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Music School
Will Present
Faculty Recital
Professors Brinkman, Pick
To Play Sonata-Fantasy;
Brahms Is On Program
"Sonata-Fantasy," by Prof. Joseph
Brinkman, chairman of the School
of Music piano department, will high-
light a Faculty Concert at 8:30 p.m.
Monday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
In presenting the recital Professor
Brinkman will be joined by Prof.
Hans Pick, chairman of the 'cello de-
partment, in whose honor the sonata
was composed.
The composition, which will be per-
formed for the first time Monday, is
a rather strict sonata form, but in
one movement. Other selections which
will be heard on the program are
"Sonata in A major, Op. 69" by Bee-
thoven and "Sonata No. 2 in F ma-
jor" by Brahms.
Professor Brinkman, a graduate of
the American Conservatory of Music
where he also served on the faculty,
has made numerous concert appear-
ances in the central west and has
served as soloist with the Chicago
Symphony Orchestra. A graduate of
the Conservatories of Karlsruhe and.
Budapest, Professor Pick was a form-
er soloist with the Philadelphia Or-
chestra and a member of the Rhode
Island Trio.
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$4.50 .
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Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Shampoo & Finger Wave
"You'll enjoy:
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530 S. Forest Phone 2-4802
Ann Arbor
Johnson, Butterworth Will Conduct
'Vox Pop 'Radio Quiz Program Here'
Here .Is
t Plans for installing a radie system
at the Ann Arbor airport for use in
pilot instruction and traffic control
in connection with the flight train-
ing program for University students
were announced yesterday by Dwight
Reynolds and George M. Downs, co-I
operators of the Ann Arbor Air Ser-
Application will be made this week
for a Federal Communications Com-
mission liscense.
Candidates for cadet training with
the navy will be interviewed from 12
noon until 9 a.m. Tuesday in the
Union by a board from the navy's re-
serve aviation base at Grosse Ile.
Joseph Cahill of Northfield town-
ship has been elected president of the
Washtenaw County Young Republi-
cans Club. He succeds Raymond K.
Klaason of Ann Arbor.
The future of Ann Arbor social
agencies will be discussed by a five-
person panel at 8 p.m. next Monday
night at the Community Forum in
the Ann Arbor High School.
Members of the panel will be Prof.
John Dawson, chairman of the Com-
munity Post-Survey Committee, Mrs.
Martha G. Sawyer and Mrs. Louise
B. Trow, members of the Comnmunity
Survey Committee, Clarence F. Ram-
say, superintendent of the Michigan
Children's Institute; Prof. Laylin K.
James, chairman of the Community
Survey Committee, and Alex Camp-
bell, consultant for the Ann Arbor
ParksJohnson and Wally Butter-
worth, the two men who will bring
"Vox Pop" to Ann Arbor Thursday,
have earned- during the past nine
years the distinction of having been
in more places and having talked
with more people than anyone else in
the country,
Since 1932, when they began this,
the progenitor of all radio quiz shows,
Johnson and Butterworth have asked
some 205,000 questions of nearly 4,500
people and, they claim, have received
a remarkable amount of unimportant
information in return.
In their 570 weekly broadcasts they
have talked to people from all of the
18 states and with representatives
of 47 nations, including Tibet and
the Isle of Man, and running the
gamut from Arabia to Zanzibar.
Last year alone they traveled more
than 52,000 miles by train, plane,
automobile and foot, making three
trips back and forth across the con-
tinent and once going into Canada.
The broadcast here, which will be
carried by more than 50 CBS stations
from coast to coast, is the fourth
which has been conducted from a col-
lege campus and the first to be pre-
sented from a school west of New
York state. Other college broad-
casts have been made from Syracuse
University, Rutgers College and the
United States Naval Academy.
"Vox Pop," also known as "The
Voice of the People," consists of
questions and answers-th~e questions
are based upon obscure information
and transparent tricks and money is
often paid for quick answers.
