
?resident and Mrs. Ruthven willj
be at home to members of the fac-
ulty and other townspeople on Sun-
day, February 2, from 4 to 6 o'clock.

Sophomores, 8:00 a.m.; Juniors, 8:30
a.m.; Seniors, 9:00 a.m.; students
who entered last fall with advanced
credit and all new advanced credit
stud~ents, 9:30 a.m. The doors will be
closed promptly at the times indi-
cated, and students who fail to re-
ceive a number at these appointed
times will be compelled to select one
from those available after the draw
has been made.

tion on Thursday morning, Ferbuary
6, in Room 336 West. Eng.
Room Assignments, German 1, 2,
31, 32: Saturday, February 8, 9-12
German .
West Lecture, Physics: Philippson.
Diamond, Gaiss, Graf.
1035 A.H.: Striedieck, Van Duren.
231 A.H.: Sinnema, Willey, Ed-
wards, Broadbent.
35 A.H.: Pott, Ebelke, Winkelman.
German 2.
101 Ec: All sections.
German 31.
B H.H. Pott, Edwards, Diamond.
2003 A.H. Gaiss, Broadent, Ebelke.
301 U.H. Wahr.

203 U.H. Nordmeyer.
201 U.H. Reichart.
306 U.H. Eaton.
German 32.
D H.H. All sections.


J-Hop Parties: All material neces-
To all those using Parking Space sary in connection with requests for
at the Rear of Mason Hall: A light! House Parties or other entertain-
has been placed at the North Univer- ment during the J-Hop week-end
sity and Thayer Street entrance to should be in the hands of the Dean
the Campus, which, when burning, of Students by February 5, at 4:30
indicates that the parking space at p.m.
the rear of Mason Hall is completely
occupied. The University Council's Women Students Attending the
Committee on Parking requests your J-Hop: Closing hour for the night
cooperation with the hope that this of February 14 will be 3:30 for
signal will be of assistance to all those students attending the J-Hop,
those who ordinarily use this park- who do not attend an approved, or-
ing area. ganized breakfast. For those attend-
Herbert G Watkins ing breakfasts approved by the Dean

English I -- Final Ea
Tuesday, February 4, 2-
Arthos-16 A.H.
Baum--229 A.H.
Bertram-208 U.H.
Boys-205 M.H.
Calver-231 A.H.
Engel-1018 A.H.
Everett-3231 A.H.
Fletcher--W. Phys. L
Garvin-2054 N.S.
Green-W. Phys. Lec.
Greenhut-6 A.H.

5 p.m.

N~~o a Pnr
... CITY BUS....



Faculty, School of Education: The'
regular luncheon meeting of the
Faculty will be held Monday noon,I
February 3. at the Michigan Union.
Applications for Fellowships and
Scholarships in the Graduate School
of the University may be obtained
from the Office of the Graduate
School. All blanks must be returned
to that Office by February 15.
C. S. Yoakum

i of Students the closing hour will be
5 a.m.
Closing hour for the night of Feb-
ruary 15 will be 12:30 for those stu-
dents attending the J-Hop who do
not attend an approved breakfast.
For those attending approved break-
fasts the closing hour will be 2 a.m.
Jeannette Perry
Assistant Dean of Women
Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
ences: Journals and Aeronautical Re-
views for January are available in

Automobile Regulation: Permission Lne mast ancu West Engineering Lib-
to drive for social and personal pun- raries.
poses during registration period and! -_--
the .weekend of the J-Hop from Academic Notices
Wednesday noon, Feb. 12, until Mon-
I day morning, Feb. 17, at 8:00 a.m. Room Assignments in Mathematics
may be obtained at Room 2, Univer- (College of Lit., Sci., and the Arts).
sity Hall, through the following pro- Final examinations in Mathematics
cedure: will be held in the regular class-
1. Parent signature cards should rooms except in the following cases:
be secured at this office and sent - Math. 7 Kaplan-229 A.H.
home for the written approval of the Math. 7 Raiford-2029 A.H.
parents. Math. 7 Myers-405 S.W.
2. Upon presentation of the signed Math. 7 Domashevitsky-
card together with accurate infor- 208 A.H.
mation with regard to the make, type Math. 11 Schneckenburger-3010
and license number of the car to A.H.
be used, a temporary permit will be l Math. 11 Raiford-203 U.H.
granted. It is especially important Math. 11 Coe--302 M.H.
to designate the year of the license Math. 13 Raiford-302 M.H.
plates which will be on the car dur- Math. 13 Anning-225 A.H.
ing this period. Math. 13 Elder (11 o'clock)-305
3. Out-of-town cars used for this S.W.
period must not be brought into Ann Math. 13 Myers-201 U.H.
Arbor before, 12 o'clock noon on Math. 13 Schneckenburger-301
Wednesday, Feb. 12, and must be S.W.
taken out before 8:00 a.m. on Mon- Math. 47 Craig-3003 A.H.
day, Feb. 17. Math. 53 Elder-201 U.H.
The foregoing will not apply to Math. 53 Beckenbach-201 U.H.
those students who possess regular Math. 53 Myers--225 A.H.
driving permits. The above permis- Math. 111 Nesbitt-3003 A.H.
sion will automatically be granted to
this group. Changes in Mathematics Schedule
Office of the Dean of Students ffor Second Semester. Math. 139 will
be omitted, and in its place Prof.
Residence Hags Applications: There Rainich will offer Math. 235, Dif-
will probably be a few vacancies in ferential Geometry, Tu.Th.S. at 11,
the Residence Halls for the second 3010 A.H. Math. 149, Exterior Bal-
semester. Students who wish to apply listics. will be offered by Prof. Field,
for such vacancies as may occur M.W.F. at 10, 201 W. Eng. Math. 223,
should file their applications immedi- Casualty Actuarial Theory (also list-
ately. Women students should make ed as Bus. Adm. 278), will be offered
application in the office of the Dean by Prof. Carver, hours to be arrang-
of Women, and men students in the, ed.


Cti i+'iT l"1d 'i.^!' i7 'Pts'rstr " . ..it a

4 £,pecial/anner (1110.

At the J-Hop and at your Favorite News stand
The paper of the year covering the social event of the year


The Michigan Daily
420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Mich.
1®c per Copy
ic extra for each copy Mailed.

GENTLEMEN: Please send me
Copies of the J-HOP EXTRA.
Enclosed you will find



office of the Dean of Students.
Karl Litzenberg}

Mathematics 8, Section 1 (Mr.
Zickart) will have its final examina-

Classification for Aeronaut
gineering Students: Class
numbers for the second seme
be distributed by lot to allq
in the Department. Stude
meet in Room B-308 East Eng
Building, on Friday, February
cording to the following sc

L K 'Today!
Maisie's in love at last.,
and she loves it! She
goes in society's door
as a ladies' maid... and
comes out as a million-
aire's playful pal!


ical En-
ster will
nts will
y 14, ac-


"We get hOt ct
through the COj"i t1
Wrong! Tests prove conclusively that to heat the water passing through the coil requires
up to 20% of all the fuel burned.
It's too big a price to pay for so unreliable a source of hot water. Seldom is the water hot
enough, or is there enough hot water, when you depend on the coil.
Why, not stop this fuel waste as so many Ann Arbor families have done? Remove the coil
-have a gas automatic water heater installed. Then you can be sure of plenty of hot water
24 hours a day.
To nrve what a rand convenience Instant Hot Water is. we will install a as automatic

C . ...
'', r' ' 2 p :,.
w k
4 .
s ; .


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