Cloudy and Warmer
ri S y
1r Cigan
Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication
Of Labor Disputes .
Nazis Raid By Daylight;
U.S. Officer Is Injured
Ford Offers To
Turn Out
To Compete oday
In Mli rose Games
or Robert Williams May Lose Sight Of Eye
As Result Of Flying Bomb Fragment
Defense Orders At Cost;
Hemisphere Bank Urged
Eastern Fans Will Witness Famed Indoor Track
Event At Madison Square Garden; Canham
Will Captain Skeleton Wolverine Crew
A skeleton crew of Wolverine trackmen will stage its own miniature
"drang nach Osten" tonight at Madison Square Garden when it competes
in New York's famed Millrose Games before 18,000 indoor track fans.
Depleted by final exams, Coach Ken Doherty's varsity cinder squad
will be represented by Capt. Don Canham who will attempt to flash before
Eastern fans the smooth leaping form that -carried him to a tie for the
National Collegiate high jump crown last summer, and a four-man two-
mile relay team comprising Dave Matthews, Johnny Kautz, Bill Ackerman
and Jack Leutritz.
In addition Charlie Decker, Michigan's ace pole-vaulter in the 1940
campaign, and Ramblin' Ralph Schwarzkopf, brilliant distance man and
captain of last year's Western Conference championship squad, are entered
in the Games unattached.
Making his New York debut in Gotham's first important track carnival
of the indoor season, Canham will match leaps with an impressive field of
high jumpers, including Arthur Byrnes of Manhattan College who won the
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, Jan. 31-German raid-
ers, flying singly but in impressive
total numbers, inflicted numerous
casualties in London today, including
Major Robert Williams, United States
air observer, who was seriously in-
Three hospitals and a number of
other buildings were hit.
Major Williams, the second United
States army officer-observer to be-
come a casualty in the present war,
was taken to a hospital and fears
were expressed he might lose the
sight of one eye. He was injured by
a fragment from a 100-pound bomb.
A native of Albany, Tex, the 39-
year-old major was the first Ameri-
can military casualty in this war
since Capt. Robert H. Losey, assis-
tant U. S. military attache at Stock-
holm, was killed in a German bomb-
ing raid at Dombas, Norway, April
21, 1940.
The Luftwaffe switched from its
former night tactics, using clouds in-
stead of darkness to hide its move-
ments, strewing high explosive and
fire bombs over many London areas,
apparently without aiming at speci-
fic targets. Other such raids were
made on the East Midlands, southern
and southwest England.
There were many more attackers
in the air today than on the two
previous days of before-dark assault.
title at Boston's Prout Games last
week with a 6 foot 1%/2 inch effort.
Former Big Ten champions Dave
Albritton and Mel Walker, both ex-
Ohio State stars, reside in the Met-
ropolitan district and may possibly
compete in their specialty also.
Canham Holds Record
Lanky Canham's best indoor mark
is 6 feet 6 3/8 inches, established in
Yost Field House last winter, but
the Maize and Blue leader will be
performing on a strange, board track
tonight, thus his showing is highly
The two-mile relay event will find
Michigan's quartet pitted against a
strong field of four other teams:
Fordham, North Carolina, Seton Hall
and Manhattan.
By virtue of its 7:56.3 triumph in
the Prout Games, the Fordham four-
some rates as favorite tonight, but
each of the other teams boasts a
strong aggregation.
Inexperience on a board track may
count heavily against Doherty's
quartet. Instead of the customary
eight laps to the mile, the Garden
track consists of 11 laps with heavily
banked turns. Thus the straight-
away is much shorter than the Wol-
verines have experienced and they
will have to change their running'
style to conform.
Relay Team To Run
Three of Michigan's quartet have
had previous varsity experience,
while Dave Matthews will receive his
initial baptism under competitive'
conditions. Matthews will lead off
the relay, followed by Kautz, long-
striding Ackerman, and anchored by
senior Jack Leutritz.
In the pole vault Decker, who will
be eligible for varsity competition
next semester, faces some of the na-
tion's best talent. Earle Meadows,
who did his intercollegiate vaulting
at Southern California, has topped
(Continued on Page 3)
Lansing Solons
To Come Here
Ruthven Asks Legislators
To Inspect Campus
President Alexander G. Ruthven
has invited the house and senate
committees on University affairs of
the state legislature to visit the cam-
pus Tuesday.
Chairman of the senate committee
is Clarence A. Reid, Detroit, and the
head of the house committee is Fred-
erick J. Gartner, Wyandotte.
At a meeting scheduled for 11 a.m.
in the Union, the legislators and
President Ruthven will discuss the
needs of the University. Following
a luncheon, the group will inspect
the campus during the afternoon.