Originator of the show, Johnson
is Alabama-born, Georgia-educated,
ngell hall Trysting
Of Canines Upsets
Students, Instructors
"Meet me Under the Clock at two,"
said the Irish setter to the Boston
So the Boston bull brought a wire-
haired terrier and the three had an
old-fashioned rendezvous. The at-
mosphere of Angell Hall pleased
them so much that they decided to
make it a steady tryst.
But the dogs have become a nui-
sance. Students object to their
presence because they break up ro-
mantic meetings. And professors
protest because the canines wander
all over the building-even into of-
Miss Alice Arnet, secretary of the
geography department, is the one
most irritated by the meanderings
of the Irish setter, the Boston bull
and the wire-haired terrier. She
complains because they are too
friendly, and follow her around theI
basement floor of Angell Hall. i
Tom Dalrymple, '43, claims that
the dogs ran between his legs while
he was entering the building one day
and caused him to fall headlong at1
the feet of a Michigan coed. "The1
whole thing was terribly upsetting,"'
he said.
direct from the Union Ballroom which
will contain 700 chairs for the occa-
sion. Plans for ticket distribution
have not as yet been made.
Prof. WaldohAbbottof the speech
department, who is taking care of
local arrangements, will select sev-
cral of the individuals who will take
part in the program. A partial list
will be announced in The Daily early
next week.
Dating Bureau
Claims Social
Season Closed
The University's official dating sea-
son will be over this week-end.
At least, thus hold those experts on
coeducational activity, Michigan's
newest venture into the realm of the
dating bureau, the Acquaintance
Club. Foreseeing the death of the
social whirl because of the oncoming
bane of exams, bureau officials an-
nounced yesterday that the club has
closed its doors until "blue skies and
an exam-less horizon are forthcom-
liantilton Opens Voice Studio Here
J~ ms Hmilon.Teni o intoimiddle west siand soutiher'n states for
of Voice Class Instruction at the Un- five years; more than for'ty perfor-
iversity, has established a singing mances of the "Messiah" and appear-
studio in the Bethlehem Evangelical ances in more than 500 cities,
Church and will give both private and
class training. Selassie In Ethiopia
Hamilton has made several ap- CAIRO. Egypt. Jan. 23.-A',-Halle
pearances at May Festivals here and ( Selassie has been inside his old Ethi-
has given solo performances on the opian kingdom since Jan. 15, it was
"Michigan Hour" over station WJR. officially disclosed tonight. The Ethi-
Born in Alabama, Hamilton showed opian emperor previously was report-
musical ability early in life. He car- ed at Khartoum, Anglo-Egyptian
ried out a determination to study Sudan.
in such music centers as Milano,
Florence, Paris, Munich, New York
and Chicago and was encouraged to-
wards a successful career. MIDSEASON
Hamilton's achievements include
co-organization of the American Op-
eratic Quartette, which toured the
and a resident of Long Island. He's,
known as the southern boy from the
"old school" whose accent leaves no
doubt as to his origin. Wally But-
terworth, who also lives On Long
Island, is Pennsylvania-born and edu-
cated with the reputation: of having
one of the smoothest "hail-fellow-
well-met" attitudes in the business.
The program will be broadcastedI
20 pairs Men's shoes
Values $8.50 to $10.00
While they last!
Van Dean Inc.
Black Silk Hats
Little Pastel Felts
Pastel Casuals
Closing out
$1.00 and $2.00
Michigan Theatre Bldg.
523 East Liberty St.
Values to $7.50
Sale closes Jan. 31
Van Boven Inc.
He's bound to be captivated with the
trous, wide waves of your new "Pom-
lovely, soft, natural curls and lus-
padgur"coiffure, set by our experts
and made even more lasting with a
beautiful permanent.
between 7:30 and 8 p.m. Thursday As a mater of fact, the committee-
-_____men, composed of representatives
from the social committees of the
N v Offers League and Union, which sponsor the
Acquaintance Club, claim that the
club has been quite dormant for the
Flight Course past few weeks because dates these
last few week-ends have been more
of the "special" type; that is, stu-
Training Will Be Given dents want to have their last fling in
To Cllee tifeiS ?the company of members of the oppo-
To College Students site sex whom they already know and
like. The dating bureau, on the other
The Navy department is conduct- hand, can only offer the companion-
ing a drive in Ann Arbor to enlist ship of new dates.