Among the needs of the University
as outlined in President Ruthven's
annual report to the Board of Re-
gents this week are listed an admin-
istrative building, an addition to
the chemistry building, appropria-
tions for repairs and alternations of
the University plant and for pur-
chase of land.
Governor Requests Quick
Action On Appointments
He'll Lead Wolverines
New Extensio
Plans Are Laid
Service Announces A List
Of Courses Offered
The University Extension Service
announces the opening of its courses
for the second semester 1940-41.
The following courses will be offer-
ered in Ann Arbor; Contemporary
Literature and Drama; Fine Arts 127.
American Painting, two hours credit,
fee $12 for undergraduate students
and $16 for graduates; French 51A.
Beginning French, two hours credit,
fee $12; Drawing and Painting, six-
teen weeks, fee $10; Speech 31.
Practical Public Speaking, two
hours credit, fee $12; Hygiene 109,
Principles of Public Health Nursing,
two hours credit, fee $12; Music B42.
Masterpieces in Musical Literature,
two hours credit, fee $12; Sculpture,
a ten week noncredit course, fee $15;
and noncredit courses in Badminton,
Squash, Swimming and Tennis cov-
ering sixteen meetings, fee $6. Also
offered is an eight week course in
body conditioning, fee $3.
Further information about any of
these courses may be obtained from
the University Extension Service, 107
Haven Hall,
Co-ops Urge Students
To Enter Applications
All male students interested in
rooming or boarding in campus co-
operatives next semester were urged
by Harold Osterweil, '41, chairman
of the Intercooperative Council per-
sonnel committee, to phone him at
'T'h University of Michigan co-1
Many Entries
For Hopwood
83 Freshman 'Hopefuls'
Turn In Manuscripts
To Break Old Record
A total of 83 manuscripts, the lar-
gest number ever submitted, have
been received this year for consider-
ation for the various Freshman Hop-
wood Awards, Prof. R. W. Cowden
revealed yesterday.
The closing date for entries in the
contest was yesterday. The 83 manu-
scripts were submitted by 73 con-
testants, as compared to 70 manu-
scripts submitted by 61 contestants
last year.
In the prose fiction division 24
manuscripts were entered as com-
pared with 15 for last year., In the
essay there were 38 entries as com-
pared with 39 for last year. And in
the poetry division there were 21 as
compared with 16 for last year.
The results of the contest will be
announced sometime early in the
second semester, Professor Cowden
The Freshman Awards are a divis-
ion of the general Hopwood contests
which are financed from the funds
left by the late Avery Hopwood in
his will. In the Spring the minor
and major divisions for the Hopwood
contest will be opened.
NEW YORK, Jan. 31.-)-
Joe Louis revealed tonight there's
a very good possibility he may do
his fighting for Uncle Sam's army
in the near future.
His draft number, he disclosed,
is 378, "Which ain't very high, is
"I got my questionnaire and will
send it back in as soon as I get it
filled out," he explained.
They followed one another at short
distances to form wave attacks sim-
ilar to the method favored here be-
fore at night.
At times today burst of machine-
gun fire were heard from low-flying
planes apparently trying to shoot
downsLondon's barrage balloons.
Of the three London hospitals dam-
aged, one received a direct hit. The
government acknowledged damage to
other buildings and a small number
of fires, but said the number of
dead and wounded was "not large."
Other bombs fell in a London
square - further identification was
not permitted - and in surrounding
streets, wrecking two shops and heav-
ily damaging several other.
De Gaulle Calls
French Forces
Tro Combat Axis
British Armies Push On
Toward Bengasi Making
Way For General Attack
(By The Associated Press)
The "Free French" commander,
General Charles De Gaulle, called to-
day upon the unbeaten French Arm-
ies under General Maxime Wygand
in North and West Africa to throw
off their "shameful" inertia and help
"complete the conquest of Italian
"Don't you see it is up to you?"
he asked, in a Franch language
broadcast over the British Broad-
casting Company's facilities.
It was an appeal for the Weygand
Forces, sizeable, well-armed but im-
mobilized by their loyalty to Vichy
and their recognition of the French-
German armistice, to strike at Libya
from Tunisia oant west, just-as the
British and "Free French" units are
piercing that colony from the east.
(There have been Axis indications
the Germans and Italians might send
warships and troops to Bizerte, Tuni-
sia, if the Weygand armies made any
such move as that urged by De
"The game is not finished," De
Gaulle declared. "The great battle
of the Mediterranean will suddenly
increase in scope like a powder dump
when set on fire."
If the battle is lost, he went on,
"French independence will vanish
(Continued on Page 6)
Mfason P. Rumnney
Will lBe Candidate
In Regent Election
Mason P. Rumney, '08E, mayor of
Grosse Pointe and a past president of
the University Alumni Association,
has announced his candidacy for the
Republican nomination as a regent.