college men in their flight training The club was started the beginning
course as aviation cadets leading to of this semester, and at the last reck-
appointments as commissioned offi -jcning had a prospective list of more
cers in the United States Naval Re- than 150 students. All of the names,
serve and the Marine Corps, likes and dislikes, characters and
The training base at Grosse Ile, special requirements of these persons
is equipped to train 100 men a month are recorded efficiently in a huge
for the training period which lasts file, from which many an afternoon
30 days. His salary during this time coke date has been issued.
is $84 a month. Upon completion of Not only has the Acquaintance
the preliminary course at Grosse Ile Club encouraged volunteers to try
the candidate is sent to PensacolaClutheig nersually
Fla., to the regular navy air station their new system, which is usually
where he is made a cadet receiving neffect daily at League headquart-
wher heis mde cadt rceivng rs, it has also offered its services to
a salary of $105 a month including vrius alscmufuncdiosie
clothing and room. various all-campus functions, like
At the Pensacola station he spends formals, Soph Cabaret and J-Hop.
seven months flying all sorts of serv- However, having taken the stance
ice type planes. Having completed that "now is the time for all good
this phase of the training course the men to come to the aid of their
cadet is commissioned as an ensign studies," the Club has retired for the
in the Naval Reserve and his salary benefit of all concerned, and hopes
is increased to $205 a month. to open again the second semester,
The entire training course last four offering slightly different benefits.
years and if the ensign breaks train-
ing at that time he receives a $500-
bonus for each year spent in train-
ing. Now at 2-4,7-9 P.M.
Any college man who has com-
pleted two full years of college work THEY MEET AT LAS
is eligible for training and is urged
to file a preliminary application with
the Procurement Officer at the Unit-
ed States Naval Reserve Aviation
Base at Grosse Ile. Application
forms are available at the Michigani.
Daily, the Michigan Theatre and
direct from the Base at Grosse Ile.
Garg Gags Pay Off %ls i
A% f
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Phone 9520 -- TAILOR SHOP -- 303 South State
(loca/cd ab)ove Wagner's)
_ PARIS DESIGNER fob Lares' Tailoring has arrived. Remodeling
gowns, dresses, and mannish suits, and making formal clothes.
6= =oUY)=;t t{_'t t >) t ) ..tG t C
For goodlooking hair, make it a habit
to drop around for a regular haircut
and scalp treatment.
Here's the Big "IN PERSON" Entertainment News of 1941!
A D01V l *1 I
It's time to
Make Merry
"Tiny Tornado"
Spare Man
with the Band
Get a
Load of
and his
Electric Guitar
Gargoyle sales show a 15. per cent
increase over last year's according
to Bernard Bloom, '41, business man-
ager of the campus magazine.
About 300 more copies have been
sold each month this year in com-
parison with last year, Bloom added.
For the first time in its history,
the magazine is being distributed on
Detroit news stands, Bloom revealed,
and the experiment has shovn a fair
amount of success.
Mercado Reports
Lecture Changes
La Sociedad Hispanica has changed
the date of two lectures in its series,
Prof. E. A. Mercado of the Spanish
department announced yesterday.
Prof. Hayward Keniston's lecture
on "Several Latin-American Poets,"
previously scheduled for Feb. 13, has
been postponed until Feb. 20. The
date of Prof. Julio del Toro's talk on
"Cuba And The United States" has
been changed from March 16 to
March 6.
All holders of lecture series tickets
are asked to note these changes care-
Marin To Attend Meet j
Prof. Axel Marin of the mechan-
ical engineering department will
leave Ann Arbor tomorrow to attend
a meeting of the American Society
of Heating and Ventilation in Kan-
sas City, Mo.
Starting at about 3:40 each day. First Show (Movie) starts
at 2 o'clock. Movies repeat after concert
Admission 25c plus, tax 2 3 c
1 A
w reALL .I. /c m / PE i I
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