Rumney is now vice-president of
the DetroitSteel Products Co.
He played end on the Wolverine
football team in 1906 and 1907 and
was also on the track squad for one
year. He was president of the Alum-
ni association from 1923 to 1926, and
has been a director of the organization
since 1923.
Mr. Rumney has been a strong
supporter of the University dormi-
tory housing program for students
and was active in efforts which led
to the construction of the Mosher-
Jordani dormitory for women.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. -(P)-
Eight Republican members of theI
House Foreign Affairs Committee
jointly announced their opposition to
the Lease-Lend bill's grant of presi-
dential power today, but said they
would "willingly support a straight-
forward bill, which would grant Bri-
tain $2,000,000,000 worth" of Ameri-
can credit.
"This would eliminate the step of
giving the President absolute power
over every concern in this country
manufacturing war materials," they
"This would. not permit him to be
the director of the war in England;
a position which is fraught with great
danger to the American people. If
we assume the direction of the war,
we underwrite the success of the war.
The ultimate result must be the
American people will pay the full
costs of the war and that means we
will be obligated to put our material
resources and our men into the strug-
"Granting credits which England
needs will fully meet the situation
of today and it will lessen materially
the likelihood of our going into the
war. Our naval and military experts
agree that our nation is in no danger
of attack; that with our vast re-
sources and geographical position,
our situation is not comparable to
that of nations of Continental Eur-
"This power requested is too much
to give any man at a time when the
country is at peace. As Secretary Cor-
dell Hull once said: 'This is too much
power for a bad man to have or for a
good man to want.'"
The minority report was signed by
Representatives Eaton (NJ), Rogers
(Mass), Fish (NY), Chiperfield (Ill),
Vorys (Ohio), Mundt (SD), Jonkman
(Mich), and Dolton (Ohio).
Two committee members who did
not sign the minority report have
indicated they .are also opposed to
the administration measure. They are
representatives Tinkham (Rep-Mass)
and Shanley (Dem-Conn).
Record Exam
For Seniors
Will Be Given
LSA, Education Students
Are Required To Take
Test Here On Feb. 26
Book Exchange
To Employ 25
League, Union Will Start
Service Next Week
Twenty-five students will man the
two locations of the Student Book
Exchange when it opens on Thurs-
day, February 6, in the lobbies of
the Michigan Union and Michigan
League, directors of the exchange
announced yesterday.
The clerks will be paid a regular
hourly wage and they have been
trained to offer price advice when
desired. The wages will be paid out
of the ten percent charge the Ex-
change levies on all checks mailed to
those who have left books to be sold.
No charge will be made for books
not sold, the directors stated.
The Exchange operates as a clear-
ing-house for all those students who
wish to buy or sell books. It is
sponsored by the Union and League
on a non-profit basis.
Acomplete list of books required
for any course in any school will be
available for those purchasing books
at the Exchange. Beginning Feb-
ruary 11, the Exchange will also be
open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Over 5,000 books were handled by
the Exchange last year and the con-
venience of two locations this year
is expected to increase that figure.
A graduate record examination 1
will be required of all seniors enroll- d
ed in the Schools of Education andF
Literature, Science and the Arts who
expect to graduate in June or Au-
gust, 1941, Assistant Dean Lloyd S. t
Woodburne announced yesterday. r
The examination will be of a gen-
eral nature covering all the work
taken by the student during his at-
tendance at the University. Although
the test grade will have no bearing
on whether or not the student may
graduate, the examination must be
taken by all except those who re-
ceive special exemption from the
Dean's office, Dr. Woodburne said.
Forms will be passed out during
registration periods in Waterman
Gymnasium, and the general exam-
ination will be given Wed., Feb. 26, -
7-11 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. Ad-1
vanced examinations in the subjects
for which may be indicated by the
student on the form will be given inE
various fields the following evening
at the same time and in the same
Any student who intends to enter
the University School of Graduate
Studies must have taken this exam-
ination, Dr. Woodburne said.<
Introduced on the University cam-
pus for the first time this year, the
graduate record examination has
been and now is financed by the'
Carnegie Corporation of New York'
(Continued on Page 7)
Louis Scores
Kayo In Fifth
Body Punch Stops Burman
In 13th Title Defense
NEW YORK, Jan. 31-(AP)-Joe
Louis wheeled out a new kind of bomb
from his arsenal tonight and with it
knocked out Clarence the Red Bur-
man to successfully pass the "un-
lucky 13" in his record-breaking run
as world heavyweight champion.
For the first time in his three-year
reign as king of the fistic world, he
knocked out a rival with a punch
to the body-a smashing right hand
that polished off a game, gallant,
troublesome challenger for keeps in
two minutes and 49 seconds of the
fifth round.
So unexpected was it, that the
crowd in Madison Square Garden let
out an audible gasp as the Brown
Bomber revealed this new way of ar-
riving at the old result. Up to tonight
he had flattened ten of the 12 batt-
lers who had challenged the reign he
began when he finished old Jim Brad-
dock in Chicago in 1937. Each time,
head punches were the "crushers."
Tonight, coming up against the "13
jinx"-which was anything but that
-he turned the trick with a punch
Republican Committee Bloc
Unites AgainstLease-Lend Bill
tuto Magnate Will Accept
Contracts When Labor
Provision Is Removed
Rillman Requested
Insertion Of Clause
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. -(P)-
Ienry Ford, denied a $10,000,000 War
Departmerit contract because of his
exceptions to labor clauses, offered to-
lay to build defense materials "at
;ost if other manufacturers will do
she same."
The elderly automobile manufac-
urer telephoned this statement from
As winter home in Georgia to com-
any headquarters in Detroit, while
n Washington a War Department
spokesman said withholding the con-
tract from Ford did not necessarily
nean that a provision requiring com-
pliance with all labor laws would
e included in all future Army con-
Robert P. Patterson, Undersecre-
ary of War, told a congressional
ommittee that the Department was
onsidering including such a require-
nent in all future contracts, but that
he matter was "still in the making."
He said, too, the Department was
not ready to recommend "coercive"
egislation to curb labor disputes on
defense projects.
The labor clause was put into the
Ford contract, Patterson testified un-
der questioning, at the request of
Sidney Hillman, associate director of
the Office of Production Manage-
Harry Bennett, personnel director
f the Ford company, said Ford made
(Continued on Page 7)
FDR Favors
Pan-A merica
WASHINGTON. Jan. 31-(AP)-As a
further step in strengthening western
hemisphere economy, the Adminis-
tration is preparing to ask Congress
soon, it was learned today, to hasten
establishing of an Inter-American
Eight other American republics
have signified their intention of par-
ticipating in the project, which may
become the chief intergovernmental
medium for stabilizing the economy
and currency of Latin-American na-
Organizing of the bank awaits Sen-
ate ratifying of the convention, and
congressional authorizing of this gov-
ernment's financial subcription in the
institution, which is to have a mini-
mum capital of $100,000,000.
Governmental officials conferred
this week on final details of the plan
preparatory to requesting speedy ac-
tion by Congress.
The Inter-American Bank plan
grew out of the Panama Conference
of American foreign ministers in
1939. It calls for a minimum United
States contribution of $5,000,000 to
the bank's capital and equal or small-
er amounts from the other partici-
pating countries. Those which have
indicated their intention of partici-
pating are Brazil, Mexico, Domini-
can Republic, Colombia, Nicaragua,
Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay.
Under the proposed charter, on
which officials have been working,
the bank would have broad powers
in helping to stabilize currencies, pro-
moting industrial developing in the
Americas, and otherwise strengthen-
ing the economic system of the var-
ious countries.
FDR Scores Wheeler
On Former Statement
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. -() -
President Roosevelt said today he
had been informed that Senator
Wheeler (Dem-Mont), a leading op-
ponent of this foreign policy and an
advocate of a negotiated peace in
Europe, had expressed the opinion in
1934 or 1935 that Nazi domination of
Europe was inevitable.
What, the President asked, after
Boston Fears Economic Depression After War,
Sees Need For Agency To Prepare For Crash
Declaring that the "false prosper-
ity" of the present rearmament pro-
gram must inevitably lead to a severe
economic depression whensthepro-
gram stops, Prof. 0. W. Boston of
the metal processing department ad-
vocated, in an interview yesterday,
the immediate establishment of a
governmental commission to antici-
pate and prepare for this depression.
"Otherwise," Professor Boston pre-
dicted, "there will be a great deal of
unemployment for the long period it
will take a war-geared industry to
readjust itself to normal, peace-time
pression as an example of what can
be expected, Professor Boston pre-
dicted that unless some definite ac-
tion is taken before the depression
is upon us, itsdmagnitude will eclipse
by far any depressions of the past,
including the great crash of 1929.
An increasing number of govern-
ment orders means an increased need
for space all over the country, Pro-
fessor Boston noted, with the result
that many peace-time industries are
being converted and many new plants
being built to meet the demand. All
plants, new and old alike, are em-
ploying more men, and the nation
to study the problem and make pre-
parations for its solving would not be
a cure-all by any means. It is even
doubtful that they could take any
physical action at all. However, a
careful study of conditions now and
their probable results could do much
to relieve the intensity of the depres-
sion which is bound to follow, Profes-
sor Boston observed. Great Britain
has already set up a commission of
this kind to start laying plans for
post-war living.
Because of the abnormally high
hiring rate of the present "prosper-